Una gota de Su misericordia Gurudeva

Toda gloria al movimiento de Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya y Nityananda Prabhu y Sus íntimos asociados.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada, al Guru Parampara.

Todas las glorias a mi maestro espiritual, SS Hanumatpresaka Swami.

 Por favor acepte mis respetuosas y reiteradas reverencias a sus suaves pies de loto.

ASA - Pies de loco. AGTSP!

Hare Krsna querido Gurumaharaja, oro a Sri Nrsimhadeva lo proteja y le guarde su servicio devocional.

Aquí mi reporte, siguiendo los cuatro principios regulativos y tratando de cumplir nuestra promesa, 16 rondas (no tan entusiastas) diarias )= sankirtana, estamos unas semanas en el templo, frecuentemente servimos en la cocina. Gurudeva deseo aprender esa ciencia, es nuestro yajña. Vino un prabhu gurukula de mayapur y nos dió cursos de cocina védica, Wow Krsna! Nimai Nitai! Sólo uno por pura misericordia del maestro espiritual puede realizar Krsna en el Prasadam... cuando honrabamos prasadam tenía humor del Señor Gauranga, era como una lectura del Sri Caitanya Caritamrta !! :´)  ....... Néctar !!!!!!
Gracias a sus bendiciones nos unimos al equipo de ASA Kids, y estamos apoyando en la traducción de los manuales. Es un servicio que me gusta mucho, al igual que los niños, gracias a Krsna tengo afinidad con los pequeñitos. Siempre he de recordar, que cualquier cualidad que uno pueda tener, es de Usted.  == Krsna es la habilidad del hombre==
Estamos tomando clases de danza, nos presentamos en la embajada de la India y les agradó mucho, muchas personas tienen conocimiento de que "somos Hare Krsna" así que aprovechamos la oportunidad e invitamos a nuestras compañeras a que asistan en janmastami como invitadas especiales de Krsna, son súper súper favorables, oramos por ser utilizados como simples y humildes instrumentos.

Hay una buena noticia: nos aprovaron la visa americana :)) los principales tres propósitos de sacarla son practicar y aprender el inglés, visitar y prestar servicio en los yatras de EUA y sadhu sanga. Es mi deseo pedirle consejo y autorización para que esto sea posible, y si Usted está deacuerdo, indicarme por favor, a qué mandir sería bueno ir. Tengo una tía y prima en San Diego y me gustaría visitarla, mi prima después de un accidente hace 8 años había quedado en coma y su recuperación ha sido muy lenta, siento que estarían felices de que me encontrara con ellas por unos días. Las autoridades del templo me dan una carta de recomendación.

Querido Gurudeva ahora le hablaré de mi lado oscuro, cada vez me doy más cuenta que tengo mucho ego falso, que me asfixia... cómo puedo ofrecer servicio así, cómo Usted magnánimamente puede aceptarlo (!?) Dicen que el sankirtana de Sri Krsna limpia el corazón del polvo acumulado por años.....trato de pedirle humildemente que por favor yo pueda desarrollar y cultivar Fé Inquebrantable en mi Maestro Espiritual.

Bondadoso Gurudeva por favor acepte a esta tonta sirviente a sus pies de loto y nunca permita que me suelte. Disculpeme todas las ofensas que constantemente estoy cometiendo. 
La neófita aspirante a la devoción, Aindavi Devi Dasi.

yuga dharma sankirtana yajña ki jaya!
Gaura Bhakta Vrnda Ki jaya!!!

HpS - Jaya! Puede reducir el ego falso por implementar el ego real. Es una vida mucho mas agradable. Claro todo nuestra processo es para esta fin, pero un tecnico especifica es ver o preguntar de un devoto (o cualquire) como puede ayudar ellos en su servicio. Esta "forces" el mente pensar en los buen cualidades to otros.

Piense San Diego es bueno. Dayanidhi Das y sus esposa, de Argentina son tesorero etc por alla. Sus hermanos espirituales. Despues, claro, Los Angeles, Houston.

Announcing NIOS Annual Symposium

Follows the letter we just sent off to our local scholars:


Jaya Sri Krsna!

Esteemed Murfreesboro Pandits and Mahatmas,

It is such a great pleasure to be even writing to you and what to speak of being able to collaborate with any of your good selves in the near future.

Of course, we are Hanumatpresaka Swami, Professor Huber Robinson, from our NIOS - North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Culture.

NIOS has been having excellent success in accomplishing it's mission of offering classical culture to the modern world.

Very specifically we will continue with our 14th Annual Symposium on the Cultivation of the Human Spirit, again hosted by our President and his good wife, Ravi and Meena Singh at their beautiful garden grounds, 2129 Stratford Road, Mufreesboro, TN 37129, on Saturday September 6th from 3.00 - 5.00PM. From 6AM to 6PM there will also be this traditional, Akandha sankirtan, continuous, melodic, sincere chanting of the Holy Names, to which everyone is also invited.

This year our Symposium Topic is, "The Glories of the Holy Name: Theory and Practice".

There is a very excellent chapter on this in the extremely popular 15th century classic, Caitanya Caritamrta:


Besides this, your humble servant, HpSwami, will be based in Murfreesboro until we take off for six weeks in South America at the end of December and we would be delighted to discuss any of the varied projects in which we are engaged and any other topics that would be of use.

  • Vedic Education: We are principal partners in developing a whole educational system in North America which already has five primary schools and is just starting a franchise pre-school system.
  • Carl Jung and the Bhagavata Culture: This is our personal passion and we find it a very, very practical way to make a bridge between East and West with reactions from University students, faculty and even Nobel Laureate candidates.
  • Local Life: We have a regular program in the Global Mall in Nashville. We are working to establish an outreach program on the MTSU campus and have a lot of response from foot traffic from our presence in our office behind Toots. Of course, September 6th is the Celebrate Nashville Festival which gets about 20,000 people together to experience cultural diversity.
  • High End Academic Publishing: Our next scholarly work, The Contribution of Ancient India Toward Making a Better World,is just about ready for release. It includes contributions from several esteemed Professors, University Chancellors and Supreme Court Justices and Governors of India States. Fortunately it is edited by our esteemed friend and adviser, Professor Samaresh Bandhyopadyay of Calcutta University, a very, very renown Indologist.

Please call us as you can,

+1 209 505-3219

Thank you,

HpSwami - Professor H. H. Robinson


Prahlad Nrsimha Das - Report

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Sending report.

We are in Europe (Czech / Slovakia, currently Slovakia). Got new Student VISAs for India last week and coming back to Sridham Mayapur on 24th of August. We are looking forward to be back at Holy Dham!

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! paoho. You are so, so, so, so fortunate!!! It is very hard to get these Visas. I think in the future you may not be able to get it. Hmmmm!?!   Just be able to visit India for some time. Maybe last few months there before you go to Goloka!

Recently Madana Priya dd and me got our legal and Vedic marriage. Vedic marriage was specially nice. Our priest was Mahendra Prabhu, who told us that he had very nice feeling from the ceremony.

ASA - O.K! Now five kids!!!

Few days ago I finished core of new version of vedabase.com. Design/theme is more intuitive and improved to facilitate new features without distraction. There are huge backend changes which were needed for some features like categorization which will come shortly (hopefully) after launch of new version. In June there was over 39,000 visitors, now it is less due to holidays.

ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. We promote it wherever we go! We know you are busy and are anxious for the Index, Personal Accounts with Bookmarks etc.  Looks like there is some work at vedabase.net.

After new version will be running I will try to find some remote programming job for some time. It will allow me to stay in Mayapur and same time get money needed to pay for flat we are going to buy. 

Starting SB 10.11, right now. 16 rounds, 4 principles. Brahma-muhurta wake up problems.

ASA - Usually wake up problem is "stay up late" problem, no? What do we wake up for? If is nice program then we want to wake up. We get more work done better!

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha Das

ASA - Thank you so, so, so much for this Blog!!! Our respects and congratulations to your good wife!!! Priest!!! All Dhama vasis!


10 years, 5 months ago by asa mexico in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Gurumaharaja:

Please accept our obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We learned through the blog being planned dates for some countries in South America for the Education Symposium in early 2015 are very interested to know: is there any chance that this symposium will also be held in Mexico ?

Lord Krishna made His arrangements and under His inspiration Gurumaharaja, we organize the recent seminar, which follow:

Firstly, we thank you for your gracious participation in the recent "Education Seminar: ISKCON in pursuit of integral development" held in the Temple of Sri Sri Radha Madana Gopal - Mexico.

In its course, the speakers presented topics interest us most:

1- "Sastric Education" by Krishna Balarama prabhu

2 "Homeschooling" Aruddha Mataji  and Hare Krishna prabhu.

3.- "Using technology as a tool for education by Crecer  Vaisnava."

4.- "Report of the Sunday school ASA Kids educational program."

5: "Report of the first Symposium. Northern American education Govinda Pramodini dd".

All topics were very good.

"Homeschool" became real interest to our attendees, to share with us the experience of teaching in their own homes with their children Krishna consciousness very effective methods.

Many practical questions about how to do this work in their homes, and to better use technology in education and the work plan of ASA kids.

A great contribution of Krishna Balarama Prabhu about the meaning of "organized education"

I humbly believe that this seminar is a short introduction to the Symposium on Education in South America scheduled for early 2015.

Gurumaharaja thank you very much for teaching us to make the best use the "donkey" and continue our efforts.

Gurumaharaja, devotees of Mexico City, are eager to ask if it is possible to hold its Vyasa- Puja Sri Sri Radha Madan Gopal Mandir?

We pray to the Lord for His protection Nrisimhadeva in the service of our beloved spiritual master.

Please excuse our offenses.

We remain attentive to their instructions.

his servants

ASA Mexico

HPS - ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. We will look for the date of HpS - Vyasa-puja. Your report is super. We are sorry we are weak and maybe distracted by so many things, but we hope by the unlimited mercy of  Srila Prabhupada we will IMPROVE in our flexibility in avoid the witch and always be involved in communicating with you all.

We will look for travel from Mexico to South America.
Are day care centers, Kinder level schools prominent in Mexico? We have a franchise so that devotees can have their 4-5 year old children in their school and also children of other devotees and nice people? Respects to President and Krsna Balarama! This is the greatest Sankirtan!!!

news about the temple (sydney)

10 years, 5 months ago by kitri das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please accept my obeisances. Agtsp. Is camilo writing from sydney. News about the temple: well in this point I've been in contact with your disciple madhu-manjari mataji, she told me some things about you, so I can understand more about you. Then, the temple president he already knows me, he is very kind. But if what you are asking me is to get someone to write you about me, that probably would be the ashram managers here at govindas. Govindas ashram: this is a facility given by Pratapana prabhu and Jay sri mataji ( Prabhupada disciples), and consists of a training space for those who want to be Krishna cconscious, the way it works is that we have to attend the weekly programs such as Friday harinama, book distribution 4 or more times a week, meditation sessions at govindas restaurant(Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday night), bhagavad gita course on Thursdays, and also kirtans on Tuesdays and Fridays evening,plus going to the temple Saturday and Sunday morning for the bhagavatam classes,plus any spontaneous service that may come up. I hope this helps. Hare Krishna. Agtsp Your aspiring servant, camilo.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP.  Paoho. We see another letter from Kitri Das. We look at that next! This news is nice!

TPP Composition, Books Score, Article inquiry

Dear Gurumaharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Last week we had the good fortune of receiving your TPP composition book in the mail. Thank you very, very much for sending this precious gift. We find it a wonderful look inside the mind of Hanumatpresaka Swami, with the many pearls of wisdom that you share with us disciples written down in a jolly package. It is a priceless gift, and i offer you my gratitude.

This is the score of my bookdistribution last july, for your and Srila Prabhupada's pleasure:  1 maha, 10 big, 8 medium, 3 small.
    HpS - ASA - Did you keep contact with any of the people. Is super report!!

Then i wish to inquire on your thoughts on the following. I wish to publish an updated version of On Chanting Hare Krishna, in Dutch languat. It is my intention to gather donations from local devotees, and make this a free publication, not one to throw away after reading, but softbound and 30+ pages. So it will be slightly different than bigger than the original, with articles about: SP, Mahamantra, ISKCON, who is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, kirtan yoga, what ISKCON can offer als alternative lifestyle, and finally, the synthesis between science and religion. There is a request to Kadamba Kanana Swami, born in Holland, to write a foreword. If you consider yourself a good person to write an article about the synthesis between science and religion, would you want to do that? It does not have to be very extensive, an introduction will do. Or if you have any suggestions, i will be pleased to hear them. I gather your focus is more on education these days, which personally i consider more of an internal ISKCON affair. Please correct me if i'm wrong.
HpS - I think all the material would be copyrighted by the BBT, no? You would have to do it under licence to them, no? I think someone like Aja-govinda Das or another of the devotees with PhD in science should write about the scientific basis of chanting. We could talk with them by phone etc.

Now you American tour has started, i wish you happy travels. May you touch the hearts and minds of many devotees, and that it will be reciprocal.

With kind regards,
Your junior disciple,
Raghava Pandita dasa.

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP  Hey, how is the family? Temple????