Sunday School Curriculum

All glories toSrila Prabhupada. Dear Gurudev, please accept our respectful obeisances. After your last visit to Mexico, there was a need to improve the Sunday program ASA Kids México. For that reason we were thinking that with the help of the temple authorities, we can acquire   the “Hare Krishna Sunday School Program”, which was created by Mother Tapasvini dasi and Sangita devi dasi. The program is divided amongst 3 age groups: Madhava (6-8) years old,  Damodar (9-11) years old and Madan Mohan (12 – 14 years old). Here is the link if you want to check it out.  We trust this program will help us give better tools for the good Krishna Consciousness development of our children community. As part of this project we will translate the program so future generations can have the benefit it offers. We would like to know your opinion about this plan, so we can continue working under your divine guidance. Thank you very much for you precious time, we pray so we can have your blessings so we can continue serving Srila Prabhupada through our children community. Your servants, Gopi Radha and Anuradha DD. ASA Kids México

HpS - AGTSP!  paoho -- As I know the program it is very good and has been used successfully in many Temples. Maybe somebody else on the Blog can make a comment. It may already be translated! Such nice work you are doing. Maybe Krsna will be a student in your class in your next life.

TPP-CB part II.

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thanks for your answer. I see. Yes, You are right, $10 + postage/each is too much.

Maybe it would be better to scan the pages and upload it to or send it via e-mail.

It's cost-effective and fast.

What do you think about it?

Otherwise if you need to type your hand written stuffs in the future (and i can read it :) just let me know  i'm happy to assist you.

Maharaja, i would like to start my BhVai study. Will be a beginner group nowadays what i can join?

Thank you very much.

All the best.

Your servant, Sri Radhe dd

HpS - AGTSP - $10 is not too much. We are finally ready to mail some Tpp-cbs, and one will go to  38 Clarendon Road.

Piggy's plan has been to make photo copys of 1-5 and then send out an original copy as a sample to interested people like your good self. Then after Number Five we will use 8-1/2 x 11 paper and make quality photocopies.

Do you have the Bh. Sastri Diploma???


Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

Please acept my humble obisances

All glories to Srla Prabhupada.

War report :
Now we are in mexico Cueramaro , dedicated to the study of Srmad bhagavatam and new projects , including the culture of recycling and construction , preparation of organic beauty products , gardening and planting plants and I personally find in the department of communications bbt Central America and Mexico , playing a new role as manager of graphic and audiovisual design on different pages that have :

sankirtan is necessary to live so we went out on Saturday to nearby villages .

nectar is studying the books , we are doing a campaign to promote the study of books , I would like to know what you think about Dear GM bhakti Shastri .

             HpS - Jaya. AGTSP. Is very nice. We have our Study Guides. Really is nice just to read the books in association with other devotees. Then automatically your system of study will develop.

GM I want to serve you well but these senses are very attached to material enjoyment constantly biting me and keeps me in a fluctuating state with my rounds and my service, in this unfortunate situasion not to be a pure devotee but also be by maya full . please explain to me how  should i do to get spiritually advance  ?

HpS - Just what you are doing. There is not special trick. Ask devotees who live with you, see you often what you should do. Of course, Krsna's in your heart (BG 10.10-11) so He will also give you advice.

Your eternal servant
Vrajendra kumara Das

              Are you planting trees?

Chicago.bunch of preaching activities!

10 years, 7 months ago by etasakrsnadas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare krsna AGTSP, PAMHO 

Dear Gurumaharaja!!!
20 bcaris and we hope more by the end of the summer. The chicago temple is in the best moment ever. This is historical. Therfore my sadhana on such steady atmosfere it could not be better. 16 rounds, jumping in mangalarati every day.
This summer is going to be very busy. Here is a summary of my preaching activities to the latin people.
Book Distribution regularly 4 days of the week. 1 new person every weekend. Hoping increase faster the number of member in latin group. 50 members before i leave chicago?
Bhakti club at Truman Collage. Succesful program. Attached picture.
Food for life. I'm involved on organization and our latin group is engaged in this recently.
Bhakti Vrksa where we cultivate through seminars new people. Spiritual Scientist course.
and diferent services in the temple.

I dont have questions about visnu tattva for you. I know that krsna is the Controler and I m his servant and that is enough for me. It is wrong not to have these tipe of questions?

              ASA - Hmmm. If you are reading then you should be getting practical, exciting questions, no? He is my Controler, but what does He want from me today, for example? Mother Yasoda had to make decision about what service to offer!
Im reading regularly and I already finished 2 canto of BV with Param Padam, but is only an acceptance. I dont feel this like a problem. Can you give me guidance gurudeva?

             ASA - We don't understand. What does, "Only an acceptance" mean? Very interesting.

Finally, the temple president, Nityananda Prana is asking me about  you all the time and he really wants to invite you. These last to weeks Radhanath S, Romapada S, BB Govinda S, Danavir Gos visited us and waiting for Gunagrahi S and others. This temple has a lot of oportunities in preaching field to offer Gurudeva. And the congregation really want your transcendental asociation.

Shold I give to Nityananda Prana the email for disciples to be in contact with you? Or may be another one?

I know that you are extremly busy and your health is not always good, and i can visit you wherever you are, but they are asking me.

              HpS - Ooof. Health is O.K. It is just a result of "energy". At 66-years old we have that kind of energy, so we have to "act our age". I think we can visit, but have to get our preaching programs a little more defined first!

Well thats all for now. I'm gonna work hard to finish my mision here.

HpS - ASA - How much longer will you be there??? What is you plan. Our respects to Nityananda Prana Das.

Srila Prabhupada ki Jay!!!!!!!!

ys etasa krsna das


10 years, 8 months ago by sriradhedd in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are fine.

Unfortunately i still haven't received your TPP-CB :(
I hope the Royal Mail didn't find it as a national security risk and i will receive it next week.
Thanks for your shipping i hope i can pay it back sometime.

All the best!
Your servant,
Sri Radhe dd

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP.   paoho. Thank you so much for asking. We are doing these without much reaction so far except for your good self. We have been having mild war with the photo copy machine. Here is like 10-cents each for copies in market so that is $10 just to copy each one. NGD machine in office is free but we must use it when office is closed and it had malfunction(!). Also, to go from 9-1/2 to 11 inches and loss in quality by reproduction has slowed us. Now we are making simple copies of the first five Composition Books and planning to distribute the actual originals.
We can only do that when we get back to Murfreesboro. Now we are in Texas for the Temple Opening and are not sure what where we will be when we return to Tennessee. We have your address and three more. After the fifth we were thinking to change to an 11-inch format for easy and quality copying.
They seem to have good value.

  • TPP-CB
  • NOI 5AM Lectures
  • BhVai - Seems to all have good utility.

Encontrando a una personas que conoció a S. Prabhupada

10 years, 8 months ago by YugalaKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


Gurudeva gracias  Krsna estoy contenta viviendo en templo de wilson donde hay muchos iviendo gracias a la presencia del Sr. JBS. Estoy siempre asistiendo a Gaura Nitay de Wilson un día a la semana en mangala y distribuyendo libros, este mes empezmos a estudiar para el examen de titulación, es un objetivo este año, entre otros.

Sin embargo quería compartir estos pasatiempos de sankirtana:

Una vez distribuyendo libros en buses un Sr. tomo los libros y se quedó contemplando la foto de Srila P´pada, cuando me acerque me contó que lo había conocido en india, que hablo horas con él, que sabía el idioma y hablo en hindi, “¡Era muy sabio!” decía, me contó que tenía fotos con él, y como desafiante me pregunto qué sabes tú de este conocimiento, le dije que estudiaba y enseñaba los libros, y agregue que había que practicarlo. Le invité al templo, me dejo su tarjeta vendía antigüedades. Me quedé pensando tal vez fue antes devotos, se vehía que sentí algo de nostalgia, quede en llamarlo e invitarlo al programa, lo llamare en la fiesta del Sr. Nrsimha.

En otra oportunidad me encontré en el bus con un Sr. que todo el rato hablo con su amigo mientras daba el mantra, al final le ofrecí los libros los tomo y manifestó que le hiciera cualquier pregunta que él podría responderla que sabía mucho, al final aceptando el reto le pregunte cuál es el propósito de la vida y el respondió ser feliz y tener paz, por supuesto que no le dije que era correcto, pero que si era una buena respuesta, que debía investigar más, era un jñani, y como él hay muchos a con los que nos estamos encontrando todo el mundo necesita de estos libros ojala pueda siempre entregarlos y enseñarlos, lo lindo de enseñar es que uno aprende, tiene buena asociación y hace amistad de por vida. Gracias Gaurangi, Kirtida, Tania, Rukmini, Gandha, Nikunja Bihari y Lucchiano, etc. por su asociación.

Estoy convencida que cualquier devoto por tan sólo estudiar los libros hará su servicio mejor, incrementara sus deseos de predicar y no dejara de amar más y más a Srila P´pada, y a Gurudeva por este regalo invaluable.

Ahora cada día según el calendario leemos la vida de los devotos del Sr. y estamos más entusiastas, estamos más contentos. Pedimos sus bendiciones para vencer a maya, sus pruebas para poder mantenernos puros y seguir sus instrucciones. 

Su hija que lo adora y extraña mucho:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

              HpS - Jaya!!!  Muy bien. Esta adelantando! Cual va a ser el resultado? Vd. va a tener un servicio como Draupadi en Maha-bharata.

Ha!  Ha!  Ha!   Antes pruebas fuertes! Y cual es el resulado?????  Puebas mas fuertes.  Ha!  Ha!  Ha!             Buena suerte con la Assemblea de los Kurus, Senorita!!