Moving to Peru

6 years, 11 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Prabhu Jiva Shakti das

Receive our [Chosica, Temple Board] attentive greeting. We hope everything goes very well in your personal affairs and your health in general. This letter we send you is for the following reason:  Has appeared on the Blog published by your Spiritual Master, "The Warrior Monkey," a message from you, where you write to your Spiritual Master as follows: "Young devotees who are now parents in Chosica, are asking for a Gurukula. They are asking Prabhu Atmananda (JPS) if it is possible to use for that purpose, the previous Brahmacaris Ashram. " While it is true that in that message, you only collect a comment without specifying who are those "Young parents who are now devotees", we see the need to make the following clarifications, because that comment is already circulating in a forum public.

In the first place, Prabhu Atmananda das (JPS), is not one of the authorities of the Chosica Yatra. Prabhu Atmananda das is one of the members of the Board of Directors that manages Govinda Natural Products and his service is to financially manage that company to produce utilities for the maintenance of the Chosica Temple Deities.

The current members of the Chosica Temple Administration are the following devotees: Omkara Krishna das - President (With license in office), Karuna Krishna das- Vice President, Nitya Kinkari dd-Treasurer, Adhoksaja das-Pujari and Tulsi Priya dd-Secretary .

The responsibility for the use of the properties of the Chosica Yatra is held by the Administrative Board of the Chosica Temple, through periodic meetings, following the procedures and rules set forth in the ISKCON Law.

At an official meeting held on July 25, last year, the Administrative Board of the Chosica Temple voted in favor of the recovery of the Brahmacaris Ashram and that decision was recorded in the minutes. Both the executive committee of the National Board and the current GBC zonal supervisor for Peru were informed about it.

The recovery of that property is an arduous job. That house was rented some years ago. The House of Brahmacaris was in very bad condition and charged with debts. All last year we were paying the accumulated debts for electricity, water, land and taxes of all the properties that our Chosica temple owns, paying more than S / 19,000.00. Currently that house is being implemented in basic services for its operation.

The last instruction we received from our former Zonal Secretary, Prabhu Jagajivan, was that we should protect all of ISKCON's properties with our lives and souls and we are determined to safeguard those properties.

Your Spiritual Master, His Holiness Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja is already informed of the future recovery of the Brahmacaris Ashram and he, very mercifully, has asked us to rent two rooms of that Ashram for next year.

No more to communicate for the moment, receive our attentive greeting

Hare Krishna

Karuna-krsna Das

words of gratitude of Isvari dd (little urgent)

6 years, 11 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna.

Dear Maharaja.


Happy day Nityananda Trayodasi!

Some time ago I wanted to write an offering to you and I take this great day to do it.

Yesterday I was in the temple of Wilson until late helping in many things, and observe the devotees as they performed their service and meditated on the different types of surrender and attitude. I was wondering, what would please Nityananda the most?

And I remember the siksastaka, na dhanam na janam na sundarim ..... and aslisya va pada-ratam pinastu mam .... I want nothing more than Krsna, he is my only Lord … and came to my mind images of you and my Gm in how many obstacles have overcome to continue serving Krsna without any complaint and without claiming anything. At the age that most of us have, you were already preaching and taking risks to please Srila Prabhupada while we are still wrapped in our own lives with our mind and body. If we take this as reference and comparison we can see that you are a great devotee willing to give so much service to Krishna., to the point that he forgets himself, this is surrender, really you have understood and performed the BG you are a devotee of Bhagavata and I thank Krishna for the opportunity  to know him and to hear his classes and I hope someday to be able to serve him or be useful.

By the mercy of my spiritual master I have a name, an identity, he put me on the path to Krsna and by the mercy of SSHPS I am learning to walk this path thanks to you I am knowing how to serve Krsna. you help me understand Srila Prabhupada's instructions and strengthen my relationship with him… What would I do if I had not met you? ... surely I would continue speculating (now I speculate less) . From you I am learning many things mainly to love Srila Prabhupada's books and improve my relationships with everyone.

There is no doubt that Krishna's mercy without cause exists to have the fortune to be able to hear and learn from You.

Forever grateful to you

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you forever

Ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd

Note: Abhinanda d send you his offering in December but he forgot to send as “little urgent”

HpS - ASA -- All the bad things we give up, we didn't really like anyway. Who likes smoking, who likes illicit relations? It is not a matter of even giving them up. It is a matter of purifying our attachment. We are attached to eating nice food. That is good if it gives us impetous to nice service.

It is very hard for us to distinguish in a fine way what is stimulating food for the body now, and what is stimulating food for later also.

We are trying to get finer and finer intelligence.

It is like walking on the razor's edge.

Hare Krsna Maharaj

6 years, 11 months ago by lakshmi108 in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Please accept my humble obeisances. 

I sent you a message several days ago in response to your reply but it seems to have not gone through. Maybe because I used my phone and it didn't save properly..? 

So, in which case, I feel empty to have not heard from you in a while, so I shall try and remember as much of the message I wrote to you previously ;) And a little more ;)  

The school that I go to is public, so that's why I suppose some issues may have arisen from. Anyway, problems are everywhere in this world, no matter what environment we are in. 

At the moment, I am studying the following subjects: English, Maths B, Legal Studies, Philosophy, Chinese and a Diploma in Business. I don't particularly enjoy all of them ;) but Philosphy and Business are fun and interesting. Last year in Philosophy, we had a topic on the existence of God. It was quite fun, but we had to analyse the theories of specific scientists and philosophers and use their ideas. It was unfortunate I could not integrate any of our beliefs into the test. I argued for the existence of God, since we had to examine both sides. The opposing arguments were, to some extent, quite compelling, I may admit ;) but I still recieved an A on the exam :). 

There are no drama teachers for our grade as there were not enough students interested to study the subject, so that they had to cut it overall. 

Currently, I am not entirely sure what I want to pursue as a career in the future. But I do know this - my father always had a desire to open a restaurant, so it is my wish to fulfil that dream. I enjoy cooking as well, so hopefully it may work out in the future some time. Although, my mother says that this may be a hobby for me, rather than a primary job. She wants me to study in University and get a good job. Perhaps, once I have established a profession and earn a substantial income, I may then think about opening either a restaurant, named Krishna's Kitchen, or a food truck. This may be my service to Lord Krsna. I guess my studying Business now will help me in this task for the future. Perhaps I should further my study in something related to Business... I'm so clueless as to what to study. I enjoy everything (except for maybe mathematical and scientific things ;)) There are too many options. I hope you may guide me. 

HpS - Hare Krsna, Mataji!    We did get your letter. I think maybe even twice. We try to answer within three days but some times it slips. We put news in the DTC how many letters we have answered if it is getting slow.


We did answer it, and very much our perspective is that it is most comfortable for girls to set their career from their family perspective. If you marry some genius and he becomes Prime Minister of Australia or does epic Star Wars movies, or repairs watches in a carnival, then that will determine a lot what you do, no?

Stay flexible. If you like technical things like accounting then a degree in that would be O.K.  If you want something more general then History is good if you have good teachers. Education is also very super. You learn a lot about how people think. Everybody needs to employ teachers and it can be very closely dovetailed with KC!

I also remember I asked my father if he ever wanted to be temple president. He said no, but if he were to have a role, he may be the head in charge for the kitchen :) This may be a difficult task, but I also desire to open a temple one day. I remember my father saying, Srila Prabhupada said that there should always be chefs in the kitchen, preparing something for the deities. I would like to establish such a standard ;) May be difficult.. I don't know. My mind runs wild sometimes. 

HpS - Ha!   Ha!   Ha!       Ours seldom stops!

In addition, I wanted to ask you some random, non-related questions :) 

1. What is the importance of chanting the Panchattatva Mantra before and after completing a round? I have heard that it does't really do much and we don't necessarily need to repeat it, but I have also heard it helps rectify the sins we have committed during the time of our chanting that round.

HpS - I have never heard that Srila Prabhupada gave a specific rule, but in general there is: which give the general principle!

2. Why, on Dvadasi, do we have specific times to break our Ekadasi fast between? Also, what happens if one breaks it later on, not during the designated period? Or not even at all?

HpS - I don't know. I think it is a valid consideration in how the universe works. When we eat grains there is a cosmic effect. So the timing in terms of the Sun and the Moon has a result.

Another one: During the last five days of Kartik, Bhishma Pancaka, when some devotees fast on fruit, etc., should they break their Ekadasi fast (if it so happens that Ekadasi falls during the 5 days) with grain? And if they do break with grain, will their Bhishma Pancaka fasting be broken?

HpS - Hmmm.  Again I don't know the details, but I think the Panchaka always starts with Ekadasi (11th day) and then goes to Purnima (15th day). Kind of standard is Nirjala ekadasi and then even water breaks the fast. If you want to become pious (or maybe dead) quick then you can do Nirjala and then live only on water for five days and chant a LOT of rounds, but consult a doctor!

Sorry, there are like 5 questions there ^^ :) 

Please guide me in both my spiritual and material life. 

I sincerely hope your health is in good condition Maharaj and we are all waiting for your return to Brisbane. Please come, if you can. 

Hare Krsna :) 

Yours servant, 

Lakshmi Dasi

HpS - All respects to everyone. What is Bhima doing?

wow, thx ;)

6 years, 11 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

huh I will take it away from Foundation page,, can't keep it there. huh

HpS - Looked at page.  AGTSP!    What can't you keep there. Interesting article.


6 years, 11 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

I am truly sorry that war takes so much, also it gives us chance always to do our best, I just pray that for me and my wife and her little daughter (7) ,,, mmm  yeah the cold war 2.0 ,,,, 10 000 have died in ukraine war now , and every day more,,,,, so it is called by experts cold war 2.0, first georgia then ukraine, USA and Putin's little apprentice Trump... hmmm.. yes.... they don't know what they are facing here... not at all. many will die sir. Also Finland is on the line,, it's in Russia's marine doctrine now, from 2014, that Russian army can take and takes the southern Finland :) :)

HpS - Thank you for news.

Vastu Defect - Toilet

6 years, 11 months ago by hps in Special Category A

ASA UG -- Hare Krsna!   AGTSP paoho....  It is terrible to have the toilets in the North East corner of your house or property. You are deficating in the Vastu-purusa's face and he will get his revenge. Ramananda Das from ISKCON Hawaii offers some suggestions for correcting this Vastu-defect. Of course, one of the best efforts would be to chant HK/HR all the time you are in the toilet.


1.    Place 3 bronze bowls at the ceiling of toilet in upside-down position in North, East and North East part.

2.    Keep a plant that can absorb huge amount of negative energy such as spider plant.

3.    Keep a bowl filled with sea salt in toilet. Make sure to change the salt once a week.

4.    Always make sure to keep the toilet door closed at all times.

5.    Make sure to keep the toilet fresh; you can use good air freshener for this.

6.    Use the toilet in North East for bathing purpose only.

Furthermore, you must also read the article on toilet vastu shastra to know more on how you can do vastu for toilets in your home. It’s important!!!