can i die? is good time :)

6 years, 3 months ago by brian tellez in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports
<pre data-fulltext="" data-placeholder="Traducción" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text"> <big>Dear Guru Maharaja Pamho AGTSP You are in my constant memory, I miss your personal association a lot, because whenever you go to a country I am in another and when you come to Mexico I am doing traveling sankirtan, I want to make a plan to be able to serve your lotus feet personally, I need to talk to you, are you my own life. I am strongly attached to your instruction, speak as you asked me with Guruprasad Swami Maharaja our GBC from Mexico and we have a new plan of traveler sankirtan with a motor home that He wants to help buy for the sankirtan group of mexico DF, the rounds continue at 20 min each day giving more time and priority to one day follow their steps and sing enthusiastically, your instruction to distribute 500 books in a famous bookstore costs me work because the BBT is not registered in the Chamber of Commerce and does not pay taxes , I have no idea what to do but I want to fulfill your mission please send me your blessings, now on October 10 we have a tour of harinama sankirtan for south america with Harinama ruci grup starting in Brazil, then peru, chile, argentina. uruguay and back to mexico for the November and December marathon of Srila Prabhupada in Mexico City, every day I go to sankirtan (book distribution), it inspires me a lot. Tattvavit Gaura das, from Peru now in Mexico, never stops going to sankirtan. I'm trying to keep writing to you once a month because I do not have a cell phone or a computer, (so I'm happy), please do not forget about me  You are my only reason to exist, please bless me to die now or bless me to help you carry the MIsion that your beloved spiritual master left you. his eternal donkey servant <img alt="blush" height="23" src="" title="blush" width="23" /> Vrajendra Kumara Das Mexico DF</big></pre>

<big>HpS .. Jaya.   AGTSP.</big>

<big>Paoho.  This letter is coming in a strange format. We are running, running, running with our Sankirtan with the National Library in Peru. I want to take you to Srila Prabhupada and sit there while he instructs you.</big>

<big>Your news is great, inspiration for all of us.</big>

<big>What books have you got for Sankirtan?</big>

<big>Is there place to park a motor home in Mexico?</big>

<big>Our best wishes to Tattva-vita-gaura Das. He has had some very tough problems controling his mind in the past. We hope that it is getting better, better, better...</big>

<big>Now prepare for BG on line.</big>


Noticias la compra de la Casa

6 years, 3 months ago by Jagamohan in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Todas las Glorias a Srla Prabhupada.

Al final, por problemas de licencias me he metido en un piso, que intentare hacer programas los fines de semana.

Ss. Jagamohan Das

HpS - ASA - Super!   Solo o tiene unos asociados???

URGENTE. Krsna en "El Mundo".

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada y sus seguidores fieles.

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud cuando reciba este mensaje.

HpS - Tengo esta enfermidad fuerte, mortal, se llama un cuerpo material!! <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />  Luchando con los ojos, respiracion, y ya los rodillas...   etc.  y Vd?

Nosotros por aquí seguimos luchando para que la energia ilusoria no nos absorba con su gran influencia.

HpS - Foto abajo de Ella.

Seguimos con los programas en casa de los viernes por la tarde y tambien estamos tratando de cantar el mantra sin ofensas (no es fácil). Echamos de menos su asociación y esperamos su proxima visita (El año que viene ?)

HpS - Y Y Y Esperamos ser involucrado mas con ASA - NIOS - MOE (Ministry of Education) como desarrollaaaa.

Bueno la urgencia de esta carta es que quería compartir con todos los devotos la noticia de que el diario "El Mundo" en su versión digital (lider en España) ha publicado un reportaje sobre Hare Krisna muy profesional y muy de nuestro agrado.

HpS - Piensa necesita en Chile en esta momento!!

Es el mejor reportaje (aunque sólo son 6 minutos) que nos han hecho en cuarenta años. El video lo colgaron ayer por la tarde (hora española ) y ya lleva mas de 4000 visualizaciones. Espero que todos los devotos de habla española puedan disfrutarlo.

Gracias por su generosidad y paciencia con todos nosotros.


Jayanta das

P.D Este es URL del video.

HpS - ASA ---  Super!   SUPER!   S U P E R!!

10,000 gracias!   Mas!    Mas!!!

Bhakti Vriksha Programs to start an ISKCON Center in Corpus Christi

6 years, 3 months ago by aja.govinda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glory to Srila Prabhupada and your preaching in his mission.

We have started Bhakti Vriksha programs here at Texas A&M University and I have observed that many students are interested in our Krishna consciousness philosophy and Srila Prabhupada’s teachings. We are reading Prabhupada’s books, chanting Hare Krsna, and distributing Prasadam. There is a good association of students interested to continue our university student club and develop an ISKCON center here and we have the facility and expertise to prepare Bhoga, offer to the Lord, and distribute Prasadam. We hope to continue this mission of service and we pray and hope to start an ISKCON preaching center here in the city of Corpus Christi.

I hope to connect with devotees in Houston and San Antonio so that they can come down here and give lectures and presentations to the students here so that we can further establish a preaching center here in Corpus Christi. We hope one day in the future we could be blessed to ever have your Holiness come bless us with your holy association in the city of Corpus Christi.

I have attached pictures of our previous program for Radhastami and for Janmastami.

Your aspiring servant,

Aja Govinda Dasa 

HpS - Jaya!!     We will be in Houston for Thanksgiving.  You can see the dates in the KDh.   Go deeper each day.   Deeper.   Deeper.   Become an esoteric associate of Srila Rupa Gosvami by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and deliver this 16th century Bengali Vaisnavism to the world.   What is the heritage of Texas?