DC calander - sunday talk

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Pamho. AgtSP.

 So the temple president of DC has a few points that are outlined for Sunday talks. She likes to gear the speakers toward more unfamiliar audiences (we have a pretty big yoga community here). I was going to email this to you because she and VrajVihari would like to be cc’d on it. But I explained and gave her a brief synopsis of Psyhology and the Sacred and she was thrilled to hear it.

The talk is limited to 30 min with an additional 15-20 min Q&A period.

She did say that the Saturday prior will be open if you would like to host a workshop or lecture of any sort? Please let me know if this is something you’d like to consider.

HpS - You me and NGD just talked about this. "From Cradle to Cambridge - Education in ISKCON. Hanumatpresaka Swami has a long history of working int the area education in ISKCON which include deep involvement with H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami and the Bhaktivedanta Institute, Ranga-niketana - Manipuri Troupe. He is on the Executive Committe of the ISKCON Ministry of Education, and with his own ISKCON institution, NIOS, he has just participated in a profound, intercontinental symposium on Psychology and the Sacred with the National Library of Peru.

He will also report on Sunday school commercialy successful ISKCON Pre and Primary Schools etc. Come for general overview and opportunity to get involved in very practical programs.

Currently we have UMD lined up for 11/11. I’m not familiar with the school but they have a strong bhakti club and I’ll reach out to profs who may try to stage something bigger.

HpS - Let him see our youtube.com clip of  "Psychology and the Sacred 2016", then we can talk with him personally and design a custom program.

Awaiting to get contact of hindu chaplain from Georgetown. He himself has a doctorate in theology so may be a good source of reaching out to dept.

HpS - Again, follow up NGD suggestion of contacting his friend, Dr. Shaligram Shukla in Sanskrit.

Will keep you updated!

*just to clarify—when I send a group text, you can see them right? Cause subala prabhu hasn’t responded either.*

HpS - When you send a group Text we only see your name and when we respond it only shows you as a recipient.  Hmmm.    Robots for Rama.
Thank you so much for your effort.

Kartik nearing

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

 Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to you!

I pray that your health gets better. Your last DTC made me sad but puts into perspective the vehicle that this body is. 

I did get the email about themes and content. Ananda Vrindavan mataji said she’d schedule you for the Sunday talk at Potomac, so I guess Vraj Vihari prabhu would best answer in regards to the themes.

Chandana and I are working to put an event at Virginia commonwealth university. we sent you an email to your nios account regarding that. 

In other news, I also asked Manoram Krishna das to perform the diksha yagya and he said yes and also told me of what I should bring and do to prepare. I was wondering if there is anything you expect that I should do in preparation as well? Please let me know and I will do my best to make it happen!

HpS - Nothing special.

I am still pondering what I should do for my kartik vrat. What would you recommend?

HpS - Damodara asta. Reading Vrndavana Dhama Mahimarta by Kusa Krata Das.

I'm jumping with excitement until your arrival. Thank you for your sincerity and mercy Maharaj. 

Your blundering servant ,


*the picture attached was Chant 4Change last week, an inter-faith festival where hundreds of people danced and sang the Hare Krishna mantra. It was a cool event. It rained all day, and when Radhanath Swami came up, the rain stopped and the sky had pink hues. 

HpS - Jaya!      There is another letter and we have talked a lot since this one. We will go to the other one.


Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, reciba mis respetuosas reverencias.

Estamos en Huancayo, acá esta mi respuesta a algunas preguntas que me hizo en la carta anterior:

Con quien esta asociando alla?  Hay unos devotos mayored in Huancayo?

Acá nos estamos asociando con Madre Laksmirani, Prabhu Ranchor Dwarka, Prabhu Ram Bhagavat, que son los encargados del centro de perdica de Huancayo.  Ellos son devotos mayores, devotos antiguos que estan siempre manteniendo los programas los dias sabados y miercoles. Claro como en todo lugar, aquí también hay problemas entre devotos.

Pero mejor relacionarse más con Srila Prabhupada a traves de sus libros.

HpS - Si, y los libros (NOI 4-6 por ejemplo) nos da una buena perspectiva como distinguir diffentes clases de devotos, no? Tambien NIO 10, de Vikarmis a Radharani

Puede desarollari contacto con la Iglesia Catolica or otros?

Si, en realidad se puede hacer todo eso, pienso con una buena organización en equipo.

Hice un analisis de mi propia vida, antes que predicar a otras personas, tengo que predicarme a mi mismo, mejorar mis rondas de Japa, mi Sadhana, mejorar los 4 principios, luchar con mi mente asquerosa, tratar como a una Dama a mi esposa y no ofenderla, mejorar mi caracter, cantar mejor mis rondas.

HpS - Mucho hacer!

No voy a poder realizar un centro cultural en Huancayo, tengo que mejorar yo mismo como persona y tratar de ser un ser humano, pienso solo poder ayudar a Srila Prabhupada con la distribución de Prasadhan y de sus libros, ayudar a los Sankirtaneros, SOLO  MARATONES  DE  SANKIRTAN..... es lo mejor por el bien de todos..... perdoneme si no puedo seguir su instrucción.  Espero que cuando yo mejore como persona poder realizar su instrucción.

HpS - Claro, mejorar su mismo! Peru achintya bheda abheda, para mejorar nuestra mismos, tenemos que associar con otrs: Krsna, Gopis, Gopas, Narottama Das Thakura, ISKCON pujaris, Sankirtaneros... Desarrolla su caracter pero en el mismo tiempo desarrollar su Iglesia, no?

Luz de la Bhagavata es super para predica, no?  Puede imprimir unos Textos de ww.vedabase.com, Espanyol, y distribuir,

Si en realidad es muy bueno, La Luz del Bhagavata, distribuirlos, mas libros en las calles!!!

organizar seminarios en temas especificas.   Vamos a Peru en Abril-Mayo!!

Claro podemos ayudar a que algún devoto mayor sankirtanero pueda dar alguna conferencia en alguna universidad ó auditorio municipal.  Espero poder verlo en Abril - Mayo...

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, me despido, espero verlo en Perú...

Gadai Gauranga Das

HpS - Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!!!  Gracias a Vds.   Unas experiencias de su Sankirtan!!!!

Report NIMSAR for ASA (October) N# 1(little urgent)

Hare  Krsna SS Hanumat Presaka Swami,


We feal that your health is not well. The deterioration of the body it is unavoidable all we pass through it. We pray to Krsna to improve your health .We have your good partnertship for longer.

Here our report:

1.-LAD continue teach course Disciple of ISKCON  in Chosica Temple. It is for 2 months.

2.-Karuna Krsna d (Secretary of National Council) said me he will write to you and answer his [YOUR] letter.(the letter send to National Council).

3.-We send a brief report of NIMSAR to SS Jayapataka Swami (by whatssap).

HpS - Do you know Atmananda Das and Divya-priya DD? He told me to work with them. I have exchanged letters with them one time and was very friendly and enlightened about situation in Peru.

4.-Talking with devotees authorities about education in ISKCON:

4.1 There is a confusion about of what they think that preaching is the same as education in the sense of that all students must become preachers. With this logic, therefore if there is not preacher is fault of NIMSAR or that we going to take preaching.

HpS - Preaching means teaching, but there are many ways to do it, no? Yad yad acarati srestha: For the common people the preaching is done by the twice born by there example. The mother explains things to her children. Yamaraja preaches to the Yamaduttas after they return for trying to arrest Ajamila. Scripture is the basis of all these things. The twice born Prabhupada wanted to have this Bhakti Sastri level, but for people who only take first initiation, they don't need to get this knowledge formally. They need to get it informally like through puppet shows and hearing discourses by the Brahmanas put into their language.

4.2.-They say Most of NIMSARs members hasn't lived in ashrama so they dont have certain about maturaty to teach.

HpS - Of course there will be so many personal opinions and we shoudl deal with them like that, no? Individidually and personally, but then as an institution we need to have public discussions, then make public statments and rules and regulations. It is the second class relationship, administrative, like Arjuna.

4.3.-There has not been a good  attitude for some members to authorities.

4.4.- Authorities need teachers for ashrama. And for this Karuna Krsna d give seminars for temple of Chosica y NIMSAR only courses.

HpS - We don't understand the grammar in this???

5.-Some good devotees have recommended that NIMSAR  is low profile for some time (coulb be to April).

6.-What requirements need NIMSAR for enroll in web of MED (Ministery of development of the education)????

HpS - MOE (the name has changed) has the Board of Examiners, and different Temples, ISKCON institutions, can be registered as Bh Sastri, Bh. Vaibhavi centers etc.  The information is on the web site. It is rather disorganized to my point of view, and I am a Member of the Executive Committee of the MOE: http://iskconeducation.org/category/schools/iskcon-board-of-examinations/

I would say that education in ISKCON is just as disorganized on the global level as it is in ISKCON Peru. So we have to each fly our own airplane: Understand what is the goal of education and how to achieve that, then do that as friends with others and then also work on developing it in our institutional roles. GBC Secretaries also have friends within the institution.

With afecction
NIMSAR team.

HpS - Thank you very much for your letters!!!     We seem to be making real progress!    Now to more mail!

aclaratoria urgente- Examinador BS-NIMSAR


Dear Gurumaharaja, this year will not come by December and is my month trip, supposedly?, but aimlessly, looking always have your association and be on your VP will see that proposals are presented. We are changing in our activities, I am now a full-time teacher until year end, except rehire me.

On the other hand, there is a tense atmosphere in NIMSAR not by the appointment of examiner, for you. I find that not our choice, but by the lack of empathy and transparency. While there are many projects and programs of studies continue, the administration is difficult. Sometimes information is omitted to board members, and decisions are made without consulting all members. So was my annoyance and I stated. At a meeting he was to give other proposals on the subject of the examiner. So I consulted P. Mathuresa who accepted. But everything is a proposal, rather than personal differences you may have with a devotee this, it sgte. these were my points:

The examiner must be a professor BS, and work with the team manager in coordination with other active teachers for preparing the question bank (as when we did with UD. Beautiful memories!)

You should also have the backing of force and irreproachable moral authorities, to teach, preach, administer, etc. bhakti example. and there are more insurance requirements under provisions of ISKCON.

Each group within an organization has a mood, ours is horizontal. No time imposes ideas, profession, etc. therefore there is a favorable environment. brahminical treatment is always sought, avoid politicking.

It is also important from my point of view not force relationships, or create tension within a group only on a whim, you. sometimes said to get along with some people from a distance and NIMSAR are few, and we are contributing ideas and actively participating in various projects, so the devotees asked to reconsider the situation.

Personally I consider that Ksatriya more Brahmana, I love the brahminical qualities and I have always avoided administrative positions, because to meditate I require an environment of kindness and my spiritual life I am selective in seeking my association. I talked to LAD these issues in detail, I present my concerns.

In the past Patraka mother Rohini and we correct tests, we do not correct exams our students, so it is good to be several Group three was a good number. I do not like the lack of objectivity in which this information is presented by the secretariat, also it was agreed previously, for my part have tried to maintain good relations with the different members of the group, but as things turned out I'm not very happy . You. Know the background of this issue and can enterder it is not easy for me, and although many courses is a shame the lack of empathy for the group, except for Candra Mukhi.

Sorry to bother him with these issues that are unique to NIMSAR, but it was necessary clarification, hopefully with his blessings are resolved for the good of the group.

Hari bolo!

His daughter who adores:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna!  We cannot understand all of this letter from the Google translation., so we will try the Spanish now also.


Querido Gurumaharaja, este año no vendrá por diciembre y es mi mes de viaje,

HpS = Esperamos ir a Sud America ~15 Abril - ~15 May.   Y ir a Vrndavana 2024.

¿Supuestamente?, pero sin rumbo, siempre buscaba tener su asociación y estar en su VP,

HpS - Esta anyo es Mangala arati in Mexico y despues en el avion de a India!  Possible un festival de Vyasapuja en el avion at Paris!

 veremos que propuestas se presentan. Estamos cambiando en nuestras actividades, ahora soy profesora tiempo completo hasta fin de año, salvo me vuelvan a contratar.

HpS - ASA -- !!!!

Por otro lado, hay un clima tenso en NIMSAR no por el nombramiento de examinador,  por Ud.

HpS - Otra vez, es decision del GBC, Junta Nacional, pero Nimsar pero presentar su sugerencia. Pienso es un trabajo simple, burrocratico, lo cual muchos entre Vds puede hacer para un anyo, y despues otro puede hacer.

me entero que no nos corresponde la elección,

HpS - No entiendo esta frase??

sino por la falta de empatía y de transparencia.

Si bien es cierto que hay muchos proyectos y los programas de estudios continúan, la administración es difícil.  A veces se omite información a los miembros del directorio, y se toman decisiones sin consultar a todos los miembros. Por eso fue mi molestia y lo manifesté. En una reunión se quedó con dar otras propuestas sobre ese tema del examinador. Por eso consulté a P. Mathuresa quien aceptó. Pero todo es una propuesta, más que las diferencias personales que uno pueda tener con un devoto esta,  lo Sgte. estos fueron mis puntos:

El examinador debe ser profesor BS, y trabajar con el equipo administrador en coordinación con otros profesores activos para la elaboración del banco de preguntas, (como cuando lo hicimos con UD. ¡Hermosos recuerdos!)

Tambien debe tener el respaldo de autoridades vigentes y moral intachable, que enseñe, predique, administre, etc. el bhakti con el ejemplo. y seguro hay más requisitos según disposiciones de ISKCON.

HpS -  Ooof!   Hoy dia estamos muy cansado, y el cerebrio viajo. Es deficil para nosotros trata relacionar con estas puntos administrativas por internet, sino son simple!

Continuando con so progresso personal!  Desarolla su grupo de amigos devocionales y relacionar con los Instituciones de un manera instutucional (lo cual va a ser poco raro para una novicia rebelde!!)

Cual es la edad de sus muchachos??

Cada grupo dentro de una organización tiene un humor, el nuestro es horizontal. Nadie impone ideas por tiempo, profesión, etc. por ello hay un ambiente favorable. Se busca siempre tratos brahmínicos, evitar politiquería.

También es importante desde mi punto de vista no forzar relaciones, o crear tensión dentro de un grupo sólo por mero capricho, Ud. a veces decía que se lleva bien con algunas personas desde mucha distancia y en NIMSAR somos poquitos, y estamos aportando ideas y participando activamente en proyectos diversos, por eso pedía a los devotos que reconsideren la situación. 

En lo personal me considero más brahmana que Ksatriya, adoro las cualidades brahmínicas y siempre he evitado los puestos administrativos, porque para meditar requiero un ambiente de más bondad y para mi vida espiritual soy selectiva en buscar mi asociación. He hablado con LAD de estos temas al detalle, le presente mis preocupaciones. 

En el pasado con madre Rohini y Patraka corregimos exámenes, no corregimos exámenes de nuestros alumnos, por eso es bueno que sean varios los del Grupo, tres era un buen número. No me gusta la falta de objetividad en la que se presenta esta información por parte de secretaría, también eso se acordó previamente, por mi parte he procurado mantener buenas relaciones con los diferentes miembros del grupo, pero como se dieron las cosas no estoy muy contenta. Ud. conoce el fondo de este tema y puede enterder que no es nada fácil para mi, y a pesar de tantos cursos es una pena la falta de empatía por parte del grupo, a excepción de Candra Mukhi.

Lamento importunarlo con estos temas que son propios de NIMSAR, pero era necesario una aclaración, esperemos que con sus bendiciones se solucionen para el bien del grupo.

Hari bolo!

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi