monterrey yatra

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y al movimiento de sankirtan.

Querido gurudeva estamos muy contentos de  poder celebrar su viasa puja en el centro cultural de monterrey, usted mos visito 2 veces en el 2012 en ese tiempo  teneiamos unos meses de empezar la predica en monterrey, ahora ya tenemos un restaurante y un nuevo centro de reuniones, nos gustaria nuevamente tener su visita  y hacer  un programa en la universidad y tambien para dar inspiracion  a la congregacion.

nuestro programa de predica es food for life , distribucion de libros y restaurante, asi tratamos de presentar iskcon en monterrey , nos gustaria hacer mas programas en las universidades lo cual empezaremos con su bendicion el proximo anio , trataremos de poner mesas de libros y food for life  , por ahora tenemos apoyo de devotos mayores. en el ashram estamos siguiendo los programas ,un tiempo tubimos dificltades para establecer un estandar, ahora trabajamos en un comite que formo el GBC local muy bueno trabajar en equipo en la mision de srila prabupada podemos apreciar y valorar mas este movimiento, gracias por su tiempo y por el lindo nombre que le dio anuestro hijo ,mi esposa le envia reverencias . att su sirviente gadadhar gosai das

HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna!!!! Muy buena suerte con todo su predica en Monterrey. Fotos? Claro: Templo bueno, Finca, 1,000 miembros entre do anos!!

Sankirtana y el más allá

HK Paoho Jay Gurudeva, espero que este año que comienza con su honomástico sea más que auspicioso en su predica, y por el programa de Enero del 2015 parece que será así, una comunidad debe ser educada y que mejor que se empiese el año tratando el tema de la educación.

Como lo demuestra la historia los grandes cambios y grandes trasformaciones se dan a partir de que la gente se instruye, y surgen los nuevos líderes.

Si embargo este mes que todavía no acaba es la maratón de Srila Prabhupada y quería compartir esta experiencia de sankirtana:

HpS - Monkey/Piggy - Super!!!  TlgaSP!

Llevada por el viento, liviana como una pluma, sostenida por delgadas alas pero tan fuertes…¡Útiles!
En el mundo del sankirtana, dentro de un bus, ¡Oh! La atmosfera se torna hermosas, mar, cielo limpio, claro, estamos en Larcomar, o sorpresa, un accidente automovilístico, no muertos no heridos, salvo una señora que pedía la lleven a un hospital, se golpeó la cabeza contra el asiento de adelante, el carro se detiene…. pero antes, …..¡Extraño! todos los pasajeros sentados salvo la joven que distribuye libros, en su momento más vulnerable, cuando un sankirtanero hace buses al entregar los libros por momentos no se agarra de ningún pasamanos, y si es muy delgado en una parada estrepitosa, se abalanza hacia adelante, pero por reflejos  rápidos se cogió de un brazo fuertemente, el brazo se soltó pero el otro reaccionó, se sostuvo, solo así no salí disparada. ¡Auch!

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, pude haber muerto pensé, me duelen los brazos, más estoy ilesa, me senté un rato, ¡Hare Krsna!. Momento después fue a recoger el libro de la única persona a quien llegué a repartirle, la gente estaba conmocionada por el accidente, a aquel joven asustado le mostró el libro Más allá, el joven sonrió, al bajar del carro a la gente expectante por las ventanas les mostré el libro más allá.

El sankirtanero pensaba pude haber muerto y quería llorar, pues morir así significa el traslado inmediato a un mejor lugar, pensaba para sus adentros, estamos en maya siempre, pero gracias a Srila Prabhupada, puedo hacer este servicio, me purifico y si me toma la muerte en el campo de batalla sabemos que el éxito está asegurado.

Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Jay Gurudeva!
Sankirtana Ki Jay!

HpS - !
Adelantando muy rapido, sus papeles en la drama va a ser mas y mas asombrosos...


Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudeva,

I apologize for not having presented the ekadasi report in the past few weeks; I've been busy with work issues (every end of year is a little hell at the university). Henceforth I will organize best so i won't fail. We are very happy with your arrival, the enviroment begins to move and devotees's excitement increases.
In NIMSAR, we have been working hard in recent weeks.The mission, vision and values draft is very important because it allows us to establish a coordination in the subtle plane of thought. It is also useful for the website and as institutional presentation material in the Bolivia and Chile congresses.

This sunday, the final document will be approved and move forward. We are also working in the powerpoint presentation that we will present in Chile and Bolivia, the final review will be in charge of Prabhu Patraka . Finally, during the last board meeting NIMSAR academic agenda was proposed for the next year. It was established the organization of Bhakti-sastri and Bhakti-vaibhava contents in a format used in modern universities, this will make easier the course management. In addition, the courses in communications, management and leadership, deity worship, introduction to bhakti yoga and (maybe) the disciple's course. I'm taking this course with Param-padam prabhu online but I will not be allowed to dictate it, until I have five years of being initiated. We will give you details during your visit. I must assume that you must be very busy with your travel arrangements.

The mango season has begun, I'll waiting for you with a few.
See you soon
Your servant,
Bhakta Germán NIMSAR Secretary

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!  paoho.  Yesssssss, if you can send such nice reports each Ekadasi it is nice. They can be very short eg. "Nothing happened these last two weeks except for regular classes by ABC and XYZ". Of course, these educational programs can be taken as the most important preaching in ISKCON. We looked at the Nimsar Web page with the Mission Statement through the link that Patrak Das sent by Twitter.
We will have a formal Nimsar meeting January 1st, after the morning program.
Very good luck for dealing easy with your "material" obligations.

Your Vyasa Puja


Please accept my tearful dundavats and pranamas as the date for your vyasa puja draws nearer, my dear most Guru Maharaja.  How I wish I could celebrate it in person with you and your other disciples, my God-brothers and sisters.  But I am very fallen and do not deserve this priviledge so must accept this sorrow.  Still I hope you accept my sincere gratitude for your eternal frienship, your shelter and understanding and advice, your fixed and steady example, your faithfulness to HDG Srila Prabhupada; your faithfulness to all your disciples; your acceptance of Monkey and Piggy as your alter ego to the benefit of fallen souls.

Turns out Lila has early kidney disease.  She was on a regular diet which  included limited (but too much) salt and phosphate which caused a renal crisis.  Now she is on special renal diet; her health is normalizing.  Kidneys will continue to deteorate but correct diet will slow down that process.  Also has intestinal problems for which she is on medication; is improving.  I hope she can skip human birth; I personally recommend it!

HpS - Ha! Ha! Of course, someone might comment that taking birth in the West we may not have actually experienced "human birth".

Wow your schedule is ambitious!!  Whenever are you going to have time for Ayruvedic Conferences next year??  So, when you are in San Jose late July 2015 is the best time to approach you re. a possible darsana date with you at Sac preaching center?

HpS - Yes, seems like nice time to visit Sacramento! The Ayur vedic stuff seems like it won't happen. What we have to offer is mostly already available in USA, but we will see.

Re. Preaching Center:  Mahat Tattva Das (look up his web pages AND YOU TUBE STUFF) who is currently San Diego Temple President, publishes a magazine for the young beach crowd entitled 16 ROUNDS TO SAMHADI, scheduled to take sanyas 2016, very fixed up, excellent communicater, has been approved by GBC to be our "captain."  Before he can move here, we must be able to pay rent for a barely adequate brahmacari dwelling close to Sac State for him and other brahmacaris.  Now he is helping us in pledge drive so we can rent our own center building sometime next year.  For now, he drives to Sac from San Diego about every month and a half; will be here next Sat.  MEANWHILE, xxx, young, charismatic prabhus from Fiji, who have been part of this group of devotees for a long time, swayed about half the group to follow them to start up their own preaching - future temple - program elsewhere in Sac. We are all sad but Mahat Tattva Das said, though saddened, upon seeing our pledges and dedication, he is uplifted and hopeful we will be able to push forward Srila Prabhupada's mission as we all long to do.

OK,Wow, "Esteemed, Kalindi Devi Dasi Mataji, Prabhu"  Good ole' Monkey and Piggy, always able to instill wisdom by the use of exaggeration  and humor!!  Last Sat at the center Sangeeta Mataji came up to me and said, "You know of course that we all look to you as our mother...". So between your advice and her words I understand "Kalindi Mataji" is just fine, Krsna's arrangement and a responsibilty.

Please help me pray for larger home, closer to Sac, which we can afford.  I am not generally any more inclined to pray for material benefits, but in this case, it is absolutely mandatory for continuance of serving SSG, G and maintaining KC lifestyle until death.

HpS - ASA - - Maybe Krsna wants you to pray for facility for your service so that you will appreciate it.

Here's hoping your Vyasa Puja is all your disciples want it to be.  I have a picture of you bathed in God's glow taken at Ratha Yatra.  If D.P can help me, I will download it to your site for Vyasa Puja as I believe you and your disciples will be blessed by it.

Hare Krsna!   YWS,  Kalindi Mataji

HpS - Jaya! AGTSP! Lila has a very bright future. Keep some Prasdam going out always.

More news

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept our most humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Maharaj, we feel very fortunate that you asked for more news.  More news from a devotee stunt lady who is now totally sick with a unending 2 week bronchital cough... possibly due to trying to perform too many 'show bottle' devotee type of stunts??

I really like Srila Prabhupada's show bottle analogy: we seem to have a recurring dialogue with our ego who needs to feel like a praised humanitarian and our spiritual intelligence that says we should work on gaining more sincerity and humility.  Please advice Guru Maharaj.

HpS - ASA - AgtSP!     paoho..... A "Praised humanitarian"?   Hmmm....  what about the cats and dogs?  We don't know details, but sounds like the Witch is torturing with the same magic she caught Adam (of Eve) and Bharata Maharaja. BG . 5.29. Not the Supreme Owner. Not the Supreme Enjoyer, but . . . Kama-gayatri Devi Dasi, the Supreme Friend!

If that is the disease, then the cure is to think that you are not the Supreme Friend. You have to get out of His way and let humans and animals and ... bask in His sun-shine. You have to direct to Him and act as a proper post-man!

We hope your health is doing well for travels.  Will we be celebrating your Vyasa Puja in Boise?  We were trying to look for a date.

HpS - ASA - We will be in Nashville. It will be 23rd December. On line 6.30 - 8.30PM. Look for details in the forthcoming Kapi Dhvaja ja ja!

Excerpts from last letter.  Thankyou for the reply!

I pray for it, but I am still so distracted.

   HpS - The Gopis didn't know how to read and write, Nanda Maharaja didn't know how. He would  hire some educated fool to do it for him. They would watch puppet shows about these things andd understand it all. Hour in the morning, hour in the evening. One standard. That can some with Aja, some with devotees. Some before breakfast.
How to eat better? Experiment with different diets.

>>>Our new update Maharaj is we are making some adjustments and definitely strive to be chanting, doing mangal for Brahma Muhurta time: 6:15 to 7:45 here.  Struggles on days we slack: sickness/toddler up all night coughing. Devotee classes starting at 7:45-8 daily and ending at 9.  We leave at 9 but it might be best to just listen to lecture at home.  Classes are very late here.

I am now about to start my internship as well as a class on Evidence based counseling to finish my degree. Part of me does not even want to finish school (Haha, silly, I know!!) because I am already very busy with teaching 25 hours a week and keeping up with my sadhana and Aja. I am incredibly scared that I will lose my sadhana and service if I take this on.  Let me know if you have any advice!

HpS - Everything you do, if you don't chant 16-enthusiastic rounds daily and follow the four principles strictly will just be a source of great wailing and lamentation at the time of your death. You were so close to going back to Krsna in your last lifetime, but you didn't follow these principles and you messed it all and took birth again . and again . and again. You were a great Baron in you last life and Nick was a rival Prince, and Aja his son. You were not fair with them and they have come back to get their revenge. We told you this last lifetime but you didn't take it seriously and made your own priorities for success rather than doing your part and messed up your own material and spiritual success as well as everybody elses, maybe.

HpS - Of course, don't do anything that doesn't first INCREASE your attachment to Japa-vraja and 4-principles and Full Morning Program. Krsna will send the Prasad if you do that. 

>>>Maybe Krsna is making arrangements for us to not do the internship (our internship just magically fell through the last minute).  We do have a HUMUNGOUS student loan though.  So trying to get this paid off and being able to make more lakshmi will enable us to work part time with a higher paying job and spend half of our time doing sankirtan activities (helping with the school, preaching center, etc.)  We are not sure if our logic is correct, but we hope that being materially better situated will increase our attachment.

HpS - Ask a lot of people for advice on how to make a practical balance. Rounds, principles first thennnnnn you will have gud inteligentz!

Another bit of news is we have been very involved in trying to resurrect, renovate, and now hold preaching programs at My Sweet Lord Cafe.  Lots of insightful dialogues with great devotees such as Sadhu and Sudhevi, Mahat Tattva in San Diego on how to run a preaching center that appeals to the 21st century American. Our team is composed of a lot of smart Microsoft Indian intellectual preachers, so a crash course from Mahat Tattva on how to preach logically and universally and NONJUDGMENTALLY has been very helpful.  Working with those senior to me and with the authorities here, I am trying to contantly reiterate your advice Maharaj of "understanding my position" so I do not step on any toes but also inspire.  We have our first kirtan, vegetarian feast this Saturday at MSL!  I made a flyer.  But so much coordination is needed so it doesnt look like a train wreck (nice kirtaniyas, nice 15 minute discussion, no in your face preacher fanatics).  Also, this is a big commitment since it should be a weekly program not just a monthly one.  Feeling like the lone Joan of Arc in the crowd!  I know my awkward ashram position may be a reason why trying to organize these programs with this team feels strange.  It most definitely is keeping my active mind very creatively engaged though.  Please let me know if you have any comments/advice.

My unending gratitude for the shelter you and Srila Prabhupada have given to us all.  I read some of my past letters from four years ago.  So, so much tolerance you have given.

Your aspring servant,

Kamagayatri dd

Get up early and get your rounds done (enthusiastically), then Krsna can do the magic!

NIMSAR Translate Jung PPTX

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja, Pamho, AGTSP and you!

This one is to kindly ask you to sent me the ppt of Carl Yung to translate it into spanish for our program in La Cantuta University in Chosica. In a couple of days, I'll have a meeting with dean of Humanities to set our program for february 6th in the morning. We worked with him before, he's is a nice person and we already have a reputation at the University, so no problem to set the program along with Imagen Institutional with Haribhuddi prabhu and professor Durant.

I'm also asking for permission to translate into spanish your ppt of Filosophy of Education. This one is going to be used in Bolivia, actually both ppt's. I don't know if the people in Chile are translating these. So, if they want, they can use my translations. They just have to ask.

Thanks to allow me to help you in your sankirtana.  

Your servant 

Laksmana-agraja das (known as the LAD)

HpS - ASA - AgtSP!   Paoho and our humble bananas for the Blue Baboon.

You can download the Jung pptx that we used in Chicago Universities at:

The original Philosophy of Education pptx is at:

But I think you have a more recent one.

Thank you.