con't - citations from Neal Delmonico aka Nitai das (part 2)

Continuing from here


Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Generally speaking, this is how I understand and act upon these kind of situations.

A person practices ISKCON sadhana bhakti, after some times stops the practice (by leaving ISKCON and joining some other sect, or stopping sadhana altogether). This person may be by profession an auto mechanic. If I need to fix a car, I may bring it to that person. But if that person is a philosopher and scholar by profession, and I need some philosophical points to discuss, I may need to be careful with what to hear/take from a person whose philosophy differs from our parampara.

This is given in simple words. There are more details to consider.

Is that proper?


HpS - As far as we can understand things we act in the same way, and of course there are details. Some people have left and become viscious demons. So, with them we don't even ask technical things.


About citations – they are about connections of Bhoja and Rupa Goswami, then some about historical facts , and about how Rupa Goswami uses Agni Purana.


Now that we are here on this topic, may I ask what you think and what you say to people who declare points that Nitai das propagates: that our line from BSST is not bonafide because BSST did not took initiation from Gaurakisora das Babaji. (There are more points but this is a main one).

Thank you!


Your servant Namacarya Das


HpS - Do you mean he didn't take Sannyaya from GKDB?   Is there some doubt that GKDB didn't give him Mantra initiation as a Hari-nam disciple or Gayatri mantra?
Sannyasa is a Varna ashrama arrangement in some ways. Real parampara is one Sampradaya Acharya accepting another as his student and then passing the Bhava, perspective, attitude with Sastric reference to his disciple.


... aham — I; vaḥ — unto you; śrāvayiṣyāmi — shall let you hear; yathā-adhītam yathā-mati — as far as my realization.    


O.K?  Just brief idea. Depends very much on the motive of the person who is arguing, no?

Administration and Friendship in Peru

Estimado Karuna Krsna Das,
Hare Krsna, Prabhu,
AGTSP. Paoho Hemos estado tratando de escribirte durante mucho tiempo. Teníamos la dirección equivocada. Nos estamos ahogando en el servicio de Sannyasa.
¿¿¿Cómo estás??? Estamos muy contentos cada vez que nos das tu asociación y estaría muy contento cuanto más puedas unirte a estos eventos, Psicología y el Sagrado, tipo!
¿Cómo es el Consejo Nacional?
¿Es el Libro de Actos actual?
¿Podemos verlo? A pesar de que estamos en la clase de perros sin pelo peruano?
¿Algún servicio para nosotros?
¿Qué pasó con la carta que enviamos al Consejo sobre NIMSAR?
Por lo tanto, bueno para escribir a todos ... Estamos haciendo planes para visitar Perú a principios del próximo año y mover nuestra base allí desde 2018-2021, O.K?

urgente detalles de itinerario México

Querido Gurumaharaja: 
Por favor acepte nuestras reverencias!
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Gurumaharaja enviamos más detalles del itinerario y algunas dudas que tenemos (*)

Sábado 24 ( maha Sankirtana)
7:00 pm: De Cristo a Krsna y vuelta 

- Al final de la clase entrega de premios a sankirtaneros.

- Programa tradicional de Navidad mexicano ( prasadam, ponche, piñata) 

Domingo 25 
12:00 pm: Ceremonia de fuego 

4:00 pm: De Cristo a Krsna y vuelta.

* Por favor nos puede escribir en inglés " De Cristo a Krsna y vuelta " 
No tenemos claro en español "y vuelta"

HpS - From "Christ to Krsna and Back Again". El contenido es nuestra viaje en cristanismo de ninez hasta encontrando Krsna y despues el intercambio constante, bueno, entre nuestra vida en Hare Krsna y nuestra tradicion Cristiano. O.K?

Los días domingos el programa de la tarde del templo empieza 3:30 pm, es el nuevo horario.

Lunes 26
4:00 pm a 6:00 pm
Seminario Adoración a la Deidad 

Martes 27 
11:00 Maha Harinama y distribución de libros 

2:30 pm prasadam para todos en casa de un miembro de la congregación. 

Seminario de Sankirtana 

La propuesta de hacerlo en la mañana de  6:00 a 6:30 am, no fue error,  disculpe por no explicar por favor. 
La intención fue dirigirlo especialmente a los devotos internos  y del campamento de Sankirtana. 
En Diciembre el horario de clase de Srimad Bhagavatam es de 6:00 a 6:30 am. La intención es que los sankirtaneros salgan temprano a distribuir libros.

*Podemos agregar media hora más para el seminario: 6:00 a 7:00 am.

*Sin embargo, no hay ningún problema de fijarlo para la noche . 
7:00 pm a 8:00 pm
Para todo público

ASA - Hmmm.  Es bueno por la manyana. Media hora. Pero algo despues de Gaura-arati de la misma contenido?

Miércoles 28 
7:00 pm a 8:00 pm  Más de diálogo vaisnava Cristiano " De Cristo a Krsna y vuelta" 

*se  puede continuar con el Seminario de Sankirtana  ( dirigido a todo público) 

HpS - Kristo Sabado, Domingo, Miercoles, por la tarde para todos. Y Sankirtan, Manyana y Tardes, Lunes y Martes. O.K??

* Se puede fijar únicamente clase de SB. 6:00 am para permitirle dar Su clase online de Bh.Sastri 7:00 pm.

HpS - No, esta bien. Podemos adjustar. Solamente una semana en Mexico. Utilizando todo el tiempo para eventos local. 

Como referencia, México inicio su horario local, tenemos el mismo horario de Nashville. 

Tenemos esas dudas para este día, disculpe por favor . 

Jueves 29 
12:30 pm Ceremonia de Vyasa-Puja 

4:30 pm prasadam 

6:30 pm Gaura arati 

7:00 pm clase de BG. 

7:30 pm ofrenda artística 
Obra de Teatro : " El Testigo Divino" la historia de Sakshi Gopal. 

Duración: 30 minutos. 

8:00 pm último darshan del día de la Deidad. 

8:20 pm. Prasadam regular del templo. 

* Gurumaharaja le parece bien esta propuesta de horarios?

HpS - Cuando es Raja-bhoga arati, Arati de Media dia? Podemos todos asistir y cantar y tener ofrenda de Bhoga a Radha Madan-gopal....   [Pujari puede ser nuestra discipulo??. Entonces nuestra photo pequeno en altar a lado de el, ella].
Entonces, unas palabras acerca de Vyasa-puja, de Prabhupada, Srila Vyasadeva, Krsna, Nosotros, Vds. Presentadoros elegido antes y su presentacion traducido a Ingles. 45-minutos???

Prasadam... Descansa.  Gaura arati. Programa cultural. [Disponible en el Templo antes de Gaura arati, cantando unos Bhajans juntos de Guru-tattva?]  Recordando un anyo. Hay como 50 ofrendas y ninguna de ellos, sino la fruta, era algo de mucho interes para mi. Muy divertido. Nadie preguntado que quiero. Guru como un estatua no como una persona.

* este dia  habrá conexión Online con discípulos de otros países?

HpS - Pienso que si. Como es posible. Es misma hora para Peru, EEUU.

Viernes 30: 
Breve ofrenda artística "sorpresa' de parte del yatra.

Duración: 15 minutos.

Horario:  5:45 am.

* O el horario que ud disponga , antes de ir al Aeropuerto por favor. 

HpS - Muy bien!  Sorpresa.   El vuelo a Houston es 11AM.  Llegamos tres horas antes???  8AM???  Entonces salimos a que hora del templo.
Una cosa. Solamente estamos viajando con equipaje de mano (mono (monje)))>  Entonces, no podemos llevar regalos grandes.  Moooo y Pequenos. como amistad sincero. Despues  (y oramos a Dios el vuelso de Mexico no esta retrasado!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!   !108) estamos en transito in Houston hasta 4PM, 3-horas. Entonces cambiando avion en Paris y continuando con Radhka Rama Das. Cambiando avion en Delhi, 6 horas en transito, y llegando a Tirupati!!!   Prasadam para el viaje??

Quedamos atentos a Sus instrucciones, disculpe los errores por favor.

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente 
Asta Sakhi dd. 


Hare Krishna! Dear Gurumaharaj, Pamho, AGTSP!

As I said before, NIMSAR is rethinking some aspects of procedures because communications haven't been very well and that is affecting our relationships within NIMSAR.

I'm been trying to set a meeting, but it seems that we are not quite ready to talk openly about our concerns. We are focus in "doing" things and I don't think is healthy. We are taking desicions sepparatly without consulting each other. 

So I'm presenting here some ideas. Its a rough document, very imperfect. But its just to start with something to talk about. Its actually a reactive document. A lawyer, friend of mine, told me not to worry cause usually laws come as a reaction of certain situation that needs to be address o resolve.

Please, we need a prompt answer. I'm really concerned about NIMSAR communications. We need your good advise to go on. I felt that we are like obstructed. 

Thank you very much.


HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna.  Thank you very much for your letter. Yes, a dialog. First thing: Are you obstructed?  Misra-bhagavan Das told me that he heard Prabhupada say that in any situation we may be able to change the actions, plans and perspectives of others or maybe we can't, but we can ALWAYS change our attitude etc toward the situation. Are you happy and clear about how to relate to NIMSAR? This may even mean that there are certain things that you are SURE are UNSURE. In brief, what is your attitude, plans and acts with NIMSAR?

The following is too complicated for us. Maybe start with just one or two of the dicta below and then we can discuss it.

<img alt="angel" height="23" src="" title="angel" width="23" />


1. NIMSAR is an educational institution authorized by ISKCON Peru and collaborates with Bolivia and Ecuador.

2. NIMSAR is an ASA branch whose GBC is Tamohara Prabhu.

3. The Board of Directors is the highest authority of NIMSAR.

4. The Board is comprised of the senior members of NIMSAR. Currently active: Abhinanda and Laksmana Prabhus; Yugala kisore, Candra mukhi and Isvari matajis.

5. NIMSAR has Collaborators such as: Ms Tarangaksi, Padmavati, Lila sakti, Bhaktin Maritere, etc.

6. The Board relies on the Board of Directors whose main member is Humatpresaka Swami

7. The NIMSAR Board of Directors approves the members of the Board, Board of Directors and collaborators.

8. The Board appoints the Junta Directiva (Officers or Executive Committee).

9. The Board of Directors is composed of: President, Secretary and Treasurer.

10. The functions of the Board of Directors are elaborated and approved by the Board of Directors

11. The term of office of the Board of Directors is decided by the Board of Directors. Any adjustment in this respect is decided by the Board.

12. The Board meets regularly. Frequency is decided by themselves.

13. Attendance at Board meetings is mandatory. If someone is absent has to justify it to the president. They have to be valid reasons.

14. If a member of the Board is absent from meetings three times, without reasonable justification, he may lose his right to be a member of the Board of Directors.

15. If a member of the Board behaves improperly is first orally sanctioned, the second opportunity by a letter and at the third opportunity may lose his right to be a member of the Board.

16. All decisions are taken by the Board are in consensus. If no consensus is reached, a vote is taken and the decision is taken by simple majority.

17. No one can send any communication, make a deal, accept or organize a program on behalf of NIMSAR without the authorization of the Directory. Therefore communication must be fluid, effective and constant among the members of the Board.

18. All agreements, directives or resolutions must be in the minutes of the meetings. These minutes will be signed by all members and must be available to all for consultation. Nobody can act on NIMSAR behalf if it is not stablished on the minutes.

19. The Board establishes the mission and vision of NIMSAR, its educational philosophy and all legal matters before ISKCON and the State.

20. Cooperation and communication is the basis of all the actions of NIMSAR.

urgente México

Querido Gurumaharaja:

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias! 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Muchas gracias por ser una gran inspiración en la misión de Srila Prabhupada. que el Señor Nrsimhadeva siempre lo proteja.

En coordinación con los devotos del templo tenemos estas propuestas para Usted , para su pronta visita al yatra de México .


Sábado 24 ( día de Maha sankirtana) 
7:00 pm 

Sesión I 
"Las glorias de Sankirtana" 
SS. Hanumatpresaka Swami 

7:40 pm Entrega de premios

Martes 27  
6:30 a 7:00 am 

ASA - Media hora por la manyana? ? ? 

Sesión II 

"Técnicas de Sankirtana" 

Miércoles 28 
Sesión III 

6:30 a 7:00 am 

"Técnicas de Sankirtana" 

Domingo 25
12:00 am
Ceremonia de fuego Posible iniciaciones,  matrimonio de Saranagati y Amara Prabhu. 

4:00 pm 
Clase de Bhagavad Gita  

Lunes 26 
4:00 a 6:00 pm 

Martes 27 
11:00 am 
Maha Harinama y distribución de libros 2:30 pm prasadam para todos en casa de un miembro de la congregación vaisnava. 

Jueves 29 
Celebración de Vyasa-Puja en el Templo

Quedamos atentos a Sus observaciones.

Disculpe nuestras ofensas por favor. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente 

Asta Sakhi dd


Querido  Gurumaharaja:

Por favor acepte nuestras reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

El día de hoy, en la tarde, envié una carta con las propuestas de programas para México.

No había leído Su carta del 4 de Noviembre, por favor disculpe.

Nos parece perfecto! 

Sábado 24 de Diciembre

7:00 pm

" De Cristo a Krishna" 

- relación con regalos, Sastra Dana etc. 

*cada año se organiza piñata y posada navideña, al final de la clase, buen ambiente navideño. 

Puede ser sábado 24 y Domingo 25 ? 

Quedamos atentos. 

Por favor disculpe la ofensa de no leer a tiempo Su carta. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente 

Asta Sakhi dd.


ASA - Hare Krsna.    Cada Dia programa por la Tarde, no? 24-29. 25, Domingo, programa tradicional de Navidad de Mexico.  27 - Programa de Sankirtan y Hari-nam a las 11AM.   6.30AM - 7.00AM eso es un error?

Pienso no temas separadas pero solamente: Conferencias cada noche xxx - xxxx a cerca de Kristo a Krsna y Vuelta; Sankirtana y Adoracion de la Deidad..  Mas de Diksa, Matrimonio, Premios, todo.

Esta bien???

Mooo Chas Gracias las esfuerzas de todos.

Sita Lalita dd report.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,

Please accept my respecful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !

Well[,] I finished studing e[E]nglish last year and I have forgotten even more[many] things so I hope I wont [won't] make many mistakes. There is [was] always a continue [continuous] strive [strife [struggle]] to finish our good rounds at [on] time and [but] now that I came back to Chosica there is more time to chant better without homeworks [singular, no 's'] to present for the following day, everyday. As You know I left Cusco and it was like four weeks ago, before leaving I tried to leave my documents ready if I wanted to come back to Cusco and continue studing in the second semester  because I ap[p]roved [passed] all the courses of the first semester when I went to Cusco when You Gurudeva where already here in Chosica, however, everything happened so fast that I couldnt do everything, so all of this makes me think that if I come back to Cusco I could start since the begining, of course, if Krsna wants me back. The reason I came is because we are doing Harinama everyday with some devotees and then we can probably go to the Holy Dham next year ! s[S] o far, is kinda difficult to believe this is going to happen, however, we wont [won't] stop and we will give our best because Maya is very, very strong and we can clearly see that she works trying different ways and we feel so weak because we have ups and downs all the time. We hope all this three hours daily of Harinama during six months will purifies [purify] us enough to get to the Holy Dham, we know Harinama is as strong as Krsna Himself because there is no difference between Them, however, if it is not the moment  we will keep preparing ourselves to be ready when the moment comes.  Finally, we are nothing without Your and devotees blessings[,] so we are going to strive to be worthy to receive them.  Que el Señor Nrsimha Deva lo siga protegiendo.

Su aspirante a sirvienta,

Sita Lalita Devi Dasi.

HpS - ASA - Thank you for the news. As you can see your English is quite good, just some practice to correct some details.
Yes, chant Hare Krsna as much as possible and pray to Krsna to help you to advance very practically in devotional service. It should be fun and exciting, lots of progress everyday!
Send more news.

Who goes on Hari-nama?  Where do you go?  What type of people do you meet? ..