Weekly roster report.

10 years, 4 months ago by kitri das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

I just write you to make you know about how are things going here for me
I got almost a month living in the temple, is very nice, I feel like my taste is increasing, here the association of the vaishnavas is so pleasent to the heart.
But still if you don't work your own things, is a waste of time.
Well i wanted to tell you a bit about my weekly schedule, which consists on :
-4 days a week english classes in the university.( Im not sure if Im going to keep on with the this because, here at the temple i haven't time to study )

- 2 days of sankirtana, fri and sat. ( it may change due to the reason above mention. )
-3 days cleaning temple and toilets, corridors.
- Every evening i have to attend the shop.

Im feeling that Im purifying my heart slowly, and i feel that krishna is sending good signs to make me progress, sometimes i need like a shove coming from Him through devotees or situations, even though i know how things should be done, I think that I've that 3rd class intelligence, and that also Krishna is kindly making me pay my karma in a sweet way.
couple of days ago I completed the shelter form for Iskcon Gurus,temple president needs to sign, check and he"ll adress it to you, hopefully.
Im studying BG in bhakti sastri (bramacaris exclusive course)  , so we are studying from the first chapter.
I felt attracted to start reading NOD, maybe its just a tantrum, or I should read NOI a few more times and then ...
 what do you think ?

Igot some bramacari classes you gave last year, and that class about three minutes with a genius, is so good. Im trying to listen to them whenever I can.
Also Im doing questions on bhagavatam classes, it's very good.

Hare Krishna Maharaja AGTSP.

That is all for this time, i will try to ask you more profound questions, someone told me that you like that.
Hope you are okey, trying to be your servant, Camilo.

PD: Ive just sold a bhagavatam set from the shop, it was very nice and inspiring.

HpS - AGTSP! Thank you for you news. It is like visiting the Temple. NOD is had to understand without BhSastri study guide or Danudhara Swamis', "Waves of Devotion". We need both NOD and NOI. Try all the books and see which ones are for you!

Santiago mandir !

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada !

 Todas Todas  las Glorias sean a Ud Guru Maharaj !!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj quiero contarle que me siento muy agradecido e inspirado de poder estar asociandome siempre con devotos..  Aun me encuentro viviendo en el asram de el Templo de Santiago- Chile . asistiendo siempre a Mangala-arati  haciendo todo el programa de corrido.  y cubriend0 todos los servicios necesarios , tambien  cocinando a las deidades con mi esposa.. como servicio fijo.   Continuamos saliendo de Sankyrtan todos los dias  minimo aunque sea un poco .. muchooo nectar . cada vez me doy cuenta de cuan afortunado somos de poder estar realizando este servicio para Srila Prabhupada , y no quiero dejarlo NUNCA. en Septiembre viajare de nuevo a Argentina para definir mi situacion alla. queremos realizar sankyrtan viajero , conocer nuevos templos y mas devotos. .  siguiendo principios y respectivas rondas =)  y durante sankyrtan cantandoo mass rondas,  tambien estamos tomando la asociacion  de Gunagragi Maharaj.. hace 2 semanas esta aqui.. y tomando ejemplos de Vijaya Prabhu. quien tambien  visito el Templo.. ayer me tope con un libro que me llamo la atencion "Garga-Samhita" .. ud considera que pueda leerlo ¿¿??

HPS - AGTSP! Paoho. I don't think there is anything bad in the "Garga-samhita". They use it on the Vraja mandala Parikrama to describe pastimes. I read it, but it doesn't seem to be mentioned by any of our Acharyas, so it is a little strange.

por otro lado  recuerdo que ud me dijo que definiera de que manera quiero desarrolar la forma de predicar... y ultimamente eh estado estudiando Etiqueta Vaisnava por Radanatha Swami ,y tengo una inclinacion de querer enseñar con el ejemploy  poder volver mi vida impecable para poder predicar y ayudar tanto a devotos como a persoonas que recien se acerquen al movimiento.. y simultaneamente me encontrado con situacion que confirman estos pensamientos.. ya que en el templo aqui escasean los devotos activos en servicio..

quisiera saber si es que sabe en que tiempo vendra aqui . por que deseo mucho su asociacion personal 

HpS - WWW.jayarama.us/kd/cal.htm .. 21 January to 7 February??

la deuda que tengo con ud y Srla Prabhupada es impagable asique por favor ocupeme en servicio constantemente.

le estoy muy agradecido por el tiempo que dispone en contestar estas cartas y en estar dandonos tantos buenos ejemplos con su vida propia.

 - Hare Krishna Hare Krishna - Krishna Krishna Hare Hare - Hare Rama Hare Rama - Rama Rama Hare Hare -

su eterno sirviente Garga-acarya Das

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!  Love exists because Krsna is so kind!

tpp cb

hare krisna gurudev!!

please accept my humble obeisances,

all glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

if it is possible i want a copy of tpp cb 8

now i have a new postal adress which is cordoba 3412 mar del plata, buenos aires argentina, zip code 7600.

i moved sama our health center, now a new challenge, ayurvedic style sankirtan.

i think that this tpp cbs are pure nectar, as you said the backbone of ASA. esoteric reading from an esoteric branch.

we already made three copies to local devotees and are sending two copies to peru next week.

we are asking devotees who receive the copies if it is possible to them to make two copies each to distribute.

we would like also to know who has tpp cb 1,2,3,4 and 7 so we get the whole collection.

your words heal. Mistic magic, supersoul. i'm keeping the pace with my rounds, UTSAHA!!

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Japa, Japa, Japa!  Get up early and get your rounds done.
As soon as we finish this little mail we will go for printing Tpp-Cb8 and make a copy for MDP, Lokanatha Das and anyone else we see in the few more recent letters.

CB1-7 are in folders just across he room. We can talk with Uncle Piggy about making copies and sending to the New Govardhana, Ayurvedic Ashrama.

At your lotus feet,

Nikunja Bihari das.



   Yasodanandana Das : Por favor Gurudeva, Acepte nuestras humildes reverencias a sus divinos pies de loto! Llevamos tiempo deseando escribirle un reporte sobre.......no sé  por donde empezar; Gayatri, bastante regulado pero necesito profundizar aun más en su significado, como puedo mejorar? Japa, trabajando duro, siempre mejoro cuando conecto con Japa joe........un dia usted me dijo que son 108 salagram silas y que las adorase con todo el corazón, eso intento. Hemos acabado el dico Salsa-rasa-lila, muchas hora  de trabajo intenso pero muy feliz con el resultado, Espero que a usted y al Señor Krsna tambien le resulten agradable. 

   Un amigo devoto, Kesava Bharati Prabhu, Discipulo de Bhakti Caru swami ha vivido y trabajado en swissa como cirujano por 30 años, ahora vá a abrir un centro de predica en Alicante y nos pide que le ayudemos con su proyecto, seria abrir un restorante-biblioteca dentro del campus universitario de Alicante, Kesava Bharati Prabhu pondria todas las facilidades necesarias para cambiar de ciudad minimo por un año, a nosotros nos gusta la idea, pero que piensa usted?  Nos dara sus bendiciones Guru maharaja?

  Ekadrsti d ,d :   Querido Guru Maharaja, el dia 9 de agosto nacio la pequena Yamuna, vispera de Balarama, el parto fue casi celestial como usted nos vaticino. es muy buena y tranquila.  Nitay y Vrinda solo quieren cargarla y besarla. Son unos devotos maravillosos, predican a la familia y a los amigos de manera sorprendente e inteligente! Son muy entusiastas con las fiestas (julan yatran en casa con los devotos) y  se pelean por bañar a las deidades en Janmasthami  y Radhastami. Cantan a menudo la cancion de Radha jaya Madhava dayite y la de Nrsmhadeva, les gusta mucho. Hacen guirnaldas de claveles de la india para Goura Nitay. A veces quieren comer algo y lo ofrecen a sus deities, Radha-Krsna ,  Jaganatha, Baladeva y Subhadra de tela y Hanumanji de madera de sandalo y  Srila Prabhupada en foto. Nitay dice cosas como "que lo mas bonito de este mundo es el amor por Dios·" y Vrinda recoge florecitas y se las pone a Gopal y a Radharani en el altar y le gusta ayudarme cuando vestimos a las deidades. Fue una experiencia inolvidable para ellos los cuatro dias que pasaron en la granja para el cumpleanos de Krsna, jugando todo el dia con amigos, los hijos de los devotos, felices, en su mundo- Vaikuntha! 

     Esperando llegar a tener un dia la cualificación de Discipulos sinceros a sus pies de loto, sin más.......Yasodanandana Prabhu y Ekadrsti D,d le ofrecen respetuosas reverencias.



Yasodanandana Das: Please Gurudeva, Please accept our humble obeisances at your divine lotus feet! We time wishing write a report on ....... I do not know where to start; Gayatri fairly regulated but I need to further deepen its meaning, how can I improve? Japa, working hard, always improved when I connect to Japa joe ........ one day you told me you are 108 silas salagram and that worship with all my heart, I try. We finished the doctor Salsa-rasa-lila, many hours of work intense but very happy with the result, I hope you and the Lord Krsna also will prove enjoyable. 

    A devoted friend, Kesava Bharati Prabhu Disciple of Bhakti Caru Swami has lived and worked in Swissa as surgeon for 30 years, is now going to open a preaching center in Alicante and asks us to help with your project, it would open a restorante- library within the university campus in Alicante, Kesava Bharati Prabhu would put all minimum necessary to change city for a year, we like the idea facilities, but you think? We give their blessings Guru Maharaja? 

   Ekadrsti d, d: Dear Guru Maharaja, the day was born August 9 the Yamuna, Eve Balarama, small delivery was almost heavenly like you I predict us. is very good and quiet. Nitai and Vrinda just want to load it and kiss her. Are wonderful devotees preach family and amazing friends and smarter! They are very enthusiastic about the holidays (julan Yatran home with devotees) and fight over bathing the deities in Janmasthami and Radhastami. Often sing the song Jaya Radha Madhava of Nrsmhadeva dayite and, like a lot. Make garlands of carnations to Goura Nitai India. Sometimes they want to eat something and offer it to their deities, Radha-Krsna, Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra fabric and Hanumanji of sandalwood and Srila Prabhupada in picture. Nitai says things like "that most beautiful in this world is the love of God ·" Vrinda and collect flowers and put them to Gopal and Radharani at the altar and loves to help when we dressed the deities. It was an unforgettable experience for the four days they spent at the farm for the birthday of Krishna, playing all day with friends, the children of the devotees, happy in his world Vaikuntha! 

      Hoping to one day get to have sincere qualification to his lotus feet Discipulos no more ....... Yasodanandana Ekadrsti Prabhu and D, d offer respectful obeisances. 

                 THANK GURUDEVA. HARE KRSNA.


HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Super news! You are one damn lucky Cuban!!! <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" /> Your kids may be some kind of super stars as they grow up. AGTSP!

Project with Kesava bharati Das seems nice. I cant tell any details from here, so of course use some care and caution, no?

I have trouble with the Gayatri's also. Srila Prabhupada doesn't seem to talk about Their meaning much, so I guess it is mostly, just chant then and They will manifest their confidential meaning to us.

I hope we are getting enough news out about our Sankirtan to be useful to you. Lets look at a few more letters. We really need your association. The Salsa-rasa-lila is available?

Jala Yatra Monterrey 2014 & Sadhana Report

10 years, 4 months ago by Lalita Mdva in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports



Hare Krishna querido guru maharaja, espero que se encuentre muy bien de salud, le escribo para darle el reporte del Festival Jala Yatra en Monterrey México.

El festival se realizó el día domingo 3 de agosto en el cual asistieron aproximadamente 120 devotos de la comunidad de Monterrey y Saltillo más los invitados amigos de krishna, se rentaron 3 embarcaciones para realizar el paseo de Sus Señorias Sri Jagannatha Baladeva y Subadra, la procesión se realizó desde el centro de predica hasta el Paseo Santa Lucia, el recorrido en bote duro una hora, después de ahí realizamos harinam a pie alrededor de la Macroplaza, donde la lluvia se hizo presente durante todo el recorrido, la procesión finalizo en un quiosco, donde realizamos algunos cantos de bhajans, clases con S.S. Guru Prasad Maharaja, danza bharatanatyam con Radha d.d., Food for Life: 220 litros de néctar, 700 pakoras, 36 kilos de arroz, 900 platillos distribuidos, Distribución de libros, y actividades con los niños, terminamos a las 8:30 pm con un Kirtan dirigido por mi hermano Bhima Hari, una servidora se encargó de la organización y logística del programa, así como de la recaudación de los donativos para la realización del mismo.

El Periódico El Norte, hizo un reportaje del Recorrido que realizamos en las embarcaciones del Paseo Santa Lucia

Entre otras noticias tuvimos la maravillosa visita de Su Gracia Mahatma Prabhu quien nos acompañó durante 5 maravillosos días de los cuales 3 de ellos estuvimos en un Japa Retreat donde nos enseñó algunas técnicas del canto del Maha Mantra, este retiro fue realmente iluminador, entre otras maravillosas clases como la del perdón, y la vida en el grihasta ashram, yo tuve el honor de poder cocinarle durante 3 días seguidos.

Dentro de las Noticias del Centro de Predica Guru Prasad Swami creó un comité el cual está conformado así:

  • Presidente: Gadadhara Gosai das
  • Vice Presidente: Sankirtan das
  • Tesorero: Abhay Caitanya das
  • Secretaria: Draupadi devi dasi

Estamos constantes con el servicio a Sri Krishna, las rondas han mejorado mucho gracias a los consejos de Mahatma Parabhu, mi hija Jahnavi ya cumplió 2 años y le gusta mucho el kirtan, estoy un poco desconcertada en cuanto a la educación para Jahnavi, pues mi madre quiere que ella estudie en una escuela pública, sin embargo a mí me gustaría que ella tuviera una educación con asociación vaishnava y entonces quisiera que usted me pudiera aconsejar, si seguir viviendo en monterrey o vivir en un lugar donde mi hija pudiese estudiar con más devotos ¿Qué puedo hacer?

Su eterno sirviente

Lalita Madhava D.D.

HpS - AGTSP google.translate... Thank you for the report! I guess it was good that there was rain, no? I hope the festival was a lot of fun and now the city and the devotees want to expand it more!

School for children. If the devotees can do it with just a few children that is enough, but if not then Seventh Day Adventists schools are nice

And if they are not available then public school can be O.K. if you have strong program in the morning and even in the evening for the family. If you are Krsna conscious, that is the best teaching!

Hare Krsna + Jung + Web

10 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna
All Glories to HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.
All Glories to you.

Please accept my humble obeisances to Srila Prabhupada and yours lotus feet.

Dear GuruMaharaja:
        Hope this letter found you in good health.

HpS - Ha! Ha! At 66-USA years our vision, hearing, memory etc. are going. But by Guru-kripa we are dying a useful death. And your Donkey?

16 round ok, some days 20 paying delayed,  4 pples ok. 
I try to be more consciousness in my Japa, not work, searching offences to holy name to improve it ... 
I started to read "vaisnava compassion" of Satswarupa Das Goswami, and BG often.
Janmastami and SP app full of service, thanks of Gaura Nitai's mercy.
Keep helping in building of Gunagrahi Das Goswami place here in the temple. 
Not much association with devotees, only service arrangements...
And Vrindavana Viharini DD invite me to help in the offering to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai.  What u think about that? I should go or my Consciousness is not prepared yet?

HpS - You mean cook for Them? It seems like it would be nice!!

Gurudeva I start to make arrangements with people of my University checking the University webpage I found a seminar of JUNG!!! 3 meetings in 3 weeks. I started to go there with Luis, he is who  organized the seminar with psychologists during your last visit. He is a great devotee to work, we go there hear the class, for be honestly I not understand many thing they talk about but Luis explain to me. We prepared your presentation with the Prof. who give the course, one of them are a important man here because he translated one of Jung books to Spanish, I made the first contact last week and tomorrow i will give them your presentation + cv + cd with your class in health centre. I asked to my senior godbrothers to help me. I´m really afraid to ruin it. If you want I can transcript and translate the seminar.

HpS - AGTSP - Please coordinate calendar with the Ambarisa Das. We posted our visiting days to BsAs in another letter to the Blog today.

The web page, autodidact way continue, but...........  Krsna is so so so so merciful and send Bktn Belén, she know about that web development!!!
Gurudeva please empower me to can make the arranges for yours conferences be successful. I know you will come here only to preach, please ask to Krsna make aside my foolishness and everything goes well.
HpS - ASA - We are trying to contact a B I G Web-designer here in Tennessee who is friend of NGD to help with the NIOS page. He wants to help. We can co-ordinate with him if Krsna wants. You all should go to school here for one year, MTSU, and get a diploma.  <img alt="devil" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.png" title="devil" width="23" />


I not qualified to make any direct service to your feet but I'm so fortunate and Krsna give me that chance. I will make my best. I confide in my Japa will help me to improve.
In my previous letter you ask me about my goals, my goal is participate in spread Srila Prabhupada knowledge everywhere i can, go somewhere and give Krishna Consciousness to people.  I know is not possible to do it alone. Because of that I adjust to Krsna arranges to show me the better way to proceed.

inutil Please apologize my offences to your feet, hope some day can be your servant. Thanks for encourage me in Sp service. 
My eternal humble obeisances to you. Sorry for my long letter.

Your useless disciple. 
Rati-Manjari Devi Dasi.

pd. I attach the picture of SP chanting gayatri
pd2: In my next letter i will send u my offering to SP lotus feet.
pd3: search bottom is back! Thank u prabhu!!!


HpS - Just 134 more days until we arrive in BsAs. Thank you. You are very, very good servant! You will probably get eternal service in Sankirtan movement very soon!!!!!!!