Your Well Wisher - Sacto News and Not the Brain

Dear Maharaja,

PAMHO  All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

My dear friend, it sounds like your Chicago visit went very well even though it was so cold.  Sounds like the Chicago devotees are doing a lot of great activities.  Our little center is struggling right now and we may be out in the cold.  The owner of the Yoga studio who generously allows us to use her facility once a week for a very low fee has moved.  She purchased and remodeled a new facility which is not working out as well as before.  We failed to keep control of the children the first night there and she is very protective of her brand new studios.  She actually saw the children acting up with her new security cameras!  So we are on a short leash.  But the rooms are smaller and I don't think the shiny new facilities are a good fit for us.  In her old rented studios she didn't care much when the children broke something.  Where ever we go it will be conciderably more expensive so we are up in the air right now.

I watched a good on line talk by Dr. B. Alan Wallace on the brain, mind, and intellegence.  Much of it was over my head.  Some things he discussed were about scientific and medical studies.  Most researchers believe the mind and the brain are the same thing (which he does not).  Many believe the only way to explore the mind is with medical instruments like brain scanners.  The extreme ones believe there is no such thing a consciousness and self examination is impossible.  I loved one of his arguments.  He said if the brain is just an amoral body organ like the liver or gallbladder than we are not responsible for our actions.  How can the scientists respond to that?

Praying Krishna continues to bless you, Dave

HpS - So nice to hear from you.  If you have to meet in people's homes or wherever it will be O.K?  No, just go on with the essence which is to get together and Kirtan, Lecture, Kirtan, Prasad more and more!!

We will look for the B. Alan Wallace lecture.   Yes, it is a very good point, no?  Once it was thought that the liver was the seat of consciousness, no?
The SB gives nice details of how the Atma contacts the visually experienced body by going through different levels.   We are going right now for "Psychology and the Sacred" at Virginia Commonwealth University. We hope to distribute a lot of  
Nectar of Instructions, and then engage people in following the advice therein!

Writing anything?

We will read more about him and hope to contact him!  Our video clip on the Youtube is our best propaganda now!

2nd October report NIMSAR for ASA

Hare Krsna Dear SS Hanumat Presaka swami.


We are very happy to know about your preaching in Chicago. We wish everything goes very well for you.

Here 2nd report:

1.-With respect to Atmananda d. We are sending written reports and i waiting for a meeting at November I (isvari dd)... Divya priya dd only she came one time.

2.-With respect to Chosica temple. Karuna Krsna p said: That he will be giving seminars for Temple and Nimsar give courses.

3.-Gandharva d is preparing a manual teacher and manual student of Introducction to Bhakti yoga, for this Jiva sakti d gave us his material.

NIMSAR need to have teaching material.

4.-Candra mukhi dd, will be representing NIMSAR in Brazil, she already started to prepare.We thought it would be a good topic: Educator profile.

For teaching of vaisnavas courses, it is no enough to be a teacher career, a required a certain character and competence.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protec you

Thank you very much

HpS - Hare Krsna. Thank you for your Report.  We are a little bit delayed, no?   This is 8th November and the Report is titled 2nd October.
<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />         ... we are all to blame, and we are all trying, like children trying to cook a cake for their Father's birthday. Their Mother is always watching and really doing the cooking.
We are in Richmond, Virginia now.  The education program is so disorganized from our perspective. Top to Bottom. So we go back to us-Prabhupada-Krsna and then we can actually get some structure and then we can share it with you and others!

Now we are working on the NOI as a Vaisnava Verse Book. We are doing it as a Power Point Show. We will present it Saturday!!

Please send us any news as it developes, Yatra, Family, Goloka!

Academic Research: Srimad Bhagavatam & Education

8 years, 2 months ago by Gurusevananda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports
Dear Hanumat Preshak Swami,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
A couple of years ago you taught us the Mahabharata & Ramayana course at the Bhaktivedanta College. Since then I have graduated from that BA in Theology and Religious Studies and have started a MA also in Religious Studies in Brazil. My research here centers on the Bhagavata Purana and its contributions to the Theory of Education.
I've heard that you wrote on this subject and even organized a book with Indian scholars, but I was unable to get a copy of these texts. I am also trying to formulate a research topic for a PhD thesis, since my MA should be completed in a few months. Would you have any ideas on how to engage the BhP with academic discussions, especially in the field of Education, including bringing it into the visibility of college students, etc?
I would be very grateful for any insight you might be willing to share and I hope this endeavor may please Srila Prabhupada and the previous Acharyas.
Your servant,
Gurusevananda dasa.
HpS - Jaya Prabhu, Welcome to the ASA Blog.  Of course, our basic world is at     If you go to the Archives you will see two files there that were our presentation on Educational Philosophy for the ISKCON Radhadesa Meeting a few years ago. One link is:
The next one is the PPTX that we used. We have advanced the ideas more since then and the Ministry is supposed to be publishing a book with our idea, Rasa-mandala, M. Urmilla and Bhurijana etc.
That is not done.
Look at our recent work with the National Library in Peru on YouTube with the Key word search of "Psychology and the Sacred 2016".
Please tell us if we can be of more specific help to you.
You can call us at +1 209 505-3219
HpSwami - ASA

Updates about the Congress (161102)

Dear gurudev,

Some news about the congress.

  1. Just today we received the final invitation from the devotee encharge of Vraja Bhumi, Nrisimhananda, to Hanumatpresaka Swami and other one to Rama Giridhari prabhu. He already reply and said that he could answer the next week. Are you received this letter well?
  2. HpS - Yes we got a letter from him but we also got one earlier. We asked before into what airport we should book our ticket. We will need a Visa, no?  Anything else.   Did his invitation go to Rama-giridhari Das???
  3. The dates to the Congress will be:
    1. 19TH Wednesday > 21TH Friday April morning > Private meeting about curriculum and exams in “Bhakti” Programs.
    2. 21 TH Friday evening > 23TH Sunday noon, Festival to the South American Community of devotees. A different name?  
    3. HpS - ASA -- "LEARN SOMETHING" In one lecture Prabhupada Srila Prabhupada commented that we should come to these classes not just as a ritual but also to learn something. Then he looked at the audience and said, "All right, come as a ritual but also try to learn something". So come to teach, learn something based on Srimad Bhagavatam and how to apply it in Sankirtan, Primary School, Congregation Preaching etc.
    4. 23TH Sunday evening > 23TH Wednesday morning, workshop and led conferences and talks to brahmanas, teachers devotees, temple presidents, brahmacari and bhakti vriksha leaders, etc.
  4. My “not complete task” now is the aims and secondary aims of the congress with this general planning that I put above to Chandramukha Swami. But when this work is done I’m planning make a brochure in .pdf with a nice design to invite senior devotees. It will be finished this same week. Could I show you this advance this Monday 7:30 pm?
  5. HpS - A little earlier?  We will have some evening program here. We are in Washington D. C. hour. Main thing is who has committed to come and what they want to hear and explain.
  6. Baladeva and Param Padam, Ananta Sayana sent to me their topics in the congress. But in my last travel to Italy I missed my phone, and they sent to my throught whatsapp. So now I ask them again in mail. So now, I only should ask the topics to Dhanvantari Swami, Aravinda, Rama Giridhari, yourself.
  7. HpS - We want to discuss preaching and teaching in the universities, especially with Psychology and the Sacred, and the ISKCON Ministry of Education which includes Pre and Primary School, and Sastric Education.
  8. Dhanvantari Maharaj says that if we invite devotees like Hridayananda das Goswami (in his condition of senior preacher in South  America) or Jayapataka Swami (in his condition of the GBC) could be complicated to the organization because, like too much devotees could come, also a lot devotees could leave the place after this devotees leaved and that even he should go outside because he would be like a host because they would be at Brazil.
  9. HpS - ASA -- Seems true, but maybe they could do a video clip for the program!!!!!!!


  1. This is the minimum cost for Vraja Bhumi with prasadam included, according the place when the devotees sleep. (To 10 guests will be free):
  1. Festival Congregacional

Viernes – Domingo = 2 noches y 3 días.

  1. Chalés= 570 Rs / $120.997 / 181 USD
  2. Hotel = 480 Rs / $101.892 / 152 USD
  3. Hare & Camping = 300 Rs / $63.683 / 95 USD

ASA - Damn cheap, Bobba!

  1. Brahmanas y Ksatryas

Viernes – Miércoles = 5 noches y 6 días.

  1. Chalés = 1140 Rs / 362 USD
  2. Hotel = 960 Rs / 305 USD
  3. Hare (some devotees houses) & Camping = 600 Rs / 191 USD


  1. Ksatryas

Lunes – Miércoles = 2 noches y 3 días.

  1. Chalés= 570 Rs / 175 USD
  2. Hotel = 480 Rs / 148 USD /
  3. Hare & Camping = 300 Rs / $63.683 / 92 USD

Hare Krsna gurudevm thank you for encourage us to serve.

HpS - ASA --  The ASA Absolute Undifferiniented Commado is Please With You!  Go ahead with full intelligence. List of Participants and their topics. We will prepare.

Photos below.

Proposito Para Visita a Mexico

Hare Krsna.

Estimado Asta-sakhi Devi Dasi et al,

Estamos en Mexico 24 Dec - 30 Enero.
Cual es el PLAN?  <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Nuestro proposito es unos dias en: De Cristo a Krishna y De Nuevo (y otra vez). Podemos expressar nuestra ideas finalmente en esta area. Utilizar la misma para el simposium en Tirupati, Enero 1-4, y relacionar con Navedad, Los Tres Reys, y distribuir regalos del Oriente (libros de BBT).

Esta bien???

Dr. Samaresh Report

Hare Krsna!!

Esteemed Professor,

We have finished a week in Chicago. It was 6-7 degrees at night and they had not started the heating in the building, so we sat infront of a little fan and heater on the floor like Himalaya Yogis and did your work. We have built very good relations with our good ISKCON authorities and Bhaktas there. Several are in the University and we had two university programs as well as about 800 guests for the Govardhana Puja Program. Subal Das' wife in PhD in Education and we are continuing to work with here.

We tried to contact Rama-giridhari Das on Tuesday as planned, but discovered that he has left for Vraja with 75-devotees from his Navi-mumbai program. He Skyped us that he will be back on the 10th and planned very seriously to get in touch with us all then.

We feel very bad that we have not been able to move ahead with these weekly calls. We are always pushing our priorities, but we have realized that too much anxiety only results in too much eating and passionate effort.

Did you get our previous letter with the Photo links for the "Man Making" Book?

Has Sri Hari Das sent the print outs?

Did you get copies of our letters to him with ISBN and resend of Didhiti Bisvasa letter?

We have to work on the Foreward.

South America, even on the second try, is facing great problems in translating some of the articles, but I have expressed, and even our UN members agree, that we should at least format and circulate what we have, which is substantial, to our Editors and more intimate contacts, then move ahead with good advice to the next issue.

So, Abhirama has planned to have a good, formatted copy available by this weekend with photos.

With him we are also working on getting a page of bio-data for your good self on the Wikipedia and the review of our books in Spanish language journals.

Our work on Jung is slowly but realistically advancing. Our priority sending an effective letter to Professor Shyamdasani.

Our dates for India are more and more fixed:

Dec.  31st - Arrive Delhi 11.45PM

1st - 4th - Tirupatti - Vaisnava x Christian Dialog. We are writing for circulation a paper: From Krist to Krsna, and Back Again (and Again).

4th-9th - Madras - Srimad Bhagavatam Symposium. We will present for 25-minutes with: Teaching SB in the Industrialized West.

9th - 18th - Kolkatta. We have answered Acharya-ratna Das letter but he has not got back to us about Kokatta Temple.

18th - 20th - Tripura North / Ananda Bazaar

21st - 23 - Cachar, Silchar. I have informed the organizers that you have very good friend in Asaam and the we MUST organize a very nice program with him for NIOS. Is Prof. Palit in Museum in Guwahati or Silchar at the University? [  ]

24th - 26th - Manipur Thoubal.

26th - Feb 1st - Delhi, Vrndavana.

1st - 8th - Navi Mumbai/Pune

8th-10th - Kokatta

10th-13th - Mayapura

13th - Mayapura to Delhi

14th - 3.15AM - Delhi to Houston, Texas.


Please any advice on this Calendar.


We will plan on calling on the 10th if that is possible!!! but you can always call us for any service.
