KDPC - Deliver Ring to Sita

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

HpS-ASA -- AgtSP!!! Pamho... -[;o]/\___

I came across the attached painting yesterday and immediately thought of you. I think you might like it. It has the entire leela of Hanuman delivering the ring to Sita. It was painted by a famous artist from Chennai called Keshav. You might know him.

HpS - No..... my loss.

I have uploaded the DTCs in google drive that others can download from here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11EPWsm3vFp9WmKMOsw7EXLhexnazc3Dt?usp=sharing

HpS - The paramhamas can extract milk from water! It is a media experiment for us. How to preach? How to do Sankirtan? Srila Prabhupada was experimenting with new forms always.

I was not sure about distributing it to others. You can delete the link if you feel so. They are incredible.

We are chanting our rounds and following the principles.

HpS - Thousands of homeless dogs sleeping in the street thank you. When we are "chanting our rounds and following the principles" the whole world benefits. Chant with your lips, brain, heart!!!

In our daily reading we are reading SB 4.7. Divya and I really like reading together and it has become an activity we like doing together. In Saturday SB classes when we read the 9th canto, there were many chapters about family lineage. I was not very interested in knowing the names. But when we went through the same in SB 4.1, it was as if I knew those people. I was eager to know Devahuti's family after reading so much about her in the third canto.

ASA - Yes! It is a fact, no? Each time we go through it, it becomes more know to us. That will happen eternally, no??

By your mercy, we are getting a little taste for reading Srimad Bhagavatam. We are enjoying reading Srila Prabhupada's purports and are able to understand a bit too.

We will be completing NoI in the Bhakti Sastri program in the next 2 weeks. I am learning so much running this program both in terms of knowledge of scriptures and also dealing with devotees. We started with 20 students and 2 students dropped out, which I think is no so bad. It is taking a lot of my time and energy, but I like doing it.

ASA - 10% drop out is great.... the result is eternal, 'nehabikramo naso sti...'

I have been listening a lot recently and I can genuinely feel that my perspective of Bhakti has widened. I had a very narrow view of how things should be done, probably due to my upbringing. But now I think I am understanding things from a deeper perspective. This podcast between Caitanya Caran prabhu and Hari Parsada prabhu titled Intellectual diversity in scriptural understanding was especially enlivening - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9AvIEF7JlU.

The temple is still closed. Nanda Braja prabhu and family are here. Janmashtami and Vyasapuja are going to be online. But luckily, my service in the temple is on Wednesdays and Vyasapuja falls on Wednesday this year. I'll get to do Prabhupada's guru puja arti if no one pulls rank on me :)

The process seems to be working although there are so many more things I need to work on. It is only by your mercy that I am able to perceive it. Thank you so much Guru Maharaja for everything you do for us.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - Thank you!!! We prepare to the Friday presentation through Youtube for Nashville yatra. If you just go on like this Srila Prabhupada says we will become preachers on the level of Narada Muni. .

Classes to ISKCON Chile - Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja & Radhastami

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj,

My report is a quite delay like my whole life is a delay in some many ways.

I'm a messenger of the new managers of ISKCON Chile and they want to know if you could give the lecture to the followers of ISKCONCL in social media on (at, in?) August 12th in the evening. Probably, we are already delayed asking you this now, excuse us.

HpS - That is Srila Prabhupada's Appearance Day, no? What time? We need USA telephone number to connect! So nice!!

And the other invitation is considering your suggestion to have a special program for Radhastami. In that case, we thought to invite you along with Murti Murti from Buenos Aires (she agrees so much) and Vishaka devi dasi (Yadubhara's wife) to August 25th evening - Radhastami program (definitely to everyone this time). Of course, this event would be for the whole Latin American with previous registration.

In this case, it would be similar to the last "Día Internacional de la Mujer Vaisnava" with Rukmini devi dasi and Malati devi dasi (im editing the last version of the video). This one had a very powerful impact, like you predicted, because it was a good chance to start a massive interchange between north and south, English and Spanish.

For example, other programs only for spiritual souls inside women bodies and retreats with Prabhupada disciples, have been organized with very good results. My wife have been there in some of them, we recommended Nitya Kishori to translate too, and Carolina said that a lot of Latin lady devotees have been very happy with a lot of "aha moments".

I have too much to tell you but is not urgent. For now, We would appreciate if you can let us know if your calendar is available for these two dates.

Thank you for your efforts and devotion. We are trying to follow your steps, but in my case in a very slow rhythm, I think.

Your servant

Jagad Guru Das

HpS - 25th also sounds O.K. but..... same thing..... we need USA telephone num, num, number.

Srila Prabhupada said, that sometimes, slow to come, also means slow to go. We make fundamental progress. Slow but deep also. How is The Anandavardana Das tele-novela??? He is going to be dangerous when he wakes up!



Regional Representation Report 18 (Madana-gopal which is the KDPC for this fortnight, but it changes tomorrow in the Kapi Dhvaja)

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

  • The Isopanisad and the importance of reading Srila Prabhupada's books class for Sunday August 9 at 8 am is confirmed. I have lost my previous cell phone so I do not have your WhatsApp number. I don't know if you can share your phone number with me via email to coordinate the connection.
  • On the other hand, it would be possible if you share with me the closed book questions that you developed for Canto 1? we are working on the Pada Padma program and they would be very helpful.

Hoping that you are very well

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS 2020 Aug 2, 4PM... We just sent our phone number and copy of the Canto ONe questions with some comments to your email, Yugala and Isvari!

Our address book that was missig on Yahoo for two weeks, just reappeared!

"There are two kinds of problems: Those that can't be solved, and those that solve themselves". Winston Churchill.

-- We wait with great anxiety to start arranging the technical details of the class on the 9th.

We CANNOT connect for the audio by internet. Visual, yes, but audio NO! Thar requires a USA phone number!!

Cambio de Administracion del Templo de ISKCON Santiago

4 years, 6 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

On Thursday, July 30, 2020, 09:37:30 AM CDT, jagannatha caran Das wrote:

Hare Krsna Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por consejo de Prabhu Parasurama, le escribo aquí, para informarle, que desde el 15 de julio 2020 (aproximadamente) cambió la administración de ISKCON Chile, quedando como Tesorera madre Maha Anandini dd, como Secretario Prabhu Dina Dayal Das y como Presidente su servidor Jagannatha Caran Das (Yo).

Queremos agradecerle por Su consejo y gestión para realizar este cambio.

Pedimos Sus bendiciones para ejecutar este servicio de la mejor manera y poder ser un aporte en la comunidad de ISKCON Chile y el movimiento de Srila Prabhupada.

su aspirante a sirviente

Jagannatha Caran Das

HpS - ASA - Muchas gracias su noticia. Pienso eso es un paso adelante para todos, TODOS, T-O-D--S! Amara-gauranga Das ya es Secretrario Regional, no? Puede ofrecer su experiencia en guiando Vds en reaizar sus tareas.

Siempre somos listos ayudar como podemos.

"KDPC" Respuestas

4 years, 6 months ago by Gadai in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a Srila Prabhupada y a Usted.

Gurudeva usted me hizo unas preguntas en la carta anterior, a lo cual paso a responder:

HpS - This is a challenge from Krsna, no? How to preach to our neighbors. It is different than with meeting people for a short time. Aim is book distribution but now is different way, no? One book deeply to one person rathe than 50-books quickly to 50-people.

Si es un desafio, claro no es imposible.

Acá tienen mucho apego a su cultura pero ese apego puede cambiar.

Pienso que por misericordia de Sri Caitanya y Sri Nityananda y de Srila Prabhupada podran comprender este conocimiento trascendental.

Bueno solo me considero un mensajero o al menos trato de serlo...

Quizá se vuelvan devotos del prasadhan o amigos de Krsna o devotos...no lo se...pero siempre esta la misericordia de los libros de Srila Prabhupada....😊

Quizá vuelva al sankirtan viajero o quizá me quede por aquí en sankirtan local con los bio huertos...no lo se....pero lo que si se es que tenemos que hablar siempre de Krsna a todos!!!

HpS - Super. To be an Acharya you must know how to preach with all modes, no?

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada es el "El Acarya" 🙏🙏🙏.....yo solo aspiro a conprender como ser sirviente del sirviente...😊

HpS - What is the content of Maharaja's classes?

Lo que pude apreciar es que Maharaja Yadunandana Swami hace sus clases muy tecnicas, dinámicas con devotos presentes y devotos online, también ensayos de cada tema con casos personales y practicos.

Por ejemplo del estudio del Upadesamrta lo dividio en 4 secciones:

1._ Versos del 1 al 3 (principios básicos, 6 impulsos, 6 actividades desfavorables y 6 actividades favorables).

2._ Versos del 4 al 6 (Como relacionarse con los devotos y 6 actividades que los devotos conparteb segun su nivel de avance que tengan. Rupa Gosvami explica como evitar ver a los devotos con ojos materiales).

3._Versos del 7 al 8 (La esencia de la Instrucción. Escuchar, cantar y recordar a Krsna).

4._Versos del 9 al 11 (Las Glorias del Radha Kunda. Descripción de los lugares sagrados de Vrndavana. Radha Kunda el lugar más excelso).

HPS - ASA - !!!! Do you have animals???

Bueno tenemos 2 animales, un perro sin pelo (su raza es así), se llama Kirtan y un gato, se llama Suki (Paz) pero es todo lo contrario un gato salvaje.

HpS - [[Suki es feliz, no? No paz]]

Bueno hace poco me hice una carta astrologíca y lo único que me queda es hacer servicio devocional.

Bueno Guru Maharaja me despido, muchas gracias por todo y por las preguntas, que Nrsimha lo proteja siempre.

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Dasa.

[[[HpS - Gracias. No es que tiene que cambiar su cutura, no? Tiene que profundizar. Es un hecho que en las apocas antierior, pienso en Peru tambien, era una secta de Vasudeva y Sankirsana. (Krsna Y Balarama in Dvaraka). Sola mente esperamos animar la gente en sus raizes mas buenos originales. ]]

Regional Representation Report 17 (kdpc)

4 years, 6 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please accept our humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

  • I hope you and your sankirtan are well. I tell you that on August 1 we will be starting the TTC3 course for a group of teachers under the instruction of Param Padam prabhu
  • HpS - ASA - Jaya!!!!
  • (Om Kesavaya d., Maharsi d., Rudra Simha d., Deva Deva d, Rupa Gosai, Laksmana agraja d ., Yugala Kisora ​​dd. And me). After 8 weeks we will have the certificate that enables us to teach BS, according to the Ministry's requirements.

  • On the other hand, I make a request on behalf of Guru Mangala prabhu. The Ecuador BS group (63 devotees) has finished the Isopanisad study and would like to know if you kindly can give us a class on Isopanisad and on the importance of reading Srila Prabhupada's books. I could make most extensive the call to the rest of the BS students in Peru and Bolivia (100 more). Guru Mangala prabhu suggests Sunday August 9 at 8 or 9 am. (Tennessee time) via Zoom. I hope you agree, it would be very encouraging for Merconorte BS students to have your concepts and your wonderful association.

I will look forward for your response

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS - Sounds fine to me. 8 or 9???????