Pleace acept my humble obesience..vanca kalpa.....

All glories to Srila Prabhupada...

I wish that you are very well, Its been long time since I comunicate by tecnology with you.We folow you via twitter and reading constantly the blog with our smart tel nokia 520 but is not posible to wrigth from it ,its not posiblem sing in my acount, any way...Here we are in Sierra de los Padres, we arrived from Chile on the 10 april after a extatic sankirtan travel with Abhimanyu das, Adi Yajña das and others. We distributed moreoless 5000 SP tracendental books, we done several very nice preaching programs, Nityananda Trayodasy fesival in a hotel in Pichilemu was vry nice, lots of new bhaktas aproaching to SP lotus feet,In the city of Talca we been at the radio preaching and we did some programs to. Personaly I can feel in the Cile citizens that they are much more open for K.con than Argentina,it could be my maya i dont know...

Right now we are finishing the bramacaris ashram at the SdP, MdP. Preaching not very much, just lecturing at the loft,some sankirtana , reading and studing quait good..Is increacing..(.finishing SP lilamrta nectar..SB 3.24...NOI..Narottama vilasa....)morning programs, good japa, nirjalas ekadasi with 8 extras rounds and extra reading.Preparing a preaching program for the university ,distribution prasadam,etc to start when coming bhack from Brazil..

We already change our car for a VW van and we are programing  sankirtana in Brazil  for next month June, July..With  a group of bcrs...

My idea is hardly try to dedicate this life for SP book distribution, emancipate from temple deaty worshiping.so we are more free to travel and form a bcrs groop of sankirtan...I now I dont have cualifications for doing it but am Complete sorrending to SP lotus feet and yours instructions....How is the best way to do it.? How can we get in the way to travel and preach with out  limit .?

Programing visiting India for 2015...

Please give me your blessings...All glories to your instrctions that keeps me at  SP lotus feet

All glories to your lotus feet, the tracendental shelter of this insignificant servant..

Panca tattva das.

Nitay Goura premanande...HARI HARI BOLLLLL!!!!!!!

              HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Such a great honor to hear from you. All of your news is very, very nice. Traveling Sankirtana also seems nice. It is more of a tendency for B'caris, while Grhastha preaches more from his community. Main thing is just to understand what Krsna thinks is best service for you. Look at Preface to NOI and it says that as soon as we are in the mode of goodness then everything else will be revealed. BG 10,10-11 says same. So, trust your inspiration, intelligence. Confirm them with BBT books, ISKCON devotees and you should be a super efficient soldier.

Of course, you can consider taking Sannyasa by 45-years or so. Krsna has wonderful plans, no? So certainly He will engage you in His fun. Please send us your advice and news.

Bhakti Sastri

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaj, we are going to start Bhakti Sastri soon due to the mercy of Shri Hari Prabhu taking on this amazing service. What do you think of Bhakti Sastri, even though it is through the forum of Startmeeting, being a class that is open for others to join as guests at the new Portland temple? I wanted to introduce this idea to the temple presidentJai Sacinandana Prabhu.  It would be in a classroom at the temple, and those that  want to join can be asked to bring their laptop and given the code to login as a guest. Formal students could always attend, but I thought that if others want to hear a nice Friday class at the new temple, they can also attend. Shri Hari said he is okay with the class being open to anyone in Portland, but I would also have to propose the open forum idea to him to get his approval.

Also, Maharaj, I need to admit to what might be a very unfortunate action I took last January. Nick and I jointly filed for divorce and it was granted a few months ago. I was in a bunch of maya, krodha, mixed emotional state that I know was due to wanting some kind of shelter. I hope to find this shelter by just being a devotee for Guru, Prabhupada, Krsna, my son, and the devotees. Despite, I will still follow your instruction to serve my child and Nick Prabhu best I can. I ask for your forgiveness though for acting so rashly (I can do this, my astrology says it is in my nature but now that I know I will genuinely Work on this raja guna business. :( ).  

Thankyou for listening and tolerating general rascaldom...

Jai Sri Krsna, Jai Radhe!

Your servant,

Kamagayatri dd

_-------- HpS ASA - AgtSP. Thank you so much for your efforts and SINCERE Bhakti. Sri hari Das is going to India so Start Meeting may have technical problems. He can solve that with Srivasa pandita Das in San Jose. 2. It sounds great to have a local online group. 3. Seems rash to have got the legal divorce. What advice does M. Mahabhagavata Dasi have?

Urgent Nrismha Caturdasi

10 years, 8 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva 


I hope this meets U in really Good Health ¡¡¡

               HpS - ASA -Brother Ass --- AGTSP  paoho. Actually our health, energy, bodily funcion is under GREAT pressure for the Spring. We are having allergic reaction in our nose, throat, lungs, even our skin in itching! So we prayed to God and only had orange juice today and rested and we survived and got some work done! Any stress on the system for digesting Pizza or pasta or even potatoes and the fire, pitta drops then the external fire, pollen from the trees makes the skin, lungs eyes BURN! You probably have similar challenges. Its fun, like playing a competition game with Maya. Of course, in the end our body will burn up, just like any candle, but then we will get another. As long as we can deal with each situation as arrangement of the Gopis to help in Krsna it is fine, new, fresh.

Gurudeva this year JBS from Miraflores are in wilson quite a pastime jeje.

So the Celebration for Nrismha Caturdasi will be in wilson many many devotees are working in order to develop a nice program for the satisfaction of The Lord and devotees for instance Rohini kumar das is organizing more than 6 hours of KIRTAN, we will have abhishek , maha, drama uff many things but nothing will be possible without iur blessings please kindly send us your blessings so the whole program will be a success ¡¡¡¡

Thank U in advance

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

        HpS - Because we are alone in ou Office, Cave, we need Lord Nrsmhadevas love so much more, or we get very lonely and depressed. I don't know how He became our friend. So many deities we have had but He has been the first and a friend through so many problems.

Letter of Recommendation for initiation - Bhakta Marcos

10 years, 8 months ago by Dandava das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


Diksa Gurú: Hanumat Presaka Swami

Aspirante: Bhakta Marcos.

Iniciación: Namahata

Hare Krisna, querido Gurudeva. Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, dandavats. Todas las Glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada.

Ante todo espero que se encuentre bien en todos los aspectos.

El motivo de ponerme en contacto con usted es de informarle que, tras haber hablado con Bhakta Marcos, él me ha expresado su deseo de tomar refugio en usted y que así mismo se lo ha manifestado a usted también.

Le he preguntado por los requisitos para poder tomar iniciación:

  • Cantar un mínimo de 16 rondas.
  • Seguir los 4 principios regulativos:
    • No comer carne, huevo ni pescado.
    • No tomar intoxicantes, como café, té, sustancias estupefacientes o alcohol.
    • No practicar sexo ilícito.
    • No participar en juegos de azar.

Me ha manifestado que desde hace un año los sigue de manera rigurosa, residiendo además como brahmacary en el Templo de Madrid desde Septiembre de 2013.

Actualmente realiza diferentes servicios en el templo:

  • Encargado de la boutique.
  • Encargado de compras.
  • Limpieza de la zona exterior del templo.
  • Colaborador en tareas de contabilidad.

A parte de esto está estudiando el primer módulo de Bhakti-Sastri.

El es muy servicial y muy colaborador.

Hemos comenzado los trámites para la creación en Madrid del curso de aspirantes a ser iniciados, conforme ha establecido el GBC, con lo que estamos a la espera para poder ofertarlo.

Con toda humildad  y si usted no ve inconveniente, por parte de las autoridades del templo de Madrid en general y mía en particular, como presidente de ACK Madrid, no hay inconveniente alguno en que, cuando usted lo considere oportuno, de iniciación Diksa a Bhakta Marcos. Sería un honor contar con un hermano espiritual más en nuestra gran familia de ISKCON.

Muchas gracias por todo.

Su humilde servidor, Dandava Das.

***************** ENGLISH LETTER ****************

Diksa Guru: Hanumat Presaka Swami

Aspirant: Bhakta Marcos

Initiation: Namahata

Hare Krisna, my Dear  Gurudeva. Please, accept my humble obeisances, dandavats. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First I hope you’re fine in all aspects.

I want to contact with you to inform you that I spoke with Bhakta Marcos two weeks ago, and He said me he was desiring to take shelter in you. He said me He told you about this point.

I asked him about the principles to take shelter:

  • Chanting mínimum of 16 rounds.
  • Following 4 regulative principles:
    • Don’t eat meat , eggs or fish
    • Don’t take intoxicants like coffee, tea, drugs or alcohol.
    • Don’t have illicit sex.
    • Don’t play gambling.

He said me He’s following strictly this points from one year ago. He lives in the Madrid’s Ashram from September 2013 as bhramachary.

Now he has different services as:

  • Charge of the boutique.
  • Charge of shopping.
  • Cleaning the public zone of the Temple.
  • He works in accounting tasks. 

He is studying the first Bhakti-Sastri’s module.

He is very helpful and cooperative.

We are starting the steps to create the candidates for initiation course in Madrid accordance with the provisions of the GBC. We are waiting to offer it.

Humbly and if You don’t see any problem, we haven’t any inconvenient You give Diksa initiation to Bhakta Marcos, when you want to do it. It would be an honor to have another spiritual brother in our GREAT ISKCON FAMILY.

Thank you very much for all.

Your humble servant, Dandava Das.


HpS  - TlgaSP. Por favor envia copia de recomendacion a [email protected] con su fecha de nacimiento y nombre completo y entonces tiene que escribir personalmente al Blog con sus opiniones del processo.

Jaya!  Esperamos que Pablo esta bien en India!


All Glories to Sri Sri Gour Nitay!
All Glories to Srla Prabhupada!
All Glories to you! 

Please Maharaj, accept my sincere obeisances at your LOTUS feet. 

I really hope that your health is well ... :) 

Camila, 21 years old, Santiago.Chile .

Maharaj, I know that you answered my letter just now...  and, the only thing that I want to say is : 


I will follow the instruction that you gave me, i'm going to assist to the temple of Srila Prabhupada, and visit also the beautiful deities  <3 . 

                      HpS - When Srila Prabhupada came to Berkeley, San Francisco, in 1975 one reporter asked him, "Are there Problems in your temples?". Srila Prabhupada laughed a little (as I remember) and then said, "This is the material world, there are problems everywhere.". When KRSNA was personally present in VRNDAVANA there were demons who were so terrifying that the girls would have abortions from their roars!!

You have a ladies body. You can realize what a terror and horror that would be.

Well, Krsna is not exactly personally present in Santiago temple and there are not demons that bad. So we can still take shelter of Krsna, see WHY the problems are there by Krsna's arrangement and how we are supposed to help to solve them.


Help Vrnda.

Help the Devil!   Become good!

Hare Krisna, about your answer.

10 years, 8 months ago by Dandava das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna, my Dear Gurumaharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabupada.

I hope you’re fine.

Thank you so much for you letter. It helps me to have a better compression of my ashrama and more faith in Krisna. What He wants will be fine, I'm sure.

“If Mahoma don’t go to the mountain, the mountain will go where Mahoma lives”. Then, I’m going to find dates to visit. I prefer in South America or Central America. I hope this year.

     HpS - AGTSP!    You can see our Calendar. We thinking of March April for South America, but we may still get to Europe for Dr. Samaresha Book release this year.

The Madrid’s Temple is going very well, a lot of work. After some years worshiping to de Deities, Bhakti Gouravani Goswami told us that the Deities are installed because They have 3 bhoga offerings per day and Kirtan. Our worship standard is still low, but we want to turn up it. For that we are thinking in a initiations plan (Harinama and Bhramana) to get more devotees involved and fix an upper standard.

We have some devotees that are following you and they are very inspired by you. Some of them are Bhakta Pablo, Bhakta Marcos, Bhakin Marta. And there  are others who are inspired by Yadunandana Swami, but he don’t give Diksa, and may be they and Maharaja propose you to be Diksa Guru and get Siksa from Yadunandana Swami, like Carcika and me in the beginning. I suppose they’ll contact with you, because we were speak about that during the Spring’s Festival in New Vrajamandala.

I send you the complete Pablo’s name and birth date: Pablo Fernandez Rodriguez, born November 17th 1978.

                ASA - Thank you!!

Thank you for your association every day in Startmeeting.

On other hand, my rounds fine, I can improve it, I must improve it. My principles fine, fighting. Many time thinking in Krisna’s service help me and save me, but I’m very fallen. With your help and mercy. May be I can go away from this material world. I can’t do it alone. But I have a lot of luck because there are many devotees around of me.

I don’t take more time. Please, let me keep serving under your Lotus Feet.

Thank you, for all. Your humble servant. Dandava Das.

              ASA - Jaya. Thank you for the news. This life is like the Battle of Kuruksetra. Maya is consciously seeing our efforts and plans and making efforts to stop them. That is her job. But Radharani is helping us. We are little guys in between the Black Witch and the White Witch!