citations from Neal Delmonico aka Nitai das

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

In Introduction of D. Haberman's rendition of Bhaktirasamrtasindhu, there are  citations from Neal Delmonico (aka Nitai das). Considering the case Nitai had with Srila Prabhupada, how should we take that D. Haberman cites Nitai?


AC Bhaktivedanta Swami - Letter to: ALL GBC MEMBERS -- Vrindaban 15 September, 1976


Please let it be known that Nitai has become a venomous serpent. Be careful of him.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: ALL GBC MEMBERS -- Vrindaban 15 September, 1976



Your servant Namacarya das


HpS - Thank you very much. We did not know his secular name. Prabhupada praised s book that Satsvarupa Maharaja wrote for university students, dating that he had chief Si many demons but his bio had not been contaminated.

We would have to look at the individual citations. We disagree with some of the things D Haberman says. We try to use it for its practical knowledge. DH respects devotees, devotee scholars.

. Lord Chaitanya took Sannyasa in Mayavadu sampradaya took reach the scholars etc.


Surfing in the material world

Hare Krisna maharaja


Am  I suffering ?

Or may be I am surfing

May be I am surfering

in the material world.

Right now in Alicante 

Our plan was to perform some Sankirtana (Book distribution) Jagya but as usuall Krisna had some other plans.

Got involved in Yasodanandana prabhu Krisna cusine Lila.

Yadu Swami, Nitiananda prabhu and my good self try to help in the mediation.

Finally we got a win win solution by krisna´s merci.

We are trying to help Yasodanandana prabhu´s family to stablish in Radadesh.

He has a sister in brussels and she would like to support and we belife is a nice place for the children to grow.

Yasodanandana prabhu is allready there. Lets see wich are the plans of the teenager and his flute.

Marta and my self keep surfing in the material world dressing the mess with some bhakti stuff.

Basic shadana 16/4 reg

Dealing with some cyatic nerve pain and geting recover from the 3 years service in Madrid slowly but surely.

Some book distribution

Taking care of the veg garden (we are now 70 % food self suffency, got potatos, and pumquins for the whole winter and plenty of salad and beets, carrots, Kale, cabagge, chard , etc) we eat simply but healthy

Also developing some euro funding projects:

Took some 15 second generation devotees to the slovenian padayatra for 15 days it was a crazy, nice trip. All of the boys and girls restablish their identities as young vaisnavas, many of them cried on the begining because did not want to come and then cried at the end because they did not want to go back home.

These Euro funding and the sankirtan is helping us to get out of debts and hopefully we will get rid of on the beguining of 2017.

Also helping yadunandana swami´s institute and other ISKCON friendly projects to get acces to the funding.

We also got a nice second hand 9 seats van and we are using it in the service of the sankirtan and the devotees.

So Basicaly we have our base at north Spain, taking care of my lovely vrindavan son. 

He will go to university in 2 and 1/2 years then we will see.

Doing some sankirtan and some devotee care.

Taking care of the garden and working with second generation and euro funding.

From the administrative point of view I am under the authoritie of Yadunandana Swami and GBC Hrdaya Caitanya but basicaly running my own organitation

One devotee asked me if I worship my own deities and then I thought that the devotees are my deities I am not patient enough to worshes but I love to help devotees to fulfill their dreams and to solve their obstucles so for now on I will acept devotees as my deities.

Miss you a lot

Hope to see you soon




HPS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP. Thank you for your letter. First principle is that we can die at any moment. A driver can lose control on the highway and smash your body into mutilated corpse or... first we accept this principle and give our life to Krsna. Then the witch cannot touch us.

Then understand your service to Krsna and Prabhupada. Talk with them.

Then develop your team, friends. Then look at the institution. It may be good it may be bad. Accept it as it is and work to help it.

That was Prahlada attitude toward his father, institution.

Hare Krsna Querido Gurumaharaja, Desde Alicante, Spain!! que vive desde


             Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja!

             Todas las Glorias a S:D:G Srila Prabhupada!!

              Por favor acepte nuestras Humildes reverencias a sus divinos pies de loto!! (ASA - Loco)

              Guru Maharaja, Hemos estados 2 year en este maravilloso proyecto de Krsna Cuisine y todo va viento en popa, cada dia mas personas se acercan a tomar Prasadam, a los programas de Bhagavad Gita los miercoles, Fiestas de Bhakti-Yoga los domingos, festival  vegan fest en Alicante y festivales  de yoga, todo ello Gracias al apoyo de Nityananda Prabhu, antiguo presidante del templo de Lisboa portugal!!   

                Kesava Bharati Prabhu esta cultivando y creando un solido equipo de devotos rus@s que estan trabajando en el proyecto y felices de poder practicar conciencia de krsna y a su vez ganar su vida. 

                Debido a la intensidad del trabajo y a nuestras diferencias Spico-fisicas y culturales se han creado tensiones entre nosotros, despues de varios dias de analisis y busqueda de soluciones en un equipo formado por Yadunandana Swami, Jaramara Haridas prabhu; Nityananda Prabhu, hemos  llegado a un acuerdo, en el que se pondran todos los medios necesarios para cambiarnos a Radhadesh y es algo que nos hace muy felices porque nunca hemos vivido en una comunidad con devotos y porque pensamos es un buen momento para los kids tener mas asociacion con devotos de su edad, vivir y estudiar en un entorno mas devocional. Yo seguiria preparando prasadam en la cocina del restorant de Radhadesha y apoyar a mi hermana con su teatro de sombras en Brussels si fuese posible.

                Vemos y sentimos la mano de Srimati Radharani en todo este arreglo y vivimos en la  ilimitada compasion y misericordia sin causa de H;D;G Srila Prabhupada, Que nos desciende a traves de usted, solo un alma tan compasiva y llena de conciencia de krsna como usted

HpS - ASA  -  Es misericordia de Srila Prabhupada que podemos actuar de cualquiere modo sano!

...puede tolerar tantos inconvenientes causados por un tonto y arrogante como yo, Por favor Guru Maharaja, sea compasivo y perdone nuestras ofensas a sus pies de loto!!

                 Su inutil Sirvientes Yasodanandana Das y Ekadrsti D.d

                  TODA GLORIA A H,D,G SRILA PRABHUPADA!!     HARE KRSNA!!             

          P.D :    Yo tengo a una hermana  mayor; Lira Mercedes Campoamor, Que vive desde hace 8 year en Brusselas , 2 hijos estudiantes en la universidad de parlamento brussels y tiene una pequenia compania de teatro de sombras chinescas que funciona muy bien en Brussels, es una Devota de Krsna pero nesecita asociacion.

                    PD: Que piensa usted de todo esto Guru Maharaja?? es correcto lo que hacemos?

HpS - ASA - Of what we can understand of the situation from Nashville, Tennessee it seems very nice, on a very good path to the little town in the big forest, Vrndavana.

Radha desa is a little isolated. Are there children there?

I used to travel a lot with my friends Lokanatha Das. We had marrionets and shadow puppets. One show was, "The Sparrow Who Lost Her Eggs to the Ocean". It's in a purport in the BG!

More news as it happens!

Expect big adventures! 

Artists and the Sacred

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Since we last met, I spent some time visiting friends in Atlanta & family in South Carolina. I spent some time working on a few pieces commissioned by relatives and then I just arrived in Charleston a few days ago. It took longer than expected to get here, and I have less time than I hoped for but where there's a will there's a way. It's all very exciting.

Blake & I met right away to set a schedule for everything we need to do, and it's a long list, but I asked advice from a curator in Sumter and I was relieved to find that it all seems a little easier than I was expecting.

The other day we met the gallery owner who will be hosting our show. She was very amicable and willing to help us with promotion. The venue is small but well placed. It is a storefront at a psychiatric office that hosts art exhibits in their lobby. It is in a "hip" part of town with restaurants and bars where a lot of young people hang out. There's even a yoga studio right next door. I was thinking maybe in the future we could even arrange for you to speak at an exhibition there. I'm sure both the clinic and the yoga studio would be thrilled to have you.

I've been trying to develop some imagery to visually represent different concepts like the body mind and soul and their interactions, so Blake and I were discussing at length about our theme. It's amazing how sometimes a simple conversation can have a profound effect of enabling people to witness their own ideas which may otherwise have remained embryonic in their minds forever. I really felt like a "philosophical midwife" in this instance and I could practically see her coming to significant realizations about how the soul is different from the brain, about how only love of God can truly satisfy the self.

Although we are currently utilizing her flat as a studio space, the roommates and visitors  are constantly coming and going. She has pictures of Krishna and Mahaprabhu all over the house (even a Jagannath sticker on her car dashboard) and I usually put out a photo of you also while I'm working so I never feel like I'm ever alone with just her. Even though the situation is not ideal, it's not the worst either. It looks like she also likes to hear your lectures, so I try to play them as often as possible while working.

We just had our first meeting with our other contributors and they all seem as fired up as we are about it. Our goals for this week are to complete as much art as possible (including a commission I got some time ago) so we can put together a press packet by the weekend. We want to include an image & short statement from each contributor. After that we will try to get my videographer friend Chap to compile some "work in progress" footage from the studio that we can circulate as a kind of trailer.

As far as my personal sadhana goes, everything is streamlined, and sometimes a little scattered, but a full program seems to get done somehow or other and I'm chanting a good16 rounds early in the morning and getting some reading in. Throughout the day I try to engage everyone around me in hearing and chanting as much as possible, especially since it's kartik.

I'll be staying at my friend Chap's house for the duration of my stay here and trying to instill in him some good habits while I'm around. He is struggling on his own out here and he is very grateful to have some association.

The situation is a bit chaotic, because I have to deal with my friends' lifestyles and their mundane daily struggles like loss and rejection etc, but it seems they really appreciate a Krishna Conscious perspective on things. I've been cooking prasad for everyone practically every day and even though I have to deal with using other peoples cooking supplies and occasionally people tasting bhoga and other inconveniences, the atmosphere is all very nice. I'm trying to imbibe the mood that Srila Prabhupada had early on when engaging hippies and not not focus on things that people couldn't or wouldn't do, but rather focus on what people can and would do. The way I see it is that this kind of independent preaching is like being in a speedboat rather than a giant tanker. At the temple, you don't feel so much the crashing of the waves of the modes of material nature, but this program enables me to be more flexible and maneuverable in terms of getting things done. Although it's kind of a bumpy ride I feel safe knowing that if I stay focused on serving you and Krishna I will always be protected no matter what the situation.

Your shudra servant, 

Ekashma Das

HpS-ASA - Super!  AGTSP!!   paoho...   you serving prasad at the event??

I forgot about the painting of Prabhupada that you gave us and then I saw it on our book case and now end up contemplating it as the King of our living room whenever we are there. That's all it really takes, no?  How would Prabhupada look at this situation...

Keep yourself a little grounded as a leader so that you can teach other people to do your current job and then everything can expand.

When is the event?

Send a link to the Trailer.

Please send photo of the Blake and others!

Hare Krsna!

Jaya Maharaj! Pamho, agtSP!

This is Visvanath CTdas, from Chile. I hope you're very well, healthy, and happy.

HpS - ASA --- It changes from moment to moment, no? Now the sun is going down. It is cold. The air pressure is changing. It is getting dark. We are all alone in our cave...  Ha! Ha! Hare! Yet, if we chant Hare Krsna, we realize that all this can be used for Krsna.  We can use the Sandhya for Krsna to push forward our only project: Self-purification.

I wanted to thank you for the FMP program; since I'm in, my sadhana has been rejuvenated. I'm waking up at 5.30 approx. chant some rounds, and then program. My conscience has develop further, making me more critical about my own advance, trying to increase my attention in sadhana. I'm trying to "thicken the milk", and the prime catalyst is your program. I feel very endebt to you.

HpS - 9/10 we would not get up ourselves on a regular basis if we didn't think, "Oh, my God! If I don't go to the FMP on line, all my disciples, Godbrothers, will think I am a pig!".
We must use our free-will to connect, take and give, to the Sankirtan!!!!

I'm making a study on BRS, and also on Madhurya Kadambini. Soon I would like to give a seminar on the later; teaching increase the understanding.

HpS - Super.

This is worth $1,225,336.14!  If you use it you own Monkey and Piggy 14-cents (one ripe mango).
It is his introduction to his translation of BRS.  The history of Rupa Goswami is great, the history of Rasa-sastra is 25x great and his overview of BRS is great.
Use it with Waves of Devotion.  D. Haberman is great also because he is a senior professor and thus respected in academic circles.
We have more info on this, but I guess that is enough of a sample!

I keep my preaching in the Yoga fields, recently distributing 10+ BG. There's people doing some big changes in their lives, specially adding the Maha Mantra on it.

Last weekend we (Krsna Sambandha) did a concert in the temple to collect for Bhakti Vasudeva Swami's hepatitis treatment; it was very beautiful, although it rained heavily, many people came and chant Sri Hari's names.

Now we are participating in a casting process, where 1000 bands applied to play in a big stage for 10.000 people. Only 14 are still participating, and we are leading! So as you told me, I'm embeding here the fbook link so anyone may help us. You have to only like the post, and that's it. If Krsna wants, with the help of devotees, we will be chanting the MM for 10.000+!

HpS - We already sent it and you told us that you got a ton of votes and the judges decided without the votes and rejected you and then decided to include you after a lot of struggle!!!

Lastly, I'm trying to attach the pictures of HH Bhakti Swarup Damodar Maharaj's samadhi installation. 

May Sri Nrsimha always protect you! Hare Krsna Maharaj!

your aspiring servant

HpS - May we stop exploiting His protection.... -[;0((

Incredible photos. Incredible person.  Make a PPTX if you can.