que from 1.5.33

6 years, 7 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP.

by your own example and inspiration horse is looking at the lotus feet. he accepts that may be he is case described in sb 2.2.12.
You said that you want all of us (blog readers atleast ) to be disciples of Srila Prabhupada.

We per say at level of just remembering Srila Prabhupada. For us it is by reading books. infact we say lets meet Srila Prabhuapda and open our epub reader.

so SP says in 1.5.33  "His inconceivable power He can convert spirit into matter and matter into spirit ".
so we have read three terms; matter, anti-matter and spirit. can you kindly differntiate between them from physics perspective.

HpS - From physics we don't know to much about anti-matter. Maybe there is something in te Britannica or Wikipedia etc. My experience was that it is very speculative.  We have seen big physicists arguing about what is Mass!   Bohr, Feynman, Einstein have different moldels of matter.  We hope to develop a practical understanding from the SB so we can go to Gandharava loka on the weekends to preach!     Of course, spirit is basically sat-cit-ananda as opposed to matter which is dead.





Seconldy can you give example of both conversion menitoned above?


HpS - Prasadam, no?   It seems like ordinary pumpkin soup but when offered to Krsna with !!#LOVE#!!  it becomes transcendental. We were wondering about this and then we saw Prabhupada in a lecture in Los Angeles long before moving into any Temple and we could see (paramatma?) how the mode os nature came to him and then went around him like water in a fast stream around a diamond.

Of course the opposite. If we are offensive to Prasad it becomes material.

So nice to get your association!!!    More!
Now we go to NGD house for walking, talking.

books are the basis

6 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Maharaj,PAMHO,AGTSP
As requested by you, for the benefit of man kind.
from 1.5.32

very non secular
dedicate our activities unto the mercy of the Lord and accept Him either as impersonal Brahman, localized Paramātmā or the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It does not matter what one is.

If one is a learned scholar, scientist, philosopher, poet, etc., then he should employ his learning to establish the supremacy of the Lord. Try to study the energy of the Lord in every sphere of life. Do not decry Him and try to become like Him or take His position simply by fragmental accumulation of knowledge.
If one is an administrator, statesman, warrior, politician, etc., then one should try to establish the Lord's supremacy in statesmanship.
if one is businessman, an industrialist, an agriculturist, etc., then one should spend his hard-earned money for the cause of the Lord. Think always that the money which is accumulated is the wealth of the Lord.

The best thing is, after all, to get relief from all material activities and engage oneself completely in hearing the transcendental pastimes of the Lord.

But in case of the absence of such an opportunity, one should try to engage in the service of the Lord everything for which one has specific attraction, and that is the way of peace and prosperity.

HpS - Jaya!   This letter came two month ago but we could just get to it now after all this travel. Very nice citations.  Different individuals, but also similar individuals at different levels of development, so one dictum is keep making progress, no?   Make spiritual progress an essential element of our religion.
Got two more letters from you!    Am working on them. Now we are anwering our mail regularly.

About download daily SB classes.

6 years, 8 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances! 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Gurudeva, a few days ago a mataji asked me if it is possible to download the Srimad Bhagavatam classes that you share in your Twitter account ?

Please, how do we do that ?

Thank you very much!!!

Mitravinda d.d

ASA[Uncle Gismo]  - Esteemed Mitravinda Devi Dasi. After 9.337 minutes of inivestigation we learned how to turn on the Download Permission. It seems that todays meeting should be downloadable. Maybe it will only take effect for the meeting tomorrow. Please inform us if this works.

Pamho!! hk

6 years, 8 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

still making movies,??

at nem.io

one can make and keep own coin at nem-blockchain (public) with aml (anti-money-laundering systems..

and sell it for example in cryptopia.com

or   I can even pay it to big exchange for believers to buy


men lie, women lie, we **** around with wrong people at wrong time../place...  but....... numbers don't lie.... Jaya Ukraine

1/3 coffee       allowed now???  chocolate??? maybe citron?? Shaivites still have their blades in India???


Nanuk Henrichs nigama.info locked in facebook as intrusive or abusive as is garuda-tadit.com

but not http;//www.foundation-of-vedic-arts-and-sciences.org

jaya Sriila Prabhupada ,, hk hk rip rip.. hk hk...   ......   .....hr........

ASA - Hare Krsna, Nanuk Ji.  Most of your letter is too technical for us to apply, but very satisfying to our soul. Thank you... !       Did you watch our "Art and the Sacred" video at youtube (nios image)?

Sastric Studies Development

6 years, 8 months ago by hps in Special Category A

On Tuesday, May 8, 2018, 10:31:03 PM CDT, Atul Krsna Dasa wrote:

Maharaja….this is what i had sent….

Respected Maharaja….Sahasra dandavat pranama apnar padapadme….

Up to this point, the BOEX (ISKCON Board Of Examiners ..for sastric study,..) has developed standards for the sastric degrees starting at one end (bhakti sastri) and working up….Problem with this approach is that we don’t really know where we will end up…

What about if we looked at all the 4 degrees simultaneously, from a broad perspective, based upon the statements Prabhupada made, then filled in details accordingly…?

Considering this…from a broad perspective, based upon the statements Prabhupada made…what would you consider to be symptoms of the respective degree holders in terms of their:

acar …(behaviour)

vicar ..(knowledge)

pracar…(missionary commitment)?





Looking forward to reading your thoughts on this at your soonest convenience…

Thank you very much...Your servant, Atul Krsna Das,   BOEX Chairman


Hare Krsna. A Latin American GBC, Executive Committee Meeting Started at 8AM. Now it is closing at 10.15AM. Ooof. Our eyes are better but still some struggle.

1. I have a lot of ideas about the diplomas, Sastric Education. I would like very much to talk with you about it.

2. Basically, as we see it now, there are so many ways to associate with Srila Prabhupada through his books, but he specifically suggested these formal studies. It was not just a passing mention as some people say but he persisted in this for much time.

3. Is there a collection of the room conversations and letters on his formation of these formal studies? Even a history of the application etc would be good, but is a big project.

4. We feel that ISKCON management does not appreciate education in our institution sufficiently. One response to this is that educators in this perspective have to enlighten them.

5. That these diplomas mentioned by Srila Prabhupada were to correspond to Secondary School (Bh. Sastri), Bachelor (Bh. Vai). PhD (Bh. Vedanta) and Professor (Bh. Sarvabhauma).

6. We think it is very important that Prabhupada mentioned that each diploma should include the previous books. Then Bh.Sastri, BG, would be a Secondary School reading. In Bh. Vaibhava the student would teach it to Bh. Sastri students and read Bhurijana Das's commentary for example.

Prabhupada expected the Sannyasis, Bh. Vai, to know the Mangala archana Prayers and I would also say that we should be testing on knowledge of the basic songs and prayers of the full morning and evening program.

Thus we could say that at first initiation one should be able to follow the full morning program. At Second Initiation (Bh. Sastri) one should be able to lead the full morning program and at third initiation, Sannyasa (Bh. Vai) one should know the word by word meaning of the full morning program.

Then the same development should be there for knowing BG verses for example.

8. The verses are a specific topic that I would like to discuss. For example, one could become Bh. Sarva Bhauma and never know, "nityo nityanams, cetanas cetananam... Katha 22.13) because it is not in the verses of the texts we are studying. So we would prescribe important verses from the Purports as well as verses in the Texts themselves. We would also require review testing on the verses. Not memorize for the test and forget. We would also require strict testing only on singles Padas of verses if that is all Prabhupada uses. Of course, one does not have pass 100% on any of these things. Different tastes for different people.

These are some of our miserable ideas.

We have invested a tremendous amount of blood in developing systematic Sastric education and would like very, very much to discuss it with you.

Can you be available on-line June 21-24th for our American Regional Education Symposium? Physically it will be in Alachua, Florida and your participation will be super useful.

We see that systematic Sastric study should inspire spontaneous study, be fun, and be based upon developing skills of how to associate with others in this endeavor.

At your service, Mate,

HpS - ASA.

We will follow you

Dear Maharaja
pamho agtsp
Thank you very much for the invitation to Lima for Art and the Sacred. We are truly honoured. After much consideration with my good wife Dhanesvari we are thrilled to inform you that we accept your invitation. We have purchased our tickets already. My wife, our two daughters and I will all be in Lima from approximately 9th - 29th October 2018. We are very much looking forward to meeting with you again and assisting with this grand event in anyway possible.

HpS - 'are Krsna, Mate!!!     AgtSP.    We just got back to Murfreesboro, our Base Camp, and things do seem to be sorting out. Had to pay the gardener, pay the smog tester, pay the auto registration, chase out the rat, pay the auto insurer, deposit the NIOS donations, pay-refuel our Body, Buddy .... Can The Dhanesvari Devi Dasi, Mother of Two, write to the Abhirama thakura Das and get you all into the Event Management Team?    I think you will find that there is a LOT of FUN work to do. You can even bring Primitive art from Australia.

We should have the link up for the S U P E R promo video that Oscar did in just a few moments.

A story.

This morning we drove to Brisbane. Passing us with great speed were two motorcycle riders who had thrown caution to the wind. Swerving in, around and through the array of vehicles moving in unison, it was like we were nothing but a stage for their selfish thrill seeking. The first rider to pass us was the alpha. He slowed to the legal speed in front of us then he sat up, lent to the side in a relaxed position and put his left hand on his thigh as if to say “65mph is my casual speed”. Arriving shortly after was the second rider who’s body language was timid and who appeared to be being pulled along by the influence of the first rider. Initially I was angry. How could they be so disrespectful to put the lives of myself and others in danger? After passing the fixed speed-camera check point they raced off weaving through the four lanes of traffic, putting all the weekend drivers on alert and on edge again. In watching this display I remained angry at them for a few moments until I realised that I do this also. In fact many of us do. If our commitment in life is “me” then everyone else around us, every other personality and object becomes the extras, the stage and the props for the “me  show”. Not only do we then need others for our “me show” we actually think it is our right to have them. The motorcycle riders disappeared from relevance and we proceeded to the Brisbane Jaganatha Ratha Yatra where thousands gathered to pull Jaganatha back to Vrindavan in time for the eternal Radha Krishna show.
Dhruvananda Das

ASA - Such an incredible story!     I remember some poetic lines coming on just that theme when I was stranded in the San Jose airport in Costa Rica for 5i-hours in transit. One young woman was walking back and forth with that kind of egoistic attitude, very well dressed.

I can I be a Temporary Standup, Standout,  in your Spectacular?
Can I be an Extra in your Movie Show?

But the bizarre thing is that when you acknowledge peoples false egos, they feel really flattered and then they are willing to listen to other comments!

Prabhupada says in like Canto One where M. Yuddhisthira is seeing ill omens, about Chapter 13 or 14, that when the asses run in herds striking the ground with their feet that feel very respectable, "We are the asses!".

I saw two biker guys like that waiting for the light to change in front of our Temple in San Jose, reving their engines, and saluted them and they saluted back, "Another guy you dresses and lives like he wants to live. Hare Krsna, Dude!".

Prabhupada: A demon does not have to be an extremely ugly person or someone with fangs or horns. He can be very handsome. A demon is someone who is concerned with his own sense gratification even at the expense of others.

Great fotos.    The picture of the Boar Hunt is a Super Classic. One thing it makes you think of is the fight between Lord Varaha and Hiranyanksa.  https://www.vedabase.com/en/sb/3/18/10

Thank you.... Sir.