NIMSAR's first report to the National Board

10 years, 5 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudeva, as you request, here is NIMSAR's original first report to the Peruvian National Board and its translation.


30 DE JUNIO DEL 2014

Estimados miembros de la Junta Nacional del yatra de Perú.

Reciban, por favor, nuestras humildes reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a SrilaPrabhupada!

Oramos a Krishna para que encuentren bien de salud espiritual y corporal.

Como nos comprometimos en la carta de presentación de NIMSAR del 14 de Junio del año en curso, aquí les presentamos nuestro primer informe trimestral.


NIMSAR les enviará estos informes a través del secretario, quien según nuestros estatutos, se encarga de la comunicación con las autoridades a todo nivel, después de consultar el contenido con el Directorio.

Les pediríamos, por favor, que nos informaran a quién tenemos que dirigirnos específicamente para que la comunicación entre NIMSAR y la Junta Nacional sea fluida. También quisiéramos saber en qué plazo tendríamos las respuestas a nuestros informes, para de esa manera saber si estamos procediendo adecuadamente, y qué tenemos que hacer para mejorar nuestro servicio. Así mismo, les agradeceríamos que nos contesten formalmente, lo más pronto posible, la carta de presentación de NIMSAR, la cual adjuntamos a este primer reporte.


Nuestra Junta Directiva está conformada por:

Laksmana-agraja: Presidente

BhaktaGérman: Secretario

Isvaridevidasi: Tesorera.

Esta Junta Directiva estará en ejercicio hasta mediados de Agosto del 2014.


Los reportes trimestrales incluirán el estado financiero de NIMSAR. Por ahora sólo diremos que estamos en una etapa de reorganización y daremos un informe completo para el siguiente reporte a fines de Setiembre de presente año.


Cómo esbozamos en la carta de presentación, los programas en curso son el Bhaktisastri y el BhaktiVaibhava.

Profesores de estos cursos son: Patraka das, Yugalakisoredevidasi, Candramukhidevidasi y Laksmana-agraja das.

El curriculumBhaktisastri lo administra NIMSAR, SS HanumatpresakaSwami es el examinador oficial de ISKCON y la administradora es Rohinidevidasi. 

El programa piloto de Introducción al Bhakti- yoga lo está dirigiendo Laksmana-agraja das con 6 alumnos presenciales en Chosica y tres alumnos semi-presenciales, uno en Cuzco, otro en Chiclayo y otro en Arequipa.


Como lo anunciamos en su momento, el curso de sánscrito viene siendo implementado por un grupo piloto conformado por Patraka das, Abhinanda das, Isvaridevidasi, Gouragadadharadasi y bhakta Germán Vegas. Este es un programa de GolokaEducation, con quienes mantenemos constante comunicación. NIMSAR apoya a GolokaEducation en la traducción del material didáctico a la realidad hispanoparlante, en la investigación del mercado, en el entrenamiento de profesores, etc. El programa estará a disposición del público a partir del próximo año.

NIMSAR participará en el Symposium Norteamericano de Educación de ISKCON del 24 al 26 de Julio por video conferencia. En su momento enviaremos la invitación con los detalles para todos los devotos interesados en el tema.

Finalmente, reiteramos nuestro compromiso con la Educación en ISKCON, bajo sus Siete Propósitos que estableció SrilaPrabhupada.

Esperando su pronta respuesta, se despiden sus sirvientes,




JUNE 30th 2014

Dear members of the National Board of Peru yatra.

Receive, please, our humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We pray to Krishna for your spiritual and body health.

As we committed in our letter of June 14, we present to you our first quarterly report.


NIMSAR will send these reports through our secretary, who according to our bylaws is responsible for communication with the authorities at all level. Along with the president, after consultation with the Directory Board, he prepares the documents to be sent.

We would ask, please, to inform us whom will be thelink between NIMSAR and the National Board in order to achieve a fluidcommunication. We would also like to know how soon you will respond to our reports, so we know that we are proceeding properly, and what should we do to improve our service. Also, we ask you to please answer as soon as possible the letter attached to this first report.


Our Board is comprised of:

Laksmana-Agraja: President

Bhakta Gérman: Secretary

Isvari devi dasi: Treasurer.

This Board will be in effect until mid-August 2014.


Quarterly reports will include the financial statements of NIMSAR. For now we'll just say that we are in a period of reorganization and we will send a full report next time in late September this year.


How we outlined in the letter, ongoing programs are Bhakti-sastri and Bhakti-vaibhava.

The teachers of these courses are: Patraka das, Yugala kisore devi dasi, Candramukhi devi dasi and Laksmana-Agraja-das.

TheBhakti-sastri curriculum is managed by NIMSAR; HH Hanumatpresaka Swami is the official examiner of ISKCON and is Rohini devi dasi is the manager.

The pilot program Introduction to Bhakti-yoga is headed by Laksmana-Agraja das with 7live students in Chosica and three semi-presential students, one in Cuzco, one in Chiclayo and one in Arequipa.


As announced in due time, the course of Sanskrit has been implemented by a pilot group consisting in Patraka das, Abhinanda das, Isvari devi dasi, Gouragadadhara dasi and bhakta Germán Vegas. This is a Goloka Education program, with whom we maintain constant communication. NIMSAR supports Goloka Education in the translation of the Spanish-speaking teaching material, market research, teachers training, etc. The program will be publicly available on next year.

NIMSAR will participate in the North American Symposium on Education in ISKCON from 24 to 26 July through video conference system. At the time the invitation will be sent with the details to all devotees interested in the subject.

Finally, we remain committed to education in ISKCON, under the Seven Purposes established by Srila Prabhupada.

Waiting for your prompt response, your servants,


Awaiting for your comments and hoping you're in good health

Your Servant

Bhakta Germán

Secretary of NIMSAR


ASA- AGTSP paoho.  Was there and answer from the National Counsel?


10 years, 5 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I'm sending you the requested letter, given by Laksmana-agraja prabhu to Jayapataka Swami Maharaja during his visit to Lima in june. 


Su Santidad JayapatakaMaharaja, devotos miembros de la Junta Nacional, devotos líderes.

Reciban, por favor, nuestras humildes reverencias.

Todas las glorias a SrilaPrabhupada!

La siguiente carta es una presentación de NIMSAR como entidad educativa reconocida en  ISKCON Perú.


NIMSAR es el nombre actual para Instituto Naimisaranya (India) y fue elegido como nuestro nombre para su significado educativo y cultural. Somos una institución educativa y cultural que comenzó a operar en 2008, bajo la guía de nuestro asesor Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami. Nimsar es una rama oficial de la Anjana Suta Academy de Hanumatpresaka Swami (ASA), que tiene su sede en Nashville, Tennesse y trabajamos en conjunto con Su Gracia Tamohara Das como representante del GBC local. Ambas instituciones dan  la bienvenida a todos los devotos que quieran participar y compartir nuestra visión y misión.


“Somos una opción educativa para ISKCON andino: Perú - Bolivia- Ecuador y otros.

Brindamos herramientas para el desarrollo espiritual, personal y comunitario”  rezan nuestros estatutos. Es decir, presentamos una perspectiva educativa dentro de todos los esfuerzos que hay en este ámbito.


La máxima autoridad dentro de NIMSAR es el directorio, quien toma las decisiones y da la perspectiva de desarrollo de los programas. Contamos con una Junta de Consejo que nos asesora al respecto y la Junta Directiva es quien ejecuta los acuerdos. Todo esto funciona bajo la autoridad del GBC local.

En el futuro enviaremos reportes trimestrales sobre nuestras actividades.


Actualmente NIMSAR desarrolla y administra el programa Bhaktisastri en Perú y otros lugares como sede oficial aprobada por el GBC y el Ministerio de Educación de ISKCON.

NIMSAR también está desarrollando el programa BhaktiVaibhava siguiendo los cánones oficiales de la administración en San José, California, mientras espera su aprobación oficial.


MINSAR está colaborando con GolokaEducation en la traducción del material de estudio del curso de Sánscrito para los tres primeros años de primaria. También está desarrollando el entrenamiento de profesores, el material educativo y el currículum para dictar el curso el 2015. Nuestra investigación incluye un análisis del mercado y la demanda. Este proyecto puede ser el primer paso para una escuela primaria en cooperación con GolokaEducation.

NIMSAR está también desarrollando el curso de Introducción al Bhakti-yoga en Chosica como programa piloto. Éste incluye teoría y práctica, couching y diversos test para ayudar a la persona en su desarrollo personal y comunitario. El curso de discípulos está integrado a este programa de un año que pretende entrenar a los devotos nuevos de manera integral. Para el 2015 el curso será parte de nuestra currícula.


Dentro de la currícula de NIMSAR estamos proyectando la inclusión del curso de adoración, el curso de Comunicaciones, el curso de Administración y Liderazgo, y un curso de entrenamiento para profesores. Estos cursos empezarán a implementarse el 2015.


Finalmente, queremos agregar que NIMSAR está deseoso de colaborar con la educación de ISKCON en la región. Para lo cual vamos a participar de las reuniones internacionales sobre educación, continuar nuestra preparación como grupo educativo, seguir nuestras investigaciones sobre el tema, para cualificarnos y dar un servicio de calidad a los devotos interesados en su formación.

Siempre bajo la guía de SrilaPrabhupada, nuestras autoridades locales y regionales y el asesoramiento de SS HanumatresakaSwami miembro del comité ejecutivo del Ministerio de Educación de ISKCON.

Sus sirvientes,

NIMSAR (Presidente: Laksmana-agraja das. E-mail [email protected]. Telf.984677968)

Chosica, 14 de Junio del 2014.



His Holiness Jayapataka Maharaja, member devotees of the National Board, leading devotees.

Receive, please, our humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

The following letter is presented by NIMSAR as an educational institution recognized by ISKCON Peru.


NIMSAR is the current, local name for Naimisaranya (India) and was chosen as our name for its educational and cultural significance. We are an educational institution which started to operate in 2008, under the guidance of our senior advisor His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami. Nimsar is an offical branch of Hanumatpresaka Swami's Anjana Suta Academy (ASA) which is based in Nashville, Tennesse and we are working with His Grace Tamohara Das as representative of the local GBC. Both institutions welcome all devotees who want to participate and share our vision and mission.


"We are an educational option for ISKCON Andes: Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and others. We provide tools for spiritual, personal and community development” our bylaws say. This means, we offer an educational perspective in all efforts existing in this region.


The highest authority within NIMSAR is the Directory Board, which makes decisions and gives the perspective of program development. We have an Advisory Board that gives us advice and the Directory Board runs the agreements. Everything is under the authority of the local GBC.

In the future we will be sending quarterly reports on our activities.


Currently NIMSAR develops and manages the Bhakti-sastri program in Peru and elsewhere as the official headquarters approved by the GBC and ISKCON Ministry of Education.

NIMSAR is also developing the Bhakti-vaibhava program following the official requirements of San Jose, California management, while awaiting formal approval.


NIMSAR is collaborating with Goloka Education in the translation of the Sanskrit course didactic material for the first three years of primary school. It is also developing teacher training, educational materials and the curriculum to be taught in 2015. Our research includes market analysis and his demand. This project may be the first step to a primary school in cooperation with Goloka Education.

NIMSAR is also developing the Introduction to Bhakti-yoga course in Chosica as a pilot program. This includes theory and practice, couching and severalexams to help the person in their personal and community development. The Disciple’s course is integrated in this one-year program that aims to train new devotees holistically. By 2015 this course will be part of our curriculum.


Within the NIMSAR’s curriculum we are projecting the inclusion of the Worship course, Communications course, the Management and Leadership course and a training course for teachers. These courses will be implemented by 2015.

Finally, we add that NIMSAR is eager to collaborate with ISKCON education in the region. To which we will participate in international meetings on education, follow our preparation as an educational group, continue our research on the subject, to improve our qualifications and give quality service to all devotees interested in their training.

Always under the guidance of Srila Prabhupada, our local and regional authorities and the advice of HH Hanumatpresaka Swami as executive committee member of ISKCON’s Ministry of Education.

Your servants, NIMSAR (President: Laksmana-agraja das. E-mail [email protected]. Telf.984677968)

Chosica, june 14th 2014.

I hope you're in very good health

Your servant

Bhakta Germán

Secretary of NIMSAR


ASA - Jaya. It looks very, very nice. Professional devotional service (BG Chapter Two)!! Adelante

gadadhara gosai das -

hare krishna gurumaharaja!! todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada, todas las glorias a Usted y a los devotos!!!

aqui seguimos en barcelona, estoy nuevamente distribuyendo libros cada dia; en agosto las personas de barcelona se van de vacaciones y solo quedan los turistas, aun asi siempre algunos libros puedo dar por misericordia de krishna, asi nos estamos manteniendo a nivel economico.

 Continuo con el servicio en el pujari los dias viernes y un domingo al mes.

 16 rondas (tratando de mejorar la calidad) y 4 principios cada dia, hago el programa de la mañana pero me cuesta empezar 4:30.

Varuthapa nos regalo una Tulasi y estamos cuidando de ella.

Vaisnavi nuestra hija ya cumplio 2 meses, estamos aprendiendo a ser padres cada dia.

    HpS - ASA -- <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> 

En el templo Gundica volvio a abrir el restaurant  luego de 1 año y medio de estar cerrado.

ASA - Un vacacion para el enforsado por Krsna. Ja! Ja! Ja!

esperando se encuentre muy bien de salud! y pidiendo siempre de sus bendiciones y misericordia!

sus sirviente gadadhara gosai das & pushpa priya dd & vaisnavi. 

HpS - ASA - El foto de Vaisnavi aparece super. Aparece como gran alma cierta! Tiene que comunicar interese de ella. Hast 3-anos posibilidad recordar bien vidas previos.

Invitando personas quien reciben libros al templo. Convierten ellos en Sankirtaneros??

URGENT: Seminary of Education in Mexico

Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept our obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope this meets you in really good health

write foremost to thank the wonderful American Education Symposium, has filled us with inspiration.

We would like to comment that Prabhu Hare Krishna Dasa (Monterrey), who has practiced the system of homeschooling her daughter, let us know your willingness to share their experiences on the subject. The traveling to Mexico next weekend  (9 and 10 August). Prabhu sends his respects and obeisance’s

Guru Maharaja, we are trying to organize an educational seminar for Saturday August 9. Pray for your blessings to do

The theme is "Education Seminar: ISKCON seeking an integral education" With the participation of the following topics and presenters.

1) Homeschooling by Sriman Hare Krishna Dasa Adhikari

2) Bhakti Sastri By Sriman Krishna Balarama Das (TO BE CONFIRMED)

3) Study Plan Sunday school by ASA Kids

4) The information technology and communication (ICT) in education by Crecer Vaisnava

5)  Report of the American Education Symposium by A.S.A. Mexico

Dear Guru Maharaja, we would ask if, Do you think it possible that he could give us some words through star meeting for about 15 minutes during the opening of the seminar? will be a great inspiration.

No more for now, stay tuned to his merciful instructions.
His servants
A.S.A. Mexico

HpS - AGTSP - Paoho. Sesa Das and Rama-giridhari Das are both very happy with their contact with Latin America. As confirmed by Skype we will participate in the described Mexico symposium and because we will be in Boise, M. Arrudha et al can also join.
Next North American Symposium is planned for end of July 2015.

CMDD and NAS Reports

Hare Krsna BELOVED Gurudeva 



I hope this meets YOu in really good health ¡¡¡

Despite we communicate everyday at Japa Joe, I think that it is mandatory that I report in detail my activities plus, this letter is urgent because I am going to humbly request your blessings because without that  I can not do anything.

1.- We continue with our service as chief pujari in wilson now we have 3 more kids JBS JAYA.. new devotees to work with it is a struggle because everybody has a different personality etc ufff we just need to be patient, also the authorities are kind of changing and we were accostumed to work in one way and now we just have to adjust some things. My politic is not to get involve in politics jeje I just do my service and work with the authority that Krsna has chosen. 

HpS - ASAS - AGTSP paoho... Enthusiasm is more importan than patience. If you have a nice goal in mind for improved relations with each person, appreciating the value of the difference of each person and develop a nice way to reach that goal you will be enthusiastic and patience follows as a delightful result, like watching a flower grow at an amazing pace!

We go to chosica once a month and do service in pujari from noon to night it is very nice to spend one day in chosica with RMB, the sun, etc. We feel really blessed to have the association of the deities again. <img alt="heart" height="23" src="" title="heart" width="23" />

2.- We are organizing Balaram purnima well trying jeje as U told me once my first duty as chief pujari is to involve others in the service so I asked for help in  many different ways. not just money they can bring some fruit, flour, flowers, etc but it is a pitty that just some very few actually people colaborate with us, If just one of all the devotees bring some bhoga for example we can do marvelous preparations for the deities, So WHAT CAN I DO TO MOTIVATE THEM??

HpS - ASA - Srila Prabhupada told Panca-dravida Swami to preach to people that were not chanting their rounds, then if they would not listen not to become influenced by their bad behavior but to continue with a good example and because they were following 4-principles and doing some service, Karma-yoga, then they would feel guilty to see his example and eventually start to act properly. That's one suggestion. There are more in P'pada's books!

3.- Ratha yatra 2014 we are part of the RY team ¡¡ along with Rohini kumar das and Narayani dd (BBS), again we need a lot of support, so the same question as above...So WHAT CAN I DO TO MOTIVATE THEM to support the RY ??
 HpS - ASA - One above, another here. "sangat sanjayate kaman", NOI. One's desires and ambitions develop fromt he company he keeps. Who are the associates of the people you want to enthuse? Find out who amongst them are you friends. Get them to help and then engage them in motivating their friends. Put up names of donors: "Oh, my friends have given S./ 75 this week, I also shall give"..


...we need lots of funds, we are going to do activities etc... but basically we need your blessings Gurudeva please I see Lord Jaghannatha's face and I just feel inspire...

4. OUr BV should be better I am realizing that many verses I have lost :) I need to refresh them and sometimes a whole review needs to be done.

HpS - ASA - Yes, us also. We must print our revised PVB (Personal Verse Book)!!!

5.- I am kind of delay with my thesis, the tests that I have taken and I am going to use as a sample needs to be graded by another person who is taking some time, but I am going to push her to hurry up.

   HpS - Jaya!

6.- I am taking harmonium and singing classes it is very relaxing I have presented once in the temple jeje it was ok I think now in Balaram purnima I am going to perform again it is really nice to see how the holy name does everything I like to play in front of my deities I have my personal harmonium and i sing for Them for hours jeje it really pacifies and heals my heart :)

HpS - ASA --- Very nice! Another lady can play drum and another Kartals? Three is good for music.

7.- I am also taking cooking lessons to improve my cooking abilities it is really nice I can say now I can prepare that for Krsna ¡¡¡¡¡ <img alt="wink" height="23" src="" title="wink" width="23" />, my mom also helps me with tips the day before yesterday we cooked together really nice.

8.- I am giving spanish classes to one hindu girl she is married her name is chetalli she is so nice really pious, her grandmother worships tulsi does ekadasi, and one day I was with my SB in english she saw and told me, U read SB??? I said yes, do you have the whole collection??? yes I said she replied can U give me to me the first volume to read???? yes I said then she started to read the sanscrit, when she finished learning spanish a good practice for her would be reading SB, I felt so good she was reading Prabhupada's SB <img alt="angel" height="23" src="" title="angel" width="23" />

Well I guess that's it sorry for the long letter

Thank U for all your effort in the symposium ¡¡¡ NAS ki jaya 

We already have learned a lot

Tryinng not be an embarrasement for U

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA -- AgtSP. Paoho. Yesterday, Monday, our day of rest after the symposium we had to work so hard to organize the "Rest". Then we gave like 4-1/2 hours of classes. Ja! Ja! Jare! We were not tired on Sunday, we were exhausted. Then by Monday we recovered enought to be exhausted. Sesa Das, Director, Rama-giridhari Das - Executive Secretary said again and we never thought Hanumat Swami's is idea was very practical. This exceeded our expectations. It is a revolution in ISKCON education. They were so, so enthused that devotees from S. America came for each Session.

NOW they want to plan a SAS. We were thinking of end of January??? Especially of motivated leaders? What do you and everyone else think?

About Jharikanda Goura Das's service in Madrid

10 years, 6 months ago by Dandava das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna Dear Gurudeva. Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you’re fine.

As you ask me two weeks ago, more or less. I’m writing what we have agreed with Jharikanda Goura Das about his service.

We have designated to Krisna Avatar Das prabhu s as Pujari’s Head. He is Brahmana for some years and he was worshiping in France, Brasil and India. Jharikanda Goura Das will be under Krisna Avatar’s authority  worshiping to Goura Nitai in Madrid. He'll go to do others services too.

This decision was took with Jharikanda Goura Das, and he’s seemed happy. We wait it’s the best for him and the Temple.

In the next letter I’m going to write you about me.

Thanks Gurudeva for your help.

Your humble servant, Dandava Das.

    HpS - ASA --- Jaya!  AGTSP.   Paoho. We are in a stupid situation where we don't knw what is going to happen next. Thus, of the four problems in life: eating, sleeping, mating and defending, the defending is the most powerful. As devotees we are always trying to solve this problem of knowing how to serve Krsna. Of course, we don't have to solve it for the next thirty years. Really it is nice to have a program for the next few months that is within the general ISKCON service of Srila Prabhupada. By doing that service we will get more knowledge of what service we want. We may get an idea of our deeper position in ISKCON and our mission for this entire life.

Very nice photos!!