Dear Gurumaharaja please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I am writing you from Chile with the intense desire to let you know about our service with our musical group "Krishna Sambandha". 

We are participating in a contest to play this year at the Music Festival "IF FIIs" in which an audience of 10 thousand people are expected. More than 1500 bands worldwide postulated for this event and Krishna Sambandha was among the 14 selected. We  need the support of all devotees so were are asking everyone to give a like on facebook via the following link: 


We want to share the Maha Mantra Hare Krishna with thousands of souls along with a deep and sincere message of spiritual life and Krishna consciousness.

So we want to ask your blessings on this service because it is very important for all of us to receive them.

Without taking more of your time, I want to tell you that all devotees miss you a lot in Chile and they are sending their bows and affection to you. 

Thank you so much. 

with deep afection. 

your eternal servant, Abhimanyu Das

HpS - AGTSP! Paoho.  We hope everyone here in the Blog sends to the FaceBook and we will send this to our Yahoo Group in Tennessee and hope they send it to VNN, Pamho, etc!    We also miss being in Chile, walks on the Alameda, Kirtan.  See you in April!!!  Send news of your activities, your father!

Consultation of NIMSAR (little urgent) for ASA

Hare Krsna Maharaja.


I hope your health is better,

HpS - Hare Krsna!! Actually will be getting worse all the time. Old age. Now sme little pain in the knees. Maybe they are going.  Many people getting artificial knee replacement here.  Maybe can's walk withour crutches soon.  O.K.  Just use this body to the end, then get ready for the next one Krsna sends.

Briefly I explain the following:

1.-NIMSAR proposed to Jiva sakti d as Examiner and Candramukhi dd as adminstrator, by consensus it seems a good choice, but Yugala dd is in disagrees that Jiva sakti d is the examiner. (although most agree with Jiva sakti d).

2.-She proposes to Mathuresh d as Examiner. It seems like a good proposal (although we do not have consulted others members).

3.-Yugala dd also wants to be aassistant of adminstrator. About this,  we do not consider it prudent, because test development should be confidential enough 2 people. Candramukhi dd is very qualified to do so. In these types of service it is very important to consider affinity character, Yugala dd is very Ksatrya only see one point, naturally she wants to lead, Candramukhi dd has other character .

There is a saying : "2 sun can not shine".  Teacher can give ideas, contributions but no prepare exams.

Sorry, that we consult this themes to you. I write to you by order to LAD and Yugala dd.

In others yatras as Argentina there are 10 Bhakti Sastri Examiners , maybe Jivasakti d and Mathuresh d could be both Examiners Bhakti Sastri.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you

with affection

Isvari dd.

HpS - We discussed this on the tele-conference on Sunday, no?   Was very nice.  Our points from there.

1. The decision of who is Examiner, Administrator, for Bhakti Sastri in Peru is the authority of the GBC and/or National Counsel if GBC wants that. Of course, Nimsar, ASA, could apply to also be an independent testing unit for Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, but still would need National approval to work in that nation.

So, NIMSAR at this point would only be making suggestions to the National Council.

2. The job is really a very technical job and I don't think Mathures Das would have the time or temperament for it.

3. Seem like everyone kind of comes to a consensus and then does the work for like one year and then after that re-evaluate.

4. Again it is not a very important post politically, we need some politics, more a technical post.

O.K?   Thank you for your interest. Please see the DTC for today.


Dear Esteemed Maharaja

PAMHO   All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

The devotees are making plans to have instructional activities for children at our weekly programs.  They already have one source for materials/outlines, but would greatly appreciate your recommendations for what/where to find more information.

HpS - I will text you Subhra and Caitanya's phone number in  Houston. They have a very detailed program!!!    Very, very important service.   Could argue without a doubt that there is none more important.

We are doing fairly well considering what we have to work with.  Kalindi Devi Dasi is recovering very well from her surgery.  We resumed our neighborhood walks.   I don't have much to report, just wanted to say howdy.  Sorry to hear the govmint revenuers are complicating your day.

HpS - Well, it is not the IRS.  That is pretty simple.  It seems that maybe we are over-extended because there is no one to do a lot of the work that a Corporation requires, such as IRS reports, so we are considering the resources and moving ahead.

Just finished reading the Quran.  Very interesting, I will give you my impressions the next time I see you.   The writer of this translation was assassinated in a mosque in Pheonix in 1990.  It is speculated that his was the first al qaeda murder in the U.S.    Kali yuga, tsk,tsk.

HpS - Wow!   There is a version called "The Koran Interpreted", older, little classical. The author's thesis as we understand, was that it is correct, as the Koran says, the Koran not in Arabic is not the Koran. He explains that the potency of the Koran is not in the intellectual content, which might be translated, but in the emotional potency, that of course depends upon the original language of the writer. So he tries to communicate the emotion before precise detail of the intellectual content, which he doesn't fault, but makes the emotional impact the greatest. It was written for simple people in the desert, no?

Share food, don't have sex with your Mother, love God who is the most kind and sees us and cares for us.

We will be on the lookout for postings of your trip to Seattle.  I don't remember if I told you this, but we cannot take a long train ride.  We would have to fly to Seattle.  We look forward to taking shelter of your association.  Until that time I remain,

Your humble servant,  Dave prabhu

HpS - Jaya! Always nice to hear from you. The more the better. We have a regular communication with Srivasa Pandita Das now.  He told us of his visit to Sacramento and starting to establish more relations there.
Our respects to the Kalindi!  We Text phone numbers.

Garga-acarya das Hare krishna

Jay Guru Maharaj Acepte mis reverencias una y otra vez y que todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada 

Paramakaruna, Sri Sri Gaura Nitay ki jaya !

Hare Krishna Guru-Maharaj por favor acepte mis mas respetuosas reverencias a ud .Aun  me encuentro en Santiago de Chile, primero que nada quiero disculparme por ser tan negligente de no hacer reportes mas seguidos , y gracias a su misericordia siempre me eh mantenido ocupado en servicio siempre creciente . Entonces desde que me dio diksha empece a adorar a sus señorias aqui en el templo como servicio fijo todos los fines de semana desde el sabado al domingo a la noche programa completo . mientras que vivia arrendando con mi esposa y haciendo Sankyrtana . Luego en el mes de julio el pujari que estaba de lunes a viernes . tuvo algunas complicaciones , por lo cual el gbc pidio que se retire del servicio inmediatamente.. siendo esa la situacion y no habiendo realmente nadie que quiera o pueda adorar a sus señorias . tome el servicio temporalmente por dos semanas hasta que encontraran a alguien fijo , pasaron las dos semanas se hizo un mes... y con mi esposa decidimos hacernos cargo del servicio de pujari hasta el mes de enero. Cubriendo la Adoracion a la deidad de todos los dias en todos los turnos ya que realmente no hay nadie dispuesto... para todo esto dejamos el arriendo y nos vinimos a vivir al templo . lo cual es muy nectareo para nuestra vida espiritual . ( la idea es que algunos devotos hace poco tomaron segunda iniciacion entre ellos mi esposa Nitya Siddha Devi Dasi . para formar un grupo de devotos de la comunidad que se haga cargo cada uno un dia completo a la semana , para de esta manera no tener que estar contando con alguien fijo... ) hasta el dia de hoy eso no ah funcionado muy bien . Para todo esto en el templo hay tres Brahmacaris (dos son bhaktas) y dos madres (entre ellas mi esposa y una bhaktina) entonces el precidente del templo prabhu Amara viendo mi trato hacia ellos y encontrandoce en la situacion de que el comandante del templo tuvo tambien que dejar el servicio por diferentes razones . Me pidio si podia ser tambien el comandante del templo mientras estuviece aqui .. a lo cual acepte.. ( hace 1 semanas) Por otro lado nunca deje de pensar en ud ni un dia ademas de poder asistirlo mientras estoy ocupado en la adoracion.. estoy profundamente agradecido de todo lo que hace para ayudarnos a avanzar siendo que espiritualmente soy muy debil , hizo los arreglos para que hoy me encuentre ocupado todo el dia en un ambito de amoroso servio a los devotos y Srla Prabhupada. mi deuda hacia ud es eterna por lo cual oro de que cada dia me siga ocupando en asistir a los devotos y sirviendo a Paramakaruna Sri Sri Gaura Nitay !! asique mi saddhana es de mangalarati todos los dias pero mis rondas son siempre por la tarde ... Esperando ud este cada vez mas cerca de su maestro espiritual y orando por tener su asociacion personal lo mas pronto posible me despido . 

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare .
Su eterno y agradecido Sirviente Garga-acarya Das 

HpS - ASA -  Wow!   Super-hombre del mundo espiritual. Haz lo que puede bien! Por el fin, Gaura Nitai no son incapaz y pueden hacer cual quiere arregla que quieren.   Muy intenso su carta. Aparece algo desordanado en la Yatra si no hay devotos para tomar cargo de algo de la adoracion de los deidades.
Esperamos mejorando, y si podemos ayhudar nos ocupa.
Hare Krsna!!


Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja
Please, accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I'm glad to tell you we're fine, generally speaking, light and dark situations appear and disappear that unsettles us a bit. Happily, we are learning to understand the nature of this world and our karmic relationship with it. Our japa has slightly improved , especially in quality,  , a pinch of taste sweetens our heart during the chanting. Our sadhana is maintained, it is sometimes difficult by the fact of coming home late a few days a week, but we attended Mangalaratik 5 times a week.

Indira Sakti and I are both studying the Srimad Bhagavatam, making summaries separately and individually reading other texts. We are collecting money to take the Bhakti Sastri course with Prabhu Param-padam, meanwhile, we study on our own.

I'm a little disappointed, I was in charge of communications in the temple, but they have rejected the work plan, the projects that I have been developing were rejected by the authorities. I tried to concentrate my efforts on communication between devotees (as you suggested) but they understand this as suspicious acts that promotes a plot. They strive to organize many festivals, but do not promote Saddhana or educational programs at all.

ASA - Interesting.

On the other hand, I told you before in a previous message that I had in mind to work on a modular education system for the yatra, but the devotee who promised to do it with me never replied to the mail. These things discourage me but I'm trying to make an effort to see Krsna's hand behind all this. Sometimes it is confusing because I lack the ability to know what He wants from me in these circumstances.

ASA - It is the same with us, but we are sure He wants us to chant as much as possible in any situation and at least 1728 good Maha-mantras on beads. When we do that we can see little by little what is the truth of our mind, body and association. We see that many times we don't get reciprocation from our authorities because they are doing so many things and we are a strange, new project to them, but after two weeks and pushing from a few different angles we finally got in touch with Anuttama Das, a very big and well related to us, GBC Secretary, and our friend. So we have scheduled a long talk on Thursday.

For now, we study, learn songs, serve the deity at home and work to make the japa and sadhana the center of our lives. You said that cleaning the temple can make a sincere devotee to  reach Goloka, we are taking this literally. I can not understand what my service to the temple is, nor how I can serve you, this doubt sometimes causes affliction, Gurudeva.

Finally Gurumaharaja, three devotees do not appear in the list of your disciples in the Jayarama website. I already made the comment a while ago, but it seems that there has been no opportunity todo it. I know that a list does not determine the sincere discipleship of a devotee but it would be very nice to be part of this group photo, as your disciples. We are the ones who were initiated on February 4, 2015 at ISKCON Lima: Tarangaksi devi dasi (Tania Chamilco, January 13, 1975), Gauri Devi Dasi (Gumercinda Miranda, January 13, 1950) and Gandharva dasa (Germán Vegas, June 28, 1967). I hope this does not cause a nuisance, Gurudeva.

HpS - Aieeee, Chihuahua!   I did not notice you mentioned this before. We will send a letter to Nama-acharya to make the update!!!   Thank you!!!

Hope yu're doing well Gurumaharaja

Thank you for your kind attention

Your servant

Gandharva dasa

HpS - Develope your personal relationship with Srila Prabhupada through his many means of access. Develope you relationships with your friends in ISKCON. Work with the institutional structure of ISKCON to make improvements. 1. 2. 3. O.K?

Thank you so, so, so much for your austerities.  They are real and lasting.

Administración en ISKCON PERÚ

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Hare Krishna Maharaja Hanumatpresaka Swami:

Que placer recibir su carta e invitación a responder a este blog sobre su contribución para mejorar la administración en Perú.

Como me decía mi amigo Syamasundara muy acertadamente: “todos somos herramientas”. Será un placer poder ser útil de alguna manera con su asociación y experiencia.

No hay duda que necesitamos ayuda y contribuciones a base de discusiones sobre el tema. Tenemos muy buenos líderes, devotos y hay muy buenas ideas por concretar que ellos han expuesto que deberíamos ponerlas en acción.

Tenemos la experiencia vivida de usted y de los líderes que menciona en ISKCON y a muchos devotos actuales con ganas de ser parte de la historia de ISKCON que no quieren ser simples espectadores.

Estoy de acuerdo que sean públicas las ideas y que no se mantengan guardadas así muchos que lean podrán recogerlas y llevarlas a cabo.

Sabemos de su aprecio hacia todos los devotos de este Yatra. Nuestro aprecio es recíproco. Usted tiene toda la autoridad y la representación de Srila Prabhupada de corregirnos cuando crea necesario. Personalmente sus declaraciones para mí han sido aleccionadoras.

Uno sólo no podrá resolver los problemas . Necesitamos integración y trabajo en equipo formando departamentos de servicios. Es lo que enfatiza Jayapata Swami en sus reuniones. Conservo una carta  escrito a puño y letra que hace referencia a lo que digo.

Así es. El trabajo es pragmático, si se refiere a ejecutar acciones más que quedarnos enfrascados a lo teórico o  a meras palabras de reuniones.

La Junta Nacional necesita integrar a la nación vaisnava en Perú. Es una excelente creación dentro de la institución interna que como sabemos necesita aún mucho madurar.

Hemos tenido la primera reunión de junta Nacional hace unos días con el nuevo comité ejecutivo de la Junta Nacional cuyo chairman actual es Caitanya Candra Prabhu. El secretario ahora es Prabhu Karuna Krishna. Que Krishna los ilumine y bendiga. Se ha contado con un libro de actas y se hizo un acta. Como digo,  hay muchas cosas por mejorar, pero por eso no perdemos la esperanza de seguir avanzando y madurando.

El anterior secretario tiene el compromiso en breve plazo , de hacerle la transferencia del registro de actividades completa a Prabhu Karuna Krishna.

Están siendo corregidas y siendo recopiladas lo cual está tomando un tiempo en terminarlas. Se terminarán de hacer. Ese es el compromiso.

Considero que estos registros son necesarios para facilitar las acciones.

Gracias por su ayuda y contribución.

He escuchado mucho de su blog. Y es una herramienta gestora muy valiosa de grandes cambios. Recién pude entrar y escribir gracias a la ayuda de Palika.

Gracias por invitarme y animarme a participar en esta gran batalla de Kuruksetra del Señor Caitanya.

Espero que la presente lo encuentre muy bien.

Su sirviente

Caturatma das

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna, Cha. Das!!!  Desculpa poco demura responder!  Aqui en Tennessee con nuestra Non-profit, Educational, Corporation, NIOS, tuvimos mucho esfuerza para realizar todos los tramites necessario oficial. Realment solo yo trabajando en eso, y pensando en salir de NIOS y solamente ser un individual solo, pero hay esfuerza de otros para mejorar nuestra unidad.

Ha pasado solament un reunion de Junta Nacional?    Es posible leer los resultados?  Esta publicando para la comprehension de los otros Yatris como yo?

Jiva shakti Das era el Secretario anterior, no?   El mantuvo el Libro de Actos y ya esta pasando a Karuna Krsna?

Si, estamos enfocando en esta punto especifica pero pensamos es un punto clave donde trabajo puede resultar en un mucho progresso ampliio.

Basicamente identificarnos como miembro de la Yatra y esperamos noticias del Junta Nacional y mas!

No tenemos Face Book.
Por favor, escriba aqui de cualquiere tema de su interes.