Gismo 11 - Three questions

4 years, 7 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Three questions:

Why Srila Prabhupada made commentary of Caitanya Caritamrita, rather than Caitanya Bhagavat or C. Mangala?

HpS - I don't know everything about Srila Prabhupada's motives. Actually probably very little, but as far as I know it was because his time was limited and he wanted to give us more philosophy than lila. CC is more phil. and CM is more lila.

Svayambhuva Manu´s Daughters married two Brahma´s sons. Prasuti with Daksa and Devahuti with Kardama. Aren´t they their uncles? was that allowed? And Who is Ruci´s father?

HpS - Ooof! I am not sure of these things. Daksa is mental son of Lord Brahma, no? Maybe no body else to marry at that time.

Hiranyagarbha: It is confusing whether it is Garbhodakasayi visnu or Lord Brahma itself. Who, what or where is Hiranyagarbha?

HpS - Maybe used as a general term some times and more specific other times. I understand that there is Virata-rupa, then Hiranyagarbha, then Paramatma realization. It is all realization of Krsna is some aspects, no? HG is more intense, personal that VR.... it is the Seed Given God.

Thank you Gurudev,

At your service,

Nikunja Biahri das.

Hare Krsna! Next letter. :>>>>>>

Gismo-11-Gurukula project file sent

4 years, 7 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Sent email to address provided.

Thank you,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - AGTSP!!!!!! and we answered, no???? Was interesting. We made our suggestions on this first round.

Gismo - 11! Revista Molinos de Viento (Segunda edición) - Chile

4 years, 7 months ago by bhaktapiero in Special Category A

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Here I leave the link of our magazine.

This was an experiment in our editorial, in the next edition we are going to follow an editorial line more consistent. This edition was made with different topics. The preposition for the next edition is "compassionate and care". What do you think?

ASA - I have no compassion, picture attached, and i don't care. what's in it for me!!

Anyway, I like very much the result. Many devotees work to make this real, Prabhu Carlos Rold, Sruti Piya DD, mother Carolina (wife of Jagad Guru), Jagad Guru das, Parasurama Avatara das, Mother Stefania (Petti), and specially Cintamani Dd, She is the person that works harder on this project, an an amazing soul.

asa - ye yata mam prapadyante...

Thank you Gurudeva, for making this possible.

Your servant

Pyari Mohan das (Your angry clown)

asa - ronald mc donald joins iskcon??? i feel in the mood of jehovah today!!! turn or burn!!! ha! ha! ha!!!! the devil has them!!!


4 years, 7 months ago by jagatbd in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja PAMHO AGTSP!

How are you doing?

HpS - We are chanting Hare Krsna and have your association at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada. That is the best we need!

I have been online listening to your classes, I want to ask you about the feeling of separation from Prabhu Hamsadutta.

I just found a letter where he apologised with the devotees he initiated including yourself and Rohini Kumara Prabhu among others.

One friend of mine Urjesvara Prabhu, a Srila Prabhupada´s disciple from Mexico, told me he was personal servant of Hamsadutta prabhu for two years and he saw the ceremony of Sannyasa.

He told me great things about Hamsaduttha prabhu.

He certainly did many important things for the movement,

I have been watching some interviews in youtube where he explains some memories about Srila Prabhupada and the controversy of the issue of Rittvik. You quite often quote him and many of his ideas.

I think that as you say and the scriptures say, anyone can be guru, so I do not have any problem understanding that, even though the Rittvik theme is not clear yet, some devotees say one thing and the senior devotees say their version.

I am eager to see you soon again and make a program for you at home.

Your very many fallen servant, Jagat Bandhu Jagannatha Swami dasa Mexico, City

HpS - Yes! I knew Urjesvara Das in Berkeley for quite some time. He was very nice person. He was gardener for Krsna, no? We enjoyed each others association a lot.

His picture of Sriman Hansadutta Das seems to have a lot of validity. That is what I understand. We have to do the work to get to know devotees in terms of NOI 4-6 etc and then we can understand their vision of The Acharya. Understanding there is a scratch on the lens, then we can use a Madhyama adhikari to see his Acharya etc.

Serving to Srila Prabhupada!

4 years, 7 months ago by jagatbd in Special Category A

Hare krishna dear Guru Maharaja PAMHO AGTSP!

I just want to thank you for your great service to the founder Acarya Srila Prabhupada during all this years, I guess it hasn´t been easy to keep so strong as you are, many sanyasis have fallen in this process, and you have kept serving very nicely.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. It may be that they have done more work than others, and their faults must be taken in consideration with the service they have done, no?

I only have words to appreciate your service and I feel so proud about having a great Sanyasi as guru.


I have been sort of remembering so many moments I spent with you when you became a guru (1994-95).

I enjoy listening to your online classes, they are fantastic! I am eager to see you soon. I hope I can travel abroad to see you and serve you.

I know it is difficult to associate with all the devotees, especially when there is envy, or hipocrisy, we have so many bad habits and mental disorders that we can´t be good godbrothers and godsisters, because KC is about being better human beings.

Some devotees have more Sukriti than others and therefore we get better Karma sometimes, and that is the reason others do not understand that.

HpS - Ah... very interesting idea.

I have better relationship with some godbrothers, it seems that there is Radharani´s side and Candravali´s side, but this is the material world, we have to continue and fight for our own well-being.

What can we do?

your fallen servant,

Jagat Bandhu Jagannatha Swami Dasa

HpS - Thank you for your letters. Your participation in ISKCON after so many years of working successfully in other institutions is very valuable.

Like you suggest 1. We have to be a part of the institution. That's fomal, but it is general spiritual life. then 2) We have to find friends and develope friendships with like minded people. then 3) We have to have our own direct connection to Srila Prabhupada through his books, paramatma, other devotees that we can use properly, Deity etc.

Hope to hear mor news from you about YOUR ISKCON Mexico.

Gunning for Gandharvas!

4 years, 8 months ago by hps in Special Category A

On Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 12:12:25 PM CDT, Hanumatpresaka Swami wrote:

Esteemed Maharaja, Maharsi Atul-krsna Das,


Agt SP!!!   Here we are still restrained to Murfreesboro, TN.  We are making progress in uprooting our demoniac tendencies, by the unlimited mercy of His Divine Grace, and association of ISKCON devotees...

Here is the link for a SB class given by H. G. Gandharva Das. He is our 'disicple', a university professor for 25-years, a real gentleman, excellent wife.... Peru.

We are having regular SB classes daily.  This is our idea of what makes a BhVaibhavin: Association with people who like to hear and explain and contemplate the SB and, and then have developed the systems, techniques, for that association. Of course, the first is given by Srila Prabhupada, daily SB class!!!

  • About 51-devotees on-line now for our ASA SB class.
  • Bi-lingual.
  • Focusing on Argentina for three weeks, so it is 5.30-6.30AM (<img src="" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16"><img src="" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16"><img src="" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16">)



try - ing to develop the Question Bank for Cantos One and Two based up these principles: Sadhu-sanga, Study Techniques, Content. It is taking a while...  We are studying like a BhVai student would study, so what ever questions we develop will be relevant to such a person.

Wish we could go faster.

Not aiming for perfection.

Just trying to get a decent product off for the BOEX (and our own Anjana Suta Academy).

We sent the First Canto work to you.

I finished SB 2.1 today. It has been of such personal benefit for me!  Gandharva Das has questions for Chapter Two and Isvari-radha Devi Dasi has been working on Chapter Three.


... now we should be able to work out the Short Answer Closed Book and Open Book Essay/Oral Defense questions for the end of the Canto on this First Module: SG ==> MP.

Then.... depending on your advice, we will just review our work in terms of the Vidyapitha's manuals and go ahead to Module Two.... Brahma to Narad!!! Going to    Goloka!!!


His lecture demonstrates the FULL DIDACTIC and PEDALOGIC background of this questions. He explains (5) five kinds of university level questions.

He speaks English fluently.

The class is in Spanish and English.


...... please tell us how we can improve our relationship with the BOEX work, MOE work in Hispanic world, and if you think I am right that we should start to turn THE BIG GUNS of the MOE [BOEX] on poor little Gandharva Das and blast him for the EC etc.

(We got other candidates also.)

Thank you!

May you be the Masters of a Million Monkeys.

HpS - ASA 

(Photos: Members of ASA Supreme Absolute, Undifferentiated Comando Attached.)