8 years, 2 months ago by abhiramdas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!

All Glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami !!

Below is a summary of all developments:

I. From the 3rd to the 9th of November, we are going to shape the Organizing Committee of "PSYCHOLOGY AND THE SACRED II". Everybody has agreed that "PSYCHOLOGY AND THE SACRED I" was a major success and it served to estimate how strong was the public’s interest for this kind of content. With this second event, we would like to deepen into the topics in order to contribute to a greater understanding of who we are and what is the purpose of life. This program aims to maintain and develop further our connection with the academic and cultural community. In addition, we expect this second edition of The Psychology and The Sacred will boost even more the public’s interest in preparation for the global Mega-event "ART AND THE SACRED" to be done on June 2018. At this point Ramón Mujica, Miguel Polo and I, we believe that the ideal time is from the 27th to the 29th of June 2017, this time the host of the event would be the Pontíficia Universidad Católica del Perú (whether in their Campus or their cultural center).

II. As you already accepted the invitation to participate in the III LATIN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF EDUCATION ISKCON from the 21th to the 28th of April in Brazil, our proposal is that you come to Peru after that event and stay (almost exclusively) to make your book Sankhya. Miguel offers 1 or two days a week to assist you personally for this aim, and Ramón also offered to help. The suggestion is that at that time you make the notes for the book and the dialogues between you and Ramón, Eduardo, Hector and Miguel can go as an appendix. A title suggestion may be: THE PHILOSOPHY OF SANKHYA AND BHAKTI YOGA: ANTINOMIES IN THE DOCTRINES OF THE SACRED.

III. We're diagramming SOLARIS in ENGLISH edition. In order to finish the edition it is still missing the some reviews or summaries of books and some poetry about the topic in English (any contribution is accepted, anyone is interested? The deadline is Nov. 9th), I have written to Beverly so she may provide us of pictures about "Psychology and the Sacred", I hope she may send some material soon.

IV. SOLARIS II SPANISH edition is almost ready. In this edition, those who have contributed are:

  2. SS Hanumatpresaka Swami: We do not have yet the title of your article.
  5. Hector Béjar: do not yet have the title of your article.
  9.  François Vallaeys: do not yet have the title of your article.

V. Gurudeva, from next ekadasi the reports will be sent by bhaktin Naomi, she will be reporting the progress of this academic Sankirtan. I will be writing only for specific points, and for any personal issue.

HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA, thank you very much for the spiritual guidance and for engaging me in seva, Your fallen servant, Abhiram das Thakur.


Hare Krishna Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Todas las Glorias a Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

A continuación un resumen de todos los avances:

I.- Entre el 3 y el 9 de noviembre estamos conformando el Comité Organizador de “LA PSICOLOGÍA Y LO SAGRADO II”. Todos están de acuerdo que “LA PSICOLOGÍA Y LO SAGRADO I” fue un éxito importante y sirvió para estimar el fuerte interés por el público acerca de estos contenidos. Ahora se trata de profundizar y contribuir a un mayor entendimiento de quiénes somos y cual es propósito de la vida. Este programa servirá mantener y desarrollar nuestro acercamiento con la comunidad académica y cultural y como una actividad de impulso al Mega-evento mundial “EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO” para junio del 2018. En este punto Ramón Mujica, Miguel Polo y yo consideramos que la fecha idónea es del 27 al 29 de junio de 2017, esta vez la sede sería la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (puede ser en su Campus o en su Centro cultural).

II.- Como usted ya aceptó la invitación para participar en el III CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE EDUCACIÓN CON ISKCON del 21 al 28 de abril en Brasil, nuestra propuesta es que usted después de ese evento venga al Perú y se quede (casi exclusivamente) para hacer su libro de Sankhya, Miguel ofrece 1 o dos días de la semana para colaborar con usted personalmente en este fin y Ramón también se ofrece a ayudarlo. La sugerencia es que usted en ese tiempo haga las fichas del libro y como apéndice irían los diálogos de Usted con Ramón, Eduardo, Héctor y Miguel, un título sugerido es: LA FILOSOFÍA SANKHYA Y EL BHAKTI YOGA: ANTINOMIAS DOCTRINALES DE LO SAGRADO.

III.- Ya estamos diagramando SOLARIS EN INGLES. Para cerrar la edición aún faltan las reseñas o resúmenes de libros y algo de poesía del tema en inglés (¿se aceptan contribuciones, alguien se anima? El plazo vence el 9 de noviembre), le he escrito a Beverly para que nos proporcione imágenes acerca de “La Psicología y lo Sagrado” esperamos que pronto nos envíe el material.

IV.- SOLARIS EN ESPAÑOL No 2 está casi listo. En este número escriben:


2.       SS Hanumatpresaka Swami: No tenemos aún el título de su artículo.

3.       Ramón Mujica: LA PSICOLOGÍA Y LO SAGRADO.

4.       Eduardo Gastelumendi: ODIO Y RECONOCIMIENTO; VENGANZA Y PERDÓN.

5.       Héctor Béjar: No tenemos aún el título de su artículo.




9.       François Vallaeys: No tenemos aún el título de su artículo.


 V.- Gurudeva a partir del próximo ekadasi bhaktin Naomi va a enviar los reportes de los avances de gestión del Sankirtan académico. En mi caso algunas veces escribiré, pero para puntos específicos y algún tema personal.

HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA, muchas gracias por su guía espiritual y por ocuparnos en seva, su caído sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.

HPS -ASA - Hare Krsna Abhirama Thakura Das. Thank you for your report. First we need the English version of Solaris for our Advisors, then that will help greatly to make more decisions. After our discussion today we can see more and more clearly how to approach Professor Shamdasani.

Discussion amongst informed people we see as the essence of our development.

Of course, best way to be informed of to chant Hare Krsna!

little urgent, little late, NIMSAR report

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja, Pamho, AGTSP!

I'm writting as NIMSAR president, just to imform that we are working on re-organizing our administration.

Every group or team have to stop for a second, once in a while,and think where are we heading to. Who I am, who are we, etc. I think that we have to adjust some details, meanly like proceedures to do things. We are working on a "reglamento interno" as we say in spanish, like internal agreements, in-laws or regulations sort of thing.

HpS - Very nice!!!   You are one of the premier organizations in ISKCON!!!    In this regard, your Mission Statement is very essential. Not that it is just once written and then posted on the wall and then forgotten, no. It should be pulled out every now and again, reviewed and refined and applied.

Our general ASA Mission Statement is that,  We are trying to make our selves qualified to help Lord Caitanya in His mission of giving the Science of Krsna to the conditioned souls, by taking advantage of the literature left by the Six Goswamis, beginning with the Nectar of Instruction of Srila Prabhupada.

This is of course, lifted 91% word for word from the Preface to the Upadesamrt.
Send more good news better!

We are all enthusiastic to do things for Prabhupada, etc, however we have to be more clear, specially on internal communications. Things like that, we all have to agree in the content of  letters that we are sending officially to authorities, suggestions of plans or activities, accept new members, etc.

Later on we are going to send you our suggestions so you can help us to do things well.

We all want to go on with our education projects, with NIMSAR. We only need little adjustments.

That's about all for now. 

We´ll write you soon with details.

Please send your blessings to do thing right.

Your servant, Tha LAD

ASA (Buck White) --- The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

If Peru doesn't save the world who will?


Hare krishna!

Todas las glorias sean a sri guru y sri gauranga
Todas las glorias sean a srila prabhupada

Espero que este muy bien, por favor acepte mis reverencias.
Seguimos intentando servir a los vaisnavas ininterrumpidamente, ahora nos llego la gran misericordia de participar de un programa de harinama sankirtana por las calles, en el que salimos todos los dias de lunes a lunes por 3 horas seguidas.

ASA - Jaya!  Tiene banderas????     Volantes???  Libros??    Prasadam???    Loros en palas. Payasos. Elefantes. Hermosas chicas en Saris.  Devotos en turbantes???   Drama???

 Estamos un poco cansados pero muy contentos, ya que junto a los programas del templo y la distribucion de libros estamos siendo movidos como titeres..
Ante esto surgen algunas dudas, espero no abrumarlo

¿como podemos mantenernos agradecidos por ser ocupados en una variedad de servicios? Ya que sucede que la mente y el ego falso a veces no quieren servir y la actitud amorosa se pierde por momentos, siendo que al cantar el maha mantra estamos implorando servicio

¿que libros me recomienda leer segun mi neofita condicion?

ASA ???  Upadesamrta con otro devoto.

Me refiero a la lectura personal, porque del programa del templo leemos bhagavatam y nectar de la devocion a la mañana y bhagavad gita a la tarde.. No pretendo leer algo que no sea acorde para mi

¿como desarrollamos la conciencia de que podemos morir en cualquier momento y asi apegarnos intensamente a los pies de loto del señor krishna?

ASA - Seguir los instrucciones de Srila Prabhupada en Upadesamrta.

Finalmente queria escribirle algo, espero que le guste

Sri sri guru y gauranga cantan los santos nombres de hari en voz alta
Si nos entregamos a sus pies de loto nada nos falta
Con una gota de misericordia me llenan el corazon
Ilimitadamente endeudado con su hermosa mision
Cantando, bailando y distribuyendo literatura
Viviendo en sus pasatiempos ¡que gran aventura!

Su aspirante a sirviente bhakta martin, por favor ayudeme a limpiar mi corazon lleno de polvo y hollin

ASA - Captura de un compañero de estudio y leer Upadesamrta juntos, poco a poco.  Comunicar los resulados aqui.

AmD Propuestas 2016

Dear Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Siempre para un discípulo es incómodo que se den ciertas críticas a su Guru, a pesar de que al Guru no le afecten por estar en una plataforma trascendental, el discípulo es afectado en cierta medida… Recuerdo el pasatiempo del Mahabharatha y la actitud de los Pandavas cuando Sisupala insulto a Krsna…

El hecho de que Usted tenga su servicio más inclinado a la prédica, hace que pocos conozcan su sincero deseo e interés de que Iskcon mejore administrativamente, y que algunos conozcan las enormes destrezas que tiene Usted para poder apoyar a Iskcon en ese aspecto, y otros pocos saben lo respetuoso y caballero, que es como Usted siempre se ha presentado ante los lideres administrativos de Iskcon…

Aquí en Perú, algunos discípulos hemos tenido responsabilidades administrativas en Iskcon, pero los últimos años por diferentes razones, hemos ido dejando esos servicios para involucrarnos más en la predica, porque muchos de ellos también son profesores, y es más apropiado para su naturaleza…

El decir que nosotros (sus discípulos) no queremos asumir responsabilidades administrativas, en la misión de Srila Prabhupada, o que Usted no nos inspira o motiva para eso, es un juicio que carece de análisis.

Usted en el 2006 me sugirió que tal vez en el futuro, yo podría apoyar al GBC local… Después de 10 años, tengo sus palabras en el corazón, y aunque tengo muchas debilidades y anarthas, tal vez algunas de mis pocas habilidades puedan servir para el trabajo administrativo… Hay algo que me dijeron los astrólogos que leyeron mi carta, es que tengo una especie de estrella para sacar a flote aquello que se está hundiendo….

Si Usted me autoriza, quisiera escribirle a Jayapataka Swami Maharaj, una carta proponiéndole apoyarlo como Supervisor de GBC, que es el servicio que está faltando actualmente, con una serie de propuestas, que hemos ido evaluando en los años que estamos Iskcon… De hecho Maharaj debe tener mejores opciones, así que estaremos muy felices de haberlo intentado…

                      Esperamos su respuesta

                                       Su tonto discípulo AmD.

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

Always for a disciple is uncomfortable that certain criticisms are given to your Guru, despite the Guru does not be affected by being in a transcendental platform, the disciple is affected to some extent ... I remember the pastime of the Mahabharata and the attitude of the Pandavas when Krsna was insulted by Sisupala ...

The fact that You have your service more inclined to preaching, makes few know Your sincere desire and interest that Iskcon improves administratively, and that some are aware of the enormous skills You have to support Iskcon in that regard, and others few know how respectful and gentleman, that is how You  have always presented yourself before the administrative leaders of Iskcon ...

Here in Peru, some disciples have had administrative responsibilities in Iskcon, but in recent years for various reasons, have been leaving these services to get more involved in preaching, because many of them are also teachers, and is more appropriate for nature ...

Saying that we (Your disciples) dont want to assume administrative responsibilities, in the mission of Srila Prabhupada, or that You do not inspire or motivate for that, is a judgment that lacks of analysis.

You in 2006 suggested that perhaps in the future, I could support the local GBC ... After 10 years, I have Your words in the heart, and although I have many weaknesses and anarthas, maybe some of my few skills may serve the administrative work ... There's something astrologers told me they read in my letter, is that I have a kind of a star that brings out what is sinking ....

If you authorize me, I would write to Jayapataka Swami Maharaj, a letter proposing to support as a GBC Supervisor, which is the service that is currently lacking, with a series of proposals, that we have been evaluating in the years that we are in Iskcon ... In fact Maharaj, You may have better options, so we will be very glad we have tried ...

                      We will be waiting for your answer

                                       Your silly disciple Amd.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Estamos esforzando participar en ISKCON, ISKCON Peru, el major que podemos. We Love Peru, pero, claro, tenemos nuestras propio ideas como ayudar.  De una manera nuestra perspectivo, y eso es abierto para ideas de otros, es que Daru Krsna Prabhu creo (created) un Empiro, lo cual el mismo no pudio manejar (that he himself could not manage). Entonces es necesario readjustar la estructura general de ISKCON Peru.

Un idea.

Entonces estuvimos esforzando trabajar en la area de Educaion, incluyendo sankirtan en estas areas, universidades..., y adoracion de la deidad.  Eso aparece como un porcion manejable. Tenemos ideas como ayudar economicament Radha Madan Bihari, y esforzando implementar ellos.
Basicamente necisitamos un comunicacion poco mas fluido con la administracion para ser util. Y pienso con Karuna-krsna Das, todo, estaba adelantando.

Maharaja, Jayapataka, me dijo que bueno es communicar, coordinar con Atmarama Das y Madre Divya priya Devi Dasi. Entonces es bueno hablar, presentar sus ideas a ellos, antes de pasar ellos con ellos al Maharaja.


Update from Pune on October 25, 2016

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, am back in Pune on October 24, 2016. By your best wishes, the trip was super hit.
    Everything done by "Bhakta Prami"-Madav only, he was doing everything and at the end he has
    given me the credit also (for everything). i am amazed how the whole trip went. Literally, he
    was doing everything (i know my limitations)....am still amazed. May be i don't be able
    to forget.

    Spent days at Pakhanjore (North Baster District - Kanker), down town of 195 villages.
    Schedule and programs were back to back (completely packed). Meet with teachers, students, house holders,
    senior citizens etc. Response was un-expected.

    There were many house hold programs.

    Inaugurated a Book distribution center. SP books will be distributed from that center.
    Started weekly house hold programs.

    Hope to visit again in next 4-6 months and continue so. we have to prepare ourself for the
    next trip based on feedback received from this trip. Have to explore similar ways for you and SP.
    we just see the way you are doing and.... we continue....you gives the actual strength. i won't be able to pay you.

    Hope your India schedule / programs are structured now. Hope we would have clear dates.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Thank you for the reports!    Man proposes and God disposes.   We try to give whatever we can, be sincere and Krsna does what He thinks is best.  Draupadi never lost faith that all that was happening was part of a larger plan of Krsna (although she expressed her complaints).   Your report is so nice.

You can see in other letter that the India Calendar is now 77% fixed. The dates for Navi-Mumbai/Pune are basically fixed. Do you have any suggestions then about filling up this time? Of course Rama-giridhari Das has some thoughts and Dr. Samaresh will have some contacts.

We have our tickets: Delhi>Tirupati>Chennai>Kolkatta.

We hope you have good perspective from Krsna to go ahead with your specific preaching and how to fit it into a broad strategy for your life's mission.

Report from KG

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We are really missing the association of this blog and have been proliferating what to write, and decided to tell ourselves to keep it simple stupid or else we have the tendency to speculate and analyze an action for so long we don't do it. Thanks to Srinivas Prabhu for consulting to us junior leaguers to send a paragraph a month instead of a book to you. I think to be honest Guru Maharaj I deliberate because I always want to be doing better than I am and then give a sparkling report. Now I will be reporting As it is, the tale of Kamagayatri bafoonery once a month in 800 words or less. Then our procrastination tendencies (BG 18.28) can take a hitchhike, small obtainable goals, and the tortoise can win the race. Thankyou Guru Maharaj for listening to our babble.

Right now we do the peer support services, a type of social work I guess 4 to 5 days a week with clients in between service and 2 days we have off with Aja where we read SB, Ramayana, do homeschool, cook, etc. We hope to become more regulated and attend readings at the temple as well at 8 am before his Spanish kindergarten school days on Monday and Tuesday. Individual classes on BG with you and Ananta Rupa on Wednesday and Friday which requires an hour of studying on our own time, damodarastikam at the temple as well in the evenings. We do the cooking, offering, and Arati every Thursday since Murari left the beginning of September (he will be back November 13th), cooking Saturday morning, and Guru Puja every Sunday. With Arudha leaving and class ending we'll do the Arati on Wednesday night and Saturday until Murari returns.

Sunday school has been going on at a slow throttle speed after we wrapped up our week long Krsna camp using Arudha's SB comprehensive guide. The Krsna Janmastami camp was a great turn out of a dozen children ages 3 to 12, making paper mache dioramas, practicing there Damadarastikam pastime play, kids Kirtan and Krsna storytime with Mother Arudha, feasts cooked every day by the mothers, cupcakes, pizza and prasad junk food, water games in the afternoon. We also made a kids Rathayathra cart this last July...so activities have been steady.  Now interest is finally there and Krsna has sent volunteers so we can do a 6 week Sunday school session with the devotee kids and congregation kids. We will be starting after Diwali am with Ananta Rupa guiding/encouraging and some mother volunteers to help. Trying  to balance work, school, seva, Japa so our head does not fall off. We were supposed to study for a test to pass the national counselor exam and get licensed, but we may have to put this off until end of January since there are pressing services and it's hard to see prabhuji do so much at his age... Ananta Rupa says we have more determination now, but honestly Im working on consistency steadiness and confidence. We are getting high association from high places which helps with this, but we definitely need more confidence that we possess the maturity, faith, and intelligence to maintain this schedule.. we will very much miss the Wednseday classes. Guru Maharaj will there still be something digital we can attend?

Thankyou for saving us from the snake pit of maya and having mercy on a rascal like us, we can't imagine how miserable we would be without it. The snakes are still trying to charm us no doubt, but for now my only maya is 100 psychology, self help and contemporary fiction books we got through a going out of business sale and we Created a rule of reading after finishing our devotional daily tasks and usually we are too tired to be able to pursue it. Is this is ok, I'm not sure? Art sometimes reminds me too much of a past life worth forgetting about, but I am interested in studying Different styles of prose writing to get a grasp on how I would like to write. Let me know if you have some thoughts on how to study without taking in the association of the writer, if that's even possible ... Thankyou so much !!! For listening. 

Your aspiring servant,

Kamagayatri Dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna. Focus on chanting 16+ good rounds. Adjust everything to support, stimulate this, husband, Church, children, progression, recreation, etc. You will then discover your level of spiritual life. May be very impersonal. Chanting at its best may be based upon a series of transcendental though material tricks to engage the mind, but that's okay.

Otherwise where will the center of your life be with so many things happening?

We will try to work with Boise temple for nice class programs that you can join.

Your life seems such potentially wonderful! ! !