Sadhana-Sankirtan Report - bhaktin isabela
<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />Hare Krishna Maharaja<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />
I present my respect and sincere reverences.
Thank and glorify Srila Prabhupada, who always are giving us shelter in his lotus feet.
And especially I offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Baladeva, who is showing me His wonderfull mercy.
I ask the Lord Nrisimhadeva always take care of you.
We are so happy because your near visit!!!
We will welcome you with a nice garland and sweet prasadam mangoes <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />
There are something that I can do to serve you maharaja? I know about graphic design, so if I can serve to you, please let me know.
I would like to tell you that I am very happy! My older sister wants to become a devotee. She has gone through a bad time after her divorce, I tried to support her and to have a conversation about philosophy, this and other events have been helpful with her connection with her spiritual life. Now she is taking care of her 3 children, is becoming a vegetarian and sings 1 round per day <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> she is a very nice person. On the other hand, the group of Bhakti Vriksha "Nitai Gaura" is growing, a couple of weeks ago we organized a workshop on vegetarian cuisine and food offering, the class was led by your disciple Rohini Kumara das and the devotees were very pleased, my sister took part also, she is now having the association of devotees. Everyone was happy <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />
Furthermore, I would like to tell and consult you about a situation. Time ago I bought a kanti having this beautiful very well painted tiny wooden forms of Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra. They are very cute! I didn’t use the kanti because a few devotees told me that while not strictly deities, because they represent Krishna and I cannot expose them to the same use as an accessory. So I had them on my altar. And for months I’ve been feeling a great desire to serve them, make them clothes, turbans and fans, making Subhadra a wool braid and, well, every time I see tiny flowers they seems like garlands of that size. They inspire me so much devotion; I've bought ribbons and laces in the usual colors with the intention of dressing them in dhotis and a sari for Subhadra. I know we should change them daily, they should have their pajamas, beds and all that excites me greatly, but I would like to have your permission to do so.
Meanwhile Krishna is calming my heart and giving me His great mercy, I asked Isvari mataji (NIMSAR’s treasurer) to give me service at the temple and she put me in charge of the clothes of the small deities of Gaura Nitai and Jagannatha Baladeva and Subhadra in Wilson!!! This makes me feel that Krishna knows the wishes of all and in His infinite mercy He satisfies His devotees generously =')
About sadhana we maintain the 4 principles, I'm trying to chant my 16 rounds in the best way that I can, sometimes it’s hard to maintain the concentration, but I'm working on it. Germán is teaching me yoga and ayurveda principles, this is helping me to improve concentration during my japa chanting and other activities, I feel healthier also. He is very strict with his sadhana, that inspired me a lot.
About readings, I finished the Maha Bharata, Judhistir Maharaja is a great personality! Very inspiring! It's fine if I start to read SB? Or maybe first, I should read The Bhagavad Gita? I read it, but 10 years ago. Also I think is important the Nectar of Devotion, but I don't know. What is the book I should read now Maharaja?
I thank to you, the other day I was sad and confused, and I remember you saying "under a bad situation: smile and chant Hare Krishna" so I did, and like magic, every bad feeling left me. Then I not only smiled, I laughed. By the grace of the spiritual master, the ocean of afflictions can turn in a little glass of water! Thank you Maharaja! Sorry for writing so much, the next letter will be more concise. Please, give me your blessings so I can chant and serve in the right way.
Thank you very much for your time, I appreciate a lot.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to you.
Hare Krishna
HpS - AGTSP Paoho. Thank you so much for your letter. I can't understand what you mean by "kanti"? Kanti usually means neck, throat. Lord Siva is Nila kanta because his neck is blue from taking poison. So, kanti mala means neck beads. Then if you had some nice little images of Jagannatha and Baladeva and Mataji They would be too small for dressing etc, no????
In any case, yes, we can offer service to Them. First thing is love, second thing is cleanliness and third thing is punctuality. Fourth is all the parafernalia, like bed, clothes etc. O.K?
Everything, Bh. Vrksa, it all sounds so nice! Hare Krsna.
Krsna will give us different challenges so that our soul will wake up more and more. By the mercy of the previous Acharya and Lord Nitya-ananda, the disciple can do more than the previous Acharya. That means YOU.
I think SB or even CC might be the best book for you to try. Don't be afraid to just pick up books and read them at random and then some systematic program should also develop!
More news!
We will be in Lima in six weeks and like two days. No?