Destitucion de directorio sin seguir procedimientos regulares en ISKCON

6 years, 8 months ago by Jiyada Nrsmha in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate Hanumatpresaka-svamin iti namine.

Querido Gurudeva:

El Supervisor Zonal (Mathuresh dasa) este 13/05/2018 desconoció el directorio de Cochabamba y conformo otro, siguiendo sus instrucciones asumiremos como correctas estas determinaciones tomadas por la Autoridad.

 Sin otro particular me despido cordialmente, esperando la presente lo encuentre más restablecido de su salud.

Atte. Su eterno sirviente a sus pies de loto Jiyada Nrsmha Dasa.

HpS - ASA --- Thank you for your letter.  As you present it and as we understand the Spanish, this is an administrative action and certainly you can respond to it in the many ways possible within our great ISKCON society.

We hope we can be of service to you all.

Vedabase info

6 years, 8 months ago by pnd in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I tried to write info about Vedabase as you requested. Please let me know if you or editors have any questions/comments.

PDF version:
ODT (Libre office):

My email is [email protected]. [You don't need to remove this email as anybody can write me if they have some suggestions or if they find something is wrong with the website.]

Vedabase Spanish:

There are devotees helping to import Spanish books into new Vedabase version. It is a great help. In next days SB 4 and 5 will be added to  We are already in half of SB! 

Pablo Parikrama Prabhu
SB 1.5-15, SB 1.17-19,
SB 2.3-19
SB 4
SB 5.1-16

Isvari Mataji
SB 1.16
SB 3.24-30
SB 5.16-26

Gandharva Prabhu
SB 3

Carlos Prabhu
SB 2.1-2

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna. We just pasted the above into the current draft of Viplavah and made little changes (How long it take you to buy Audi) . Can we mention your good wife's name? Maybe she is to shy or is wanted by Hollywood to star in movies.

CAN YOU PLEASE SEND US SOME STATISTICS eg. hits per month, return hits, etc. etc.

Divya Drsti desde Cuzco.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor reciba mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Guru maharaja deseo hacerle solo una consulta: deseo mudarme a una nueva casa para compartir con devotas porque en mi casa el karma familiar no me deja avanzar espiritualmente, claro alli hariamos mangala artik diariamente. Le parece una buena idea?

Otra pregunta : deseo empezar a armar un programa de kirtan y titeres, he pensado empezar a crear historias basadas en las escrituras y contarlas a través de los títeres, empezaré a hacer muñecos tambien para ello, quisiera invitar a esta nueva casa que alquilare a devotos o devotas que tengan experiencia con titeres o kirtan y empezar a hacer un programa, que le parece? Por favor cualquier sugerencia de su parte es bienvenida para mi .

Muchas gracias Guru Maharaja.

Divya Drsti d.d


Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

Please receive my most humble and respectful obeisances.

Guru Maharaja, I want to ask you one question: I want to move to a new house to share with devotees because in my house the family karma does not let me advance spiritually, of course we would do mangala artik daily. It seems a good idea?

HpS - AGTSP.   As far as we can understand it seems like a great idea.

Another question: I want to start putting together a program of kirtan and puppets, I have thought to start creating stories based on the scriptures and tell them through the puppets, I will start making dolls for it too, I would like to invite you to this new house that I will rent to devotees or devotees who have experience with puppets or kirtan and start doing a program, what do you think? Please, any suggestion on your part is welcome for me.

Thank you very much Guru Maharaja.

Divya Drsti d.d

HpS - ASA --- It all sounds very nice.   You don't need complicated visual presentation. The most important thing is the audio part. Maybe recorded background noise, some Raga music. Then you can show pictures as you speak or have dolls that you hold up. Just a little visual and good audio and your message goes straight to the heart. Have something: Extracts from Purports, whole books, DVDs that people can take with them. Get contact names. Become WONDERFUL.

Casi urgente _ el pada yatra sale este domingo denos sus bendiciones para que sea un Exito

6 years, 9 months ago by YugalaKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

HK Pamho

As your eyes go Gurudeva?

HpS - ASA -- We saw a very good eye-doctor in Mexico and he gave us strong program of medication. They are about 40% better but still need improvement. We will see local doctor, devotee, friend here tonight.

. . . as a child I suffered a lot from the view the doctors say that you have to cure it immediately because it can cause damage. I trust that the super servant of Peru in Mexico solved that problem quickly. I thank you very much for all your association and inspiration to serve the devotees, we went to visit the son of Mother Ganga to the hospital, (reminds me of my father's health who is stable, but as dependent as a baby), I felt Very happy to see how Krsna is very protective of this young man who receives the unconditional love of his parents, we hope that he will improve very soon.

HpS - Our respects to Mataji and the family and we hope the situation is a very strong push for purification!

I followed his instructions and I will wake up earlier to sing full rounds before going to work, so I feel stronger and with more spirit of preaching, in my job as a secondary teacher and sixth grade teacher I have the opportunity to address topics of indirect preaching Sometimes we have left an analysis of a fragment of Srila Prabhupada's books, and when the young people ask confidential questions we can respond by citing them as sastras, so I am somewhat motivated, we are also with Prabhu Karuna in his project of the course of Brazil in the area of ​​education, maybe one day not too far away we have a school for all where Srila Prabhupada's books are also taught, and their facilities are used for events, courses for adults, sympathizers, hopefully soon.

HPS - Srila Prabhupada says that we can make rapid progress!

Fiannually, ... If Mr. wants to leave, who stops him ?, the son of a devotee with the help of the Municipality will make a

Nice festival with stage, with varied stand, all day, we wanted to organize something like that but the time and distance is always complicated, but at the end of the harinama we will have a pada-yatra this Sunday with Bhakti Sundar Swami, and for that we ask for your blessings for this program to be a success, and so maybe it can be done every year, it will improve the image of the temple and attract more devotees, that is the plan.

HPS - Hare Krsna!!!   We hope the festival is great success. Krsna sends many nice, new people and reinforces the old ones!!!

Definitely although astrology says that everything is adverse in this period, I believe that we can face the trials and obstacles in spiritual advancement and have a stable mind by just following their instructions, so we will not act stupid and we will be happy to serve in spite of everything.

HpS - Adverse astrology is bigger opportunity to serve.

Although Prabhupada arrived at a nice party of Mr. Nrsimha and even the devotees were not so aware of what that meant, now I feel more protected in his presence and a simple standard will be established and he will buy all the necessary paraphernalia, to serve him properly.

Thank you very much Gurudeva, thanks to you I am active and I see that our yatra will come out thanks to the reading of Prabhupada's books and study programs and projects. That a stage of rebirth be initiated in our yatra and in the international movement.

I hope you are well,


His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi.

HpS - ASA -  Thank you. We will try to do five letters today.

HK Pamho

Como va su vista  Gurudeva, de niña sufrí mucho de la vista los médicos dicen que hay que curarla de inmediato pues puede generar daños. Confío que la super sirvienta de Perú en méxico solucionó ese problema velozmente. Le agradezco mucho por toda sus asociación y la inspiración para servir a los devotos, fuimos a visitar al hijo de madre Ganga al hospital, (me recuerda a la salud de mi padre que está estable, pero tan dependiente como un bebe), me sentí muy feliz de ver como Krsna protege mucho a este joven que recibe el amor incondicional de sus padres, confiamos que muy pronto mejorará.

Seguí sus instrucciones y me despertaré más temprano para cantar rondas completas antes de ir trabajo, así me siento más fuerte y con más ánimo de prédica, en mi trabajo como profesotra de secundaria y tutora de sexto de primaria tengo oportunidad de tocar temas de prédica indirecta, a veces hemos dejado un análisis de un fragmento de los libros de Srila Prabhupada, y cuando preguntan los jóvenes preguntas confidenciales podemos responder citandolos sastras, por ello estoy algo motivada, también estamos con Prabhu Karuna en su proyecto de del curso de Brasil en el área de educación, tal vez un dia no muy lejano tengamos un colegio para todos donde también se enseñen los libros de Srila Prabhupada, y se aprovechen sus instalaciones para eventos, cursos a dultos, simpatizantes, ojalá pronto.

Fianalmente,...  Si el Sr. desea salir, ¿Quién lo para?, el hijo de un devoto con ayuda de Municipalidad hará un 

Bonito festival con escenario, con stand variados, todo el día, quisimos alguna vez organizar algo asi pero el tiempo y distancia siempre es complicado, pero en la salida del harinama tendremos pada yatra este domingo con Bhakti Sundar Swami, y por ello pedimos sus bendiciones para que este programa sea un éxito, y así tal vez ser pueda hacer cada año, va a mejorar la imagen del templo y atraerá  a más devotos lugareños, ese es el plan. 

Definitivamente aunque la astrología diga que todo es adverso en este periodo, creo que podemos afrontar las pruebas y obstáculos en el avance espiritual y tener una mente estable por sólo seguir sus instrucciones, así no actuaremos como estúpidas y seremos felices sirviendo pese a todo. 

Aunque Prabhupada llegó en una bonita fiesta del Sr. Nrsimha y aun los devotos no estaban tan concientes de lo que eso significaba, ahora me siento más protegida en su presencia y se establecerá un estandar simple y comprará toda la parafernalia necesaria, para servirlo apropiadamente.

Muchas gracias Gurudeva, gracias a Ud. estoy activa y veo que nuestro yatra saldrá adelante gracias a la lectura de los libros de Prabhupada y programas de estudio y proyectos. Que se inicie una etapa de renacimiento en nuestro yatra y en el movimiento a nivel internacional.

Espero este bien, 


Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi.

M. Umilla Devi Dasi Novel!

6 years, 9 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports
<header aria-label="Message">

Urmila/Edith Best <urx x x x>

To:Hanumat Praseka Swami,<button data-test-id="icon-btn-printer" tabindex="-1" title="Print" type="button"></button>

<button data-test-id="icon-btn-printer" tabindex="-1" title="Print" type="button"></button>Apr 27 at 11:10 PM

<button aria-label="This message is not starred" aria-pressed="false" data-test-id="icon-btn-star" tabindex="-1" title="Star" type="button">Dear Hanumat Praseka Swami,</button>Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I’ve published a Krishna conscious novel in English, about 200 pages. Very senior devotees have found it enlivening and helpful for their own devotional practice, ISKCON youth have found it a fun and inspiration al read, and those with no background in Krishna consciousness have also really liked it. The language and presentation are very suited for preaching to a Western audience, yoga people, and anyone open to Eastern spirituality. I can arrange for bulk shipments. Would you be open to helping me distribute it? (It is  a fictional allegorical story of the journey to Krsna prema, based on Jada Bharata's Forest of Enjoyment in the Fifth Canto, Lord Caitanya's instruction to Sanatana Goswami on Sarvajna, and Raghunatha dasa Goswami's Sri Manah Siksa.) Right now I have a US printing, and will soon have an Indian printing.


Here’s the link on Amazon:

Your servant, Urmila devidasi


HpS - ASA --- Thank you Mataji, We just got back to USA after a 11-weeks tour of Nashville, Atlanta, Richmond, Houston, Mexico City, Peru (6-stops), Bolivia (2-stops), Brazil (3), Argentina (4) etc. Our "gas-tank" is on zero but our heart is very happy. There is excellent preaching going on.

We just posted your letter and this answer in our Blog at:        We hope people will read your book and send reviews to 'Viplavah'.

Contact us as needed.


Permission urgent

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



I hope U are fine. As U said this material body means illness.

Thank U so much for your visit. I have learned that I need a lot to work on. I hope in your next visit I will be with better conscious. I am getting use of my unsane schedule and setting priorities.

We are going to install a Murti of Srila Prabhupda in Wilson on Nrismha Caturdasi. (any suggestions?),

HpS - ASA - Don't do it. Ha! Ha! Ha!    Have you got approval from GBC authorities? Putting a Murti on the Vyasa asana is not like formal installation. I hope that is what you mean, because from what I hear we are struggling to maintain the installed deities that we have now!

...also participate in the abhishek,puja etc.. I will have a strong FMP in order to do a better service.

I want to ask permission in order to go to Alachua or the San Francisco Ratha Yatra. I will also love to visit U in Nashville. I would like to know the place which is your base. But I do not know if it is proper.??? What shall I do?? I need a break from work and I will love to join any of these places.

Please kindly forgive my offenses

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Hare Krsna. It is very hard to see the screen with this eye infection. Has not improved so we will see a doctor today. Still is so nice to Blog with you all from Lima.

When we get to Houston, USA, we can start to work on the calendar more. Best place to visit it were you have girl friends, devotees.  Hmmm? Houston?

Write again after one week, please. Thank you for al the help in LIma. Thanks to everyone.