Solaris Editor

4 years, 6 months ago by hps in Special Category A

On Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 06:37:07 PM CDT, Gopa-swami dasa <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I trust this will find you well and under the care of Krsna.

My name is Gopa-swami dasa, disciple of H. H. Guru Prasad Swami. Thanks to the service rendered by your disciples in Mexico—especially of M. Asta Sakhi devi dasi—I learned you were writing some books and about your *Solaris* journal, both addressed to the academic public; i. e., researchers, teaching staff, and graduate/undergraduate students.

I studied Architecture, Biblical Sciences and Religion Philosophy, and I’m an experienced editor and orthotypographer (orthotypography is the “orthography” of the composition of all typographic elements and the space). I got in contact with M. Asta Sakhi devi dasi to humbly offer you my small abilities to serve your print preaching works.

P. Abhirama Thakura dasa sent me a WhatsApp message last week. After having a telephone conversation, he kindly sent me some files for *Solaris* to work with.

I worked during the past days in developing an editorial design proposal—please see the attached files. The service he has done is immense! I found several opportunity areas. Following is my proposal. (I am copying P. Abhirama Thakura dasa for his knowledge and consideration too.)


Every publication requires the language to be in tune with the message. In the same way, graphical elements and illustration must have the appropriate mood (“talante,” in Spanish). An inadequate mood result in a feeling or perception of imposture: “Hmm, this does not seem to be what it claims to be.” In this regard, I’m suggesting a more sober logo with an articulated message (please see “Solaris proposal - cover.pdf”). Additionally, the proposed design has the intention to be read as a predicate:

(a) “Solar is Intercultural journal.”

(b) “Solar is Contributions for a new culture.”

(c) “Solar is Revista intercultural.”

(d) “Solar is Contribuciones para una nueva cultura.”

“Solar is” are not two words; it is only one, Solaris, but very subtly separated by a thin space and a different colour tone. The current issue number has also been added to stand out for quick identification.

To have a cleanly articulated message, other texts have been placed at the bottom, where the information can be unobtrusively consulted.

I also suggest the Spanish word “aportes” to be substituted with “contribuciones”, because:

(a) it is used only in the region (“aportaciones” is more common internationally);

(b) but “contribuciones” is a more direct and proper word for “contributions,” and to describe what the reader will find inside: contributions, papers, opinion articles.

(The image in the cover serves as an example. It is a diagram out of many by Ramon Llull, elaborated in the Middle Ages for helping memorize theological and philosophical concepts. The “S” in the center is in perfect tune with the journal mood.)


1. General design

(a) Every article would have its own cover. It is common practice photocopying articles. Therefore, the following pages also show in its feet relevant data of article, author, and source, even if it is only partially copied. (Please see “Solaris proposal - content a.pdf” and “Solaris proposal - content b.pdf”, in two pages view.)

(b) A Creative Commons notice has also been added, to specify that the article can be shared but not commercially, always mentioning authorship.

(c) Good layout practices establish incremental margins—instead of constant—following the order inside-upper-outside-bottom.

(d) The first page of the article—always on ODD number page—should present the abstract and keywords in both Spanish and English, as well as the Creative Commons Copyright.

2. Colour

I would not suggest using four inks for interiors: it is more expensive and it is not justified. In my opinion, it is even detrimental to the mood of the journal to add photos at the beginning of each article—often with no reference to its content. For just a few four-colour pages, the whole sheet must be printed in four colours! ($$$).

To reduce costs and improve the overall appearance, I would suggest instead:

(a) using just two colours for interiors: black (in different shadings) for the main text, and sepia to emphasize citations and to pleasantly distinguish them from the body text (see attached files).

(b) avoiding illustrations other than those offered or required by the contributor, one colour or duotones.

3. Fonts and size

I would strongly suggest using only one font for the articles and in the same size. I suggest to use the font “Noto,” both in its serif and sans-serif type faces, because:

(a) It has an excellent readability.

(b) It is a professional font, with an amazing range of typographical characteristics and glyphs. It can render all diacritics needed to transliterate Sanskrit, Hebrew, Greek, and every language of the world.

(c) It has an unparalleled range of weights: from “very thin” to “extra black,” which should address any typographical need. (Please see a small sample of the Noto font in “Solaris proposal - lettering.pdf”)

(d) It is FREE. I have no knowledge of another font so complete and well designed.

There are of course, many other details that should be specified to produce orthotypographically correct publishings, but I would like to hear first if this proposal is acceptable to you and the editorial committee, so I could proceed to elaborate editorial guidelines.

I would also feel greatly blessed if I could elaborate one of your books. My spiritual master, H. H. Guru Prasad Swami, often asks us, His disciples, to participate with preaching spirit in keeping in its highest potency the work of Srila Prabhupada.

Additionally, I could also contribute with theological and hermeneutical essays.

Please consider if these editorial suggestions may be useful, and let me know how to proceed.

Your humble servant,

Gopa-swami dasa [GPS]

HpS - ASA - Most of these suggestions you have to work out with Abhirama thakura Das and Prof. Miguel Polo who is our general editor. They are of course super experienced in academic publications as you also.

Please write to our Blog. We cannot handle Yahoo mail. We were getting 500/month, but now that we post in the Blog others can read and don't write. Thank you so much.  Solaris

[KDPC] Sankirtan with Hector, Morning Class...

4 years, 7 months ago by anandamayadas in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

Por favor acepta mis humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Espero que siga recuperándose de su alergia de primavera, admiro mucho su esfuerzo y fortaleza para mantenerse a diario... Podemos ver eso a lo largo de los años y cada día en la asociación virtual que tenemos con Usted a través de GTM

Nosotros estamos, bien, aquí en la cueva en Chaclacayo, esperando que termine la cuarentena para ver si podemos viajar, como lo sugiere Usted en sus respuestas de nuestra última carta. Quizás podamos ir por el centro y el sur del Perú Ayacucho, Arequipa, Cusco, Puno. No puedo imaginarme, dejar el trabajo formal y depender completamente de Krsna, pero tenemos fe y también un poco de miedo, para ser sincero.

Dear Gurudeva.. hoy (Ekadasi) mataji Guru Govinda dio una hermosa clase por GTM, sobre el canto cinco del SB, fue muy instructivo y un poco espeluznante. Pero surgieron unas preguntas, espero no incomodarlo:

-        Si las personas bajas (Sudras – Ignorancia) aprenden en base al temor. Y algunas escrituras como los tama puranas inducen conocimiento a través del miedo, algunas secciones de la Biblia también. Este capítulo 26 del quinto canto del Srimad Bhagavatam tiene el mismo objetivo?

-        Considerando lo anterior ¿Es el Bhagavatam en si suficientemente poderoso como para purificar a una persona pecaminosa? ¿Porque ellos no deberían pasar del segundo canto? 

-        El Srimad Bhagavatam está destinado para la generalidad de la gente? O solo para paramahansas, como muchos creen? O quizás solo para la clase de personas inteligentes?

Por otro lado hablamos con Abhiram p. y me dijo que la reunión de Héctor Bejar con Usted está casi confirmada para la siguiente semana. Yo he tomado en serio lo que Usted le pone en el reporte de Abhirama acerca de que yo podría hablarle un poco de Bhisma a Héctor Bejar. Entonces estoy elaborando un PPT sobre la vida Bhismadeva, dedicado a Héctor Bejar. Quizás podamos hacer eso muchas veces con una audiencia de devotos, pero hablarle a una persona como Héctor Bejar que es un intelectual y líder social aquí en Perú, resulta ser muy intimidante... Le prometo hacer mi mejor esfuerzo, y enviárselo el viernes o sábado de esta semana.

Su aspirante a sirviente AmD.

(Traducción google) - - ---------------------- - - -

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

I hope you continue to recover from your spring allergy, I greatly admire your effort and strength to support yourself on a daily basis ... We can see that throughout the years and every day in the virtual partnership we have with you through GTM

We are, well, here in the cave in Chaclacayo, waiting for the quarantine to end to see if we can travel, like what you have in your responses to our last letter. Perhaps we can go through central and southern Peru Ayacucho, Arequipa, Cusco, Puno. I can't imagine leaving formal work and depending completely on Krsna, but we have faith and also a little fear, to be honest.

HpS - That is intelligent. Take it one step at a time. Don't go ahead with blind faith.

Dear Gurudeva .. today (Ekadasi) mataji Guru Govinda gave a beautiful class by GTM, on SB chant five, it was very instructive and a little creepy. But a few questions came up, I hope I don't bother you:

- If low people (Sudras - Ignorance) surrender based on fear. And some scriptures like tama puranas induce knowledge through fear, some sections of the Bible as well. Does this chapter 26 of the fifth chant of Srimad Bhagavatam have the same goal?

HpS - Thank you for KDPC, Joining FMP etc!! Excellent quetions. I don't know many intimate aspects of the Bhagavatam. It is identical with Krsna, so we learn more as we become more purified, advance our eternal service more. It could be. Even Third Canto describes celestial and infernal pleasure and pain.

- Considering the above, is the Bhagavatam itself powerful enough to purify a sinful person? Why don't they regularly pass the second canto?

HpS - SB 2.2.12 says to not go beyond Canto Two if we are still entangled in Gross Illicit Sex, no? From my experience, the Third Canto starts to be toooo heavy. We can't understand strong situations like Kunti Devi faced as Krsna's mercy, so we ask for more primary lessons. Fifth canto would be intense songs for very advanced people, like melting the gold to drive out the impurities, not just washing it with soap.

Yes, even a very sinful person, butcher... alligator... if they just give the service of staying in the same room as the class become purified. If they help the Bhagavatas in their preaching, they become purified to the level where they can derive benefit just from hearing.

- Is Srimad Bhagavatam intended for the generality of people? Or just for paramahansas, as many believe? Or maybe just for the class of smart people?

HpS - As described above it is for everyone as Kirtan, for the smart people as intellectual, and for the Paramahamsas who are looking for progress on the platform above the senses, mind and intelligence.

On the other hand we speak with Abhiram p. and he told me that Héctor Béjar's meeting with you is almost confirmed for next week. I took seriously what you put in Abhirama's report about what Hector Bejar might say a little about Bhisma. So I am preparing a PPT about Bhismadeva life, dedicated to Héctor Bejar. Maybe I can do that many times with an audience of devotees, but talking to a person like Héctor Béjar who is an intellectual and social leader here in Peru, turns out to be very intimidating ... I promise to do my best, and send it to him on Friday or Saturday of this week.

HpS - One thing I realized is that Hector is a social leader because he has the sincere attitude of being a social servant. He will not bother you with his arrogance. He will bother you with his sincere desire to learn from you.

"Everyone you meet will be more pious, more intelligent, more beautiful than you. The only thing you have to offer them are the words of your spiritual master", S. Bh. Siddhanta... and the perspective of your Spiritual Master.

Your aspiring servant AmD.

HpS - The same to you.

Bh. Sastri Resources

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in Special Category A

On Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 02:04:21 PM CDT, raghupati das <raghu x x x > wrote:

Dear Hanumat Presak Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It's been a long while since we have been in touch. I hope and pray that you are keeping well with your health and showering nectar through your preaching. We are fine here in England in the midst of the pandemic. Somehow Krsna is keeping us safe. I have become aware that you have had a global conference on education. Hope it went well.

Maharaja, apart from my teaching commitments in the University, I am also teaching Bhakti Sastri courses for Leicester temple. I have just finished Sri Isopanisad and will be starting Srimad Bhagavad-gita next. I had prepared some teaching materials long back but have lost it somehow. I wonder if you might be able to share your teaching resources for a BS course including powerpoint slides, quizzes etc. The material will be used only for teaching purposes. Please let me know if this might be a possibility.  

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 

Your servant 

Raghupati Das



Jaya Sri Rama,

Esteemed Raghupati Daa,

Paoho..... AgtSP! It is so nice to hear from you. It is like finding a box full of Janmastami laddus three days after Janmasatami!

We post our news in www.JayaRama.Us

From that you can see we are overwhelmed by the quantity of work to do. This Blog is 90% our priority in trying to deal with our communications. Six more people will see this dialog and have their questions answered.

ASA does not formally teach Bh.S., Bh.Vai., but we do curriculume development etc.

Some of the stuff we have is in the Archives at our website, www.JayaRama.US.

If you go there you will find a series of files starting "tpp-". In those you can find some materials for Bh.S. (eg. iso... BG...).

Hope these can help you on the way.

Please write here! We all want to hear your news!!

HpS - ASA.

How is it to live life of Brahmachari ( Celibate Monk)

4 years, 7 months ago by purushottam in Special Category A

Life of celibacy is full of courage, adventure, humiliation, discipline, devotion, struggle and bliss, and much more.

ASA - Wow! AgtSP! It sounds like being alive! Most people now are dead!!!

Later, I will explain how.

First of all I would like to clarify that celibacy I am speaking of is better represented by the sanskrit word ‘brahmacharya’ which literally means ‘to dwell on brahman’. In simple words, it means to always be absorbed in thoughts of God.

In Vedic lifestyle, to follow brahmacharya means not to indulge in following-

1. Think about opposite gender.

2. Speak about sex life.

3. Dally with opposite gender.

4. Look lustfully at opposite gender.

5. Talk intimately with opposite gender.

6. Decide to engage in sexual intercourse.

7. Endeavor for sex life.

8. Engage in sex life.

Now I come back to the question, how is it to live the life of celibacy. In Vedas, celibacy is recommended for quick advancement in spiritual life. So celibacy must be observed for making spiritual progress. As a celibate, I found the life of celibacy to be a life of-

Courage- Whole civilization is promoting sense enjoyment and celibacy is just the opposite. So it certainly needs great courage to walk on the path.

HpS - ASA - All these apply to devotees in female body! Just have relations to become nice mother or marry Krsna!

Adventure - If something is very difficult to achieve, it becomes adventurous. In kaliyuga, whole atmosphere is surcharged to promote atheism and sensuality. To live in such society and still maintain high degree of purity is certainly very difficult. Many great warriors like Saubhari and Vishwamitra Muni also got wounded on this path. So to follow celibacy in Kaliyuga is certainly adventurous, it is very difficult to follow.

Humiliation- A brahmachari is supposed to live a vedic lifestyle. Vedas recommend that a celibate/monk should not do jobs. Rather should spend his time in cultivation of spiritual life and spreading spiritual message to others. But often people tend to take it as unproductive work, parasites for society ….. Those who don’t understand the value of spiritual life tend to ridicule the monks, and monks have to go through that. This humiliation keeps a celibate humble, which is far better than being proud.

Discipline - We follow the discipline of getting up early in the morning 3–4 am (no matter whether in Kashmir or Rameshvaram, summer or winter), taking bath and attending morning rituals, following the instructions given by Guru, doing practical services etc. These is no holiday for us, though our everyday is holy.

Devotion- We do have the facility to use our 24 hours in service of God, as we have no material responsibility. This is very helpful for always being God conscious. We can spend much more time in reading holy scriptures, developing its understanding, practically applying it in life, worshipping Lord etc.

Struggle At times services needed are quite challenging and we need to struggle to complete things on time. Also mind and senses tend to run here and there and we must struggle to keep it back on track. There is struggle to strike a balance between our services, personal spiritual practice and relationship with other fellow monks. There is struggle to maintain good relation with the superiors and managers of organizations.

Bliss, God is source of all happiness and more we connect to Him, our own life gets filled with joy and happiness. This inner bliss is so great that it keeps us from going astray. Lord Krishna says in Gita 6.22 -

yam labdhva caparam labham

manyate nadhikam tatah

“ In that joyous state, one is situated in boundless transcendental happiness, realized through transcendental senses. Established thus, one never departs from the truth, and upon gaining this he thinks there is no greater gain. Being situated in such a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty.”


Of course the list is endless, this is a brief answer.

If one stays in family life then principles of Brahmacharya can be applied in following ways

  1. Don’t have sexual connection with anyone other than one’s own spouse.
  2. Within married relation, union must take place only when one wants to beget a good child, and not for any other purpose.

HpS - ASA - Thank you. Now.... can you give practical examples of each of these from your own experiences this year in ISKCON!!!?

ASA Cookies

4 years, 7 months ago by chas d lind in Special Category A


O A T M E A L  R A I S I N  W A L N U T  C O O K I E S

Makes 400 small or 200 medium

                  2 ½ Quarts Rolled Oats                              2 ½ cups Water

                   9 cups of unbleached flour                      6 Tablespoons Ener-G Egg Replacer

                   7 ½ cups of cane sugar crystals               6 teaspoons of Cinnamon

                   7 cups of Raisins                                        6 tsp. Trader Joes non-Alcoholic Vanilla

                    3 cups of chopped Walnuts                      6 teaspoons of Baking soda

                    3 pounds of Butter                                     3 ½ teaspoons of Molasses

Place 3 pounds of diced, cubed butter in a 3 gallon mixing bowl and let soften.

Once soft, add 8 cups of sugar crystals and 3 ½ teaspoons of Molasses, mix thoroughly. (Best wear nitrile gloves and literally mix by hand)

Next, in a 1 quart measuring cup, add 2 ½ cups water, 6 1/8 teaspoons of liquid non-alcoholic Vanilla (Trader Joe’s has it) and 6 tablespoons of ENER-G egg replacer. Stir into a froth with mixer.

When mixed, pour froth into bowl of sugar & butter, then mix.

Next, in a 3 quart bowl, dry mix 9 cups of unbleached flour with 6 teaspoons of baking soda and 5 to 6 teaspoons of Cinnamon (depends on freshness). Then stir this mix into your mix of butter and sugar.

Now you have your batter done, now add 7 cups of raisins & 3 cups of Walnuts in. Once stirred in , slowly mix in the 18 cups (2 ½ quarts) of rolled oats.

After all is mixed in, let the dough settle for a few minutes, while this is going on you can dust your cookie baking trays with flour and rub butter on the (#24 1½ oz. or #70 ½ oz.) scoop servers.

Place each scoop about 2½ inches (for # 24) or 1½ (for #70) apart, then gently press down on to your baking trays. Place trays in a 350 degree preheated oven for 20 minutes (just a the raisins start to puff-up), then pull tray out, once cooled use spatula to remove cookies.

Once complete, offer the cookies with Love and serve all you can.

ASA (TB) - AgtSP paoho. That is a LOT of cookies! Only God could eat that many cookies! (UG) Basically the Formula is 10-parts oats, 10-wheat, 7.5-sugar, 6-butter, 2.5-water ...

Painting Deities

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in Special Category A


We get news and questions about Deity worship?

For example, should wooden Deities be painted? Should paint remover be used? Paint over old paint?

We refer people to the Ministry of Deity worship, but in our own perspective we have heard that Prabhupada commented that this is a very intense topic where devotees have a lot of material, emotional attachment.

We worship Deities because we have physical attachment. Required for Grhastha. Sannyasis can worship in their heart.

It is also a topic where personal taste enters and so Srila Prabhupada with a laugh would not get involved. The devotees involved have to discuss this politely (NOI 5) and then develop a community decision, based upon practical details from the Ministry eg. Is paint remover O.K.?