RE: Madrid's Temple Report.

10 years, 10 months ago by Dandava das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna, Dear Gurudeva. Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for responding at my last letter. Thank you so much for your dedication, effort and understanding. It’s a lot of time to until you get to Europe (August 2015) but you must care yourself and Krisna will tell us what he wants of us.

HpS - AGTSP paoho. Thank you your efforts. If we do Sankirtan together and don't get to Europe until August 2015 it will seem like it was not enough time. We needed still more time to prepare for the visit.

We are thinking about to open other temples in Madrid. I think it would be good to open another in a couple of years. There are many empty locals in Madrid. First, may be renting it, then buying it.  Now Madrid has no lakshmi to rent or buy another building, all money went to Navalakunda's project. But Madrid’s Temple has resources to make more lakshmi.

HpS - Maybe many smaller local projects like Espiritu Santa around Madrid and then one larger center like Naval kunda for big festivals near Madrid. Why not expect thousands of people joining over next few years.

Now we are working with the Congregation in two ways:

  • Congregation development.
  • Devotee care.

We are having many courses to educate congregational mentors, devotee care, etc. Akrura Das are helping us to develop this. We want to create a very strong congregation and Ashram established. We want to develop a matajis group, the beginning of the an ashram for matajis. If we have a strong and established prabhu’s ashram and the beginning of the other for matajis, we can open other temple. But it’s necessary devotees involved for developing this.

Now there are four fixed devotees living in the ashram, and three are been integrating. Many weekends the ashram is full, like next weekend. We will work to develop this with Krisna’s mercy  and yours.

Gaura Purnima's Festival was wonderfull. Program during all day. Many devotees and no devotees coming, a lot of Prasadam. Harinama for 2 hours. One class in the morning and other in the evening, etc. All people and devotees happy, Goura Nitay Happy Happy.

Well, Gurudeva. I don’t take you more time.

Please, let me keep at your service.

Thank you very much for all.

We are waiting to August – Sept 2015 get in. We hope to offer you two temples for preaching.

Your humble servant, Dandava Das.

                  HpS - ASA -- Similar news from Jara-mara HD. Hope for news from Naval Kunda also!!! Our respects to Akrura Prabhu. We had a little contact with his programs in Peru and Chile and Australia. His approach was very innovative, intellectual with practical application. I wonder how he has been able to push his effort forward.

Querido Guru Maharaja! Devarsi de argentina

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las Glorias al movimiento de Harinama Sankirtana de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!

Querido Gurudeva!

Mis reverencias a Ud!

Como esta ud?

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paohho. Lea el DTC para nuestra bienestar!! Traducido en espanol por patraka das.

Primero,quiero saludarlo por Gaura Purnima. Aqui en Bs As tuvimos un hermoso festival con bombos y platillos!! y  Sri Sri Gaura nitai estaban muy complacidos y los devotos muy felices.

En Iskcon sigo sirviendo en la parte de comunicaciones y en la organización de Kirtans y bhajans para los festivales.

Aqui estoy, siempre tropezando y golpeandome contra el suelo, pero intentando hacer mejor el servicio y mejorar el sadhana.

En lo personal, estuve con algunos problemas familiares, pero pude salir adelante. Con mi asociada estamos bien, pero tomamos la decision de vivir en hogares separados por un tiempo. Quizas es lo mejor para madurar.

Ahora estoy buscando regularizar mi situación económica, sobre todo por mis hijos que merecen un buen sustento de parte mía.

Estoy intentando enfocarme mas en el sadhana, 16 rondas y 4 principios, y no cometer ofenzas a dios. Por las noches antes de dormir, leo un poco BG, Krishna book, Mahabharata, etc.

Por favor disculpe mi modo de escritura, creo yo, es infantil, pero intento ser lo mas espontáneo posible.

Gracias por leer mi carta y por brindarme su asociación

Perdone mis ofensas

su aspirante a sirviente

Devarsi Narada das

HpS - ASA - Super carta gracias. Recuerdo con mucho emocion visit a BsAs y su asociacion, en vuelta del Templo.  Si, es bueno no vivir con sexo opuesto si no esta casado. Adelante.  Mas Maha mantra = Mas Varna ashrama Dharma.

Toma apoyo de la pureza de sus hijos, familiares para empetu de desarrolla economica.  Si ellos son lobos no va a ser mucho impetu ganar mucho dinero para ellos. Ellos va a recibir lo que merecen automaticamente. Si son sisnes va a ser mucho impetu para trabajar bien para ellos.

Dinero volando en todos partes. Con buen conciencia facil capturar en buen cuantidad y ser situado en la revolucion de Mahaprabhu!!!!


Hare Krisna HPS


I hope you recive this letter full of health.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. We are with more energy after recovering from all the travels!!!

I am sorry for the delay of comunication but there was really a lot to do here in Madrid-Spain.

As you may know we had some changes here in MAdrid.

Jayanta and his team decided to center their efforts in Navalakunda Project.

GBC decided to let them take 128,000 € from Madrid accounts so they can develope the project nicely.

MAdrid temple is now poor but we are working hard for krisna.

Right now the relationship with the previous administrators is not at its top level but I hope this will change soon.

Avesa Rupa DAs, Jayanta Das, Adiras DAs, Yaga Mohan [Jagamohan], Purnamasi Devi DAsi Et all made a great service, Sacrifice and austerities for so many years, They are all great souls, I hope we can expand our relationship in a lovely Vaisnava way daily.

I pray for Navalakunda project every day and Hope with the deepest of my heart that this project developes nicely for krisna.

Now Madrid:

Things are developing very nicely in Madrid:

THe atmosfere is very suportive and lovely care.

Congregation is getting involve and help a lot.

Education is now a very strong leg of madrid temple The bhaktivedanta institute is ofering Introduction to Bhakti yoga, Bhakti Shastri and Bhakti Vaivava courses allready.

We have clases every afternoon from monday to friday.

Also a servian devoty named Akrura das is staying in Madrid and helping a lot in developing comunication, devotee care and managing areas.

Bhakta program is developing nicely - Bhakta Marcos, Bhakta Pedro (rumania), Bhakta kike-1 and bhakta Alejandro are livig in the temple and taking bhakti shastri course.

All of them are rending and enormous service to Srila Prabhupada´s Mision. God bless them All.

We have also external bhaktas like Mihail,  KIKE-2 and others that visit regularly, offer service and stay ocasionally in the asram.

Kike-2 is coming with me everyday and distributing many books.

The atmosfere in the asram is very friendly and family kind.

Jharikanda Gaura is doing a great effort in taking care de deities, he is making a lot of progres in improving his relationship among others.

He is also in charge of the unbeliveble breakfast.

Jhanardhan Prabh (CUBA) is a young(23) but amecingly mature devotee his teaching math in the university Carlos 3 of Madrid and is really erudite hi is giving most of the formative classes, he is a great soul.

Jiva goswamy(Peru) Kepps cooking as an angel and every body loves his job.

OLders devotees like Yadunandana Swami, And Jiva tattva and Gundica visit us regularly and give us their asociation, care and wisdom.

Also GBC are very supportive Hridaya caytania das and Bhakti GAuravani Swamis.

Dandava And carchika are doing and amacing job and are really suportive with every body.

YAsoda is cooking to days per week and is developing a regular daily harinam Program. He also started a devotional Salsa project with Jarikanda.

ekadristy make the dress for the smaller deities in goura purnima and is taking care of her mom, children and Husband.

With the hep of Maha LAxmi we hope that from apbril will be harinam every day in the streets of Madrid.

Sunday harinam is developing very nicelly under the care os Sveta and MArkandeya Risi DAs we allready have the flags with de counch and the "Maza" and a very nice blue Maha MAntra emblema.They also designed and make the new dress for the deities in Gaura purnima.

Sananda and Bhadra Bardana and makig incredible efforts to develope congragational preaching and devotee care programs, working close with Akrura Das, also helping a lot with the sanga sankirtan project and tañing care of the deities.

With the support of Maha Laxmi Devi DAsi we hope to open a lady asram in apbril.

The plans are to settel up the temple at the maximum of his potencial and then when the family is ready we will jump to a new temple manteining this one. We all know that to open a new temple is esential but first things first. We must grow as a team and family, we must mature, I hope we wiill be ready for a new twmple in 18 or 24 months. We have a very good team now.

Sankirtan is going nicely Marta and I had a Really Bad car Accident, We are ok but the van was destroy.

We see it as a Krisna arragement, now I am very happy distributing SP books.

My personal shadana is goin very nice 16/4 and every day managala artik and full program, then some administration, then Sankirtan !!!

The congragation is growing are becoming a fundamental resource for the temple, devotees like Bhaktin Marisol, MArta, Shadana, helmut, Raquel, Arjuna, Marcos-2 and many others are helping a lot.

We are working in a very cooperitivly mood with the farm.

We are selling maha prasadam from Radha govinda candra and is a going really well. The most famous are the berfis from protected cow´s milk.

Well, so we have plans to change the world, changing or selfs first.

every body is working really hard internal and externally.

It will we great if you may come this year.

Is not a joke the plans are to conquere the world, but we need you asociation.

Please come!!!!!!!

Any personal Advice ????

Yor fallen servant


                HpS - ASA --- Wonderful news. AGTSP! paoho. We have news from many devotees, have daily association in the Japa workshop on line with Bhadra-Sananda, Yasoda-Ekadrsti, Paurnamasi, Sati-mani-sita Dasi et al. The vision you describe sounds practical. It seems that you have to refine it, not make any large change.

How is your morning program? Fun? Basically simple? With whom?

NOTE: The GBC agreed that the name "Bhaktivedanta Institute" should only be used by the science group headed then by Sadaputa, BS Damodara Swami et al. I will write to Yadunandana Swami.

Thank you for naming so, so many devotees. I think the morning program is the essential focus now for  you. We have many other thoughts but that seems to be the center.

I don't know when we can come in our body now.

Honestly we came very close to a brain stroke or heart attack during this last marathon of travel. Now we have to rest, rest, rest the body and work, work, work the intelligence. Only one trip planned until end of July. So, in some few weeks we should begin to see who and how we are and then make plans on that basis.
Read our Kapi Dhvajas, Follow "huber_robinson" on

Hare Krsna GuruMaharaja!

10 years, 10 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All Glories to Holy Names

All Glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

All Glories to Devotees

Please accept my must humble obeisance to your feet.

I wrote you before you go to India. Sorry for write again without the answer of previous letter. My situation not change a lot, like I told you during your visit. Yet the sadness and frustration still here so present, but thanks to your merciful instructions the things going better. My moodiness and anxiety have dropped. This process is practiced with joy so obviously I am committing some fault.

ASA - AGTSP  Seems you mean "without joy".

4 pple and 16 rounds OK, sometimes recovering some of them. I keep organizing things thats I was delay in your previous visit, please bless me to do that service with better consciousness.

I was reading all the letters I wrote in the Blog, and always appears the same instruction, and I effort to follow like the first time, chant better Japa, with that weapon Krsna will control all situations in the best way. I don't know why I keep attached to things that´s no good for improve in Spiritual Life...
I began to exercising, the feelings, no easy, no connection about what is the heart, only brain stuff. Ouch!
Hope your health improve soon from your India's trip. I pray to Sri Krsna and Srila Prabhupada for that.

Why the sasncrit word for word sometimes say one thing and in the translation say other? ex. BG 18.66 
[ Word for word:  — do not; śucaḥ — worry.] [Translation: Do not fear.]
Thanks for answer GM.


Thanks Guru Maharaja to always be present.

That person who want to develop a correct attitude of service.
Rati-manjari Devi Dasi

pd. SRI PANCA TATTVA MAHA ABHISEKAM summary. 6.3 min !!!

HpS - Jaya!  In some of the other letters there is advice for you also. I think that Prabhupada did not always do the word for word translatins. and he had devotees use the Translations from Gita Press sometimes when they were nice. He had enough work to do on the Purports. Chant, fix your priorities. Be enthusiastic to get a nice job, nice, car, nice family, nice house, good health.. If we want these things, O.K. don't be depressed when we don't get them. Chant Hare Krsna and be like Kardama and Devahuti! I want material things. I am a fool too, but I see how they are needed for my advancment, so Krsna is pleased that we are second class learners but we are trying our best.

\Nice pictures!

Madrid's Temple Report.

10 years, 10 months ago by Dandava das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna, dear Gurudeva. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First I hope you're fine after your travel to India.

              HpS - ASA - Jaya! AGTSP  paoho.... We recovered after about a week. We were exhausted!

By Kisna's Mercy we are fine, very positive and with a lot energy.

From the administration changes in Madrid's Temple on last 26th Jan we had some problems, but by Kirsna's Mercy we are overcoming with all Congregation's devotees. We are beginning to be a great family. Before we seemed distant cousins, now We are beginning to seem brothers in arms.

I explain you what are we doing now and which are our plans for next months or year.

¿What are we doing now?

  1. Putting in order the administration, saving money to Srila Prabhupada, etc.
  2. We are elevating Deities' standard.
  3. We are pushing the academic training helped by Bhaktivedanta Institute: Bhakti-Yoga Introduction course, Bhakti-Sastri First and Second modules and Bhakti-Vaibhava first Chapter of Srmad Bhagavatam.
  4. We are starting a development congregation program and devotee care. How?. We invited to Akrura Das for coming to Madrid to teach us about Gita Coach, Devotee Care, Develop Leaders and training coachers program. We are having different seminars  about that. He is in Madrid from 2 weeks ago and he'll be here until he wants.
  5. We are implementing a communication preaching program via Facebook, website, Google+, email, posters in the temple, face to face, etc.
  6. We arranged with New Vrajamandala to develop our relationship, and that be closer.
  7. We arranged in the last Communication meeting to be joined to rest of Spain Yatra.
  8. We have Harinamas all weeks and we are starting to have Harinamas every day at 17:00.
  9. We are pushing Nama Hathas.
  10. We are inviting to Elder devotees and leaders of projects for coming to Madrid during the weekend or days to do preaching programs with them.
  11. Now, all days are distributed  many Srila Prabhupada's books on the Madrid's Streets. Now we have 4 sankirtaners: Jaramara Hari Das, Yasodanandana Das, Bhakta Alejandro and Bhakta Quique.
  12. We built a boutique in the temple, with Srila Prabhupada's books, and other things as mala bags, essences, incenses, malas, cds, Deities, etc ...

HpS --- Aaah! Very active!!

What are our plans for next months or year?

  • To develop facilities for Matajis. We would like to create a Mataji's ashrama with a  Matajis' Leader.
  • We would like to buy or rent an apartment close to Temple, other side the ashram wall where Jaramara Hari Das lives now to develop de Matajis' ashram there.
  • We would like to expand  the Temple's room. We want buy an other room together at  Temple's room and put them together, about  15 square meters more.
  • To create a coachers team to devotee care and mentors.
  • To keep the level of the academic training.
  • To develop more and more Nama Hatha and start a Bhakti Vriksa program.
  • To consolidate Srila Prabhupada's distribution books and Harinama daily, etc.

You  know I'm working outside the temple, but I'm going to the temple three times per week more or less and all administration team are in permanent communication.

All team are developing a great job and the devotees are more and more committed.

We hope that differences with some devotees of prior administration disappear soon. It depends on all.

We want you coming to Spain and Madrid soon and It's my duty to invite you for coming. We must work very hard still to obtain Krisna's Mercy and yours, but please don't leave us without you and your mercy  this year 2014.

Thank you for all, Gurudeva.

Please, let me keep at your Lotus Feet.

Your humble servant, Dandava Das.

              HpS - ASA - Jaya. AGTSP.  You can see in the DTCs and the Tweets and the Kapi Dhvaja reports what we are doing. I think we will be based in Tennessee until August. Then we will tour USA, San Francisco, Pacific Northwest. Then back to Tennessee and South America in March April 2015. Guess we would get to Europe in August of 2015.

Depends on our strength and Krsna's choice. Right now we are trying to recover our bodily energy and we will have to see how that goes.
Certainly best of wishes in the preaching in Madrid?

What about more centers in other parts of the city? Bhakta-vrksas get their own full-time centers eventually?


Haré krishna!!

por estos días estamos organizando los cursos que deberían tomar los líderes de bhakti Vriksa durante este año.

si todo resulta bien el currículum para este año sería:

bhakti-Sastri VTE

comunicaciones VTE

facilitacion I y II. VTE

liderazgo y administración VTE

curso de discípulos  VTE. 

Quedaria pendiente para el 2015  los siguientes cursos. 

Cauching, resolución de conflictos, mediación y asuntos matrimoniales y familiares. 

A mitad de febrero estaremos trabajando en establecer Visión y Misión para el proyecto de educación en Chile. 

Desde marzo incluir más personas para completar el equipo de trabajo 

segundo semestre de este año quizás partir con una escuelita de fin de semana. 


Madhumangala das.

                     HpS - Jaya!  TlgaSP.   pfanrh.  Descupla la demurra responder. Puede ver la problema, no? Fuerte, presion de viaje a India! Ya, despues de una semana en USA estamos de salud, energia normal. Sus cursos aparecen super.

Esperamos hablar con Rama-giri-dhari Das 12-19 Marzo acerca de Ministry of Education (MOE) y Sud America. Hay mucho interes de Lima tambien. Tambien Jayapataka Swami por Ekanatha Gaura Das tiene mucho interes en organizar cosas en terminos de MOE.

Mucho oportunidad!!

Esperamos mas noticias durante proxima dias.  Reunion 12-19th en Houston.