Doblaje al español del vídeo Raktak Prabhu

Querido Gurumaharaja 

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Enviamos el vídeo con doblaje al español de nuestro hermano Sriman Raktak Prabhu. 

Karuna sakti dd lo dirigió, las traducciones son de madre Murti mati de Perú, discípula de SS. Jayapataka Swami (ella estaba muy entusiasta con este vídeo) y Alejandro Rubio de México,  la voz es de Efrain un devoto interno del templo. 

Esperamos poder servir a nuestros hermanos y porsupuesto quedamos atentos a cualquier observación de Su parte Gurumaharaja.

Este vídeo fue editado en honor a Su Vyasa-Puja 2017.

Disculpe cualquier ofensa por favor.

Sus aspirantes a sirvientes

Asta Sakhi dd.

Karuna sakti dd. 

HpS - Jaya!    TlgaSP.  Esperamos encontrar el pronto.  Gracias a todos.  Buen trabajo!!!

Please (urgent)

Hare krsna Dear Maharaja


Please Maharaja. could you say to PND,I want to help with I want to help with the vedabase to import this into the vedabase io (in Spanish).

please if he agrees, let him teach me the system to do the homework, my mail is: [email protected]

I have not been reading the blog a lot in recent months and that's why I did not see the letter he sent asking for help for this service.

TKU verymuch

HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna.    We tried sending the information to him by Yahoo. Let us see if it works!    Thank you. Such a nice service.  Sankirtana..

ys and spiritual nice

Isvari dd

A favor (urgent)

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja.

Please, Could  you give me mail of your disciple Prahlad Nrsimha das (Pnd)?

Thank you very much

ys Isvari dd

HpS - We mostly just communicate through the Blog. Just put, "Message for PND" in the Title field and he should see it.  If not we could try to write to him.

Shivkar Bapuji Talpade!

7 years ago by Nanuk in Special Category A
Hare Rama!

HpS - Hare Krsna, Swami Nanuka. We will look at these links when we go to NGD Ashrama.

In reply to your twitter

7 years ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



The most important physical thing that I posses is my ears otherwise I can not hear the holy names of the Lord, His pastimes, listen to the acaryas, gayatri, etc   

sound is more subtle

I can move my jaw and chant

Thank U


ASA - Very nice!!   Daya Devi Dasi was deaf from birth, but she did  16-rounds a day!!!    Oooof!

I was thinking of physical posssesions. I would say my Japa beads.