NIOS Reporting (To Dr. Samaresh)

9 years, 11 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Hot Topics

Jaya Sri Krsna!

Esteemed Professor, Swami Harsh et al,

We are sitting in Ashrama of our disciple, Tandavika Das, in Franklin, Tennessee, after a long and arduous journey from Peru. It was about 22-hours with great physical and mental stress, but we are very happy and in pretty clear consciousness.

1. BOOK RELEASE IN PERU: We went to Ricardo Palma University to make the presentation of the Bharata Sanskriti volume to Prof. Dora Bazan and her husband Ruben Devoto. We were well received and asked to lecture to about 50-students of Ayur-veda officially inscribed in the study offered by Ruben and the University. They were enlightened people from 18 to 58 years old, students, and not only medical practitioners, but also directors of well known clinics.

Dora inaugurated the program and then went down to join the University Council meeting that was going on. Officially we were number 37 on the agenda and she would call us when it was time to present the volume before the Council and Rector.

The advanced copy itself had been done to the highest quality by Visual Service and I dare say that the finished publications will not surpass it. Ruben, Dora, everyone, were very, very, enthralled with the volume and kept looking through it again and again.

After about 20-minutes of lecture Dora returned and talked to Ruben with an anxious look on her face. He then approached us and asked if we could have a short break in the lecture with the students approval.

We stepped to the office next to the lecture hall and then he told as that although we were number 37 on the list there was one "small report" from the University Auditor's office as item 31.

When it came to the Auditor's report it turned out not to be a "small report" but and atomic bomb carefully covered so as to not alert suspicion.

The Auditor reported that after following small discrepancies and then make full research and documentation himself and with his Staff, he was now reporting that over $250,000 had been embezzled by members of the university academic and administrative staff, many of whom were members and present in the Council Meeting.

Basically, falsified funding notices had been given to the University treasurer who had released the funds. These then had been banked and loaned at 20% interest.

Of course at this point all pandemonium broke loose and every subsequent item on the agenda went under like a stone in the ocean. Dora is a Dean. She was not charged with embezzling funds but some of her secretaries were. She then took the volume with place markers and directly showed it to our Rector, Dr. Ivan Rodriguez, who in the middle of the chaos looked at it and told her to tell us that it was an amazing publication and it only confirmed his opinion of the work that NIOS has been doing with the university and in Peru, and after this chaos is dealt with he hopes to give proper respect to us and all facilitations to NIOS and their own IECOO to develop this kind of work.

2. NOW: We will call Dr. Sahaab and see if there is any special work for us. We still don't have the "Page Maker" files from Sanjaya which are at least as important as the hard-copies of the book, as these will be used to make the electronic copies of the book that will be marketed at and other places.

There is a lot of work for ISKCON Ministry of Education, Goloka Education and here in our home-town, but it all seems to be in good proportion and will yield up to a plan and calendar within the next few days. One of the most prominent tasks for us and NIOS seems to be seeing whether Dr. Eduardo Gostelumendi, whom we met at the last academic event in Lima, wants to co-author a "book" with us. He is a very respected, informed and intelligent Freudian psychiatrist in Peru and even internationally.

The idea would be that we would each write a little taking the dialog through different topics, including other people as appropriate and then publish the volume in July, organize a robust event at the Peruvian National Library in August with exhibitions in place for two weeks before, and a discussion of the contents of the book by the two principal editors and the other contributors.

Our hope is that by this NIOS might produce something as important as Hamlet, Don Quixote, Das Kapital, Mein Kampf or other publications that have been central in changing the world (for better). 

Please give us you instructions and advice.

Thank you.

Rest a little now and honor some Prasada. Below freezing here.


Dear Hanumat Presaka Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

My name is Eric, I'm a brahmacari in Los Angeles. I very much appreciated hearing from you at the Q&A booth at the SF Rathayatra this past year and I was wondering if and when you plan to return to the western United States?

My situation is that I've been aspiring to take diksha initiation from a senior Vaisnava who has not yet agreed to accept disciples. I've been waiting for well over three years now and I don't expect he will change his mind. At this point I'm considering some other options and I'm seeking guidance from advanced devotees.

Thus far, my main service has been traveling sankirtan, and I'm currently acting as a party leader here in LA. I'm fully committed to the sankirtan mission, particularly in North America, but in considering my long term plans it hasn't escaped my attention that 80% of the books we distribute now are in the universities, not the airports. Therefore it seems imperative that we develop preaching strategies which are better suited for engaging college students. 

As far as I'm concerned traveling book distribution is absolutely the best sadhana, especially for brahmacaris, but I'm equally convinced that sooner or later we must penetrate into the infrastructure of the education system and establish ourselves within the institution if we want to make a real impact.

I'm very much enthused by the narrative of your recent work in South America, and I think I could benefit tremendously from associating with persons with your qualifications and experience. I wish you safe travels and I look forward to hearing more of your endeavors in the future. Hare Krsna!

Your servant,

Bhakta Eric
ISKCON, New Dwarka
3764 Watseka Av.
Los Angeles, Ca, 90034

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Esteemed Nikunja-bhari Das. Thank you for forwarding this letter. Please tell Erick the Sankirtan Leader that we might be out to West coast about Janmastami time. His service sounds super and is very informative for us.

We would like to talk with him.

Of course, we are posting news.

Certainly we could talk on the phone when we get back to USA. Also if he is in Tennessee, Texas, or Chicago we could meet.

Team strategy can be there. That takes contemplation and talking with a lot of people, no? In general, "yare dekhe tare kaha..", follow your own individual inspiration in the area and develop your programs and that will lead to group strategies. We are developing Jung and it is having an effect.

Suffering on KC

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami:


Sorry for the comunication delay.

Still alive inmerse in MAdrid´s nectarian and trascendental pastimes of Sri Sri Gaura Nitay.

Temple activity is frenetic, Midday program is working really good, many many people coming and enjoing prasadam, bhajan and devotee asociation.

By krisna´s merci we have a little but stable team:

Temple council members: Jiva Tatva Das (The old Bramana wise man), DAndava DAs (President), Carcika DD (The only woman and secretary of the council, Janardhan (Acounter) and my self (Service coordinator)

I live with my good wife Bhaktin Marta in the aprtment side by side of the temple, we share the apartment with the mataji asram (4 little beds for ladies) and and extra room for visitors.

Jiva goswami is cooking from tuesday to saturday

Jaga Mohan is cooking sunday feast and mondays and is taking care of the FFL program (Actually feeding 30-40 people per day )

Mantri Ram is in charge of the altar (I help a little)

Bhakta Victor a graet devotee from Ecuador is doing grate as cook´s Assistant.

Nittay, a second generation devotee (17 Years old), is doing very well job cleaning the temple area, gest bathrooms, etc.

Kalindy (Jiva tattva´s Daugther) is taking care of the boutique and is a clear candidate for acounting assistant.

Isvara das (And old bramacary) will stay 6 months in mayapura and six months in Madrid doing Pujari and sankirtan service.

He donated his land in MAyapur to MAdrid temple and we are exploring the pòsibilitie of constructing some facilities for the spanish devotees.

The bhakti vriksa is developing nicely with Bhaktin Anna as head of the project. " spanis and one russian group are meeting regularly.(Anna, Janardan and Dandava are doing a great job as bhakti vriksa leaders)

We got a very nice little tulasi plant from Dharmavatsala prabhu and tulsi grow very nicely.(Bhatin marta is in charge of her )

The morning program is developing nicely including tulasi Puja.

Your good spiritual brother Dhanesvara prabhu (Spiritual economic´s) is staying on a regular basis triying to develope Mother earth´s project.

He apreciates you very much, now he is planning to write spirirtual psycology.

Also Damodar Pandit prabhu has being visiting regularly and giving a lot of nectar. (He drove the first busses from germany to India under the authoritie of hamsaduta and personally drove for srila prabhupada, he was also temple president in vrindavan for a while.

He is giving very nice classes in a very nice loving mood and devotee care actitude.

He was instructed in vaisnava defense by udaretha das in new vrindavan.

Many devotees from the congregation helps in diferents areas.

Unfortunatly as ussual there are aleays missunderstandins among devotees and some devotees are temporally not visiting the temple as before.

This really affects me a lot and makes me fell misareble some times.

In the last sankirtan meeting attended by Hanuman Das, Avesa Rupa Das, Jayanta, Purnamasi, Miguel, Jiva tatva, We got to the conclusion that relationship among devotees is our main problem so we decided to work togheter to try to develope better relations among the devotees of the yatra.

Personally I feel exausted some times, I am the only member of the councl leaving in the temple and the service coordinator , so some times is very intense.

I do not go for sankirtan (Book distribution as much as I would like)

Marta is helping me a lot, workin in yhe flower shop and helping with the family expenses.

But in the othewr hand we are really happy of having the mercy of serving SriSri gaura Nittay, Srila Prabhupada and the devotees in such a close and intens way.

My body was giving me a lot os sintoms of exaustion and from last december started a new program raw vegan diet and doing different proces of cleaning colon, Liver, etc.

I am feeling much better now.

This is all from now.

Please pray to Srila prabhupada for me and MArta So we can keep serving devottes and GAura Nitay for the rest of our lives.

Your servant JMHD

Well this is all

HpS - ASA - AGTSP . paoho.  Thank you for the report!   WAe are in Buenos Aires. We have been fighting for three days with our lost credit card and finally got it cancelled to day. If you have been reading the Blog you know our Jung programs etc.   We are giving 1-2 temple programs/day here with 30-60 devotees. Srila Prabhupada supplies intense verses.

The Magic will not be done by you, nor me, nor any living being. The magic will be done by Krsna when we become pure devotees of Krsna.    NOI 4-6 is how to associate, no?   Very interesting advice. We can read it tonight in the class.
Thanks so much to everyone. How to make as you can become more deep in your own KC you will find so many ways to help so many more people!!!!!!           We see you in a few minutes.             Ask Dhanesvara Das to visit!!!!!!

Nikunja Bihari Das contact info

Hare Krisna Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Here are my contact info in case anyone wants to contact you.

I assume this secretary seva with joy.

personal phone +5492235806110

email: [email protected]

skype: nicmdq

Thank you for your superclever sankirtan. Many realization after the Jung conference in Cordoba. Increased my faith in KC.

Always trying to serve you,

Nikunja Bihari Das.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP paoho. Thank you!!!       We have another Jung meeting tomorrow evening. It is going better than WE deserve!.   Wooof!       Woooooof!


Hare Krishna gurudev, pamho ,agtSP,

Have a nice and safe trip to SOUTH AMERICA.

Thank you for all the austerities you are making to come to preach to this distant land.

We pray for improvement!!!

See you in one week,

Nikunja Bihari Das.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP .. Paoho.   Yes, thank you. We are just publishing the DTC with little news frm us. Thank you for all the austerities that you perform. Certainly Krsna uses them for good result.

Arg Jan 2015 - urgent

All Glories to Sri Sri Gauranga Nitiananda
All Glories to His divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
All Glories to You
All Glories to devotees

Please accept my most humble obeisances to your holy lotus feet.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. at your holy lotus feet also.

Dear Gurudeva:
                  How are you? I'm so so so (X108) happy, because of your comming. I really can't bealieve that's soon you will be there :D
16 Rounds or less :( I start again with my debt, I think less service can help me for that., and 4 principles ok.
Gurudev you're my daily inspiration, each good thing I make is because of you any good quality I take is because of you and my parents. I started to appreciate it, all the time the people invert on me, to help me. I really thankful for that, hope my actions show it.
The organization of your visit keep on, I keep confirming things. One new door is open. I met a consular of India embassy, and talk with him to introduce you, and he answer about you can take a meeting with them in India Embassy and he can introduce you to the embassador. Are you interest? I think it can be a good seed, to other visits, but wait your answer to confirm. Madhavendra P D, suggest to make a lunch with them, now we are trying to organize your visit.
Yes Gurudeva. Bkt Luis the psychologist is helping, and too Dhanya Lalita :)
I'm so happy the devotees are so interest in help you in every service! They're so inspire because of your visit!
Helping in Education Congress in design stuff.
In my next letter send my VP letter.

HpS - ASA - Actually we have done programs in the Indian Embassy maybe six times in the past and was not much response from their public, and is only useful to meet with the Ambassador if there is specific task. They all know ISKCON quite well already, so I would say that we can ask them to send notices of our programs to anyone they think might be interested but no need to visit them personally now.

Other questions;
1.What can we do with persons, who make a lot of time are in KC, but still taking drugs or like that?

ASA - It is a very individual process. Some go slow, some go fast. Some are Kardama and Devahuti, some are Daksa and Sati. So, get to know them individually as Krsna arranges and then if you have some knowledge to give them, preach to (teach) them. If they don't WANT to listen then keep a respectful attitude, show a good example.

2.You have some new tryptich for Jung? or the same of last year? Diferent persons than last year. With Nikuñja we try to invite the most important person about jung here in Arg, but he will be on Hollydays at these time, and too my contact from my university. But a women who is in charge of one of Jung's schools will come.

HpS - Don't have any tryptic so make one as you like. You could make it with Crayolas. (Ha! Ha! Hare!)

3. New material for the education seminar? or the same?
HpS - Same.

Thanks for your time. Sorry for my long letter.
Always trying to do my best to please you and Srila Prabhupada.
Rati Manjari Devi Dasi.
Please bless me to fix my Japa. I'm so worry to lost myself because of that.

HpS - Yes, is a fact. Make it first thing RIGHT NOW. Without good Japa we become more and more and more stewpud.