KDPC: SOLARIS and COVID-19 VIRUS "Karuna-Virus"

4 years, 6 months ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, pfanhr, TLGASP!! TLGAHpS!!

SOLARIS and COVID-19 VIRUS "Karuna-Virus"


There is consensus among the members of the magazine about the importance of “SOLARIS” should offer a deep reflection about what this covid-19 pandemic means, which has strongly impacted whole humanity. Here is a summary of the first discussion on this topic: 

1.     Héctor Béjar started the dialogue talking about epidemiology concept. He mentioned this is neither the first nor the last pandemic that humanity faces, because it has always had and will have this type of events. Then he said that, since last year, the scientific community had evidence the virus was already active, despite this, this information was not disclosed in order to protect certain interests. 

In relation to the causes of the virus appearance, he mentioned it is very likely that it was caused by mankind abuse towards animals. What he finds ironic and absurd is there is a group of people who blame bats for this disease and not bad practices of humans, or the unnecessary and abusive consumption of animals that they carry out.

He said governments and binding institutions have not invited ethics to dialogue at time to analyze the causes of this pandemic. 

The facts show in imperative way that a change in life's organization and system is necessary, however, are we willing to change? He posed as a theme to develop "what is coming", that is, an analysis of how social relationships are currently developing and how they will be presented in the future. At this point he mentioned there are currents that propose as a solution "flock inmunity", that is to say, the strongest or "suitable" are going to be saved and the weak or "unsuitable" are not.

2.     Then Professor Hanumatpresaka Swami spoke, after greeting the assistants he began his intervention mentioning this is a world of dualities, for example, for there to be construction, first there must be destruction, and vice versa. Then he gave other examples to finally affirm that in all analyzes we must do not forget this is a temporary world. 

Then he argued this pandemic raises the need for at least 90% of the population must to live in villages and the necessity of a good relationship and communication with the city so that everything is properly attended, thus and only in this way generation of others pandemics could be avoided and be controlled when they arise.

 Finally he mentioned coronavirus, or karuna-virus pandemic as he calls it, alluding to the fact that this great problem is also a great opportunity is the central theme of humanity's material life but on a social level there is the theme of woman's role in the world. That is to say, on a material level he presented the virus issue and on a social level the role of Vaisnavis, so his proposal for the next meeting is called “Virus and Vaisnavis”.

3.     In his turn, Miguel Polo indicated we are not appreciating the problem appropriately both globally and systemically. He stated, at the beginning, during and after pandemic, what is surviving are highly harmful behaviors such as corruption. He also indicated societies that have survived pandemics are rural communities that they exist to this day. According to his analysis, next solution will be neither systematic nor individualistic. He maintains, the way in which we must respond is by offering ideas, reflections. He quotes a book in which it is predicted that the Buddha to come is not a person but a community. 

4.     In his turn Jagad Guru das (Javier Armijo) said, to the system, crisis word means living only for eating, since its definition of crisis is the inability of people to not be able to buy other things, slowing down economy. He recognizes this pandemic as the opportunity to establish a common ethical framework, in which all religions could participate. He reflected on the fact this pandemic is a unique moment. 

5.     Finally, Abhiram Thakur das (Alejandro Salazar) argued that this pandemic has created new categories at level of knowledgement: for example, "Virus-ethics" or "ethics during and after the pandemic", "Biopolitics", that is, relations between countries and communities, taking pandemic as the thematic axis. 

Then he reflected on how this pandemic has removed our veil in relation to the fact that we thought technology could “solve everything”. However, this pandemic shows we have been living deceived and all technology we have is not enough to solve a health issue of this magnitude. Then he proposed that current modernity is based on artificiality. Even, in this context, happiness concept is artificial since it is based on virtual and superficial things . 

At the end, all today's society turns around consumption. In other words, happiness and feelings have become artificial consumer objects. Actually, all social relationships already existed, what social networks like Facebook and WhatsApp do is simply put them on a digital platform, but they already existed, therefore, we should not be fooled or alienated. 

To understand the crisis, he quoted Blas Pascal who said: "Man's problems are due to the fact he doesn't like to be calm at home, but he likes to conquer the world." He agrees with Professor Hanumatpresaka Swami and Héctor Béjar stance, in the sense that, if we don't change our way of life, things will be getting even worse than already are. Finally, he mentioned in Lima it is estimated there are 2 million unemployed persons, which serves as a referential framework to understand how this pandemic is affecting the economy worldwide.

Next meeting was at 4 pm Sunday 19 July, dynamic is as follows:

First, Professor Hanumatpresaka Swami will present his exposition based on PP “Virus & Vaisnavi”, then Héctor Béjar will make comments, if any of attendees wish they can also present their comments, then they will consider what to do and what we can do to the future . How society can be or how society should be after this pandemic and take the challenge of assuming our responsibility.

We are waiting for your comments, thank you very much for the opportunity to generate this dialogue that is essential to impact the conscience of many people who are stunned, confused and very anxious at this moment, cause they are afraid about their own lives and they can't understand how to handle themselves under this circumstances we are currently living.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, your insignificant servant, Abhiram Thakur das


SOLARIS y el VIRUS COVID-19 “Karuna virus” 


Existe consenso entre los miembros de la revista acerca de la importancia de que “SOLARIS” ofrezca una reflexión profunda sobre lo que significa esta pandemia del covid-19 que ha impactado fuertemente a toda la humanidad. A continuación, un resumen del 1er conversatorio sobre este tema:

1. Héctor Béjar inicio el dialogo hablando sobre el concepto de epidemiologia. Mencionó que esta no es ni la primera ni la última pandemia que afrontara la humanidad porque siempre ha tenido y tendrá este tipo de acontecimientos. Seguidamente dijo que, desde el año pasado, la comunidad científica contaba con evidencia de que el virus ya estaba activo, a pesar de ello, esta información no fue divulgada con el fin de proteger ciertos intereses. 

En relación a las causas de la aparición del virus, menciono que, es muy probable que este se produjo por el abuso del hombre hacia los animales. Lo que encuentra irónico y absurdo es que hay un grupo de personas que culpan de la enfermedad a los murciélagos y no a las malas prácticas de los humanos, ni al innecesario y abusivo consumo de animales que realizan.

Él manifestó que los gobiernos y las instituciones vinculantes no han invitado a la ética a dialogar cuando se analizan las causas de esta pandemia. 

Los hechos muestran de manera imperativa que es necesario un cambio en el sistema de vida, sin embargo ¿estamos dispuestos a cambiar? El planteo como tema a desarrollar “lo que se viene”, es decir un análisis de cómo se está desarrollando y cómo se presentara en el futuro las relaciones sociales. En este punto aludió que existen corrientes que plantean como solución “la salvación del rebaño” es decir de que los más fuertes o “aptos” se van a salvar y los débiles o “inaptos” no.

2. Luego hizo uso de la palabra el profesor Hanumatpresaka Swami, despues de saludar a los asistentes comenzó su intervención mencionando que este es un mundo de dualidades, por ejemplo, para que haya construcción, primero tiene que haber destrucción, y viceversa, luego dio otros ejemplos para finalmente afirmar que en todo análisis no debemos olvidar que este mundo es temporal. 

Seguidamente argumento que esta pandemia plantea la necesidad de que al menos el 90% de la población viva en aldeas y que haya una buena relación y comunicación con la ciudad de manera que todo este atendido, así y solo así se podría evitar la generación de otras pandemias y el control de esta. 

Finalmente menciono que la pandemia del corona-virus o karuna-virus como él lo llama, aludiendo a que este gran problema también es una gran oportunidad es el tema central de la vida material de la humanidad pero que a nivel social estaba el tema del rol de la mujer en el mundo. Es decir, a nivel material planteo el tema del virus y a nivel social el rol de las Vaisnavis, por eso su propuesta para el próximo encuentro se llama “Virus y vaisnavis”

3. A su turno, Miguel Polo indicó que no estamos apreciando el problema de manera apropiada tanto global como sistémicamente. Planteo que, al inicio, durante y posterior a la pandemia, lo que está sobreviviendo son los comportamientos altamente nocivos como la corrupción. Igualmente indico que las sociedades que han sobrevivido a las pandemias son comunidades rurales que existen hasta el día de hoy. De acuerdo a su análisis la solución que viene no será ni sistemática ni individualista. El sostiene que la manera en la cual debemos responder es ofreciendo ideas, reflexiones. Cito un libro en el cual se pronostica que el Buda que va a venir no es una persona sino una comunidad. 

4. A su vez Jagad Guru das (Javier Armijo) indico que, para el sistema, la palabra crisis significa vivir solamente para comer, ya que su definición de crisis es la incapacidad de las personas de no poder comprar otras cosas, desacelerando la economía. Reconoce a esta pandemia como la oportunidad para establecer un marco ético común, en el cual pudiesen participar todas las religiones. Reflexiono sobre el hecho de que esta pandemia es un momento único. 

5. Finalmente, Abhiram Thakur das (Alejandro Salazar) sostuvo que esta pandemia ha creado nuevas categorías a nivel de conocimiento: Como por ejemplo “Virus-ética” o “la ética durante y posterior a la pandemia”, “Bio-política”, es decir, las relaciones entre países y comunidades, teniendo como eje temático la pandemia. Luego reflexiono sobre cómo esta pandemia nos ha quitado el velo en relación a que pensábamos que la tecnología lo podía “resolver todo”. Sin embargo, la pandemia demuestra que hemos vivido engañados y que toda la tecnología que tenemos no alcanza para resolver un tema de salud de esta magnitud. Luego propuso que la modernidad actual esta basada en la artificialidad. Incluso, en este contexto, el concepto de felicidad es artificial ya que está basado en cosas que son virtuales y superficiales. Al final toda la sociedad actual gira en torno al consumo. Es decir que la felicidad y los sentimientos se han convertido en objetos de consumo artificiales. En realidad, todas las relaciones sociales ya existían lo que hacen las redes sociales como Facebook y WhatsApp es simplemente ponerlas en una plataforma digital, pero ya existía, por lo tanto, no debemos dejarnos engañar, ni enajenar. Para entender la crisis cito a Blas Pascal que dijo: “los problemas del hombre se deben a que no le gusta estar tranquilo en su casa, sino que le gusta conquistar el mundo”. El concuerda con la postura del Profesor Hanumatpresaka Swami y de Héctor Béjar, en el sentido de que, si no cambiamos de forma de vida, las cosas se van a poner peor de lo que están. Finalmente menciono que en Lima se calcula que hay 2 millones de desempleados lo cual sirve como marco referencial para entender cómo esta pandemia está afectando la economía a nivel mundial.

La próxima reunión será a las 4 pm, la dinamica es la siguiente:

Primero el profesor Hanumatpresaka Swami presentara su exposición en base a PP “Virus & Vaisnavi”, luego Héctor Béjar hace un comentario, si alguno de los asistentes desea también puede presentar sus comentarios, seguidamente se planteará que hacer y que se puede hacer para el futuro. Cómo puede quedar la sociedad o como debiese quedar la sociedad después de esta pandemia y tomar el desafío de asumir la responsabilidad que nos compete.

Esperamos sus comentarios, muchas gracias por la oportunidad de poder generar este dialogo que es fundamental para impactar en la consciencia de muchas personas que están aturdidas, confundas y con mucha ansiedad en estos momentos, ya que temen por su vida y no saben cómo manejarse en circunstancias como las que vivimos.

Hare Krishna GURUDEVA, su insignificante sirviente Abhiram Thakur das

Disciples List

4 years, 6 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Dear Guru Maharaja PAMHO AGTSP! where is the list of disciples? I looked in the archives but I couldn´t find it, Do you have a name for that archive?

thanks, ys, abc dasa

ASA - AGTSP!!! paoho. We have some names to post at the end, but the list until 2018 is at:http://jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt

Noticias Medico

4 years, 6 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Pamho! AgtSP! 

Hare Krsna

Gurumaharaja, disculpe el atrevimiento pero me angustia sentirlo con hipo, a mí me da algunas veces y dura mucho, es horrible incluso causa dolor. 

Me ayuda un ejercicio de respiración, talves está en la pasión hacerlo pero me ayuda. 

Inhalar profundamente, retener ese aire cantando maha mantra el número que más puedo alcanzar y luego exhalar lentamente. Si logro hacerlo sin que el hipo interrumpa el ejercicio , es exitoso, usualmente me funciona mucho.  

Espero que le pase pronto Gurumaharaja, usted es un gran ejemplo de servir a Krsna y a los vaisnavas tolerando estos inconvenientes. 

Su aspirante a sirviente.


Hare Krsna.


Lo hemos estado haciendo durante años por varias razones.

Recordamos a Srila Prabhupada dando un Pranayama simple, y comentando que cantar y bailar para Krsna es Pranayama.



"KDPC": About Sannyasa

4 years, 6 months ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Special Category A

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

wanted to write to him in English with the google translator, so as not to cause him much work with Spanish, I understand some words in English when reading, and I can start learning English, so I hope that my letter will arrive as it should be;

Hare Krsna dear Gurudev, please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances, now I understand better the things about my previous letter, understanding that;

 "The instructions of the Guru and the Guru himself make no difference"

The answer he told me; "Krishna left the Brajavasis so that they could have a MORE intimate association with him!"

I was reflecting, reading and meditating on this topic, reading the krsna book, caitanya caritamrta adi lila chap.1 "The spiritual masters" and quotes from Prabhupada and I can deduce that; "The separate love of the Brajavasis and Radha is more intense than when Krsna was with them physically." So the same thing happens with the Guru-disciple, when the spiritual master is no longer physically and I see in the current clear example that Srila prabhupada's disciples love Prabhupada more than he has left physically and they do much more service for him, and I think that we should all understand this and follow these steps naturally, but not imitate it. So the attitude of a disciple when his guru is not, has to have a more intimate relationship with HIM.

On the other hand I have some questions about sannyasa, I am very curious and it is not personal:

1 ° Is it necessary for a devoted sannyasa candidate to have a technical or university professional career?

HpS - No.... They are very different things.

2 ° If the devout candidate for sannyasa is married, does the wife have to agree that her husband take sannyasa or is the Guru's decision more important?

HpS - If Guru is bona fide, the he is representing Krsna and his instruction is perfect. If the wife is correct she will follow Guru. If she is 50% in Maya, then husband has to adjust help her indirectly, eg. take Sannyasa and make special arrangement for her material welfare with sons, nephews etc.

3 ° Can the devotee request sannyasa from his spiritual Master or does he have to wait for his spiritual Master to give him the sannyasi order?

HpS - Can request.

4 ° What are the requirements to aspire to take sannyasa?

HpS - Realization that it will help me improve my service to Krsna!

Thank you very much dear Guru Maharaj, and sorry for being very curious about these issues.


nadiya nivasi dasi

“KDPC”! - Invitation to participate in INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM / OCTOBER 2020

4 years, 6 months ago by abhiramdas in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudeva, Arjuna Prabhu from Chile shared us invitation from Claudia Lira Professor. So that you and two other people can participate in the COLLOQUIUM: "Nature and sacrality, human stillness, animal and plant action"; event organized by Catholic University from Chile Aesthetics Faculty Institute of Philosophy through Zoom.

Besides you, I talked to Héctor Béjar and he agreed to participate, the title of his conference will sent this Friday. Finally, as I have received an invitation to participate in an inter-religious seminary, during August this year, around a virtual dialogue table organized by the Catholic University from Peru on "religious and/or interreligious education and its cultural influence", I think I can present the same topic in this colloquium that they are invited us from Chile (I consulted to Miguel and Héctor and they thought it will be fine).

Pending points:

1. Your conference would be on Wednesday, October 21st. What will be the title of your presentation?

HpS - Thank you for the news but the title is almost incomprehensible to us both in English and Spanish. Can you give us a more clear idea of the conference? What she means by the title!!! If that is clear then the other points in this letter seem fine.

2. Hector and me will be introduced as NIOS Peru members, and you will be introduced as the General Secretary from NIOS. That would be fine?

3. We can start to dialogue about our subjects so we can come to the online event with interrelated and complementary proposals. Seems this fine from your point of view?

4. All this participation of us could be material for SOLARIS 2021 issue number 6. Are you agree?

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, Your insignificant servant, 

Abhiram Thakura das



Invitación para participar en COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL / OCTUBRE 2020

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Gurudeva, prabhu Arjuna de Chile nos compartió la invitación de la profesora Claudia Lira para que usted y dos personas más puedan participar en el COLOQUIO: “Naturaleza y sacralidad quietud humana, acción animal y vegetal”, evento organizado por Instituto de Estética de la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Católica de Chile vía Zoom. Aparte de usted hable con Héctor Béjar, el acepto participar, el título de su conferencia me lo a enviar el viernes, por último, como he recibido una invitación para participar en un dialogo interreligioso, en agosto, en una mesa redonda virtual en la universidad católica de Perú sobre “la educación religiosa y/o interreligiosa y su influencia cultural” pienso que puedo presentar el mismo tema en este coloquio (les consulte a Miguel y a Héctor y les pareció bien).

Puntos pendientes:

1. Su conferencia sería el miércoles 21 de octubre, cuál sería el título de su ponencia?

2. Héctor y yo seremos presentados como miembros de NIOS Perú, y usted será presentado como el Secretario General NIOS. ¿Estaría bien?

3. Podemos empezar a dialogar sobre nuestros temas así podemos llegar al evento con propuestas interrelacionadas y complementarias, le parece bien?

4. toda esta participación podría ser material para el numero 6 de SOLARIS, está bien?

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, su insignificante sirviente, Abhiram Thakura das

Departure Bh. Caru Swami

4 years, 6 months ago by hps in Special Category A

AGTSP.... paoho.... Of course, we are shocked by the departure of Maharaja. I think that almost anyone who came in contact with him accepted him as part of their life. His character was something that they wanted to remember.

Srinivasa asked us how we should act at this time, and my understanding is that it is going to be very individual. People have individual relations with Maharaja and with each other in terms of Maharaja, so we will all have different work to do.

Maharaja's departure forces me to look at a lot of memories, expectations, plans that I have. I can see that I will have to do a lot of work to adjust my heart, but...

.... it is good. Do we want Kanistha adhikari association, only Vapu, with our Godbrothers, or do we want Uttama-adhikari, mostly Vani, association?

We I want to connect with Maharaja on the eternal platform?

We have a stomach ache.

Hare Krsna!!! Jaya Bh. Caru Swami.

I hope someone composes some nice prayes, songs for his departure.
