tpp-cb distribution

10 years, 9 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

hare krisna gurumaharaj,

please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

My postal address is Hipolito Irigoyen 3695, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires , argentina, cp: 7600

Hope we can be useful to your sankirtan,

Thank you very much,

Aspiring to serve you,

Nikuñja Bihari das.

HpS - AGTSP!!!!  We mail it tommorrow!


10 years, 9 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva



I forgot to inform U.

We have new BHAKTI Sastris ¡¡¡¡

Patraka’s students:

Kriyashakti dd

Citravesa dd

Both from Chile

And LAD’s students:

Lilakanta das

Anuraksa das

Mahabhakti satyabhama

Padmavati visaka

Narayani dd

All from Chosica


Thank U for all iur inspiration



HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!  Thank you.  We are working on our NOI classes and written notes. We are focusing on offering education to Sannyasa candidates. Do you want to be a sannyasini?  Dedicate everything for Krsna?  Wear white sari?? Hmmm???


10 years, 9 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva


We hope this meets U in really good health

Gurudeva on April 4th, 2014 NIMSAR had a very nice meeting

The Sanskrit group is going really well. Isvari dd is in charge ,Patraka das will help her in order to develop the pilot group.  

Isvari dd is the new treasurer and she is working along with us in order to improve this department.

LAD is having meetings with Patraka das and CMDD in order to develope more and more the Bhakti Sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava programs.

Today is Kamada Ekadasi and also the Sri Vyasa puja of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja ¡¡¡¡¡

We just humbly asked for your blessings, and the whole Guruparampara ¡¡¡ so that we can continue trying to be good tools for this Sankirtan movement ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

In attached I will send U the list of all the tutors along with their students


Iur servants


                 HpS - ASA -- Very, very nice report. This is all we need. We are too old for detailed management. We just give perspective and inspiration as we can. We talk with LAD pretty regularly and I think he has started to translate the teacher's study guide for Sanskrit. I asked for a little bit detailed descrption of the project and budget and he said that he was sending it in a day about five days ago. We look for it.
Nimsar, Rasmin, Ransim, Sranmi... Unless we are friends of Krsna and play with Him, what's the use of all of this? So nice to watch the Little Krsna video and read the Krsna book!

From Chicago

Dear Gurumaharaja.


Dear Gurumaharaja!

Sadhana is very strong in the Chicago temple, 15 bcaris, a lot of preach increasing in spring and summer times.  I’m the new halwai of kishor kishori, making diferent sweets for them. A lot of services in the temple and a lot of preaching. It is so difficult to be balanced, the days turn very short. I opened a bhakti club in Truman Collage where I’m studying and I’m taking care of one bhakti club in Loyola University, the students are very enthusiastic. I’m preaching profusely in order to expand Latin preaching through harinama, book distribution, advertisement. Rick Warren’s book about how to lead a church is very helpful to me now a days.

I started 2 Canto Bhakti Vaibhava, and giving complete sections in SB classes about 6 canto in the temple. It’s hard to digest all that knowlege.

   HpS - ASA -- AGTSP paoho.  Who is leading the Bh. Vai. programs?

The only reason why I’m doing this is because I have this sense of gratitude with You, Srila Prabhupada and Iskcon, other wise, I can not handle with this. However is very extatic also, and everyday i'm traying to increase my conection with the dieties and japa.

The temple president of Chicago temple wants to invite You. So he ask me about your email, but i dont know which e mail  I can give to him to be in touch with you.

I'm thinking that we can organize in northwestern or loyola university a program or even the community here the never hear about Ligth Of Bhagavata or how to present the book. Or a festival with the latin community which is big in Chicago. That's all for now Gurudeva

I hope you recive this letter good of health.

ys Etasa-krsna das

  HpS - Yes, Sadhana bhakta means to understand what are the priorities. It is a great art.  You can see our calendar on the Kapi-dhvaja. Maybe we can come to Chicago, but now we are just getting our foundation set here in Tennessee. Without that we cannot develop anything very substantial, always running the car in first gear.

Let us see how things go after a few more weeks. Already there is so much improvement. Regular diet. Regular writing. Regular eye strain. (Ha! Ha!).

Priorities, how soon will we have to leave this body....       

solo se puede experimentar la dicha mas grande de verlo a ud.

NitayGouraPremanande!! Querido y siempre recordado GuruMaharaja,

por favor acepte mis humildes reverncias,


                                                        Muchas Gracias a Krsna, que pude obtener su misericordiosa repuesta a una de las varias cartas que le envié, me siento muy afortunada porque apesar de que ud. está saturado de tantas correspondencias y con una Super Agenda de actividades, compasivamente se da un  tiempo para responder a una necia carta como la mía,

           HpS - ASA --- TlgaSP. Pfanrh.... Descupla la demurra responder mucho. Si, viaje, pero tambien flojo.

. . . afines de Enero pude conversar con P. Aravinda das  con respecto al termino de la Deuda antigua que tuve con el BBT producto de la emfermedad de mis riñones, el año pasado fué de momentos críticos en mi vida tanto material como espiritual, sumergida en Gastos y mas Gastos que demandan los tratamientos  de salud y los de mi Padre, y una ansiedad muy grande porque no podia pagar mi Deuda con el BBT,  decidí no pedir mas Libros porque no queria endeudarme  Más , (fué un acto de Conciencia, porque el BBT es la sangre de Prabhupada y es lo más sagrado para mí) pasé una etapa muy dolorosa  pues, andaba alejada de la distribución de Libros, era como un cuerpo muerto, por eso pase la verguenza de pedir ayuda a mis hermanos espirituales, p. Aristasena  me ayudó con una parte de la deuda y otro poco fué p. Maitreya  se pudo reunir aprox. la mitad, antes de la Marathón recordé que habia un Laxmi de las Sankirtanera que donaron para mi salud, conversando con P. Aravinda acordamos usar una parte de ese Laxmi para cubrir el resto de la Deuda.... .ahora, me encuentro mas tranquila, organizo 2 semanas para colectar haciendo faciales de belleza a las Madres, y otras 2 semanas en Sankirtam de Libros,   ocupo buen tiempo en cocinar prasadam Dieta,y hierbas medicinales, tengo que esperar a que mis riñones salgan de su saturación en las mañanas,  el poco tiempo que dedico a colectar no me alcanza para cubrir todas las necesidades basicas, pero, siempre, ocurren situacones favorables que me ayudan, estoy muy Feliz Querido Gurudev, porque la dicha mas grande que puedo experimentar es verlo a ud. y continuar con mi Sankirtam, esperarlo con con una guirnalda hecha con los resultados de los Libros de Prabhupada en mis manos que es la Misericordia sin causa proveniente de su divina Compasión!

                                                                                                   Radhe, Radhe, Radhe.......

su inútil y torpe sirvienta

m. Jambavati d.d.

 - HpS - Jaya! Adelantando apreciamos que nuestra cuerpo es intrumento de Krsna y no pertence a nosotros, no? Mejor usa de una mala ganga. Viviendo como nuestros alumnos pueden seguir nuestros pasos. Era bien eoncontrar a Vd. y TODOS mientras Gaura purnima en Mexico. Mas!
Distribuiendo libros a distribuiedores!


Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Just a quick report yesterday Gaura Purnima festival in Chosik was just wonderful

The deities were so beautiful, we had fire sacrifice, abhishek , dance, drama, maha prasadam, sadhu sanga… just wonderful, we were meditating the whole day on the fortunate that we are to have U as our Gurumaharaja who is always worried about how to help us to get out of this entanglement ¡¡¡  I aspire to be some day like U when U say that U feel always happy ¡¡¡ That is why U do not belong to this world anymore ¡¡¡¡ U just continue here to help us, Thank  U for all iur concern

I was with Gaura Nitai from Wilson the whole day meditating on Their mercy upon us.. And thinking about what may please Them the most , all devotees in CHosik were very happy to have Them as the Special Guests of the festival.

We had abhishek for our personal deities there so that everybody may participate in the abhishek ¡¡¡ It was just wonderful

We receive some gifts for our golden donkey it was really nice to spend our birthday in chosik with all devotees, deities etc

I had some reports from devotees who asked me to give U the following messages:

Rupa Gosai das: He has decided to commit his life to study and preach no more leaving in temples he want to become a bhaktivedanta ¡¡no for ego but to please SP and his GM he humbly request iur blessings

Priyasakhi dd (peru) Is doing the manual that U told her

And this is for me yesterday Guruvrata das renewed his vows as second initiated devotee. I know that U appreciate him a lot so I just wanted to tell U that

Palika dd gave me a ride to my place along with Caturatma, Parvati and Patraka ¡¡¡¡ Very nice friends I  have I feel so fortunate

Thank U Gurudeva again and again ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Always trying to be iur disciple

Candramukhi dd 

HpS - Thank you for the news, so much. Why should we even visit Peru if we have such nice news reports. Guru-vrata, Rupa-gosai! Gaura-nitai's hair was too long. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Lokanatha Das told us that Jadurani told him that Prabhupada tolder her that Krsna's hair should never be longer than His shoulders and always behind the ears. (Gauranga's also?).

Was a very, colorful looking festival!