Janmastami and Radhastami programs at ISKCON Corpus Christi

6 years, 3 months ago by aja.govinda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glory to Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON and NIOS.

I wanted to share with you pictures of our Janmastami and Radhastami Bhakti-Vriksha home preaching programs. We have been meeting up with my university Texas A&M University students where I am a professor and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books in regular home programs, singing Kirtan, offering Bhoga to the Lord, offering aarti to the Lord, and distributing the Prasadam.

Aspiring to be of some service in the mission of the Lord’s service.

Your Aspiring Servant,

Aja Govinda dasa

HpS - ASA -- Super. Lord Caitanya said that he puts the dust from the feet of anyone who can offer (such) nice Bhoga to Krsna, life after life.   Are you learning to cook!   Entering Grhastha Ashrama you can do wonderful Sankirtan  (or die and go to Goloka (both options are good))....   Next letter.

Psychology lecture

6 years, 3 months ago by aja.govinda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glory to Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON and NIOS.

I saw your beautiful presentation and I hope one day I can also organize a presentation of yours and Nitai Gaurasundara Prabhuji at Texas A&M University. Your presentations always have such amazing insights and keen and deep reflections on psychology especially Carl Jung and inspirational comparison with the Bhagavata models of psychology. Prabhuji is an established academic in psychology. I fondly remember visiting their wonderful Krishna conscious house in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where there was an interfaith dialogue meeting hosted in their large green grassy backyard near a pond.

All praise to Sugopi for organizing this great program at BSU. Keep up the nice academic preaching work in BSU. What is she studying and planning to graduate in at BSU?


Aja Govinda Das

HpS  -   In some respect I think she is studying moder American university culture. I think she graduates in three years and now I think she is still trying things. History is a good subject!!  Next letter.

Krishna Helps His Devotees

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you receive this letter in good health and spirit.

HpS -- Just to hear from you is enlivening, but health in this world is the best use of a bad bargain for an Angel like us.

It's been around two months since my last letter went unanswered, and thanks to the guidance of Paramatma, some of the issues connected to the letter have been cleared up during readings of books from our Srila Prabhupada, Satsvarupa das Goswami and Vaiyasaki prabhu. It is the freedom of the spiritual master to deal with his disciple in the way that he pleases. Thank you very much.

HpS - But you can see that we are traveling and so much pressure with meeting devotees. For example we went to Europe and saw a lot students there and you can put URGENT in the Subject Field and we answer! <img alt="devil" height="23" src="https://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.png" title="devil" width="23" />

In His mercy, Krishna has shown me a place to organize a kirtan event. It is a sattvic place near Haarlem close to where we live. Krishna has guided me to do this, and i am surrendered to Him in this regard. This is very kind of Him, and i am practicing to have faith in that Krishna will help me with my situation once i start working for Him again.

HpS - He does!   He does!

I am to some extent aware of my foolishness and audacity to place before you some statements that i've sent earlier, and it surely shows my lack of surrender or otherwise mature understanding of guru - disciple etiquette. It seems i must learn by making such mistakes, and i ask forgiveness for any offenses i have made.

HpS - ASA --  Monkey and Piggy forgive you (Foto (3)) below.  Also please forgive us!

I am pushing to come up to 16 rounds standard but must admit my lack of strenght in this regard. I am not sure yet what's behind it all, but i'm working on it. It could be connected to the tidal wave of maya in the shape of strong sexual desire, that i hope to learn to tolerate for what it is; pushing of the guna's.

To end on a positive note, it has brought me great transcendental happiness to have seen you and our Godbrother Radhika Ramana prabhu in Krishna Ksetra Swami's project of documenting the Srimad Bhagavatam. Looking forward to more of that.

Your faltering aspiring servant,
Raghava Pandita dasa.

HpS - Jaya!!!!   How is the family, Yatra, work?????   Make a vow of Japa eg. 11-rounds daily until the next Ekadasi, that you know you can do and DO IT.   You will make progress by this process.

don´t stop the SANKIRTAM!!!

Nitay Goura Premanande!!! querido y siempre recordado Gurudev,

por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,

HpS - ASA - Y accepta nosotros 8-veces mas!


                                                          siguiendo sus instrucciones para quedarme en Perú, toda la temporada pasada estuve haciendo muchos arreglos, para acondionar de manera favorable el sustento y, cuidado de mi anciano padre, quien ademas del glaucoma tiene principio de alzheimer... gracias a KRISHNA consegui un trabajo de niñera de lunes a sabado, el sueldo me alcanza para cubrir los gastos de alquiler y mantención, todavia estoy dejando pendiente unas deudas que pronto Krishna mediante las iré pagando... muy feliz porque todos los dias hago Sankirtam aprovechando el traslado en bus a mi trabajo, es como el oxigeno que me mantiene viva!!!


... con mi padre asisto a algunos programas en el centro NamaHata "Tulasi" y Harinam ... todos los dias cantamos una ronda de Japa juntos y leemos el Bhagavad Gita.... Prasadam, resultado mi Padre está contento, Krishna es SUPREMAMENTE MISERICORDIOSO!!, ...viajé a Mexico por 2 semanas para traer mis cosas y articulos de belleza para vender, que dejé guardado.... ... acabo de enterarme que ud. está en Lima "bienvenido, muchas gracias por darnos su Santa Asociación"  voy a hacer todos los arreglos para tener la fortuna de verlo.....

HpS - Si, Si, Si!!!!    Estamos en Callao con todos hast Viernes. Vamos a Arrequipa para fin de semana. Reverncias a su Padre!

...por su infinita misericordia querido Gurudev, cada dia puedo darme cuenta del poder de Prabhupada, como él continúa haciendo milagros,...... un pasatiempo:   " en un bus terminé de hablar y un Señor en voz alta dijo;  hace tiempo yo conocí a uno de uds. era un jóven muy educado pero, murió de Anemia por ser vegetariano,.... en ese momento una Señora gorda dijo: eso es falso yo también hace un tiempo conocí a los HARE KRISHNA, estaba desahucida tenia cancer pero, me hice vegetariana y cantando el MahaMantra me curé, y, hasta subí de peso" .... entre risas algunos pasajeros se animaron a comprar mas libros".... muchas gracias PRABHUPADA porque siempre vivirás en tus Libros, dia a dia cambiando la vida de tantas almas, tranformando sus miserables vidas en milagros como ocurrió conmigo.....querido Gurudev, sólo puedo orar a sus divinos pies de Loto que no me retire su compasiva misericodia de ocuparme en éste glorioso servicio de SANKIRTAM..... eternamente agradecida

                                                                                               Radhe, Radhe, Radhe, Radhe......

su inútil y torpe sirvienta

m. jambavati d.d.

HpS - Estuvimos hablando de el libro audio de su vida ayer y bastante veces.  Sankirtan, Sankirtan, Sankirtan.    Si, necesitamos comentario de la demas para defendernos de los criticos demoniacos, pero tambien oir de los criticos para mejorar. Es deficil morir de hambre con Pizza de queso, Sopa de frijoles y Ensalada de verduras frescas cocinados para Krsna!!    Nos vemos pronto.

URGENTE Art and the Sacred SCL 2018 01

Dear Guru Maharaj, 

We put a lot of efforts in to arrange the calendar to inform you, but we couldn't post yesterday, and in our meeting, Arjuna told me that we should write just about Art and the Sacred before. So we are here doing it.

I have attached .png picture with a large mind map with the timings, day by day, is more visual but is 4mb., So here is a .pdf version in the nube with the text used in the mind map also, and at the end of the document is the text. Also here is the .png. (so no image attached)

You always say that people are first and then the other things, so We start with people first:

Art and the Sacred SCL 2018

Name of the speakers and the topic/titles of their talks

Descriptions of the speakers

Raúl Zurita - Not confirmed his specific topic

(description in our post of july: node/9517)

Cecilia Montero - Aesthetic Kidnaping

MONTERO studied sociology and worked as an academic at the Catholic University of Chile until her departure to France. PhD at the University of Paris VII, she began a career as a researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). Upon her return to Chile in the nineties, she worked in study centres (ILO, CIEPLAN) and taught at the Catholic University, later becoming a full professor at the University of Chile. Being director of the Department of Public Policies, she decided to change her life and created the Espacio Indigo cultural centre. She is the author of numerous publications in the area of economic sociology. In the last time he has dedicated himself to exploring the relationships between science and spirituality.

Cristian Contreras - The value of the Vedas

Journalist and has a PhD in "Filosofía de la Ciencia" from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. In the last four years, he has become famous due to his appearances on  POTV, speaking about ancient cultures, myths, mysterious energies of the universe, anti-matter and religions.

Claudia Lira - Nature and Beauty: The aesthetic experience of the serenity like experience of the sacred.

"Naturaleza y Belleza: La experiencia estética de la serenidad como experiencia de lo sagrado"

Professor Lira is PhD in Philosophy, mention in Aesthetics and Theory of Art, Universidad de Chile; She is a Master in Theory and History of Art, Universidad de Chile (2002); Degree in Aesthetics PUC (1992) and Professor of Philosophy, U. Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (1991). She also has postgraduate studies in Andean Culture. CBC, Cusco - Peru (1995-97 and 2001); in Sciences of Religion. UHC (1993-94) as well as in Neuroscience and Meditation (2013-2015).

Denis Kolovob - The sacred in Bach

Oringaly from Smolensk, Russian. There he began his violin studies at age 6 at the Special School of Music, with Master Olga Zemliakova and graduated in 1994 with Gold Medal. Then, he studied violin at the Conservatory of Tchaikovsky of Moscú with maximum distinctions. He teaches now at the Universidad Mayor and he's the honoured Director of the Symphony Orchestra of the Cultural Institute of Providencia and other several orchestras in the Chile, Argentina and he has played at Cuba and Russia in the last years also. He's a member of ISKCON also and his name is Devarsi Narada

Paula Miranda - You already know about her. She will present the same topic that in Lima (Violeta Parra)

Hanumatpresaka Swami


Day 3 The influence of the Bhagavata Purana in the eastern world


Day 1 - Corporación Cultural de Las Condes

La experiencia poética y la música de la trascendencia

Same place last year. 200 people capacity.

We will have Claudia Lira, Paula Miranda and Denis Kolovob. We are thinking to have your participation with the same conference that you will have in Peru. Our plan is 30 minutes to everyone and 5 minutes for you, considering the translation. What do you think?

Day 2 - Cine Arte Normandie

Un ejemplo de la espiritualidad de oriente en el 7º Arte

Very nice Cinema. We had the  600 people capacity.

"Cine a Luca" Luca is a colloquial way to say 1000 Chilean pesos. Our friend Mildred Doll, manager of this cinema is agreed. She was interested in to have the Hare Krishna movie there. So, we took advantage of the Bhaktibusana Swami and managed an event to relaunching the movie in this new cinema. Almost 300 people go there, paying 2.000 Chilean pesos (3 USD) in the first day. And last week we were invited to participate in the installation of deities there. A lady was there, chanting the maha-mantra, helping. And she met de devotees in this cinema in this event. Mildred is mature lady very close with the cultural scene in Santiago and Chile in general. He likes Krsna a lot.

Prior to the movie, Cristian Contreras would present the value nowadays of the Vedas. He have spoke on TV about this.

The idea is to replicate the program with Bhaktbusana Swami, and is that you answer the question of the journalist or the public directly due your direct connection as a disciple of the main person of the documentary. We are thinking in invite a lot of people because is almost free but is not. Our calling would be more to be more massive than academic.

Day 3 - Teatro iF

La Divina Literatura y la Estética de Oriente

This is the place where I work. A collaborative platform of entrepreneurship and innovation. Cool neighbourhood, a lot of designed and nice stores. 

350 people capacity.

This is the last day, and there is an event at noon at the same place, so we can't star too much early, we put 7pm. This day will be Raúl Zurita, Cecilia Montero and you. The idea is the format here change a little bit in relation to the formal and academic of the Tuesday. The idea is to have a more conversational mood. So, after the talks, the idea is to have a conversation with question promoted by Cristian Contreras or another journalist.

Our original proposal, considering that we thought the triad about ART and THE SACRED: First Day; Theory, Second Day; Analysis of Praxis, Third Day; Live the Art. In this context, we proposed for you, the second day and the topic would be the influence of the Bhagavata Purana in art and culture of the eastern world.  But, we had changes of places and different things, so put this new subtitles in grey. So, you could say now what would be your suggestion in this dilemma, what do you preferer present this day?

And finally, Our idea is to have a big and short concert at the end with several instruments also. And Maha Mantra even at the end. Or just instrumental from the professional devotees. What do you think?  

Thank you so much for letting us serve despite our deficiencies. Arjuna, Rodrigo and Carlos are putting a lot of effort into this program. Now Piero is participating too and the whole spiritual family here is anxious to become part and help. We will mention in another post.


Hare Krsna.

= ========== v

 AgtSP We don't have any practical knowledge of the influence of the SB in Asia. Other topic might be … ART AS MEDITATION AND MEDITATION AS RELIGION.

 The list and description of the patients and their contributions seems good, although we could not read It in detail.

 Which books will we have for distribution, TLC? NO IKK 

Report visit of Baladeva Prabhu in Peru (August)- Urgent

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,


ALL glories to service of Sankirtana!

I hope that Krsna will allow us to learn more from you.

Briefly inform you that Baladeva p was in Lima from August 1 to 15. During his visit he carried out the following activities:

-He gave the TTC2 course from August 2 to 8. Passed the course: Gandharva d, Jiva sakti d, Abhinanda d, Laskmana Agraja d, Rupagosay d, Isvari dd, Yugala Kisora dd. The course was  given at the Wilson temple. Authorities gave facilities for Baladeva's stay there.

HpS - Jaya!

_ He also visited Cuzco and gave classes of SBG and BG and Communications and Marriage workshops on Krsna Consciousness.

_ Handled a case of conflict resolution in Wilson

We learned a lot from Baladeva prabhu, especially the example of how to be a good facilitator, be appreciative, work as a team and look for the common good at all times. The motto that always accompanies it is: Work together despite the differences.

We are very pleased with your visit and we are realizing the importance of good association and deep appreciation for Srila Prabhupada.

I appreciate your mercy Maharaja, nothing would have been possible without the strength and inspiration that you give us. Every day you strive to become us conscious of Krsna and this example is the engine that drives me to improve.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you

with respect and much appreciation

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd

HpS - Thank you!  We are in complete panic with accounting for NIOS, getting our car back from mechanic, big local Sankirtan, MOE, packing to travel to Peru.