10 years, 6 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All Glories to you!!
Please accept my humble obeisances to your feet.

WEB and Logo
I send you the sketch of NIOS webpage, and a the logo design.
The text is an example, we can put anything you want. The idea is upgrate the web soon as possible with the information what content the actually and going updating it with the new information.  Do you agree?
If you want to put more thing like other link or specific ítems in the Web please tell me.

BLog stuff.

I asked about the standard for gentleman's in Japa Joe and you said to me, I have to send my doubt by the blog. and a copy of standard for ladies:
Well, here we go...

ASA - Standard for Ladys

by Guy "Uncle" Gismo
President of the ASA Civil Deadman's Society

(rev. 2014 May 26)

1) No, mini-skirts, dresses should be no higher than mid-calf, and usually longer.
2) Only short term contact with the opposite sex for preaching purposes.
3) Should get married by 15-years old ideally but in Kali-yuga get advice from six good people about the sitution. Actually
best thing is to marry Krsna, the King of Vrndavana.

4) Don't talk with weak-minded Dudes in secluded places.
5) Don't bite people. Ask Radharana to ask Krsna and Balarama to protect you. Chant Hare Krsna and be happy.
6) Only listen to music, watch movies, read books that you would see with Srila Prabhupada.
7) Ignore all these rules if Krsna personally tells you to do so.

Thank you. We will try to follow this standard also. Please send your ideas to the Blog.

One more little thing, the Blog was have a search bar, where you can search by word and now have not. Is a shame, because with that, we can put a simple concept ("envy" "gratitude" like that) and can read what u answer about that. Sorry for ask, but it was usefull for me.

Quick report.
16x108 (or more) + 4 ok! 
finish NOI no exam. 

In my next personal letter I will answer all the question you made to me.
Thanks for be patient with me, my selfishness and foolishness have no limits but, by your mercy I can connect with my escence.Hare Krsna. DANDAVATS PRANAM

Thanks for your time and for engage me in service. jay SP!

Your disciple who want to be your servant
Rati-Manjari DD


HpS - ASA --- AGTSP paoho.
1. Monkey and Piggy suggest that you and maybe Candra-mukhi and anyone else should write a "Standard for Boys" for the ASA/ISKCON and they will edit it. (Buck the Butcher and Tom the Trampler)

2. The Web-page needs a Web-master, and team decision about Content. One groups is NIOS-Nashville, another is NIOS-Indological Studies. Our own NIOS work is really ASA right now. We can discuss it with the members here.

We will have to Publish this letter before we can see a full size copy of the picture. All we can see on this letters to answer section is small image. So, we will Publish it and that will send a copy to you and then we will add more thoughts here and Publish that edited version. You will get a second copy then...

.....  Looks more professional. That favors the Indological side. In the Menu bar on the right, after Archives I would add, Bookstall.

Other stuff like details for our local Rathayatra etc. we can put in as separate links in the advertising stuff we do.

Instead of Home I would put Reception Desk.

Your monkey looks like it is doing the Tango.

3. Send another Letter with "What Happened to the Blog Search Button" as the title and lets see if we can get Prahlada's interest?


10 years, 6 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I hope you´re in a very good health. As  requested, I'm sending you the Sanskrit Course agenda. We' ll be waiting for your comments and suggestions.


  • Grupo de revisión y aprendizaje piloto (actualmente en actividad) encargado de revisión y aplicación del material educativo de Goloka Education. Culmina su actividad en setiembre del 2014.
  • Grupo de enseñanza piloto estudia el curso bajo la asesoría del grupo de revisión  y aprendizaje piloto. Se invitará a participar a devotos interesados en temas de educación y conocimiento del idioma.  Realiza actividades entre octubre y diciembre del 2014.
  • Investigación de mercado entre octubre y diciembre del 2014 se realiza un estudio preliminar para determinar los potenciales grupos objetivos en la ciudad de Lima, provincias y otras ciudades de Sudamérica.
  • Establecimiento de franquicia de Goloka Education entre octubre y diciembre del 2014 se organiza un grupo administrativo para el manejo de la franquicia, se asignan roles y asignan responsabilidades.
  • Promoción comercial del curso entre enero y febrero del 2015.
  • Lanzamiento en marzo del 2015.


  • Learning and review pilot group (currently active) responsible for review and implementation of the Goloka Education educational material. Will end in September 2014.
  • Teaching pilot group studies under the guidance of the learning and review pilot group. Performs activities between October and December 2014.
  • Market research between October and December 2014 a preliminary study will be performed to determine the potential target groups in the city of Lima and other peruvian and south american cities.
  • Goloka Education franchise Establishment, between October and December 2014 organization of an administrative group with roles and responsibilities assigned.
  • Commercial promotion, between January and February 2015.
  • Release in March 2015.

Waiting to hear from you soon.

Your servant

Bhakta Germán

Secretary of NIMSAR

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Very nice! We will forward this to Rama-giridhari Das. Gauranga!!!

Sankirtan!!! Misra-bhagava Das

10 years, 6 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

On Wednesday, July 16, 2014 12:06 PM, Mishra Illo <[email protected]> wrote:

I can't find a way to log in to your letters page. 

      HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!!!!!   This is a serious problem. This could mean the end of the three worlds! The Earth falling into the sea! The blood is running cold in our veins! What is the problem?  The web page doesn't open? You have an account and the password don't werke??

You should not have to mow the lawn in Tennessee. Srila Prabhupada told Tamal Krishna Goswami that a sannyas should have some brahmachari assistants, and brahmacharis need to have a sannyasi to serve and learn from. 

   HpS - ASA - I have five offers of gardeners but we LOVE doing our yard work. We want to expand it and grow potatoes!!

I arrived for work at the American Airlines Center in Dallas,Texas on Thursday morning, to do my job setting up the audio for Queen to perform their famous "Bohemian Rhapsody." Our sign in time was 07:30 with hammers in the air at eight.

After signing in and getting my gear together, I sat down to relax until 08:00 and read the newspaper I had bought earlier that morning. I opened my bag and lamented that I had not put the paper in it before leaving the house. So I decided to read some of a copy of "Easy Journey to other Planets" that I always have in the front pouch.

A new hire to the company named Mason was sitting on the road case next to mine. He looked over and said, "What do you got there?" I replied it was "a book from India, it inspired the music of the Beatles and Stevie Wonder."  

He gestured me to hand it to him, and then he opened it and was fascinated with the first sentence,  "Materialistic Science may one day finally discover the eternal anti material world which has for so long been uknown to the wranglers of gross materialism," 

I showed him the pictures, explained the changing body as the soul just passing through, and told him that I was going by Kalachandji's that evening and could bring him a copy of this book for 2 dollars. Mason said he would like that very much. 

We came back that night to work the loadout for a 21:30 call. I did not have an "Easy Journey" at home so I brought a "Beyond Birth and Death." Mason just happened to arrive at the same time asI did. After we both passed through security and were heading downstairs I said, "Mason, I brought that book for you." He said "Oh great" and pulled out the laxmi for it. 

I said, "Now you can associate with Srila Prabhupada by reading this book." He looked at the picture of his divine grace on his beautiful new book, and asked "Is he someone famous?" to which I could only say "Mason, If you only knew how famous he is."

Your Servant, Mishra Bhagavan Dasa


Great story! Great technique. I tell people, here take this one, I can buy another one when I get o Texas etc and that is a comfortable way to inspire them to give a little donation.

Here I tell people that ISO is the great book to distribute to Christians and already some result! Thank you. I will post this on the Blog. We get to Houston next Tuesday and stay for a week, Details in our Calendar, link in the Kapi Dhvaja!!!! Thank you so much for your inspiration!!!

Jala Yatra MTY

10 years, 6 months ago by AKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudeva:

Please accept my humbles obeisances.

I'm on Monterrey, here, devotees  are organizing the near Jala Yatra festival. on the Santa Lucia paseo, where there are a water street.

Here on this mont I'm keeping the preaching program, every day Mangalaratik, Tulasi, Japa, Gurupuja, an Srimad Bhagavatam, the sankirtan program is beginig, we want to invite more people.

There are a good devotees here, I'm try to serving them for hold on  the Goloka path.

the next agust 3, be the Jala Yatra festival. your crew member Aniruiddha Krishna das

          HpS - ASA --- We are always very happy to hear from you. Krsna herds His cows and calves with you. The boat festival seems like it can be very nice. Narottama Das Thakura (I think) says that once you hear about the boating pastimes of Radha and Krsna, you will want to hear about them again and again.

Nice fotos and even video of festivals. Stop along the way to receive offerings.


urgent- text of education symposium in spanish

10 years, 6 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare. Krishna. Gurudeva, pamho, agtSP,

i translated the text of the symposium in spanish to present to the local board.

I copy it to you, maybe is of some help for you or another spanish speaking participants,

i think by this weekend i catch up with my rounds,
at your service,
nikunja bihari das.

Simposio de América del Norte en Educación en ISKCON 
  Houston, Texas Hare Krishna Dham 
Fundador Acharya Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami 

1. Filosofía de la Educación. 
2.Cómo: a. Iniciar un preescolar 
               b. Escuela primaria 
               c. Obtener una Educación conciente de krishna Universitaria 
              d. Conviértase en un profesor dotado y contribuir a Internacional
3. Educación en el Hogar. 
4. Educación Sástrica
5. Artes Prácticas. 
6. Sankirtan.  
Nuestra relación eterna con Dios puede ser revivida en la forma humana de vida, y esa debe ser la meta de la educación. De hecho, esa es la perfección de la vida y la perfección de la educación. "SB 7.6.2

Simposio sobre la Educación de América del Norte 
25 a 27 julio 2014 
   Viernes (25 de julio) 
7:00-20:30 -
-Recepcion - Shyama-sundara Das (Presidente ISKCON Houston)
-Perspectiva General de Educación en ISKCON - Rama-Giridhari Das (Secretario Ejecutivo, ISKCON Ministerio de Educación), Sesa Das (Presidente, ISKCON Ministerio de Educación)
 -Resumen del contenido y los objetivos del Simposio actual - Subhra Devi Dasi (Simposio secretaria de Organización)

 De 9:00 AM a mediodía 
Los Presentadores: sus historias y Metas 
-Hanumatpresaka Swami - Filosofía de la Educación 
-Urmilla Devi Dasi - Creación de un sistema para la Educación en ISKCON 
-Prana Das - Goloka education
-Radha-krsna Das - Educación Sastrica
-Arruddha Devi Dasi - Educación en el Hogar 
-Subhra Devi Dasi - La Academia Goswami 
-Radhika-Raman das- Navegando aguas Académicas como un devoto de Krishna
Cada uno de ellos presentará durante unos 15 minutos con cerca de 5 minutos para preguntas.

2.30-5:30 PM 
 Los presentadores individuales estarán en diferentes lugares con cada taller corriendo durante 45 minutos, una a tres veces dependiendo de la demanda.

Programa Cultural

De 9:00 AM a mediodía 
Sesión Plenaria 
-Resumen de los resultados del sábado. 
-Planificación del Ministerio de Trabajo de Educación en América del Norte a Futuro 
-La implementación de los planes con los oficiales, Calendario y Sistema de Comunicaciones.

El espacio es limitado para la Tele-conferencia y la participación en las instalaciones, por lo que deberan inscribirse lo antes posible. La cuota para el Simposio y el acceso a todas las sesiones grabadas es u$ 51. Haga los cheques pagaderos a ISKCON Houston y envielo por correo a Subhra Devi Dasi: 1510 West 34 ½ Street, Apt # 2 Houston, TX 77018

Para obtener más información, ofertas de ayuda y sugerencias llamar a Srimati Subhra Devi Dasi al 209 918-9058 o Hanumatpresaka Swami a 209 505 a 3.219.
Póngase en contacto con Mataji sobre alojamiento y transporte si usted desea estar personalmente en el evento.
La teleconferencia será probablemente por StartMeeting.com que permite la pantalla compartida, control de participacion y archivo.
Los participantes pueden inscribir una computadora en las conferencias y luego transmitir todo en pantalla grande para compartir su participación con la audiencia local.

 Bhagavad-gītā Tal como es 18.73
              arjuna uvāca
    naṣṭo mohaḥ smṛtir labdhā
    tvat-prasādān mayācyuta
    sthito 'smi gata-sandehaḥ
    kariṣye vacanaḿ tava

Arjuna dijo: Mi querido Krishna, oh infalible, mi ilusión se ha ido. He recuperado mi memoria por Tu misericordia. Ahora estoy firme y libre de dudas y estoy dispuesto a actuar de acuerdo a tus instrucciones.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!! Paoho.   We have always been getting at least 16-rounds/day done with sometimes catch up. Frm 1984 we started 25/day. In May 2012 we had this INTENSE symposium in India and were so exhausted that our mouth was bleeding for 2-3 months after. We always got 16-rounds done but could not keep 25, so we fell behind like 5-rounds/day for maybe 75-days = 375-rounds or something. We tried doing 32/day but that didn't work. So now we chant 26/day and catch up 1-day. Now we are 172-behind. Hansadutta said that old rounds are like old Prasadam.

We have to organize a separate Symposium for Latin America like in September or so, no?

Devotees who speak English like you, Pancha, Maha-jana can attend this one and inject it into the Spanish World. Here comes the wave!!!!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Beloved Gurumaharaja, please receive our obeisances.

We need to express to you that in Mexico we are very interested in closely following the project of Education, which is one of our priorities. Mother Asta Sakhi dd, Lalita Gopi dd, Saranagati dd, dd Satyabhama, and your servant Gopi Radha dd, among other devotees of México, they do not have at the moment, the time or economic possibilities to travel to Houston.  However, we have considered the option to support by ASA KIds Mexico, mother Anuradha DD, so she can asist to the seminar. She is Mahatma prabhu disciple.  She is very responsible, and constant in the service she plays in Asa Kids since late last year. We have the idea, that part of the cost of her plane ticket be cover by Asa Kids and another part she would cover it. On the other hand, we want to ask you if there would be any possibility of having some facility or discount in the Seminar payment. We hope not to  be too bold by such request. Also we would have to consider the ticket cost, since these dates the prices rise.

What do you think in this matter Gurudeva? Would be a good idea the option we are considering? Anyhow, we want to let you know, we deeply regret not being able to be attend to the Seminar. But though we are not physically present, our thoughts and small efforts are focused on supporting you in this important Education project. Thank you very much for your great effort Gurudeva. We wish you much success in your preaching.

Her servants ASA KIDS Mexico.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho.   . . .  What has happened to Krsna-Balarama Prabhu?? He was going to participate also, no?     Hmmm, 1) Govinda Dasi is in Houston and can attend the Symposium personally. Try to contact her,  2) Better than going by airplane at this time if it is big economic stress is to register with Mother Subhra Devi Dasi and then attend by good internet connection. It will be in English but should be clear and it will also all be recorded. You could actually put it in a room with a projection and good audio amplification.

For all this contact Mother Subhra Devi Dasi at the phone number on Registration link on the Web-page:


Thank you so much for this effort. Honestly, Prabhupada said that this was super service for his Sannyasis! Govinda is staying in the same building as Subhra. They are good friends.