devotos en escuela inicial de Huancayo

6 years, 6 months ago by YugalaKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Gurudeva
We have indefinite vacations
An arrangement of Krsna we travel to Huánuco
And we could hear Krsna Katha
From Kamala Locana Prabhu,
And we can do more service.
So we are very grateful.
We trust that Krsna has a plan
For my part we hope to continue
working in schools.
We see that Krsna is surprising us
on every step. We look forward to your coming.
From Huánuco's trip we went to a school,
We did theater, we attended a village mass and
the children said that what they liked best
It was the participation of the devotees.
Jay Srila Prabhupada !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hari bolo!
His daughter who adores him:
Yugala Kishora Dasi

[Translation below]

HpS - AGTSP paoho.  Thank you very much for your letter. Try to lean more and more English. Do it in natural way. Read the KRSNA book in Spanish and English. Then when you write things in Spanish for you will know better what words to use.

Your trip, adventure, sounds wonderful. Maybe you could travel with a small troupe of devotees and do dramas all over Peru?  Expect great help in your Sankirtan in this life and next life. Beautiful fotos!

Thank you.   More.. Diary of a Traveling Parrot.


Querido Gurudeva

Tenemos vacaciones indefinidas

Un arreglo de Krsna viajamos a Huánuco

Y pudimos escuchar el Krsna Katha

De Kamala Locana Prabhu,

Y podemos hacer más servicio.

Así que estamos muy agradecidos.

Confiamos que Krsna tiene un plan

Por mi parte esperamos continuar

trabajando en colegios.

Vemos que Krsna nos está sorprendiendo

y mucho. Esperamos con ansias su venida.

Del viaje de Huánuco fuimos a un colegio,

Hicimos teatro, asistimos a una misa de pueblo y

los niños dijeron que lo que más les gusto

fue la participación de los devotos.

Jay Srila Prabhupada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi.


HpS - AGTSP paoho. Muchas gracias por tu carta. Intenta apoyarte cada vez más en inglés. Hazlo de forma natural. Lea el libro de KRSNA en español e inglés. Luego, cuando escribas cosas en español para, sabrás mejor qué palabras usar.

Tu viaje, aventura, suena maravilloso. ¿Tal vez podrías viajar con una pequeña compañía de devotos y hacer dramas por todo el Perú? Espera una gran ayuda en tu Sankirtan en esta vida y la próxima. Hermosas fotos!

Gracias. Más ... Diario de una Lora Itinerante. (Fotito)

Noticias la compra de la Casa

6 years, 6 months ago by Jagamohan in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna Por favor Acepte mis humildes reverencias Todas Las Glorias a Srla Prabhupada.                         

Por su misericiordia y la de Guru & Gouranga la casa que queriamos comprar y que uno de los herederos no queria hasta hoy, a cedido y si Krisna quiere ahi empezaremos un programa de predica. 

Ss. Jagamohan Das.

HpS - Jaya!!   Kirtan, Lecture, Kirtan, Prasada!

Jagamohan Das Respuesta

6 years, 6 months ago by Jagamohan in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna mi querido Gurudeva,

por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias


En estos momentos estoy esperando que me contesten para la compra de la casa.

Ss Jagamohan Das.

HpS - Muy bien!!!   Por favor noticias de su Sankirtan y comunidad aveces!!!!!!    Puede hacer gran cosas.

Arina España

6 years, 6 months ago by arina in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I read that you are looking for artists in Spain... for what do you need them? Maybe I can do something?

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!      Thank you for your letter. We are participating in this symposium on 'Art and the Sacred'. We want to interview people for our magazine 'Solaris' on this topic.

Do you want to write for Solaris?

Do you know any artists, poets, cartoonists we can interview when we are in Spain 30 August to 11 September?

Three good topics are:

1. With what community do you identify yourself.

2. What is the definition of Sacred in that community.

3. How does that community help you to realize and communicate the Sacred through Art?

sankirtan party!!

6 years, 6 months ago by brian tellez in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja AGTSP of Pamho it is only because of your mercy that I can have some progress in my spiritual life, please allow me to please you with my impure service.

HpS - AGTSP!   I am in the same relation to Srila Prabhupada as you describe here of your self.

Im doing harinama sankirtan every day traveling through different countries of europe visiting to lord Jagannatha Baladeva y Subadra in Ratha Yatras as the Paris, Czech Republic and Berlin.

Dialy [Daily] we distribute books and we leave from 4 to 6 hours to harinama. the rounds have increase thanks to your mercy, I usually have the opportunity to chant 40 but I am trying to keep a minimum of 20 rounds.

Dear Gurudeva, I try to improve my estate of consciousness and make my service even deeper by begging for yours and Vaisnavas mercy to liberate me from the 6 enemies, the sexual desire constantly attacks me, I externally look as a devotee but internally I am ill, i beg for your blessings to keep me fixed and be able give you a pure devotional service.

HpS - Essential to offer your lust to Deities of Radha Krsna.

Regarding the Giriraja Sila, He is taking care a family of very brahminical devotees, and I feel very happy, they send me pictures every day. please gurudeva instruct me on how I can improve the quality of my service, is it possible that I can get the shadow of your lotus feet? how ?. his disciple Vrajendra Kumara Das

HpS - When you are in Temples where there is Radha Krsna deities then you must to personal service for Them, Arati, look for nice presents for Them, flowers, oil, while you are out.

If not in such a Temple then you must take time to see pictures of Them and offer them flowers, incense, lamp, fragrant oil and food.  They need this because They are playing so enthusiastically.

Them your misguided lust for conjugal relations will diminish. Maybe you take Sannyasa soon.

Nice pictures.

Jagamohan Das Respuesta

6 years, 6 months ago by Jagamohan in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna, por favor Acepte mis humildes reverencias.  Todas las glorias a Srla Prabhupada.

No hay mas casas hechas y Navalakunda sigue en un proceso de tramites que no llevan a ningun sitio, los Devotos ni vienen, ni hacen ningun programa de predica y gracias a que Prema Murti Prabhu manteniendo el lugar esta tiene sentido de momento.

Ss Jagamohan Das.

HpS - Esperamos que resuelven los tramites y la predica desarrolla bien. Predica simplemente es compartir lo que Vd tiene. Prabhupada estaba mostrando como tener la asociacion de KRSNA, Radharani y los Brajavasis...  !   16-buen rondas, 4-principios estrictas... !     Como esta desarrollando comunica de su programa de predica!!