Jagamohan Das Respuesta

6 years, 7 months ago by Jagamohan in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna Mi querido Guru deva Hanumatpersaka Maharajan. Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,

Todas las glorias aSrila Prabhupada.

Si en estos momentos estoy por misericordia de Sri Sri Guru Gouranga seguimos en servicio en Madre tierra pero si Krisna quiere iremos ha abrir un centro en Arenas de San Peter.

HPS - AGTSP!!!   Pfanhr!!!     Arenas es cerca de Madre Tierra??

Le doy gracias a Krisna por haberle conocido y poder tomar su refugio.

SS Jagamohan Das.

HpS - ASA - Gracias pero mas gracias a Srila Prabhupada!   Quienes son unos de los devotos principales de Madre Tierra?  Que hace los devotos alla?

Nuevas oportunidades

traductor de google

After reading your answer on different days, analyze it well, I realize my current position ... my service is not pure, it is a contaminated service, because the activities I do are not completely for Krishna ... I have many attachments subtle materials ... your help thanks to Krishna has been accepted with submission ... I thank you very much with your heart because it allows me to improve for the future, I appreciate that my ignorance has been dissipated ... in the srimad bhagavatam There are many stories that I have known to obtain true success, and gradually we are incorporating them into our lives ... trying to improve every day ... continuing with the process. good rounds and 4 principles as standard ... so I will become more and more pure as you say ... and it is certainly what I want ... then I will cultivate that desire ...
I agree with what you say: this is the material world and there are problems everywhere, but if we are in KC, then we see how these problems are perfect and impetuous to move forward ... these words are very important to me, synthesize my efforts to keep myself conscious of Krishna ...
I hope not to extend much guru maharaj, I will comment some things that we are doing ... what we are doing now is to schedule the party of prabhupada, this Saturday we open again, I do not know why it stopped but I started asking and proposing that it be done again , and they named me one of the people in charge of the party, that makes me very happy because the congregation in general is very satisfied to be able to use a Saturday service for the guru and krsna ... the program was very good, bhajans, class about prabhupada, guru puja, kirtan, prasada ... so we are very fortunate to glorify the acarya! 120 people arrived and the atmosphere was very affectionate ...
On the other hand, we started the bhakti-sastri a few days ago ... we want to preach knowing more details of the bhagavad-gita, upadesamrta, sri isopanisad and the nectar of devotion ... it is a very enthusiastic group with great goals ... it will last 1 year and some more months ... srimad bhagavatam we are studying it together with the classes, now we are following the instructions of jada bharata for the king rahugana, this has served me a lot to control the mind because it has been explained that the mind affected by Illness, lament, illusion, attachment, avarice and enmity create a captivity and an illusory sense of property in the material world. If we are not careful with the mind and give it a chance, it will be more and more powerful and it will be able to overcome us. and jada bharata advises to overcome that mind with the service weapon at the lotus feet of guru and krsna ...
now we also had the visit of panca tattva das and adi yajña das, who travel and preach. I am being employed in a service in a brahmacarya training project with the GBC university. I belong to the group that will generate that project at the mercy of panca tattva prabhu, for which I feel very motivated and grateful. We hope to do something good and important to help iskcon ...
so these new possibilities are emerging, ah! and also, on the other hand, I am starting a program with new people in the movement. Some time ago I had the desire to cultivate people and present them to Krishna consciousness, and now Krishna sent some signals. a devotee gave me some japa beads and kanthis that were left over from a previous program, which was done by a devotee who is now in India. So far there are 2 people who are already chanting the maha mantra in the japa mala (of the neem because we did not have tulasi) and other 4 people who read, attend the programs and sometimes help us with the services in the temple. then I give myself time to talk to them, give them books to read and then the  japa beads to sing, so we humbly try to be a servant so that sri gouranga and sri nityananda shed their mercy to more jivas ...
Guru Maharaj wanted to ask for an answer about this program, since being in the Brahmacari Asram the relationship with women is limited. but in this program I am preaching to more women than men, since there is no devotee to do it. I have asked for it but until now nobody has offered me. then I took the initiative and I do so thinking more about the preaching and the need in my heart for more people to remember Krishna, than in my own life of brahmacari. So I need to ask you to give me your opinion, to know if to continue with this program or make any changes ...
thank you for guiding us always ... your servant mandara sakha das

HpS - Hare Krsna.   translate.google.com   Thank you for your letter.  Your Sankirtan seems very good. YOu are on the right path.  Brahmacari and Sannyasis are permitted short contact with women for preaching purposes only, and that should be done in public. We you talk with ladies or they talk with you, talk loudly.

See them as sister, mother, daughter.

You are not the supreme friend. Krsna will save them, so if there is no one to preach to them give them some direction how to chant and read and then let Krsna take care of them, send other ladies, married devotees.

Thank you.

More news!!

despues de haber leído su respuesta en diferentes días, analizandolo bien, me doy cuenta de mi posición actual... mi servicio no es puro, es servicio contaminado, pues las actividades que hago no son completamente para krsna... tengo muchos apegos materiales sutiles... su ayuda gracias a krsna ha sido aceptada con sumisión... esto lo agradezco mucho con el corazón porque me permite mejorar para el futuro, agradezco que mi ignorancia haya sido discipada... en el srimad bhagavatam hay muchas historias que he conocido para obtener el éxito verdadero, y vamos gradualmente llevandolas a nuestra vida... intentando mejorar cada día... continuando con el proceso. buenas rondas y 4 principios como estándar... así me volveré más y más puro como usted dice... y sin duda es lo que deseo... así que cultivaré ese deseo...
estoy de acuerdo en lo que usted dice: este es el mundo material y hay problemas en todas partes, pero si estamos en KC, entonces vemos cómo estos problemas son perfectos e impetuosos para avanzar... estas palabras son muy importantes para mi, ya que sintetizan mis esfuerzos por mantenerme conciente de krsna...
espero no extenderme mucho guru maharaj, le comentaré algunas cosas que estamos haciendo... lo que estamos haciendo ahora es programar la fiesta de prabhupada, este sábado la reinauguramos, no se por qué dejó de hacerse pero comencé a preguntar y proponer que se haga de nuevo, y me nombraron uno de los encargados de la fiesta, eso me tiene muy contento pues la congregacion en general se muestra muy satisfecha de poder utilizar un sábado en servicio al guru y krsna... el programa fue muy bueno, bhajans, clase sobre prabhupada, guru puja, kirtan, prasada... asi que somos muy afortunados de glorificar al acarya ! vinieron 120 personas y la atmosfera era muy amorosa...
por otra parte, comenzamos el bhakti-sastri hace unos días... queremos predicar sabiendo mas detalles del bhagavad-gita, upadesamrta, sri isopanisad y néctar de la devoción... es un grupo muy entusiasta y con grandes objetivos... durará 1 año y unos meses más... srimad bhagavatam lo vamos estudiando junto a las clases, ahora estamos en las instrucciones de jada bharata al rey rahugana, esto me ha servido mucho para controlar la mente pues se ha explicado que la mente afectada por las enfermedades, la lamentación, la ilusión, el apego, la codicia y la enemistad, crea el cautiverio y una ilusoria sensasion de propiedad en el mundo material. si no somos cuidadosos con la mente y le damos una oportunidad, se irá haciendo cada vez mas poderosa y conseguirá vencernos. y jada bharata aconseja vencer a esa mente con el arma del servicio a los pies de loto del guru y de krsna...
ahora también tuvimos la visita de panca tattva das y adi yajña das, quienes estan viajando y predicando. ellos me estan ocupando en un servicio sobre un proyecto para el entrenamiento en brahmacarya junto al GBC college. pertenezco al grupo que generará ese proyecto por la misericordia de panca tattva prabhu, así que me siento muy motivado y agradecido. esperamos hacer algo bueno e importante para ayudar a iskcon...
así que estan surgiendo estas nuevas posibilidades ¡ah! y también por otra parte, estoy comenzando un programa con personas nuevas al movimiento. hace tiempo tenía el deseo de cultivar personas e introducirlas a la conciencia de krsna, y ahora krsna envió algunas señales. una devota me regaló unas japa mala y kanthis que sobraron de un programa anterior, que hacía una devota que ahora está en india. hasta el momento son 2 personas las que ya estan cantando el maha mantra en la japa mala (de neem pues de tulasi no teniamos) y otras 4 que estan leyendo, asistiendo a los programas y a veces ayudandonos con servicios en el templo. entonces me doy tiempo de conversarles, darles libros para que lean y luego la japa mala para cantar, así que humildemente intentamos ser un sirviente para que sri gouranga y sri nityananda derramen su misericordia a mas jivas...
solamente guru maharaj quería pedirle una respuesta sobre este programa, ya que estando en el brahmacari asram el relacionamiento con las mujeres es limitado. pero en este programa estoy predicandole a más mujeres que hombres, ya que no hay una devota que lo haga. lo he pedido pero hasta el momento nadie se ha ofrecido. entonces tomé la iniciativa y lo hago pensando más en la predica y en la necesidad que hay en mi corazón de que más personas recuerden a krsna, que en mi propia vida de brahmacari. entonces necesito pedirle que me de su opinión, para saber si continuar con este programa o hacer alguna modificación...
gracias por guiarnos siempre... su sirviente mandara sakha das


Rakhe Krishna mare ke,mare Krishna rakhe ke....

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Guru Maharaj! Please accept our humble obeisances at Your sweet lotus feet..

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

We had wonderful association with HH Bhakti Ananda Haridas Goswami Maharaj 2 weeks back after returning back from preaching programme from Bali .His Holiness was with us for 3 days....amidst the tears of gratefulness ..we could only glorify Shree Radhakrishnachandra....Nrshimha Bhagawan....Prabhupada ....Sripad...and Guru Maharaj..ever more for saving HH Bhakti Ananda Haridas Maharaj, Sadhubhushan Das Prabhu and 2 other devotees of Bali.

On that fateful day, the devotee who was driving the car, took a wrong turn and the car, sort of fell into a gorge from well above 40ft. Maharaj narrated the spine chilling  incident ....and said Rakhe Krishna mare ke, mare Krishna rakhe ke ....  miracle of miracles...there was no casualty...only Maharaj and Sadhubhushan Prabhu lost consciousness for a brief period of time. Except for some contusion and abrasions everybody was fine. Thank you Maharaj for Your endless mercy.

HpS - ASA --  Wow!  That is a miracle!

Tomorrow we are going to inaugurate the Guest house at Moreh....our senior devotees will leave by 4am from the temple. This project is finally becoming active. Thank You Gurudev once more.

Our temple president HG Radhacharan Das Prabhu has suggested our name as promoter for UBC university profounded by Sripad Maharaj . These are baby steps...but we want to be in Srila Prabhupada's sankirtan party.....no matter where we stand....

Last Sunday we had nagarkirtan at Nambol, about 15kms from our temple. The group is becoming bigger...and we are enjoying so much......we don't have words to thank You enough dear Guru Maharaj.....our vocabulary is poor...we can only say Hare Krishna with all the love we have in our hearts....

Getting geared up for Nirjala ekadashi...and a hosts of festivals coming up towards the end of this month...

We wish you the best of health....we are happy here...

Your ignorant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Sorry has taken two weeks to answer this letter. If things are Urgent, please just write that in the Subject Field.     Thank you so much for your news. It enlivens all of us.  You can see we just bought our tickets for South America.  We had to wait until the program dates were fixed here in Tennessee. That happened yesterday.

Now we wait until 18th July for Bog bazaar Gaudiya Matha dates to get fixed, last week in November and then we buy our tickets for India (End of November to Beginning of March). During that time guess we just visit Australia for a few weeks, but then we can plan programs in Manipur et al.

sankirtan para niños

Todas las Glorias  a Sri Sri Goura Nitay

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte nuestras reverecncias.

Estimado Maharaj ;

Aquí reportándonos desde Chile.

Con la impresión de las revistas para niños, como un aporte para departamento de educación ISCKON CHILE.

 El Ramayana con texto adaptado para los niños con grandes imágenes para que puedan colorear, continúa,

vamos en la 4ta edición;

ASA - Super!

1- El sorprendente Hanuman

2- Vali y Sugriva

3- El encuentro con Rama

4- La muerte de Vali.

Esperamos sea de un aporte al Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada.

Porfavor Acepte nuestras reverencias,

Arjuna Das y Kamalangi J. d.d.

Hare Krsna :) 

ASA - Si puede enviar un enlace donde podemos tener accesso a su esfuerza es super. Vamanos a Santiago 26 Octubre has 20 Noviembre?????

URGENT - Art and the Sacred Preparation: Indigenous Australian Contingent

Dear Maharaja,




Hare Krishna!


This mail is with regards to Art and the Sacred, October 2018 Peru and your possible visit to Australia at the end of this year. I understand you are having difficulty with your eyes and screens so apologies for the long letter. If you prefer I can arrange all this with Abhirama prabhu. 


HpS - ASA --  'are Krsna!!!    We had just started work on this. We just bought our Lima ticket.

 - September 24(Mo) Houston (IAH) to Lima 4.30-11.00PM

 - 21 November return


Two days ago my good wife and I spoke with Abhirama Prabhu (Lima) about Art and the Sacred 2018. The goal is to share Australian Indigenous art and culture with the intention connecting us to the sacred. For the last few weeks I have been thinking about it and at first I was feeling as though it would be good to find someone qualified whom has a background in indigenous art and culture, preferable was an indigenous descendant, and who had some experience in presentation. The indigenous people of Australia have a very strong code of respect and honor to their culture and their people and I feel a little lacking in qualification to carry such a serious presentation on behalf of indigenous persons. I located one indigenous devotee mother who told about a local lady who has the permission of the local indigenous elders to present the stories, the art and the philosophy of the land that I am raised on, the land where New Govardhana is situated. The lady’s name is Stella Wheildon and she has lectured in different locations of the world. I have looked at her web page “Star Lore” where she has developed fascinating and relevant presentations, which demonstrate how the indigenous art has embedded in it their myths of the creation of the land, of life and of the interconnectedness of man and nature. She makes some very interesting connections between indigenous myths matching up with sciences developing understanding of the evolution of earth and the cosmos. She also point out how the histories are written in the sky and they match up with the shapes and formations of the land, “Land, language and law are all linked and they link in each section to the stars”, says Stella. Until 1967 indigenous Australians were classified under flora and fauna and it wasn’t until the sophistication of their mythology was begun to be revealed that activists were able to get them human status. Heavy example of western imperial classification history . 


Stella Wheildon’s web page and youtube videos:






I can definitely see some similarities between other creation myths. Like for example before creation the earth was like a flat plain with no life forms and no land formations. But the creation gods lay in a dormant formless state in the earth before they rose and created life forms and shaped the land. They call their mythology “Dreamtime” and the dreamtime stories vary between tribes across the continent. On discussing what I learned with my wife she pointed out the similarities to Mama Ocllo and Manco Capac rising out of lake Titicaca to begin the Inca Creation Story. Another interesting thing I learnt was that it appears that distinctions are made between entities based on skin, so tribes, humans, animals, plants etc. Skin is another word for form. But what fills the skin is mostly water and the indigenous peoples spoke of how water arrives from outer space, which is an example of something later confirmed by science. They teach of the connections between pure water and pure consciousness and land that purify water are sacred lands, lands that are consciously and unconsciously coveted by humans from all around the world. For example this beautiful location of New Govardhan apparently has great water purifying crystals under the ancient extinct volcano that is rests upon and is a very sought after location for many, from all around the world, to come and live.


So originally this was my idea, to bring an expert to present these teachings. But I can see some difficulties arising from this plan such as, more flight and accommodation expenses and also more liaising services for extra guests. We could invite universities or government to sponsor and send someone but then my concern is that there are more parts to manage. The other possibility is that I myself bring some art a do a presentation. Although I am a firm believer in the “mukam karoti vachalam” verse and I am happy to accept the challenge, there are two hurdles to overcome if we take this path. The first is I’m just starting to research all this now so I am by no means a seasoned expert and second I’m not an indigenous descendant and I don’t want to risk offending the indigenous elders at all by misrepresenting them. One idea my wife and I had if we were to take this route is that I could approach some indigenous elders here and ask for their permission to make a presentation for the Art and the Sacred in Peru. 


HpS - Sounds very nice. Dhanesvari Devi Dasi and the whole family could go and ask permission to make a presentation. It could just be a video that they make. Bring some textiles, clothes for a dummy, small kangaroo.



Dhruva - Next I will provide a little indigenous Australian ontology and philosophy to give you and the devotees an idea of what it entails.


HpS - Awk!    We haven't got strenght for it now. It is 5.21PM. Gotta answer some other letters but...... please send it again.    We will leave it here for others to see. We skip to the end.    Next we should work on 'Solaris' the magazine. For that we would need an article from Australia.


A Brief Description of the Two Axioms 


The Land is the Law 


The land is a sacred entity, not property or real estate; it is the great mother of all humanity. The Dreaming is a combination of meaning (about life and all reality), and an action guide to living. The two most important kinds of relationship in life are, firstly, those between land and people and, secondly, those amongst people themselves, the second being always contingent upon the first. The land, and how we treat it, is what determines our human-ness. Because land is sacred and must be looked after, the relation between people and land becomes the template for society and social relations. Therefore all meaning comes from land. 


You are not alone in the world 


Aboriginal people have a kinship system which extends into land; this system was and still is organised into clans. One’s first loyalty is to one’s own clan group. It does not matter how Western and urbanised Aboriginal people have become, this kinship system never changes. (It has been damaged by, for example, cultural genocide/Stolen Children/westernisation etc, but has not been altered substantially.) Every clan group has its own Dreaming or explanation of existence. We believe that a person finds their individuality within the group. To behave as if you are a discrete entity or a conscious isolate is to limit yourself to being an observer in an observed world. 



A brief summary of indigenous Australian spirituality 


Aboriginal Spirituality derives from a philosophy that establishes the wholistic notion of the interconnectedness of the elements of the earth and the universe, animate and inanimate, whereby people, the plants and animals, landforms and celestial bodies are interrelated. These relations and the knowledge of how they are interconnected are expressed, and why it is important to keep all things in healthy interdependence is encoded, in sacred stories or myths. These creation stories describe the shaping and developing of the world as people know and experience it through the activities of powerful creator ancestors. These ancestors created order out of chaos, form out of formlessness, life out of lifelessness, and, as they did so, they established the ways in which all things should live in interconnectedness so as to maintain order and sustainability. The creation ancestors thus laid down not only the foundations of all life, but also what people had to do to maintain their part of this interdependence—the Law. The Law ensures that each person knows his or her connectedness and responsibilities for other people (their kin), for country (including watercourses, landforms, the species and the universe), and for their ongoing relationship with the ancestor spirits themselves. 



Which day to present indigenous Australian sacred art.


Currently we are contemplating which day to present. As I look at the themes I feel as though maybe day one is best suited. What do you think maharaja and esteemed devotees?


Day 1 Theme: Relations between art and the sacred 

Art as a way of transmitting holy knowledge.


Day 2 Theme: The nature of being in art 

eternity, knowledge and bliss.


Day 3 Theme: The sacred in art 

knowing the transcendent and enjoying the transcendence




Australian visit 

Finally  I would like to mention that we are very excited to hear of the possibility that you may visit Australia at the end of the year and we will be ready to do whatever we can to assist you. Atul Krishna Prabhu is scheduled to be here December-January also, staying at our home near New Govardhan. 


Your servant

Dhruvananda Das 

(Dhruva O’Shea)


HpS - Jaya!    18th July we should have the India dates then we can add the Australia discourse.

Jagamohan Das

6 years, 7 months ago by Jagamohan in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Mi querido Gurudeva espero que se encuentre bien de salud. 

En la actualidad estoy intentando abrir un centro de predica en Arenas de San Pedro haber si por su misericordia y la de Krisna puedo llevarlo adelante.

No se si cuando venga a espanya podria venir a verlo tanpoco se si lo tendria arreglado para cuando venga.

SS. Jagamohan das

HpS - ASA ---  Desculpa a demurra responder. Hace 5-dias FUERTES in Florida para esta symposia de Educacion con ISKCON y no tiempo para responder a cartas.     Muy bien, su Sankirtan.  Claro en la asociacion de devotos. Esta trabajando con la administracion en Espaya?     Que hace en su centro?   Esperamos comunicacion de Jayanta Das acerca del desarrolla de nuestra visita a  Espanya, programas de Upadesamrta, intrevistas con personas interestantes!   s