Communication with the National Council in Peru

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna,

Thank you for your response to our letter, but we are a little unclear? Do you mean that the development of the Bhakti-sastri and Bhakti-vaibhava programs should be curtailed by NIMSAR?  Should Nimsar work on development of specific seminars with ISKCON such as "Rupa Siksa, CC 2.19" for the Temple community?

We have another letter from Karuna Prabhu and hope to talk with him by telephone soon, as well as anyone else who wants to discuss things.

Thank you!   We are working on our tickets for South America now.


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From: Carlos Figueroa, Karuna- krishna Das
To: Anjana Suta Academy, HpSwami

Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 11:42 PM
Subject: Letter from the National Board of the ISKCON Peru

Letter of response to His Holiness Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja

His Holiness Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

We have read and carefully analyzed the letter you kindly sent to me and the members of the National Board. With respect to the points and proposals in the educational area that you develop in that letter, our answer is the following one:

First of all we would like to thank you for the interest and effort you have placed in the educational area in Peru during the last years. Specifically in the case of NIMSAR, and as you well point out in your letter, that institution is a branch of the Anjana Suta Academy, which offers courses and seminars, such as the Bhakti Shastri, courses for TTC facilitators, leadership, administration, initial education , Primary, secondary, film production, etc., etc.

Undoubtedly, within the broad field of preaching and education of Krishna consciousness for society, NIMSAR has a fertile field of action where it can be fully developed. We think that especially in preaching to universities, colleges, institutes of higher education, cultural associations, municipal premises, etc, etc., NIMSAR can develop multiple initiatives to spread awareness of Krishna and for that can count on our authorization and Our support.

The National Board of ISKCON Peru is currently working on the development of an educational plan aimed at the formation of exemplary devotees in their behavior, connoisseurs of the Vaisnava behavior, skilled in the philosophy dissertation for Krishna consciousness and who can teach With arguments, logic and analysis of concepts, and above all with Brahminic qualities, because we observe with concern that in the last years almost no devout preachers nor Pujaris inclined to the adoration have formed. For that educational plan The National Board has called for experienced and trained ashram devotees.

On the other hand, NIMSAR can coordinate with us, all the academic and cultural activities that they intend to carry out. It is our intention to work harmoniously with NIMSAR, especially since we are aware of the broad vision that Srila Prabhupada had in ISKCON's preaching, both towards society in general and within temples.

In summary and to summarize it clearly, we agree that NIMSAR can work academically in colleges, universities, etc. But as far as the internal formation of the devotees of the temples is concerned, we prefer to do so.

Without further ado, please accept our humble and respectful obeisances.

Your servants

Caitanya Candra das President of the National Board

Karuna Krishna das Secretary of the National Board

Resucitando por medio del sankirtana

¡Todas Las Glorias a Sri Sri Gaura Nitay!

¡Todas las Glorias al sankirtana eterno que va conquistando corazones!

¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva, reciba mis más sinceras y respetuosas reverencias.

HpS - ASA -- TlgaSP!

Perdone por no reportarme antes, habiamos muerto en vida, pero con la buena asociación de grandes almas volvimos a la vida y a tener de nuevo el mismo entusiasmo para tratar de ser parte de éste maravilloso movimiento de sankirtana <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

HpS - Si, esta es lo que pasa. Era pasando a Ajamila para muchas anyos!    Las Pracetas...   Adelante!    No caye en ilusion otra vez! (Es instruccion para mi tambien!)

Cantando las 16 rondas prescritas y las 9 adicionales en el día, sadhana 4:30 am, 5 am, 4 principios buenos, lectura del SB y néctar de la devoción, atendiendo a las deidades de casa, silas, cocinando para ellas dulces y bañandolas, maharaja Maha visnu me dijo que haga una tarta de datiles <img alt="wink" height="23" src="" title="wink" width="23" />

HpS - Posible en Maya anterioramente pero ahora fuerte. Sankirtan? Ensaynado la demas?

Estuvimos de sankirtanan viajero por 15 días con Maharaj y los Rucis en el tour por Huancayo, Arequipa y Puno, teniendo buena asociación de devotos; [!!!] M. Ramalila, M. Manasi-ganga, M. Syama, etc. Fué una magia espiritual que nunca quisiera que acabara, distribuí libros, ayudé en la cocina, hice la torta para la desaparición de Prabhupada,  P. Dharmatma Das me dijo que le gustó mucho la torta y Maharaja nos dijo que nunca habia visto en todo el mundo ver a madres en servicio con tanta armonia, fueron días de full servicio pero momentos maravillosos con maharaj que nunca olvidaré, canté, bailé como nunca.

ASA - Muy bien!   Muy bien!   Y     Unos libros, SB completa, tambien!?

Ahora estámos aquí en Huancayo nuevamente para seguir con los deberes  del negocio y de la siembra que hicimos, sembramos maíz, habas, alverjas y frejoles, no ha habido muchas lluvias pero hoy hubo unos relámpagos y recordé una pelicula hindú  cuando  hacian festivales por las gotas de lluvia, y entendí recien porqué la felicidad, ahora que soy un agricultor más, me sentía muy feliz al ver la lluvia, jejeje y cantaba hare krsna y los truenos eran más fuerte, jeje y Gadai gritaba apaga el celular porque las ondas con los truenos es muy peligroso  y yo no le hacía caso porque en el celular estaba cantando Maharaj Maha Visnu;  Jaya Radha Madhava..

.También le cuento que mis tíos maternos me heredarán a mí y a mi hermano unos terrenos agrícolas todavia no se el tamaño, pero es  porque mi madre hace años abandonó el cuerpo, estos terrenos estan en Churcampa Huancavelica a 3000 msnm, estoy hablando con mi esposo gadai prabhu para ver que hacemos  o lo dedicamos a la agricultura o lo vendemos y hacemos algunos negocios que tenemos en mente por ahí, o vivir  no lo se..., pero mientras profundice mis  ganas de ayudar a Prabhupada y a Ud. está bien, creó que Krsna nos dará inteligencia, a cantar más fuerte las rondas <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="" title="laugh" width="23" />

En éste tour aprendí bastante un devoto mayor p. Revatis abandonó el cuerpo después del festival, él compartía cuarto con gadai prabhu y yo tomé asociación tan poco tiempo, lo ví bailar, cantar distribuir libros, nos empujaba al harinan a bailar tan servicial y detras de Maharaj Maha Visnu, aprendí muchas cosas con su  muerte, a dejar el rencor, perdonar, ser tolerante y compasivo con los demás a no ver los errores de los devotos, y sobre todo como dijo Gadai esta vida es como un sueño,esta vida material es un sueño y cuando despiertas si eres un devoto está la realidad ésa es mi realidad ahora ya no quiero perder mi tiempo más quiero despertar de éste sueño material , pero a la vez es tan corto, que bueno!!!, quizás 20 años más o 30 arrastrando...jeje.

Bueno me despido Gurudeva espero esté bien, gracias por ser toda ésta soga para mi ayuda espiritual, porque hoy leí en el néctar de la devoción que sin tener  un maestro espiritual nada se nos revela en el corazón y que decir de ver a krsna y alcanzar su servicio amoroso que tenga muchós éxitos en su sankirtana,

"Prabhupada dejó a ellos para hacernos recordar quién fué Srila Prabhupada y el gran amor revclucionario que dejó en el mundo", gracias gurumaharaj!!!

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

ASA - Super buen noticias. Poco dificul leer tan mucho en idioma extranjero para nosotros en una carta, pero bueno!!!!   Fuimos pasando Parikrama de Mayapura, el segundo que pasa, nueve dias, con Maha-visnu Swami. Ya arrelagamoss equipaje para ir al Nashville, despues de una mese en Gira.

Hare Krsna! Hare Krsna.  Prabhupada said that we should grow enough for our own needs (our Deities) then we can sell the excess.


Dear Guru Maharaja, PAMHO AGTSP

In continuation from here:

HpS - Do you mean he (BSST) didn't take Sannyaya from GKDB?   Is there some doubt that GKDB didn't give him Mantra initiation as a Hari-nam disciple or Gayatri mantra?


In Nitai das's own words: "The main reason for my departure from ISKCON was that I came to believe

(and I still believe) that Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatı


received proper initiation into the Caitanya Vaisnavasampradaya(community)."


In the same text he writes like this "diksa (initiation)".


About sannyasa initiation he says, by citing , Bhaktiprasada Puri Goswami, one of 'previous' disciples of BSST :" ... was groundless (since Bhaktisiddhanta had given it to himself)".


Source link :




I am not advocating that whatever is said in the source link is truth. I came to Nitai das (Neal Delmonico) and started a little investigation because I saw the name in the book you gave. And, as I said earlier, it arouse interest in me because I was aware of Srila Prabhupada's words about Nitai.


Hope all this is not disturbing. That is not my motive.


Your servant Namacarya Das



HpS - AGTSP paoho.   When I tried to send this letter it got lost, the internet crashed!   Is it the hand of God!? (He smiles mildly but with some depth).
Your investigations are not disturbing to us. They are wonderful.

We are trying to follow the example given to us of Lord Caitanya with Sarva bhauma Bh. Acharya and Prakasananda Sarasvati et al, and your investigations help so much.

One question is if Prof. Delmonico has change his opinions?  In general we would feel that his objections as described do not relate to the reality of Parampara. Hari-nama Diksa from GKDB may have been informal, but did it communicate the essence?

We investigate Srila Prabhupada. He is the current link in the Parampara. If we are satisfied that his extreme insistence on speaking and acting in the Paramapara is something that he requires from disciples and the Guru he accepted, then the series of links goes back quickely to Krsna.  That is the test, no? Do we actually have a direct experience of Krsna!?

Does our compound telescope give us a better view of the same God that we see with our naked eyes.

1st report November 2016 NIMSAR to ASA (little urgent)

Hare Krsna SS Hanumat Presaka Swami.


We pray for Krsnas' wish and yours is to spend more time with us.

I just sent this report because it was necessary to confirm certain data.

1.-It is very probable at December will be in Lima, SS Jayapataka Swami and Atmananda d (he does not come this month). Here, there is expectation to know, who will be the new regional secretary?.

We will take advantage to give a brief  report Maharaja.

HpS - ASA -- Jaya! AGTSP... paoho... we might suggest Mathuresa Das.  We can be on phone to Maharaja, National Council etc.

2.-Wednesday left body SG Jagajivan d and Friday left body Revatis d (elder devotee, well known for his preaching trajectory, ultimately he had administrative disagreements with some devotess administrators).

3.-A scholarship was awarded to B Diana (from Mexico DF) for course Disciples ISKCON (one of requirements for initation), this was help her and as a sign of friendship to Dharmaraja p (president of Mexico Df). Intermediary was Astasakhi dd.

HpS - Jaya!  Please include a Financial Statment in next Report. Where every penny came from and where every penny went to, what were the beginning and ending account balances for the fiscal year from end of Kartik 2015 to end of Kartik 2016!   If you don't know details say so and give your best estimate.

4.-Following his instrution to work with the national board, speak with Ganga dd and Yamunesvara d (president and vicepresident of Lima council and members of National council), we talk about your needs and concerns in education. They also presented their requeriments (and reasons for these) to work with NIMSAR.

On this topic, there is sensible details which can cause discomfort, it would be better have a direct conversation or write to your mail, please told me which do you prefer?

HpS - We have received prompt letter from Karuna Krsna Das, but have not had time to read it yet. Please try writing to [email protected] with copy to your esteemed spouse, no? O.K?

5.-Lima Council will allow us to do seminars on Sundays, and collaborate in preaching.

6.-I have spoken to several devotess of National Council about of your needs and vision about education, only misssing two people of council and we will have a join vision of National Council and will be sending a report.

7.-will be preparing programs that soon inform you.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you

With afecttion 

Spiritual niece and servant

Isvari dd

HpS - ASA -- How is His Holiness Bh. Bhusana Swami?  Is he writing anything?? Thank you so much for your association and Sankirtan efforts!!!

Pty updates / programs and such

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja
Please, accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudeva last time you ask me this  : about the temple programs and the growth over here in Iskcon panama 

HpS - Jaya!  Yes, it is very sad for us when we don't hear from people for a long time.   Who are your associates in Panama?  What are they like???
Temple program, any program, can be Kirtan, Lecture, Kirtan, Prasad!!!  >>>>>  Goloka!!!

My associated in Panama are Prabhu Durmada damana das he is a disciple of HH Guru Prasadad Swami , Palaka Gouranga das he is a disciple of HH Jayapataka swami disciple , Kancani devi dasi  she is a disciple of HH Bhakti Bhusana Swami and few more non devotees or not iniciated devotees .

They are very entusiastic. Palaka gouranga, he lives at the temple always eager to help out, his is a pujari and excellent chef,  Prabhu Durmada damana, he is also a pujari but he is married and he does service 2 o 3 times a week , he likes to give lectures and share krishna conciousness with others. he has hardcore band with krishna conciousness lyrics. thats how i got attracted to the knowledge ,also he likes to coordinate a lot of Harinam .

Kancani devi dasi she studies medicine ,likes a lot of kirtan and is  a strong person with a lot devotion, she also was taking the Bhaktri sastri couse with me  besides them i have more friends .Also i have a few friends Guredeva that arent living here anymore.

Temple program yes there on Saturday there are programs and fridays , i believe on saturday is day of Srimad Bhagavatam , twice a month we have food life its coordinate by Jitu and Manish Prabhu  depending on the localation diferent devotees will help  out. 

Other programs like Conference with univesities is with Prabhu Syama candra he the leader of the conference programs we had 2 or 3 the past 7 months , Lousville university ,FSU , Universidad Nacional de Panama and Ganexa university where the main points for this time .

all of the programs included kirtan , lecture and prasadam  .

Gurudeva the past sunday i was speaking with a devotee from the temple he lives at the temple he the one in charge of saturday program , very wise with chastras , he said he wanted to help me out with the coordination of a future art envolved krishna program that got me really pumped up , i am so glad you are at Washington - Virginia ,i hope i was of service with the art for the poster , i humbly put my all to them .

if can serve you in anything else Guredeva please let me know .

Your humble servant

Japa Nama Rama Das 

HpS - Wow!   Wonderful news.   We see the Shakti of Prabhupada!    No reason your community can't grow to enormous proportions!    You are at the door-way between the worlds!!   Every passenger that passes thorugh the canal should get a laddu!

Yes, the poster was extremely effective. It gave the impression of extreme professionalism. I hope you all can be on the team more and more. Dates are aligning for next program in Peru, in end of June. PSCHOLOGY AND THE SACRED ---- ART AND THE SACRED.   Ekasma Das is doing very practical work in developing KC art exhibitions and new productions.  I hope that he writes of his results and then you catch his posts and start exchanging ideas.  A picture is worth a thousand words.

Estableciendo un Curiculum en al Templo

Acepte mis humildes reverencias . 

Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada . 

Mi nombre es hector y en estos momentos estoy viviendo en el templo de la ciudad de México. Anteriormente estuve en Cueramaro. Ahora estamos intentando implementar algunos cursos dentro del templo. Quería preguntarle cómo podríamos trabajar para mantener dichos cursos durante mucho tiempo. 

Me despido, su aspirante a sirviente 

Bhakta Hector.

HpS - Hola, Hector!   TlgaSP!   Tlga Radha-Madana gopala de Srila Prabhupada. No, se los detalles, transfondo, de su pregunta. Por ejemplo, Prabhupada dice en uno de sus libros que la Biblia y Koran, son escripturas Vaisnava pero no son eternos, son algo generado en un momento para alguna gente como ellos pueden adelantar en su circumstancia especifica.

Entiendes? Entonces no esperamos los cursos, la Biblia, va a durar para mucho tiempo. No queremos que estaba continuando para mucho tiempo.

Entonces, posible Vd. va a implementar unos cursos con la fin de producir un resultado y despues va a pasar a otros curso.

Nuestra mision esta bien explicado en el prefacio del Upadesamrta: Queremos cualificar nos como podemos ayudar El Senyor Caitanya en su mision de compartir la ciencia de KRSNA a las almas caidas por estudiando los libros dejados por los seis goswamis.

O.K.   Si sus cursos son relacionados con esta perspectivas va a tener potencia durar para mucho tiempo, no?

Espero que sus cursos son muy exitosos y placentera a la comunidad Vaisnava de Mexico!