NIOS - Helpful nature


Seeing the condition of brother ass, it remains puzzle how all of you are able to manage your services to Srila Prabhupada. Could be some mystic power!!!!

Did HpS talked to Prof Bandyopadhyay?

HpS - ASA(BW, TB, UG ...) - Yes, we had a very nice discussion. We were arranging for him to meet with Sri Hari Das and Aja-govinda Das while he has in Delhi. Now we will call him with NGD and see what Krsna arranged.

Was HpS able to meet Mr Modi ?
HpS - Even if not, we are getting a lot of practice at doing it and involving a lot more people!

Does HpS has any service, where horse can help?
HpS - You are doing so much help just "growing up". Every time you chant Hare Krsna under the shelter of Srila Prabhupada you are "growing up" and can do more and more work. We expect th next book to be published soon, maybe in Bombay, so Dr. will visit there and you can help him then. They with Goloka Education we can start to distibute it (and the last one).  All your hard work in Kolkatta will give fruit!

Horse is very thank ful to all of you for starting ASA and esp BHvai. Horse has been behind the standards, but still as back bencher he has understood a lot.

Horse was thinking about his helpful naturs in general. Then he read . "Material conditions are already established by the superior administration according to one’s karma. They cannot be changed. "

then he was confused to understand the contribution of red cross society, Mother teressa. Esp Ksatriyas are supposed to provide material comforts. Horse understands that SB 5 is for Sannyasis, but what can people with Ksatriays tendency learn from it.

trying to be a monkey,
passionate horse

HpS - ASA - Yuddhisthira asked, Bhisma while lay on the bed of arrows which was more powerful destiny or effort. Bhisma responded that the Ksatriya is basically a man of action. Destiny and personal effort at both important, but of the two personal effort is prominent. Without personal effort it is even difficult for destiny to act.

If you are really a Ksatriya then take some Karate classes. I would say you are more like a Royal Counselor. So work hard within your nature. Set some goals like that.

What will they be tell us some good life goals for a person like you!

Mercy! Mercy! Give me your mercy please!!!

10 years, 2 months ago by Christian in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear guru maharaja!

Please accept my most sincere obeisances

All glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Sankirtana movement

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to your mercifull instructions

Gurudeva, yesterday we finish the books we brought to Xalapa - Veracruz with the sankirtan party leaded by Jayadeva Hari Das, it was amazing to go out with such powerfull devotees of sankirtan, i found many interesting people, among them, there is one mazon girl who had already encountered with another devotee last year, she took Bhagavad-gita, and will go to the Mexico city ratha yatra this weekend, she is very eager to practice vaishnavism, chanting the holy name. We also did a home program with devotees from a town near from here it was full chanting and taking prasadam, very very joyfull, but at the end of the program i asked the mataji owner of the house about a murti of Sri Hanuman and she offered to give it to me, wich i accepted. Jayadeva Hari got upset with me and told me that it was wrong to ask for a deity, that i shouldnt do that. What can you advise me now that i already did it?

HpS - AGTSP! I don't know! Did you ask for it or did you just ask about where it came from and she offered to give is to you. I don't know? Talk with devotees, chant Hare Krsna and make a simple decision. Can offer to return it and explain what is happening, and see what she says then.

Gurudeva, I heared that you told Govinda Pramodini that you will be in Tennessee for your Vyasapuja, Next week I will do the application for the visa, please give me your permission to go there with the rest of my Godbrothers from Mexico, because if you agree, Krsna will allow me to get the visa and also collect the laxmi required for that travel. Im doing my best in my service, confident that if i do it propperly Krsna will be there helping me.

HpS - ASA - Aaaaaaaaaawk! There is no Temple here. It will be snowing. There will be wolves stalking the streets at night to steal cigarrettes from lonely travelers, hotel rooms will be $55/night, you'll have to rent a car.  Better to participate by Skype from Mexico, no? ?

I have been taking great asociation from you by hearing your classes and recordings i have, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR INSTRUCTIONS! for they are non-different from your lottus feet. Could you please explain me one phrase of yours that impacted my consciousness? The phrase is "When the spiritual life is complete, the so called material life follows; if it doesn't, then the so called  spiritual life is wrongly applied"

ASA - Hansadutta Swami used the analogy often that when you put a garland on your body you don't have to put one on your shadow. It is their automatically. So, when we are engaged properly in spiritual life our material life automatically becomes auspicious also. Of coure, in the beginning our spiritual life is not complete so we have to make a balance of spiritual and material responsibilities, but later we see that they are all spiritual. For example, morning is for my spiritual activities, day time is for night time is for enjoying.

Of course, again, as we advance it all becomes the same thing.

And our material situation may not appear so nice externally. Like Maharaja Pariksit being cursed to die:

"SB 1.19.4: While the King was thus repenting, he received news of his imminent death, which would be due to the bite of a snake-bird, occasioned by the curse spoken by the sage's son. The King accepted this as good news, for it would be the cause of his indifference toward worldly things."

Thank you again for spending your time cultivating the seed of bhakti in our hearts! i will never be able to pay the debt i have with you, with Srila Prabhupada!

Your dumb disciple

Krsna-kirtana Dasa
 HpS - ASA -- We are just little messengers for you real Guru.

Poetry, Values, and Youtube

Hare Krsna esteemed Guru Maharaj,

Please accept out most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Very happy to get up at 4, chant, and read monkey warrior!  Thankyou for the profound essay you posted called Brain One. It satisfies many, many silly but not so silly desires to read literature (We look up to the writing style of Dudes like Robert Bly and Brautigan, but their muses are not so great so it's best we stay away until we're more spiritually mature.)  Should we write or draw Maharaj even if we feel there are 10,000 pending tasks to do?

 ASA - AGTSP!     Paoho. Yes.

If it is our nature to make art, should we not suppress it since it might come out our ears or through bouts of frustration, etc?  Thankyou for your psychological and spiritual guidance on this.

Maharaj, you asked in the last letter how the school is! The school just recently re-located to their own building 10 minutes from the temple. Ms. Viji made the investment, it was an old Kindercare and it is very spacious. It's been a whirlwind trying to get a school permit, so at this point the school is half day at the new building and half day at the temple. It is a little hectic and chaotic and sometimes we feel like we're at Sandipani Muni school again since our roles are continuously changing and everyday brings a new surprise, challenge.

I guess we are an admin/secretary/computer lab coordinator/van driver/Values teacher! [Chipmunk Body Building Teacher] 

We are grateful. We are also realizing we are still under a huge learning curve and pray the Holy Names and your mercy and Prabhupada's will pull us through. Through the work we see a lot of things we'd like to work on. Maybe this is what we can write about??? :)) [Super Girl and the Mountain of Tasks]

We are very very happy that the values curriculum is coming along (we teach 6 half an hour classes a week). We are a big fan of a children's workbook called Values of Life which teaches values such as obedience and tolerance through awesome kids cartoons, BG quotes, and Srila Prabhupada's teachings. We also role play and read Vedic stories that teach values. I'm also developing a workbook for the text Nirmala gave you , The Rise of the Sun Prince. We'd like to send a .doc copy to you Maharaj and humbly ask for your suggestions if you will allow us to send!

ASA - Ummmp! Graff,,, Brank -*&*   Grink!    Best is to just give a summary and then a specific example here: Eg. We inspire kids to always plan on returning what they steal later and that way they know that they are not really stealing they are just borrowing.

We get up early and finish at least more than half of our rounds 5 out of 7 days...if we don't were in deep trouble and face anxiety trying to chant most of our rounds after school. We hope to improve upon this aspect by the end of Kartik. We have also been going out on Sankirtan every Saturday with Hari Vilas's wife and Vishvambhar (Aka Bryant). Sundays we attend Bhakti Sastri (they start with BG here) and thereafter teach Sunday School.

Hope your health is good Maharaj. We look forward to future prose works and essays. Thankyou thankyou.
Your aspiring and fallen servant, 
Kamagayatri dd

HpS - ASA -- We look at life this way (and write about it in our TPP-CBs). It is impossible to keep an actual honest standard of pure and ecstatic,   @#$%^&,   devotional service in the current world without really giving up our current body. Therefore, we expect that we are going to get "A Love Injection from God" quick or leave this body and go to Goloka. Of course, the association of other madmen like Lord Caitanya can make it reasonably possible in this material world.

Hmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrf! We must all get eternal spiritual bodies so we can work together eternally under Srila Prabhupada's direct direction.

Srila Prabhupada standing up whipping the horses as they valiantly run across the massive war of Sankirtan with us and and Bhakti W. C. Fields thrown water melons on peoples heads.

(At 15-miles an hour watermelons can really knock somebody flat).


10 years, 2 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva

I'm sending you the NIMSAR quarterly report delivered to the National Board secretary last week. We are waiting for your comments and suggestions.


OCTOBER 3rd 2014

Dear members of the National Board

Receive, please, our humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hoping you are well of spiritual and physical health, we greet you warmly and present our quarterly report as promised.


As suggestion of our senior counselor, His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami, communications has to flow through the secretaries, as in any formal institution. Therefore, the communication will be provided by Bhakta Germán, of course, with the consent of the NIMSAR board and its president.

We reiterate our concern for not receiving formal responses to our two previous communications, "Introductory NIMSAR’s letter to the National Board “and "NIMSAR Quarterly Report No. 001." We understand that you are people with many responsibilities, but we need an answer to know if we are proceeding properly and what can we do to improve our service. Also, we will appreciate receiving your suggestions and contributions to assist with the growth of ISKCON in the educational aspect.


Our Board was confirmed for the period August 2014 to August 2015. The members are:

Laksmana-agraja: President

Bhakta Germán: Secretary

Isvari devi dasi: Treasurer


We continue to develop Bhakti-sastri and Bhakti-vaibhava courses, the Introduction to Bhakti yoga pilot program with the same management until the end of the year. Similarly, the continued the implementation of the Goloka Education Sanskrit course to make it available to everybody from next year.

Internally we are working Institutional topics like: elaboration on our Vision and Mission, as well as Values ​​and Objectives, Regulations and User Manual documents. We are also working in communication strategies and development of various media such as Facebook, blog, etc. that we will be launching by the end of november.


NIMSAR took part of the North American ISKCON Symposium on Education in July, growing their perspectives, and also organized a Discussion of Education in august with Mahavidya dd, Minister of Education in ISKCON Germany, with participation of Bhadrarupa Prabhu, Ph.D. student in education. In this discussion group we received the European experience in Education and studied the GBC document on Srila Prabhupada's position in ISKCON.

These two events have inspired us for us to host future events that we will describe later.

In these days we have organized a couple of talks with Hanuman Prabhu, form the BBT. One at the Wilson temple about"Leadership in Education" and another in Chosica, entitled "Challenges of sankirtan and preaching in today’s world." Both events especially aimed to leaders, preachers and educators in ISKCON.


NIMSAR is organizing and participating in various national and international events that will be successful only with the consent, support and blessing of the National Board.

I. Conference on Position of Srila Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of ISKCON. Speaker: Karuna Krishna Prabhu. To be held on October 25 at the Temple of Wilson.

II. ISKCON Education Congress in Peru. To be held on November 23 at the Temple of Chosica. Several speakers: P. Laksmana-agraja, P. Patraka, P. Abhinanda. We will also make a formal invitation to have the valuable experience of Karuna P. Krishna, P. Omkara, P. Jiva shakti in Education.

III. Education Congress in Bolivia. To be held on 3 and 4 January 2015 with the participation of SS Hanumatpresaka Swami.

IV. Regional Congress of Education: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, taking place between the last week of January and the first week of February 2015, with the participation of SS Hanumatpresaka Swami and various regional leaders in the educational field as Param Padam Prabhu, etc. NIMSAR has already agreed a space of 40 minutes to make its presentation.

V. We will have the visit from HH Bhaktibhusana Swami Maharaja and SS Prahladananda Swmai Maharaja so we are arranging educational programas with then through their disciples. We also have a pending conference with P. Bhadrarupa, a doctoral student in education at the University of Geneva on Teacher Training to be held in December this year. We may have a visit from Ramgiridhari Prabhu, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Ministry of Education and Founder of ISKCON Goloka Education in Houston. We are coordinating with him the implementation of the Sanskrit course. Prabhu would step in Lima and we could make a program with him before accompany him to Chile for the Regional Education Congress.

Finally, we reiterate our commitment to education in ISKCON Peru and the region under the Seven Purposes that Srila Prabhupada established.

Waiting for your prompt response,

your servants




Estimados miembros de la Junta Nacional del yatra de Perú.

Reciban, por favor, nuestras humildes reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Esperando que se encuentre bien de salud espiritual y corporal, los saludamos cordialmente y le presentamos nuestro reporte trimestral tal como lo prometimos.


Por sugerencia de nuestro principal consejero, Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami, la comunicación tiene que fluir a través de las secretarías como en cualquier institución formal. Por lo tanto, la comunicación estará a cargo de Bhakta Germán, por supuesto, con la anuencia del directorio de NIMSAR y su presidente.

Reiteramos nuestra preocupación por no recibir respuestas formales a nuestras dos anteriores comunicaciones: “Carta de presentación de NIMSAR a la Junta Nacional” y “Reporte Trimestral de NIMSAR N°001”. Entendemos que ustedes son personas con muchas responsabilidades, sin embargo necesitamos una respuesta para saber si estamos procediendo adecuadamente, y qué debemos hacer para mejorar nuestro servicio. También apreciaríamos mucho recibir sus sugerencias y aportes para colaborar con el crecimiento de ISKCON en el aspecto educativo.


Nuestra Junta Directiva se corroboró para el periodo de agosto del 2014 a agosto del 2015. Sus integrantes son:

Laksmana-agraja: Presidente

Bhakta Germán: Secretario

Isvari devi dasi: Tesorera.


Seguimos desarrollando los cursos de Bhakti sastri y Bhakti vaibhava, el programa piloto de Introducción al Bhakti- yoga con la misma administración hasta finales de año. De igual manera, continua la implementación del curso de sánscrito con Goloka Education para que esté a disposición del público a partir del próximo año.

Internamente estamos trabajando temas Institucionales como: La elaboración detallada sobre nuestra Visión y Misión. Valores y Objetivos. Reglamento Interno, Manual de Funciones. También las estrategias de Comunicación y desarrollo de los distintos medios como Facebook, blog, etc. que prontamente estaremos lanzando.


NIMSAR participó del Simposio Norteamericano de Educación en ISKCON en el mes de Julio, enriqueciendo sus perspectivas, y también organizó un Conversatorio de Educación en agosto con M. Mahavidya, Ministra de Educación de ISKCON Alemania y la participación de Bhadrarupa Prabhu, estudiante de Doctorado en Educación. En este conversatorio recibimos la experiencia europea en Educación y estudiamos el documento del GBC sobre la posición de Srila Prabhupada en ISKCON.

Estos dos eventos nos han inspirado para nosotros organizar eventos futuros que describimos después.

En estos días también se está realizando dos conversatorios con Hanuman Prabhu del BBT. Uno en el templo de Wilson “Liderazgo en la Educación”, y otro en Chosica “Retos de la prédica y el sankirtan en el mundo actual”. Ambos eventos dirigidos especialmente a líderes, predicadores y educadores de ISKCON


NIMSAR está organizando y participando en varios eventos nacionales e internacionales que sólo serán exitosos con la anuencia, el apoyo y la bendición de la Junta Nacional.

I.Conferencia sobre la Posición de Srila Prabhupada, Fundador-Acharya de ISKCON. Expositor: Prabhu Karuna Krishna. A realizarse el 25 de Octubre en el Templo de Wilson.

II.Congreso de Educación en ISKCON Perú. A realizarse el 23 de Noviembre en el Templo de Chosica. Varios expositores: P. Laksmana-agraja, P. Patraka, P. Abhinanda. También haremos la invitación formal para contar con la valiosa experiencia de P. Karuna Krishna, P. Omkara, P. Jiva sakti en el campo educativo.

III.Congreso de Educación en Bolivia. A realizarse el 3 y 4 de Enero del 2015 con la participación de SS Hanumat presaka Swami.

IV.Congreso de Educación de la Región: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador. A realizarse entre la última semana de Enero y la primera semana de Febrero del 2015.Con la participación de SS Hanumatpresaka Swami y diversos líderes regionales en el campo educativo, como Param Padam Prabhu, etc. NIMSAR tiene ya pactado un espacio de 40 minutos para hacer su presentación.

V.También queremos aprovechar la visita de SS Prahladananda Maharaja y SS Bhaktibhusana Maharaja para realizar programas con ellos. También tenemos una conferencia pendiente con P. Bhadrarupa, estudiante de doctorado en educación de la Universidad de Ginebra, sobre Entrenamiento de Profesores que se realizaría en Diciembre de este año. Posiblemente tengamos la visita de Ramgiridhari Prabhu, Presidente del Comité Ejecutivo del Ministerio de Educación de ISKCON y Fundador de Goloka Education en Houston. Con él estamos coordinando la implementación del curso de Sánscrito. Prabhu estaría de paso por Lima y podríamos aprovechar para hacer algún programa con él, antes de acompañarlo a Chile para el Congreso regional de Educación.

Finalmente, reiteramos nuestro compromiso con la Educación en ISKCON Perú y la región, bajo sus Siete Propósitos que estableció Srila Prabhupada.

Esperando su pronta respuesta, se despiden sus sirvientes,


Your servant

Bhakta Germán 

NIMSAR secretary

 HpS - ASA - Chop Itty Chip! Very nice presentation. Nothing can stop the Sankirtan movement. Just go forward, forward, forward. I think the direction of NIMSAR is good. It is the only formal group for education that I know of in South or Latin America. Spain has Cologio Bhaktivedanta. The life of NIMSAR comes from hearing Srila Prabhupada through his books through the lips of other devotees and our own personal preaching and japa of his books; and especially by chanting Krsna's Names as Srila Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya, recomends.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna....   ... . .  Then we will see pastimes that we never read in any of Srila Prabhupada's books.


10 years, 2 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja,

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudeva, I am very happy to tell you that the last two weeks have been very profitable for NIMSAR. On Sunday, we got together to work on a 6-hour session defining outstanding issues. Academic and organizational issues were discussed but most  important was to appoint working committees to address important and urgent issues. Need to work regulations and statutes, as well as the mission, vision and values ​​of the institution, not only to define a subtle level, but to be able to commission Mataji Isabelle to the logo design and establish a visual communication strategy appropriate for the blog and the Facebook page. We'll take advantage of Prahladanada Swami and Bhakti Bhusana Swami's visits in november and december and we will request them specific classes organized by the group. We believe necessary to promote academic conferences but also issues related to values ​​and other educational practices necessary for daily and ongoing devotee development. We have defined the details for the NIMSAR's tour group to Chile and Bolivia  and requested the permits for organizing the seminar on the position of Srila Prabhupada in ISKCON commemorating the date of his disappearance. The lecture is in charge of  Karuna Krishna das and he is preparing an interesting and exciting lecture. Furthermore the agenda of the National Education Congress November was defined. 

  • 09:30 – 09:45  NIMSAR Introdution (Bhakta Germán)
  • 09:45 – 11:00 Philosophy of Education (LAD) (including excerpts of Navigating Academic Waters as a Devotee of Krishna)
  • 11:00 – 11:15 Coffee Break
  • 11:15 – 12:45 MOE experience (including  excerpts of Sesa dasa and Urmila dd. lectures) (Patrak das)
  • 12:45 – 13:45 Prasadam
  • 13:45 – 14:15 USA and Europe eduicational experiences (Abhinanda dasa)
  • 14:15 – 15:00 Retrospective of education in Perú (Karuna Krishna dasa)
  • 15:00 – 15:30 The Bhakti yoga introduction course (Jiva Sakti dasa)
  • 15:30 – 16:00 Bhakti-vrksa as an educational alternative (Omkara Krishna dasa)
  • 16:00 – 16:15 Conclusions and closing (LAD)

We look forward to your comments

 HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!  Paoho. We wish to comment that this seems great.

Yesterday we had a chat with Hanuman Prabhu and about 12 devotees on Leadership in education, this event was organized by NIMSAR and had excellent results. It was a high level discussion and many opinions about the educational future of ISKCON were expressed. We also talked about transformations within ISKCON and the role of education in these times. The devotees were pleased with the event. We trust Lord Jagannatha to inspire us to serve more and better to His devotees. I'll be reporting you next ekadasi, Gurudeva.

I say goodbye to you, begging for your health 

Your servant

Bhakta Germán

HpS - ASA -- Very nice. Now we look at last letter. As we have noted in the other letters today we are struggling to stay awake in the warm office afte lunch. Now we are starting to develop a head-ache. Ha! Ja! Ga!!!!

Fotos de Alumnas en chile!

10 years, 2 months ago by Radha Japa in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Gurudev please acepte una y otra vez mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto. Todas las glorias aSrila Prabhupada! todas las glorias asri sri Radha Madhana Vihari!!

Aqui le envio fotos de mis alumnas en chile la primera es del 2011, las otras son cuando viaje por primera vez a chile  por el 2006,2007 y tuve alumnas niñas que son sus aspirantes a discipulas suyas como govinda y radha govinda, seguro las conoce, era un grupo de niñas y adultas, muy muy linda expriencia!. lafoto del niño pintado de azul, hizo de Krsna, esto fue en el primer ratha yatra de cordoba. La ultima foto muestran las deidades de JBS que tallo franco para que se realizara el primer Ratha Yatra de Cordoba y fue la primera vez que vine a Cordoba a bailar para el señor Jaganatha!!

Espero pueda empezar  a dar clases en marzo del prox año, le pido una y otra vez sus bendiciones. 

En breve le envio una carta. Muchas gracias por toda Su gran misericordia y perdone please que le envie las fotos tan tarde.

Please perdoneme cualquier ofensa.

Aspirando a servir el polvo de sus pies de loto:  Japa prati jalpa Radha dd.
ASA - Los Deidades de Jagannatha aparecen muy bueno!