jung urgent

hare krsna 


all glories to you guru dev

Guru Dev we want to know for publicity of the jung  s conference that quote of jung where he said same thing like this   that "the psychology in Europe is in diapers compare to the knowledge of the ancient sages of india and china" sorry for my bad memory to remember correctly, it s in the tavistoke lectures?

HpS - ASA = AgtSP! paoho. Sounds like a lot of fun! Go to the Jayaram.usm, archives, one of the first files is Carl Jung and India.docx. All the citations etc are there.

You have a digital book of the tavistoke lecture ? here there are some psychologyst and also the jung foundation in cordoba who want to read and have that material of lecture.

ASA - Harsh sent us a link to an on-line source, but I can't find it now?!! The auto-biography was available, no? That is excellent.

We have the idea to print drawings of Jung from the red book, Jung said that that drawn when he was with mistical expirience (some probably with drugs) and meditation, and some images from the bbt artist (who describe paramatma yogis, etc) and present in the conference of car jung because they have space for artist exhibition. what do you think? 

ASA - Sounds very nice. Some of  The Light of the Bhagavata would also be nice also, no?

thank you guru dev 

your servant Ambarisa das

ASA - Thank you. See you in ~3-weeks!

Soldier ready!

Hare Krsna Guru-maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Caitanya's Harinama Sankirtana movement

Its nice for me to say im working really nice on my sadhana, waking up earlier when im in traveling sankirtan than when im in the temple... more motivation?

It has been 2 months full of adventure since the last letter... after you responded me, i got my visa aproved, still i was not so animated due to your words, i spoke with mother jambhavati and she told me your answer wasn't a complete no... that i just needed to prepare myself with a good plan of what was i going to do there... still i felt discoraged, so i spoke with Vanamali Prabhu and we thought it was better if i concentrate fully in SP marathon in order to collect a little laksmi to start my life program in Queretaro city, you remember in Gaura Purnime i told you we had 2 nama hatta programs per month in that city? now Guru Prasad Maharaja gave his blessings to start a congregational developmet program there, i will be supported and guided by Sinior devotees to serve in that issue and at the same time i start building my griha... i have a few projects wich will be acompanied with sankirtan as much as possible.

if its ok for you, we thought that could be nice to visit you next year when you go to somewhere in texas...

HpS - AGTSP - - -  We would like to be in Mexico right now. If you can avoid the bullets, it is a wonderful place. Everyone are natural devotees of Jagannatha....  In general, I guess we will be in Texas at the end of July for the North American Symposium on Education!  Krsna met the Brajavasis at Kuruksetra during the solar eclipse.

Gurudeva... there is also one question i need to know the answer, because my mind is very very offensive, how can i come to understand the position of an ISKCON guru who is accepting to initiate devotees who are not COMPLETELY recomended by the local authorities, and further more... proving that they dont know even how to put tilaka on themselves?

HpS - Hmmm.  As you are describing, would not be an ISKCON Guru. Sometimes ISKCON Gurus, like Prabhupada, accept people on the recomendation of others, older disciples without personally knowing the devotees. Prabhupada did that and also chastised the Temple Presidents for recommending people who weren't ready. Try to deal with it enthusiastically and correct the situation.

Just based in the authority they are following 4 principles and chanting 16 rounds by now...?

i fear for that question on my mind to be offensive towards a great devotee of The Lord.

Thank you for all your kindness Gurudeva.

Yours in service

Krsna-Kirtana Das

HpS - Yes, is difficult situation, and again, the exact same problem was there when Prabhupada was managing things also. Talk with local GBC Secretary. Talk with other administrative authorities. Try to arrange better situation. Sometimes it is also a fact that ISKCON "Gurus" deviate. Maharaja Bharata deviated!

You will be and ISKCON guru very soon.

BG 2.9 "Govinda, I shall not fight"

Hare Krisna!!     Beloved and esteemed Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Having met you and being able to associate with you make my life worthy. Your example, your qualities, are a huge shelter where many many many fallen souls like me can be safe. Your intelligence is so pure. You always push us beyond the limits. We only have to follow your example. So clear.

HpS - Srila Prabhupada made his generals out of mud. With us Monkeys worse than mud he has a harder time.

Here we are back in our ksetra, mar del plata city. Fighting with 16R/4P. LOVE WITHOUT LOVE, SADHANA VAIDHI BHAKTI. Hope one day we develop any taste for the holy name.

I made a vrata for kartik to chant 20 rounds but i couldnt accomplish it, so again I,m in debt, of course this brings me the realization that we will always be in debt with Guru and Krisna.

HpS - How big your debt? We got so many rounds behind from our 25/day because of that Conference in India some time ago. Still was doing 16/day but not 25. Now we have caught up to 92. We will follow your example and catch up.  Main thing is getting up early and then chant, read, write . . . Is nice. Peace comes and nice plans for service.

The visit to Peru was super, met with so many nice devotees, shared very nice moments with mother CMDD and of course Sri Sri Radha Madhan Bihari.

We met with mother and sister of CMDD, Ullyses who was always eager to knock me down, and felt very good, such nice people.

We have been in Patrak's prabhu Birthday and visited Ayurvedic doctor Rupanuga das. Then we were talking with LAD about expanding Nimsar to Argentina, and different devotees at Wilson Mandir.

We have improved a lot our deity worship thanks to the advices of mother CMDD.

OUR fixed services are Bhakti vriksa program on mondays, BG class for B vriksa students on wednesdays, Bhakti Sastri, now ISO, Memeber of the local comitee AND recently i'm in charge of the local BBT. I always attend our sunday feast at El Loft. Sadhu sanga ki jay!!

Two months ago i moved SAMA our health center, we are motivated with this new space.

My relationship with my kids is very good, they live with me three days a week, and also i have very polite relation with their mother, peace.

My biggest challenge is my work as a doctor. Balance it with devotional service. I often feel is too much, so many people demanding from me, and most of my patients are women which have a negative effect for my spiritual practice. It drags a lot of energy from me and then i can not have a good sadhana. Often i feel like Arjuna wanting to go to the forest to meditate. But i know i can not escape from my nature.

It is frustrating not to have the spiritual practice i would like to have.

I pray, i struggle to have a fixed sadhana like yours gurudev cause i'm sure that is the solution to every affliction.

I know it is a fact but i have so much material desires that my passionate mind is always pushing me away from that goal. 

I have already bought my tiket to chile, arrive friday january 30th in the morning and leave monday february 2nd in the afternoon.

kṛṣṇa se tomāra, kṛṣṇa dīte pāro,

tomāra śakati āche

āmi to' kāńgāla, 'kṛṣṇa' 'kṛṣṇa' boli',

dhāi tava pāche pāche

Running behind you, trying to reach your divine lotus feet.

Nikunja Bihari Das.

HpS - Talk with other devotees, take advantage of people like CMDD and figure out how to do your medical service. Maybe less patients. Train others. You have a unique challenge.

What was the result of your meeting with Rupanuga?

When do you get your rounds done each day?????


10 years, 1 month ago by brian tellez in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

 DEAR Guru Maharaja, pamho AGTSP.

Now I am going to do the marathon of December in mexico df AND U?

HpS - ASA - We are Preparing for the Marathon trip to South America!

many pastimes have happened in sankirtana.

Yesterday for example we go out with the group of devout young persons of the temple to sankirtan we were 35 in total and 28 in the street distributing books. I us seize the police and they took us to a jail for distributing books in public route, he was not dealing since this could happen since they did not warn us, they took to us at once the patrol and enclosed us to my and to other two devout ones that till now begin to do sankirtana. Desues of 4 hours we speak with the judge and and I please very much Krsna's conscience, finally he asked us to speak with the manager of the delegation to be able to have programs of sermon in the jail.

This way that all that had been Gopal's arrangement again!! <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" />

Now I am living in the temple of DF already not in cueramaro, and my direct authorities are P Vanamali and P. Aravinda, is pretty to experience something of kindness, already do pays and languages of  Sr. Jagannatha!!

HpS - Jaya Radha Madan-bihari!  Aravinda Ji will go to the Education Symposium in Chile end of January.

Gurudeva thank you very much for giving me so much nectar in the services, for his mercy am I proving the varied flavors of the service devocional, As I owe???? do not know, but that misses me !! miss u so much Gurudeva.

this marathon I am ready to die for pleasing his spiritual Teacher.

His donkey of load

Vrajendra Kumara Dasa (HPS)

HpS - ASA -- Our Guru would prefer we LIVE to please him more, not DIE to please him. <img alt="angel" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="23" /> Please send some news of your Sanknirtan.

Thank you for the fotos! !     !


10 years, 1 month ago by Gadai in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, por favor reciba mis humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto!!!!

ASA - HpS - AGTSP!  pfanrh....    Pies de lodo.

Por lo pronto seguimos en Chosica - Mandir, tenemos bastante conversación con nuestro hermano espiritual Prabhu Amala Karuna de Cusco, estamos haciendo planes de como ayudar al movimiento. Los devotos en Cusco estan haciendo pan integral y lo ofrecen a Sri Sri Gaura Nitay y luego lo venden, de esa manera se ayudan a cubrir algunos gastos.  También estan construyendo una carroza para  Sus Señorias Jaganath, Balaram y Subhadra, lo más probable es que más adelante hallan Ratha Yatras en la ciudad del Cusco.

HpS - 5,000 anos pasado cuando Krsna y Balarama regresan al Dvaraka, poco a poco fueron conocido como Vasudeva y Sankarsana. En todo el mundo hay remenantes de esta culto. Claro, en la tradiccion de Cusco vamos a encontrar tambien. Es un aspecto mas confidencial de la religion de la Inca... pre-inca, cusquenos.

Nosotros estamos viendo la posivilidad de hacernos cargo del BBT en Cusco y dar los libros a precio BBT, solo a los devotos, de esa manera los devotos podran adquirir los libros a menor precio y asi tendran más facilidad en distribuirlos. Nuestra actividad principal es el Sankirtan "La Distribución de Libros de Srila Prabhupada". Como usted nos dijo en una ocación "SON LIBROS SAGRADOS, NO ES SOLO PAPEL Y TINTA".

HpS - ASA - Y Engles us super in Cusco, no? Muchos touristas de TODOS partes del mundo. Solamente distribuir en Cusco puede distrribuir en todo el mundo!

raja-vidya raja-guhyam

pavitram idam uttamam

pratyaksavagamam dharmyam

su-sukham kartum avyayam


Personalmente queremos estar dedicados a esta actividad trascendental y para eso nesecitamos cantar nuestras rondas de Japa con mucha atención y dedicación y tener Sadhana, leer y saber entender lo que <Srila Prabhupada nos dice en sus libros, seguir los 4 principios regulativos con madures y seriedad, por eso siempre le pedimos a Srila Prabhupada que nos de inteligencia para  poder ayudarlo en Su Misión de Sankirtan.

Ojalá los planes é ideas de Sankirtan se realicen, por nuestra parte estaremos en constante comunicación con usted Gurudeva, que Krsna Balaram lo protejan, Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Das

HpS - ASA ---- Jaya! Todas la glorias de los Sankirtaneros Peruanos

Rathayatra Lima y Nuestra Vida

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, por favor reciba mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Nuestro Sadhana está marchando favorablemente bien, estamos con 16 rondas de Japa diarias, Mangal Artik  y cuatro principios regulativos, luchando bastante con nuestra cruel  mente.

HpS - ASA - Ja! Ja! Ja!  Nuestro mas intimo amigo!!

En mi lectura personal, estoy leyendo el Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhya Lila, Cap 6 “La liberación de Sarvabhauma Bhatttacarya” y también estoy  leyendo el  Néctar de Srila Prabhupada “Biografía”.

   HpS - Suuuu per!

Muchos proyectos de Sankirtan por realizar, estoy comprando libros de Srila Prabhupada para distribuirlos.

Este 9 de noviembre se realizo el Ratha Yatra en la ciudad de Lima, en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, el distrito más poblado de Lima, el Ratha Yatra fue todo un éxito, por nuestra parte también participamos distribuyendo los libros de Srila Prabhupada.

       HpS - ASA - - - !! !   !!! !    (!)  {!!}

Conocimos a un joven que se está volviendo devoto, el se llama Cesar, asiste al Centro de predica en Willson, es vegetariano desde hace algunos años, hablamos con él y le pedimos que nos ayude a distribuir los libros de Srila Prabhupada, a lo cual aceptó inmediatamente, de esa manera comenzamos a darle libros a las personas, muchos interesados en el canto del Maha Mantra, les parecía algo muy místico, en lo personal pude apreciar que algunas personas quedaron hipnotizadas por el canto del Maha Mantra “Hare Krsna” y muchos de ellos se iban cantando, eso fue muy impresionante para mí. Entre los tres distribuimos 57 libros pequeños.

HpS - ASA -
Hare Krsna !!!


Hubo varios distribuidores de libros, mucha motivación y entusiasmo en la prédica.

Leí  la carta que le respondió a mi esposa y estaba pensando mucho en la importancia de formar personas y que se vuelvan devotos y Sankirtaneros y ayuden en la Misión de Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada. Claro el snack vegetariano puede ser algo secundario.

Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido, que Krsna y Balaram lo protejan mucho. Hare Krsna!!!!

Gadai Gauranga Das

HpS - La idea de Srila Prabhupada es un movimiento bien integral, no? Cad persona tiene su naturaleza material y espiritual. No esperamos la misma servicio de Vacas y Vaqueros, no? Tiene que integrar su servicio con otros, interminos de su abilidad. Un "Snack" posible es una parte muy importante de su Sankirtan.
Muchas gracias los fotos!  Muchas!  Es Prahladananda Swami, no?

Mas y mas noticias, poco a poco.