Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



Hope this meets U in really good health ¡¡¡¡

Yesterday we had a very nice meeting with NIMSAR and its directory 

Gaura Gadadhara dasi joined us ¡¡¡ JAYA she is going to give the Deity Worship Course with NIMSAR in MAy and she is also presented the possibility of a Yoga Course ¡¡¡

Isvari dd will take charge of the coordination of the Sanscrit course along with Patraka das... LAD is the link with Goloka Education we will study and see in which way we can develop that ...

B German was selected to be in charge of communication in NIMSAR ¡¡¡¡ he also mentioned a very nice tool for preaching little clips from 3 minutes  for example a clip of 3 minutes explainning Who is Lord Jagannatha ¡¡¡¡ We will ask help from Guruvrata das ¡¡¡ B German has already talk with him today ¡¡¡ 

We are just one week from the openning course from Bhakti Sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava

We are really happy to help a little bit in the eternal Sankirtan of Srila Prabhupada and U

At the end we had a very nice prasadam ¡¡¡ in the meetings we laughed and have a very nice talks...

Thank U Gurudeva for your guidance and inspiration

At your lotus feet always


CMDD (secretary) <img alt="wink" height="23" src="" title="wink" width="23" />

HpS - Jaya! AGTSP. Paoho. Very nice report. We heard that Mother Yugala was traveling on Sankirtan and could not attend and Mother Rohini wants more to do simple administrative work, the testing for Bhakti-sastri.

We answered the Letter to Tutors from LAD.

Seems like NIMSAR is going in the right direction, of course many problems, so we all have to take care of our own spiritual life, sankirtan, individually as well.

1) We are in Jaya-pataka Swami's Zone and he is looking forward to a lot of help in education from us. Ekanatha gaura Das is our link to him. We will meet with Rama-giri-dhari Das in Texas in two days, so we can discuss this, he is Executive Director of Ministry of  Education (MOE) and work on Regional Representative for South America for MOE etc.

2) You are collecting money? In whose name, ASA? What happens to this money? What is the exact detailed agreement? This should be publicly available for comment.

Thank you so much!

"Bg 18.70 — And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation of ours worships Me by his intelligence."

sankirtan en marcha

Hare Krsna Querido Y Recordado GURUDEVA

Porfavor Acepte mis Humildes Reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srla Prabhupada

Espero q esta carta lo encuentre en buen estado de salud.

HpS - O.K. pero tenemos 66-anos en esta cuerpo y los ojos, por ejemplo, no pueden funcionar tan fuerte para interenet como antes.

Gurudeva gracias a su miscericordia y a las bendiciones de nuestras autoridades directas P Aravinda, Guruprasad Swami y Bhakti Busana Swami, los libros pudieron ser traidos de venezuela a Colombia, pues por la dificil situacion de Venezuela amenazaban con quemar los libros, pero gracias a Goura y  a Nitay todas las 51 cajas de libros ya estan a salvo y estan siendo distribuidas en una marato que estamos llevando acabo aqui en colombia. Hay dos grupos de sankirtan de devotos y devotas nosotros estamos en la zona norte de colombia y las devotas en la zona sur, parece que los libros tenian mucho desceo de ser distribuidos porque pudimos cubrir la cuota de toda la semana que perdimos intentando recuperarlos en tan solo 3 dias, Krsna es muy miscericordioso.

                  HpS - ASA - Senor Caitanya es TAN BONDADOSO....

Gurudeva me he enterado que estara en Mexico DF en  GOURA PURNIMA :(  me alegra mucho por los devotos del df, pero esos dias nosotros estaremos a mitad de la maraton aqui en colombia, y desafortunadamente no podre estar en su visita, sin emvargo mi corazon esta a sus pies intentando seguir su intruccion y la de Srla Prabhupada, seguimos  en la calle distribuyendo esta filosofia trascendental, aumentando la cantidad de rondas diaras a 20 min, 4 principios, mangala y gurupuja Diario.

                    HpS - Super Hombre!

Querido Gurumaharaja, porfavor expliqueme como puedo avanzar en mi servicio devocional a la suprema personalidad de Dios, pues aun no he podido controlar los seis impuldos, y me cuesta mucho trabajo tener intercambios amorosos con los devotos, soy como una oveja en la calle pero un leon con los devotos, las austeridades del habla siguen siendo mi gran debilidad y no siento apego aun por cantar el santo nombre de manera entusiasta, debo seguir cortando las malas hiervas de mi corazon.

gracias por su miscericorda para conmigo Gurudeva, cada vez que medito en Ud la alegria viene a mi servicio devocional y la calle se vuelve como un templo.

Su Sirviente

b. Burro (Vrajendra kumara das)

                        HpS - Pues Vd. conocen MUY BIEN todo las requisitos por que esta citando las faltas de una manera muy experto. Un tonto no conocen cuales son los faltas. Esta indica bastante advanza. Pienso es claro Vd. estuva un monje, devoto, en su vida anterior.

Pienso tiene que adelantar en la linea que sigue, eso es el mejor, afilando, no cambiando.
Voy a quedar en Sankirtan viajero para mas tiempo?
Voy a seguir Kardama Muni y ser casado con "Devahuti" y tener Senor Kapila para Hijo? O va a seguir sendero de Narada Muni? Indicacion?

Following with good friends

10 years, 10 months ago by AKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All glory to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my humbles obeisances

Dear Guru Deva

I'll like see you on your next visit, now I visit a program of Monterrey and keep the visitation to another program

I tray to make servise for devotees

and involve mor people in sankiran, I visit Aguascaleintes, Guadalajara nad Durango, and som lands on Tamaulipas with good devotees

I keep comunication with Kauteya Prabhuji and Guru Prasada Maharaj

your crew member Aniruddha Krishna Das

            HpS - Very nice. AGTSP. The external Sadhana seems O.K. Now the question is how you are advancing internally. Do you know this gradation "adau sraddha, sadhu sanga..."? What level are you on? It is in Text Seven purport of NOI

bring goodies out on sankirtan

10 years, 10 months ago by aron illo in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Gauranga! Hanumat Presak Swami.
> Glories, Humbles. We had a nice festival on Tamal Krishna
> Goswami's dissapearence day outside in the sunshine around
> his samadhi. Goswami's gold plated lotus feet were installed
> with a.big Hare Krishna kirtan in Kalachandji park with
> Puspanjali ceremony.
> Guna Grahi Maharaj is here in Radha kalachandji Dhama giving
> classes about nonviolent speech, the importance of having
> facility to train people in Krishna conscious life, and why
> we say the offering prayers three times. He will speak at
> the Wednesday evening program in the Darshan Room upstairs
> that is geared towards westerners. It was developed, as the
> Sunday feast has become a mostly Indian family affair.

> Aron and I clean Radha Kalachandji's prasadam room on
> Monday nights. While we were there, a whole plate of maha Dwaraka burfy
> came out to the pujari room covered in tulsi maharani. The
> next day on Srila Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati's appearance, we
> went out with the burfy, napkins,and 6 maha prasadam
> garlands from Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji and their entourage.
> The people who bought Srila Prabhupada's books were really
> happy to give a few dollars and in reciprocation get the
> book, garland, maha burfy prasadam, along with number one treasure, the Hare
> Krishna maha mantra on their gift card, with a live
> demonstration of the chanting to lead them trhough it.They
> felt like it was their birthday to get all the things..
> We approached some families coming out of a shop here in
> east Dallas. There was a pregnant lady and her husband who
> gave all the money she had for a book. A father in a SUV
> full of family had already bought "Bhagavad Gita Tal Como
> Es" though still took a "Karma La Justic Infallible", Another was a
> lady and her son who went to a local high school. The boy
> knew all the half dozen Hare Krishna devotees kids who live
> in Radha Kalachandji Dhama and go to his school "Woodrow
> Wilson High" Though his mother already gave a good donation
> he pulled laxmi out of his own pocket to secure a "Sri
> Isopanishad" since he said that he'd always been wondering about the
> temple. He dropped his Cheetos to relish the maha burfy on
> the moment. Everyone who bought books had a significant
> experience getting all the maha stuff along with Srila
> Prabhupada's association. This can be tried at home.
> > Yours Mishra Bhagavan Dasa
> When are you coming to Houston?
> Yours Mishra Bhagavan Dasa


       HpS - Super... You are always challenge to us to do Sankirtan. You both have so much courage! Visit to Houston is on the CALENDAR! 12th - 19th!

Gaura purnima we go to Mexico just for the day, 16th morning to 17th afternoon.

urgentes bendiciones!

10 years, 10 months ago by brian tellez in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

hare Krsna Querido Gurudeva

Porfavor Acepte mis Humiledes Reverencias

TLGA Srla Prabhupada

Gurudeva ahora estamos aca en cucuta la frontera colombia -venezuela, pues el departamento de sankirtan larino va a comenzar una maraton de un mes y medio por todo colombia pero no tenemos libros, pedimos 10 mil libros de veneuela pero hay muchas manifestaciones, la frontera ha estado cerrada por una semana y los libros que nos mandaron de cararcas, no han podido llegar a san antonio del tachira q es la frontera con cucuta, ayer hable con el coductor q lleva los libros y me dice q estan retnidos en san cristobal una ciudad a dos horas, porque cerraron la via pese a las fuertes problematicas sociales en las q se encuentra ahorita venezuela.

solo nos quedan dos cajas de libros y estamos orando fuertemente por q esos libros puedan llegar a la frontera y los podamos pasar a colomia, porfavor querido Gurudeva mandenos sus bendiciones para q esos libros puedan llegar aca a colombia y podamos hacer esta importante mision de sankirtana aqui en colombia.

Su eterno Sirviente

Vrajendra Kumara Das

            HpS - TlgaSP. Pfanrh. No se, pero si no no hay libros puede imprimir algo como in Russia y otros paises no? Tiene que confirmar con los autoridades!


10 years, 10 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



We hope this meets U in really good health

              HpS - ASA AGTSP!!  paoho. Health is O.K. but energy is lll ooo www. Expect to recover.  Eyes and hearing is about 65%. Expect to leave body in 2024. Feel like Bhisma deva teaching Yuddhisthira. Expect death to be a negotiable trip, but more preparation needed.

On Friday the 21st we had a NIMSAR meeting with the Board of directors the official members now are: Laksman Agraja das, Abhinanda das, isvari dd, Yugala kishora dasi, CMDD, Priyacarana dd, B German.

The Junta Directiva for 6 months is composed by:

Laksman agraja das: President

Isvari dd: Treasurer

Candramukhi dd: Secretary

This was our first meeting but it was very nice and productive because now with more members we have more help and more ideas more shakti so we can develop more programs in order to expand the Sankirtan movement of Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada ¡¡

Also there are 2 committees:

Bhakti Sastri Curriculum Development team: Headed by  Patraka das

HpS - He!  He's not listed as a Member?

Bhakti Vaibhava Curriculum Development team: LAD and CMDD

The committees  meet every week in order to improve our service.

Our next meeting with all the Board of directors is going to be Saturday 8th we will inform U about our improvements.

We humbly request Gurudeva that U give us your blessings in order to be helpful to Srila Prabhupada’s movement.

Your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd

Secretary NIMSAR 

                  HpS - Very nice report. Maybe we can participate on the 8th of March. Rohini Devi Das is not a Member? She is officially the BhSastri Administrator. Acintya bheda a bheda tattva: You must depend 100% on CMDD and then as you do that you will see that you are 100% integtated with the group. What are you goals in life?