Maha buddhi Das


ABC das

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada
Por favor, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias
Haré Krishna querido Maharaja Hanumatpresaka swami:

Por favor , cual es la situación de Prabhu Mahabhudi dentro de iskcon ,  es discípulo de Srila Prabhupada,  entiendo que es el actual director de la universidad vedica de Florida .
Hoy visito el templo de chosica dio la clase de SB.
Gracias de antemano por su comentario 
Su sirviente 



Hare Krsna!!

Muy bueno oir de Vd.  Pero esta e-mail es mas lento que el Blog. Esta pregunta no es confidential. Es bueno para el Blog.

El tiene el Florida Vedic College para muchos anos. Pienso es a nivel de doctorado. No es como doctorado como univesidad de Florida como yo entiendo, pero accreditado de gobierno en otro sistema.


Lo conocí en el Templo de Houston hace algunos meses, después de muchos años, tuvimos una agradable discusión, y después de eso le pregunté a Sesa Das, Presidente del GBC, si había alguna oposición a él por el GBC.

Como recuerdo, dijo, no, y luego se supone a hablar en el 50 aniversario gala de eventos de ISKCON en Houston hace unos días con 4 GBC presentes, pero no pudo hacerlo debido a sus propios conflictos de programación.


Ideas on Management

8 years, 1 month ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


Esteemed Mataji et al,
Hare Krsna.

AGTSP Paoho.

Thank you so much for your work.

1. Do not think that Peru is unique in the challenges that you are facing in managment. It is different there, and so are the special opportunities, but I face the same things in my personal efforts in North America, and then in the Ministry of Education itself. This is Sankirtan: Carefully doing austerities, purifying our own faults, helping others as we see them by the practical authority of Krsna as He orders us.

2. Best always to write to the Blog first, essential. Then you can present the basic situation as you see it for everyone's benefit, then if there are confidential details they can be discussed in confidence with the appropriate devotees. The Gopis a) Good citizens of Vrndavana, b) Members of their own circle of friends, c) Each with a confidential relationship with Krsna.

So, let's be good citizen's of ISKCON, have good relations as a society, send summaries  to the Blog and then discuss other things in the proper settings.

3. ... I personally think it is best and see that Prabhupada when he was present never had ladies in management leadership positions. They should usually lead society from a different position. On the other hand I don't think it is impossible. Joan of Arc was the youngest person, a girl, to every lead a national army, but usually not a comfortable position.

- We have so few people involved in NIMSAR.
- We don't have any clear formal structure, the money we had for formalizing the structure with the government got invested in Baladeva's visit, as I understand.
- I don't feel that our relation with the National Council clear yet. We wrote a simple answer with questions to them, no.

4. If Mathuresa Das can become Regional GBC Secretary, then I feel that his perspective on Academic Education, Sankirtan, will give the necessary perspective for the effort needed. If not then we really have to re-evaluate the what Nimsar is and hopes to do.

So, I think we should wait to discuss our Membership and Management structure in the Glorious ASA Branch, Nimsar, until things are clear with the GBC, which should happen this month.

In any case my personal determination is to always be helping in ISKCON Peru as much as we can. I think that is yours also. I think that that is very common amongst all of our friends, it is just that we have Vasanas, Karma (Under Krsna's Direction More or Less) and so we have to still be in the right postion so that doesn't cause problems.

Urgente Adorando Silas !!!

Hare Krishna ! 

Por Favor Acepte mis reverencias y que todas las Glorias Sean  a Srila Prabhupada !!

Todas las Glorias Sean Para ud Guru Maharaj

HpS - ASA -- 7% de las glorias a nosotros! (?)

Hare Krishna, Gurudev acepte mis reverencias eternamente , puse urgente en el titulo ya que no quiero estar ocupado en adorar las Silas sin su aprobacion y en respuesta a sus preguntas es que si, estoy ocupado como jefe de pujari aqui en Chile hace 7 meses (fijo todos los dias de lunes a lunes todos los turnos ) viviendo en el templo y mi esposa  Nitya Siddha tambien ,y antes de eso osea de enero que me dio Diksa a junio estuve ocupado todos los findes de semana completo . y ahora estoy ocupado todos los dias todos los turnos , aun no hemos podido lograr que los devotos se inspiren en querer mantener un servicio de adoracion directo a la deidad .. asique me estoy levantando todos los dias a mangalarati sin importar a que hora me acueste desp de tantos servicios , en particular esta semana que paso fue todo un desafio ya que empezo maraton  y llegaron muchos devotos de otras partes a participar y aun estava haciendo informes del bbt esperando a que la autoridad acepte devuelta el serivicio de bbt y busque alguien quien continue con eso para poder estar ocupado completamente en la adoracion y que cuando este adorando no golpeen la puerta del pujari por libros ... etc ....asique todos estos dias pasados me estuve acostando realmente muy tarde ya que terminaba el turno en la tarde y me sentava en la oficina de bbt a atender y resolver los pedidos hasta las 00:00hs ,  01:00hs  y aun asi por misericordia de los devotos, seguimos levantandonos a mangalarati sin importar situacion alguna asiq nos mantenemos ocupado en adorar las Saligram Silas , Giri Govardhana , Nrsmha Prahlad .y las principales Paramakaruna Sri Sri Gaura Nitay , Gracias a ud que me permitio nacer por segunda vez ,Las fotos que le mande es de algunos de los  dias que adoro . mis rondas no son antes de mangalarati pero terminando para poder mantenernos en servicio . y asi poder continuar ocupados en adorar a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga !

Por otro lado cuando entre como unico pujari fue por que al anterior el GbC ( Srla Virabahu ) pidio que deberia salir inmediatamente por algunas situaciones que surgieron , y no habiendo nadie con mi esposa decidimos tomar el servicio y desafio hasta enero desde junio que empezamos (completo) junto con la peticion de expulsion del pujari se pidio comunicar a Su Santidad Jaya Pataka Maharaj para que quiten las Silas del Altar . ya que la adoracion inapropiada podria ser "la causa" por la cual los pujaris no se mantenian en el tiempo .,,,, eso fue en julio y recien hace unas semanas  el GBC pidio Fotos de las Silas ,... Las cual mande   . y su respuesta fue  que se les complicaba tomar una decision viendolas  tan bien atendidas.. Nuestra intencion es poder estar correctamente ocupados en ese servicio entendiendo que sin su aprobacion para poder continuar con ese serivcio en el hogar,,   no vale de nada estar haciendolo ,  solo por su misericordia y aprobacion nosotros podremos ejecutar servicio apropíadamente.

Agradecido por tanta misericordia para con esta alma 

Su Sirviente Garga-acarya Das

HpS - Hare Krsna,
Es un poco difícil para nosotros entender cosas en español. También, a menudo, la gente no escribe cosas con puntuación adecuada, por lo que las ideas no siempre son claras.
Como entendemos la última cabeza pujari fue eliminado y usted y su buena esposa se hizo cargo.
Tienes el trabajo de BBT también.
Por supuesto, queremos trabajar con el GBC y la administración de ISKCON.
Usted está preguntando acerca de comenzar a adorar a su propio Saligrama-silas, no sólo a los Silas en el altar del Templo.
Mi intuición es que es un poco temprano para que empieces a adorar a tu propio Silas, pero puedes tomarlos, incluirlos con la adoración del Templo de Silas y si no hay ningún problema, entonces dentro del próximo año podrías tomarlos Como su familia Silas. Si no, entonces usted podría estar buscando un buen hogar para ellos. Es una responsabilidad tan grande como tener hijos.
Creo que es bueno seguir adelante de esa manera y luego después de un año hacer el compromiso de toda la vida.


About devotees of comunity

8 years, 1 month ago by AKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada!!!

All Glory to Sankirtan movement!!!!

Dear Guru Maharaja

I hope you are in very good health, so it's very complicated to deal with material's circumstances I keep on striving for reach Prabhupada's mercy.

HpS - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. "The kingdom of God is for none except the completely dead", Bible.

Prabhu Iksvaku from León, asked to me that he is very anxious, and beg him to you for a visitar on his preach's center at your next visit.

HpS - Ooof. That ia 24th -30th December. Maybe we will have to go later.

We celebrated the 40'th annual Ratha Yatra's festival, and we are so shocked because  many good devotees passed away like your spiritual brother Vrajavasi Prabhu from Celaya.

HpS - Are you surprised?   Ha!  Ha!   What did the Yaksa ask Yuddhisthira?  He asked, "What is the most amazing thing?". What did Yuddhistira answer!?

I pray that I may be a good servant of you. sincerely,

Your crew member Aniruddha Krsna Das

HpS - Are you going to take Sannyasa? Go to India??   Will we see you in DF??

"Anatomy of Self" Art Exhibition + DAKOTA PIPELINE

Dear Guru Maharaj, 

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

It was a lot of work, but the "Anatomy of Self" art show turned out quite well for a trial run. Everyone was impressed with what we were able to accomplish in such a short span of time. We had a great lineup of emerging artists, the space was perfect, we sold a few pieces, and everyone seemed happy.

In the course of about one week while I was preparing for the event I made some of the biggest sales of my life when I sold a handful of artworks for just about $1000, but at the same time my van got towed in California so I had to spend my last dime to get it out of impound :(. Krishna giveth and Krishna taketh away, but I'm just grateful that I didn't lose my van and now I feel sure that I can actually make a living like this!

The lady who bought my art was a chef, so she helped us with some simple vegetarian preparations that we could offer and serve as prasad. There is so much potential for more elaborate events, but mainly I feel like this was a great learning experience for me and I'm full of ideas for what I want to try next time.

We made disclaimer forms, press releases, flyers, social media advertisements, we set up a silent auction... I even learned how to make my own business cards practically for free. I established valuable connections with tons of artists in Charleston over the course of the event and we had some great discussions on art and philosophy. I feel like I grew tremendously from the experience and was able to pique some interest in Krishna consciousness along the way. 

If I do this again, some things I would try to improve are that I need to get better at advertising. Even though we had ads in most local publications and I put up tons of flyers and facebook ads, still we didn't have anywhere near the number of people I was expecting. Probably I should've tapped the local artists for contacts of local influencers and tried to get the former owner to invite people. If we had started sooner we would've been more likely to get a news feature and I think that would have significantly helped to bring more new people outside of our personal circle of friends and family.

HpS - ASA --- One thing in our respect in doing these things is that there is no force like reputation and personal recomendation.  If you d the same event again, people will know you.

Also it would've been great to have some kind of performance, or guest lecture or something. Instead of having an opening, brunch, and closing reception over the course of a week I think next time I would just focus on one reception and make it more epic.

I'm happy also that I'm starting to accumulate a good body of work with the kind of content I've been going for. At this point I feel like I'm about 90% ready for a solo exhibition, so now I feel confident to start approaching LA galleries and museums to find gallery representation. 

I think the next steps for me will be to start traveling to art fairs, start seeking gallery representation, and start signing up to do live art at music festivals over the summer. My hope is that if they let me on board I can get book distributors into events for free. After some time, if I can save up a little, I hope to return to New York for maybe a few months to take courses at the Art Student's League. It's one of the best art schools in the country but its inexpensive since it's more of a conservatory which does not offer degrees. I think spending even just a little time there will help me refine my message and penetrate into the art world.

HpS - Are you getting in touch with the big, big community of professional ISKCON artists? In Canada there were some who were very rich and successful.

Have you heard much about the events surrounding the construction of the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline in North Dakota? The story has really captured my heart lately and I'm actually considering going up there for some time to participate and gather some inspiration after taking a week or two to catch up on some sadhana. Basically a massive oil conglomerate deceptively attained permits to construct a huge pipeline through the sacred grounds of a large indian reservation in North Dakota without consent from the tribes. Concerned that the water supply for millions of people will be contaminated, 1000's of "water-protectors" from around the world have been gathering there for months in peaceful protest while the Oil company is bringing in militarized police and armed mercenaries to assault the protesters with mace, rubber bullets, LRAD cannons, concussion grenades, attack dogs, and freezing water. So far hundreds of people have been injured (some critically) and hundreds more have been arrested. Despite a media blackout for months, social media has carried the story to the point where it can no longer be ignored and now its drawing international outrage.

This protest strikes me as different from others because although externally the demonstrations are about protecting mother earth, I'm seeing that there is an internal message that goes much deeper which has resonated with people all over the world. Basically I see the environmental concerns as merely a point of friction between two opposing worldviews about the direction of human civilization. On the one hand, you have a culture that values a simple, God-centered life in harmony with nature; and on the other side you have a culture that values a self-centered life of conquest and sense- gratification which lies at the root of modern industrial kali yuga civilization. Central to the ethos of the demonstration is that no one can have any intoxication on site and nobody can strike out in anger. Everyone is practicing meditation and self-restraint. At a time when people are probably more divided than ever, people from around the world are gatheringfor the sake of dharma. This incident is drawing young and old, democrats and republicans, celebrities and veterans, buddhists and politicians. If it's ok with you I would like to go there for a while myself to represent the Hare Krishna movement and do whatever I can in terms of prasad, kirtan, and book distribution, and also artistic social commentary. I think I've mentioned to you before that for years I've thought it would be an extremely valuable alliance to establish interfaith connections with the native american community, so it seems like now this is the perfect opportunity to do so since this incident seems to already be turning the course of history in our favor.

HpS - We just heard about it from Bh. Daniel, who is staying with us for a few days. Yes, it seems that it falls within the category of Vikarmis vs. Pantheists (SB 2.1) with a ready nature to consider God. I would say that you should just confirm any participation with the GBC for the place and then keep a Krsna conscious perspective on whatever you do.  SB 2.1 calls Pantheism the first step in God realization, but. . . It says that unless there is a service attitude toward the Virat-rupa, rather than using and integrated perspective for cooler exploitation of Mother Nature, then there won't be much result.

Attached are some photos of my friends Blake and Chap who helped and the art show and the pieces I showed. Basically the series I completed for this event illustrates the interactions of body, mind, and soul. The first three are about different kinds of folly which result when people work to serve the  body, when people work to serve the mind, and when people think to serve the body. The examples I chose to illustrate each are a chain gang, virtual reality, and the trans-humanism movement. To complete the series I want to make one that shows what happens when one thinks just to satisfy the mind. I was thinking of depicting a daydreamer builiding "castles in the sky" with a superimposed image of time flowing out of an hourglass. Some other possibilities were images showing when someone misplaces their heart or their devotion to serve the body or the mind but I'm still thinking about that. The rest of the series basically illustrates karma, jnana, and bhakti (using body, mind, and soul in the real interest of the soul) with  interfaith examples. The first image shows a native american offering a sage flower, the next one  is inspired by the greek philosopher Diogenes studying near a barrel where he was said to live.  Then the "bhakti" image depicts a gospel choir glorifying God. This was inspired by the great  gospel singer Mahalia Jackson who was instrumental in the civil rights movement, and it was also a tribute to the Emmanuel Church, who set a tremendous example of grace and forgiveness in the face of a racial shooting that occurred some years ago there in Charleston. The culmination of the whole series shows samadhi or total spiritual apsorption in the example of Radha-Krishna at Kusum Sarovara. I hope you like it! 

What are your thoughts about all this?

HpS - ASA -- That it is very good and you seem to have good guidance, and we cannot give much more than a general perspective, and this point, and PLEASE keep us Bloggers in the loop like this. How can we contact you?   Web-page???   And please see what we are doing with NIOS and Peru etc!

Your servant,

Ekashma Das

Answer to 2nd of the report (November). Urgent

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,


I hope you are well.

Yes, I read the letter of Karuna Krsna d and your answer too.

We are peaceful. Something to inform  with respect to this is:

1.- Nimsar have  not given courses to ashrama devotees, becuase  there is not ashrama devotees.

HpS - Yes. The letter from the National Council was a little inclear to us in that regard, so we decided to just try to clarify the basic question we asked first.
We also talked with Karuna-krsna Das today for about 20-minutes and nice exchange of letters with Mathuresa Das. We hope things can get discussed by all with Jayapataka Swami and we can get our Regional Representative clarified.


All students are Devotees of Congregation.

2.-I spok about this with KKD, and I said to him: "If the temple of Chosica wants to give courses of Bhakti Yoga introduction it is okay,"

 this course is basic for everybody , but who wilil give courses as Bhakti sastri?

Then, he said: " Nimsar can to give courses but not Seminars, training of devotees we take care (Board of Chosica).

3.-The principal problem in Chosica Temple is, There is not devotees for service (specifically pujaris), then in all areas.

And this is for many reasons, specifically there is not a compromise community. I think so that if Board of Chosica wants quick solution they will have to mediaty with community, hear his (needs, concers, interests). It is a social problem.

4.-Nimsar can help, but first we need to function as a team and our help is for medium and long time. Sincerely I do not think that we could change the mind of many devotees already forming according a their understanding.

In other side, there is a generational change, people of now, need more attention, affecting and understanding.

The time of years 7o or 80 is different to those of now.

5.-In other side, is true the mission educational of nimsar have a broad field  and we needs to do contingency plans (we have already begun to think about this).

6.-Abhinanda send to you soon a economic report.

Thank you very much for you time

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you

with affection

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd

HpS - Is there a Minute Book of the Actions of the Board of Directors of NIMSAR?  Libro de Actos?  This is why we have been trying to become formal Peru entity like Abhirama Das' Sattva, so there is a standard structure.