10 years, 4 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva

Please, accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

How are you, Guru Maharaja?

            HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!  Paoho.  We are too weak-willed, selfish and going on mostly by the tolerance of Srila Prabhupada, but with a    [[[little]]]    devotion..

It's me, Germán from Lima reporting our last activities and incoming events. Two weeks ago the current board was confirmed for the annual administrative period. The administrative positions are : Laksmana-agraja das (chairman), Bhakta Germán Vegas (secretary) Isvari dd. (treasurer), Patraka das (Bhakti-sastri head). Furthermore, Laksmana-agraja takes care of Bhakti-vaibhava program being Candra Mukhi dd. the examiner of the course. So the working group has a year to put things in order. 

HpS - Like until next Radha-astami.

We have two main goals, first of all we need to consolidate NIMSAR from an organized and efficient structural basis because without this our projects will not be solid in their results and to the community. We have identified that it is important not to delay over these issues involving internal bylaws and registration of Nimsar as a formal and legal institution.

        HpS - ASA - Aaah!  Very nice, but in Peru can be challenging, no?

The other goal is to plan a very well structured and realistic academic agenda for the next year. This includes the Peruvian National Congress of Education in november, a Seminar about Srila Prabhupada is due for his Disappearance Date  and the preparation of material for the February conference in Chile.

Besides this, we need to organize the different courses we plan to launch in the short and medium term as well to find out how to obtain the franchise for other official ISKCON courses such as the comunications course and the disciples course.

Finally, and considering the whole situation we should develop a much better external communication strategy, for this purpose we have created a subcommittee with Abhinanda dasa, Mataji Isabelle (my wife) for the new logo and the institutional image design.

On next 28th we will have a full day meeting with the whole eight NIMSAR members (I hope no one misses) to work on these issues. We expect Lord Jagannatha's blessings to have a productive day. I'll be reporting you the conclusions and results.

I say goodbye to you. Thank you very much.

Yor servant

Bhakta Germán

Secretary of NIMSAR

HpS - ASA - Very nice. No one is getting paid very much if at all for this work. We are motivated because we are getting a satisfaction from pure devotional service. That is based upon chanting 16 enthusiastic rounds! Four principles strictly.

Without a healthy morning program -  almost for certain can't chant enthusiastic rounds.
Hope Nimsar membership grows.

We talked with Laksmana Das for one hour this morning. He mentioned a lot of this, but is so nice that you confirm it.
Respects to Santa Isabella and everyone.
We also have some nice communication in education with Patraka Das and Candramukhi DD!

hare krsna!!!!

hare krsna gurudeva!!!

mis mas humildes reverencias,todas las glorias a srila prabhupada

Espero y deseo que cuando lea esto se encuentre bien de salud!oramos ara que asi sea.

le escribo para darle mi reporte.Hace un tiempo no le escribo ,tube muchos papeleos con la universidad pero estoy feliz de poder escucharlo y tener su asociacion en japa joe.

HPS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. This letter is one month old! We were traveling in USA and too busy for mail!

las rondas han estado bien,algun dia con mas dificultad pero cantando todas,los 4 principios perfectos ,estudio el bhagavad gita y nectar de la instruccion.Intentando esforzarnos cada dia un poquito mas.

HpS - Muy pronto va a jugar con Krsna y otros.

En todo el mes de verano no tuvimos programa en el templo porque como son poquitos y en familia se fueron de vacaciones a ver a la familia por eso a veces cuesta un poco tener la mente quieta, necesitaria mas asociacion con devotos y poder hacer servicio en un templo, realmente pienso que lo necesito. Tuvimos la visita de yadunandana swami y pudimos hablar sobre que hacer para volver a empezar con un templo nuevo ( los hindues se apoderaron por completo de el que los devotos construyeron)e intentar hacer harinams,festivales y escuelas de domingos para niños de colegios .Hacer cursos de cocina y repartir prasadam por la calle.pactaron puntos segun prioridades pero no se ha vuelto a hablar de el tema,en la proxima carta, le dire como quedamos con todos esos proyectos en el aire.

Esperamos poder servirle pronto en españa

que pase lindo dia de janmastami y perdoneme por todos los errores que cometo,esperamos poder servirle pronto por españa.

mis mas humildes reverencias,su burra sirvienta Mani-sati sita dd

HpS - Muy bien noticias. Y ya que pasa? Si, tiene que orar a Krsna para mas devotos y mas grande comunidad. Como esta La Hermana y La Madre? Reverencias al Presidente del Templo. Como se llama?

Rupanuga Das (Ayurveda) Visiting USA

09/08/2014  Esteemed Guru Maharaja:  AGTSP Dundavats and Pranamas from YWS, Kalindi Devi dasi.  Hare Krsna!  Thank you so very much for all the mercy in your last post!  Communicating with you once again is such a treasure.  You are correct that using up ones body in service is a higher principle than "knowing ones limitations."  While it is true i am most likely not at that platform, in this instance it is you i am thinking of.  It sort of goes like this: i have never been to Houston and may also be unfamiliar with other venues; other than cc, i don't know any of the disciples or supporters who i would be contacting; i think you said the dr, requires a translater;  our household has only one laptop which is frequently in use by others; i feel i would need a computer immediately available and at my fingertips many, many times a day as i would likely be co-ordinating often over many days with lotsoffolks.  To have to ask someone else to discontinue use of the computer that often over a period of time just wouldn't work here and would be unbelievably stressful; so far, i must create a new password each time i write to you, which i don't mind unless it is a hastle for you.  But, imagine I have to do that so many times a day after others discontine use of our computer so i can log on; for two weeks in Sept. i will be occupied so many hours a day caring for grandchildren, it will be a super human endeavor to get my 16 rounds done nicely (and i will get them done).  I have health needs which require a great deal of time each day as i explained to you when we met last. .......  If I artifically tell you, "sure I'll do this.  Thanks for the opportunity."  and then my health goes into a stall at a crucial time or times, which i can almost guarantee you it will because this will be very stressful for me, you will be in a pickle, others will have to pick up the pieces, if they can.  So as not to have to cause you this inevitable difficulty, I decline due to my limitations and do it with tears because I really do want to serve you.

     HpS - ASA -- Jaya!  This is what we understood from last letter. Is fine! Very good way to advance. Prabhupada wanted to do so much but he was happy with what he practically got done.

Perhaps I can help organize a skype presentation between you and the SAC Preaching Ctr.  Or perhaps Dave and I can help out on site in Berkely, San Jose, etc. if the good Dr. and you speak at a No. Ca venue.  Prabhupada's and your mercy, plus shelter of Krsna's holy names are all i am made of.  Thank you for your time which is yet another mercy!  Remaining YWS, Kalindi Devi dasi

HpS - ASA - Requires a basic devotee to organize the visit. We will look for such a person. You look too. Maybe someone you know in Sac, Berkeley, etc.

Try writing a post Titled "Help! Prahlada-nrsmha Das". and state your problem with the Blog!!!  Who is in Sacramento??

Informe de guerra

Por favor disculpe por no escribirle con tanta frecuencia.

Por favor dígame como está su salud y si necesita algún medicamento o algo que le pueda conseguir y enviar.

     ASA - AGTSP. Puede obtener polvo de cuerno de rinoceronte???  Claro, tiene que pedir permiso del rinoceronte primero!

Acabamos el curso de Bhakti sastri de este año en cueramaro exitosamente
Full servicio

Ahora estamos de camino a un tour bus por Centroamérica con el fin de hacer harinam sankirtan food for life obras de teatro bailé cine y sankirtan de libros en varios países de Centroamérica.
Nos ocurrió un accidente saliendo de México y estoy con otro devoto reparando la camioneta nada grabe.

rondas entusiastas un día y al otro me cuestan, estamos trabajando en interiorizar la rutina diaria de saddhana.

Los anartas son mi trabajo personal así q no quiero molestarlo con las malas noticias :)

Siempre lo recuerdo y lo extraño mucho GM he hablado con P Aravinda haber si puedo ir a visitarlo a USA el próximo año y me dice que si ud acepta esta bien. Por favor déme si misericordia sin causa __/\'o_

Gracias por ser mi maestro espiritual.

Su aspirante a sirviente 
Vrajendra kumara das.

HpS - O, puede ir a Argentina, Peru, Chile en Enero, no???   Muy buena suerte luchando con sus demonios personales. Krsna ayudarle mucho!!  Qu tipo de teatro????

Wonderful Visit


Esteemed Gurumaharaja: AGTSP!  pamho 

What a wonderful visit Dave and I had with you. 

Thank you for all your mercy!!!

Thank you for suggesting a seva for me.  i.e. coordinating with Auruvedic practictioner devotee.  After discussing with Dave, we think this will be too much for me right now.  I will be helping daughter with grandchildren fo r2 weeks in september if health allows.  Also, health ups and downs could make executing this faithfully, staying on top of it on a regular day to day basis, very difficult and stressful. 

For example, I have had a migraine every day since returning from san fran; have no idea why.  Please know how much I want to be at your service but do not want to committ to something unless I feel confident I  can see it through to a successful completion.

    HpS - ASA - Jaya!  It was very, very nice for us also. Very nice. Yes, I understand. It is very nice that you have such a good realization of how much you can do! Of course, Srila Prabhupada showed us how to use this body to the very limit, even when it was just skin and bones. It is like not throwing a way a jacket until it is just thread-bare, no?!!

Dave wants to send you a letter via post.  what is your mailing address please?........

HpS - Hanumatpresaka Swami; 2129 Stratford Road; Murfreesboro, TN 37129

This correspondence is once again a one-time opportunity on your blog.  The system still doesn't recognize me and I have to change my password each time.  Not sure what we are doing wrong.  You are dear to us.  Hare Krsna   I remain YWS Kalindi dd

HpS - Hmmmmf!   Let's see if you can solve the problem or we will try to ask our Blog Manager, Prahlada-nrsmha Das to help!! Krsna is always testing to see how much determination we have to overcome obstacles.

How much do we have??


If we have to log on 150 times to communicate,will we do it?

YES, SIR!! <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

O.K. News from the Highliands!

From Madrid to the Sky

Hare Krisna dear Gurudeva. Please accept my humble obeisances. AGTSP.

I hope you’re fine.

We are well by Krisna’s mercy. Now we are preparing the next Ratha Yatra on September 6th, tomorrow.

I miss your Japa Joe and the sanga-chanting with de devotees.

By Krisna’s Mercy and His devotees we have opened the Temple during the August month. All year open!!!!!. Some devotees have been serving all month and the people have been very happy. We have done some new devotees during August, and Mani Manjari Devi Dasi (Marisol) has take Diksa of Bhakti Gauravani Goswami. She is the first devote from my old group (old school of yoga) taking Diksa. She’s a great value in Madrid’s temple. We have more devotees waiting to take initiation; some of them asked you shelter as bhakta Marcos or bhakta Jacobo some months ago.

Now we are beginning some new groups of Bhakti Vriksa en Madrid coordinated by Bhaktin Anna, and the leaders are: Jaramara Hari Das, Bhadra Vardhana Das and Bhaktin Anna. Carcika and me we are beginning a new group of Sattva in Toledo, and we are working with other group in Tarragona (Cataluña).

I’m very very busy with the service. There are many things to have in the mind, speaking and listening to devotees, their problems and disagreements, their projects, etc. Organizing the temple, services, saving costs, etc …

During August, we have done works in the temple (I’m attaching some pictures).

On other hand, Carcika and I are working spiritually and humanly very hard. In July Carcika was pregnant, but she lost the baby. Krisna gave us a child, but then He thought: “They aren’t ready to be parents”.

HpS - Hmmmmmm! Can be so sad! Yet, like you say Krsna has a plan. From what Srila Prabhupada wrote it maybe that some very advance Yogi, devotee, had just a little, little, Karma to finish off, so Krsna put him into the womb of a pure devotee so that he could here her Japa and and hear her heart beat and take Prasadam from her body and then. . . .  enough!  All finished. Back to Goloka. Prepare a place for my last mother also.

Gurudeva, I’m very fallen. I’m not merciful. Krishna tests me a lot, and I don’t exceed Him test. Sometimes the world seems insuperable, the devotees seem insuperable, the karmis seem insuperable, the principles are insuperable, all seem insuperable.

What can I do?

HpS - You can do what I do, pray to the Insuperable! "Hey, God that's it! Reached the limit! HELP!!! Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!".

Then someone comes in the door and says, "Of, Prabhu, don't worry about that problem between, XYZ and me, we talked about it. It's O.K. now!"

Well, thank you for all Gurudeva. I hope to see you soon.

Please, let me keep at your Lotus Feet.

Your humble servant, Dandava Das.
HpS - ASA --- It is so nice to hear from you. We hope you have a very nice Rathayatra that heals many hearts. We have our ticket for South America. It would seem that we would head for Spain and India like 2015 Fall unless something happens first [like a nuclear war between Putin and Obama].

Let's answer two more letters.