Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama

4 years, 6 months ago by pk in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna

Respected Hanumat Preshak Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances.

We are going on, facing some difficulty. Recently we talked to our superiors regarding problems. They heard us and instructed to accept whatever decision is taken by them. I think it to be right attitude for approaching Superiors.

Recently we attended Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama. It was amazing, meeting so many devotees, visiting so many places of pastimes, hearing from senior devotees. Of course, because of Corona virus, many devotees from China could not participate and all devotees prayed for their welfare. I felt so grateful that devotees have worked so hard to make this event a success. A very good news- now ISKCON has got land on all islands of Navadvipa and hence we can spend one night in each island on ISKCON's property. I got so much faith on eternity of this dham. And kirtan team of devotees was really enthusiastic throughout, making the Parikrama an unforgettable experience.

Pandavnath Prabhuji, a devotee from Argentina shared his experience in form of a poem.

We hope and pray for your good health.

Wish you a happy Gaur Purnima.

Your aspiring servant,

Purushottam Keshav Das

HpS - Sorry so slow to answer!!!! We are strugglingh with a lot of mail and a lot of personal stupidity. This letter is so, so enlivening to all of us. Keep sending news. ASA Foreign Correspondent!!!

Report from Dhatri

Hare Krishna dear Maharaj! This is Vishvanath, from Chile.

ASA - AGTSP! Paoho.... This Brown from the Boro. You are very kind to write to us... 😐

I hope you're well and healthy.

ASA - Ha! Ha! This body IS a disease!

I´m sending you a report of the activities of our community, which thanks to the mercy of the devotees is growing and expanding.

A month+ ago we started a 2-time-a-week morning Japa program, which has been a beautiful success. Around 20 to 30 people enter at 7am, 80-90% non-devotees.

ASA - "Non-devotees"??! Hey! They must be devotees! Not initiated, like ISKCON, devotees, no? Of course, they could be Demons chanting Japa also. 🙄

It has been tremendously inspiring to see non-devotees fully committed to their practice, inspired and inspiring other people as well. Next week Nicole (whom I saw wrote you days ago :D) will start with an extra day, so we will have japa program 3 days per week. Nicole is helping a lot with the program, BTW.

In 2 weeks I'll start with open BG class in the evening, 1 per week. Many people are very interested, again, mostly non-devotees. Beside that, we held sporadic online talks about Bhakti and Yogic philosophy.

The internal Dhatri community is having 2 sanga-meeting each week, now studying the Nectar of devotion and organizing the programs for next months.

ASA - You use Danurdhara Swami's notes???? Helps SO much!!

Mahatma Prabhu is helping us a lot with his advices and inspiration. He has already given 2 classes to the internal community, and will give one to the open community in 1 week ahead.

Also, we are part now of Krishna West in the southern cone, so we are happy to get the support of a bigger community.

As for myself, I'm studying a full 1 year course on Sanskrit with Antonia Ruppel, who wrote "the Cambridge introduction to Sanskrit". It has been very heavy learning (as the course is in English, so I have to translate both from sanskrit and English!), but we are advancing pretty well. After the course we are supposed to read directly from Devanagari, understanding most of the grammatical complexities of it, and also to write in proper Sanskrit. I'm also giving many classes on Yoga and Ayurveda, with around 6-7 simultaneous courses.

Sorry for the long text. next ones will be shorter!

We hope to have your blessings in our programs, and maybe to have you giving a lecture in the near future :)

Your aspiring -Spanish donkey- servant

Vishvanath CT dasa

HpS - ASA --- Super, Super, Super!!! Have you seen God face to face yet??!!! Was He really a giant red hog with a bat???!!

Our respects to everyone.

It is so, so, nice to hear from you.

We miss the hot dry streets of Chile in the evening.

Walking from the Temple to Dhatri.

Singing and Dancing!!!


[ Hey we can't open the "heic" files!!]

Amsterdam Kirtan Mela

4 years, 7 months ago by jaynityananda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

We have tried to answer all the letters we have received, but with travel, intense Sankirtan responsibilities and weakness of character we have not been able. So please write to us again at the Blog,, but be very, very careful to follow the etiquetta explained in:

Hemos tratado de responder todas las cartas que hemos recibido, pero con los viajes, las intensas responsabilidades de Sankirtan y la debilidad de carácter no hemos podido. Entonces, escríbanos nuevamente en el Blog,, pero tenga mucho cuidado de seguir la etiqueta explicada en:

Hare Krishna dear Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glo

ries to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for your reply to my update on the kirtan events. There are worthy developments i wish to share. Ideas were follo

¡"KDPC”! (Jayanta)

4 years, 7 months ago by jayanta in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Querdido Gurudev: Pamho. Reverencias a todos los blogeros locos y cuerdos.

Gracias por aceptar nuestra invitación de participar en nuestro humilde Grupo de Estudio en español del Bhagavad Gita Tal como es.

Envio el cartel con los datos para la conexión e invito a todos los devot@s que quieran y puedan a participar.

ASA- Gracias!!!


4 years, 7 months ago by jayanta in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna Gurudev. Pamho. Gracias por aceptar la invitación en nuestro grupo de estudio del Bhagavad Gita. El dia 9 de Julio nos va bien. Quería preguntarle si desea que pongamos algún titulo especifico o desea hablar de algún tema en particular. Es para hacer el cartel publicitario.

Gracias de nuevo. Esperando su respuesta

Jayanta das

P.D. Le envio un par de fotos del Sat Sanga del sábado pasado. Nos juntamos 23 y el perro.

HpS - TlgaSP pfanrh..... otro perro..... O.K. Esta en nuestra Calendario ASA. Conferencia 9 Julio,, proxima Jueves, por HpS/ASA & ISKCON Madrid!

TEMA: Bhagavad-gita As It is & la Diploma, Bhakti-sastri Innaugurado por Srila Prabhupada.

Puede enviar aqui la hora y accesso por internet.


[KDPC] Gaura Nitai once and again

Hare Krsna, beloved Gurudeva:


I hope this meets you in very good health,

HpS - Eyes going. Not too many more letters!

Gurudeva, since your answer regarding Gaura Nitai re-painting again, Mathuresh dasa wrote to us, and agreed that I take that service again. He requested us to present a budget and to reunite the group that worked the first time. Due to this quarantine state, it is very difficult to do the budget, have stores open that are operating normally and so forth. Nevertheless, we are doing the effort. Isvari dd is helping us a lot.

I am very overjoyed that Gaura Nitai gave us to mercy to serve them again. Obviously, this was possible due to your blessings. In the first part of the work They are going to be at my home, we have to remove the painting and then They are going to be left in wooden and finally the artists are going to paint them.

Tulasi Kunja dd (JPS)

Please do you have any further advices or recommendations?

Thanks again Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA --- Be ready for ANYTHING now you are dealing with Krsna!!