Ananda vardhana das

Hare krishna Guru Maharaj! !!!

 TlgaSP!!!!! Todas las glorias a usted!!!!!

 He deseado ser un buen discípulo, nunca lo he logrado.

HpS - Me, too! 

 Me esfuerzo por participar del Harinam cada semana. Así ocurre!  Vamos junto a esos maravillosos seguidores de Sri Caitanya!  Llevamos 1.500 galletas!!!

HpS - Hare Krsna!  !

Bailamos y tratamos de hacerlo para el placer de krishna! Tratamos de cantar y escuchar. 

 Por otro lado he vivido una dolorosa telenovela , de esas que influencia  cupido y solo vemos lagrimas y desolación!  Mi corazón y el de otros está roto! !!! He cometido errores,   he luchado para no sucumbir . Ha sido mi más feroz batalla.

 Quedaré con cicatrices profundas. Me refugio en usted,  con la esperanza de que no me abandone. Deseo seguir en el movimiento de Sankirtan! !! Deseo complacerlo a usted . Nos vemos en Santiago! !!

Madhu, tiene un tienda en un lindo barrio en santiago. Distribuimos mucho Prasadam !!!!

HpS - Claro, espero que pasa todos sus desafios bien!  Si, no la primera vez, esforzar para segunda vez. Nuestra principio fundamental es distinguir la realidad de la ilusion para la bienestar de todos. Vd, mi, familia, comunidad y KRSNA.  Es posible!

Va a ser exitoso satasfer a todos.

Urgente, about ASA sudies

7 years, 10 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaj. Pamho, AGTSP!

I'm in Chosica again doing my service on education.

I wrote to you before asking for permition to continue my service under ASA due to the necesity of helping devotees in that area and you asnwered "cool". So I started several study groups. I think you forgot due to your several services etc.

HpS - ASA --- I remember in general and I think I indicated that it was O.K. to work as a member of ASA BUT if there were going to be specific details we had to work those out. We don't even have those for Nimsar to this point. The money we gave for legalizing Nimsar went to Baladeva's visit, no? We never got system worked out for even the Bh.Sastri diplomas with the National Council, but, to quote Bh. Vijna Swami of Russia, we are not fruitive workers. We want to teach even if there is not a formal system.

Some people got upset when you ask if I'm teaching despite NIMSAR suspension. I'm teaching as ASA teacher. Please, write about it, and confirm that if necesary, or tell me stop the programs. I'm just trying to cover a lackness in the area. I'm doing it for service. This makes me look that I'm cheating. Well. may be I'm. I think you know me well enough. If I don't do this I'll probably be watching movies and having chocote icecream all day long and eventually acompany that with some pot cause I'm a rascal.

I'm sorry for these stupid commentaries.

My paper work went wrong so I'll probably start my master degree in Agost if I still have the enthusiasm.

your stupid disciple.

(I don't know why I'm getting touchy lately).


HpS -  Again, we certainly agree that anyone can teach from Srila Prabhupada's books, especially if they are an ISKCON Brahmana.  So, I don't see that you are doing anything wrong in doing that, go ahead!   But, and also again, if we want to give formal diplomas: Guru-disciple, Bh. Sastri, Bh. Vaibhava, then we have to work those out with the Ministry of Education according to their rules. Nimsar was never approved for the Bh. Vaibhava diplomas, we all know that, and told everyone very clearly that I was stopping to be the Examiner for the Bh. Sastri diplomas.
What do you want to do?
What is your service to Krsna and Prabhupada even if everyone else falls away?
I want to join you in that!    I hope we are finding the answers to the above two questions for ourself and communicating it here in the Blog, Kapi-dhvaja, person contact, Twitter, etc.

If you want to give ASA approved courses, O.K.   Present them to us and we will work on it.  We are doing TLC now and maybe give and ASA certificate in the end. It would not be a Ministry certificate.  If you want to do the Bh. Vai./ Bh.Sastri then like Nimsar, it has to be approved.

Do you want to do that??    It would be very nice.  I am struggling to continue and advance those certificates and programs in both North American [and South America [and India [and everywhere]]].

What do you say?

Go ahead teaching the subject matter for sure if you can!  ASA approves that as we always have.

For Ministry approved certificates we will have to make some plan, work?   Maybe Bolivia could become an approved Bh. Vaibhava Center????
Eagerly awaiting your replies, even though you are "touched" (Means Crazy in American English).


Todas las glorias a sri sri gaura nitay

todas las glorias a srila prabhupada y a su sankirtana

Hare Krsna querido gurudeva, porfavor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Espero ésta carta le llegue, aquí reportándome; 4 principios regulativos, 16 rondas y 9 extras luchando para que sigamos nuestro voto de cantar más maha mantra, sadhana a las 5:00 am, adorando a las deidades JBS, silas ( tenemos una más es una krsna balaram), gaura nitay y krsna balaram, 3 gayatris, lectura del SB Canto 1 cap.15, todo gracias a seguir los estudios del bhakti vaivaba con p. Laksmana.

Aquí muchas cosas han cambiado; estámos viviendo en el centro cultural "Bhaktivedanta", los programas son miercóles y viernes y alquilamos  el primer piso para seguir con el restaurante llamado ahora Jaganata's hay de 20 a 30 personas en el almuerzo, distribuyendo también algunos extras, todo lo que se le cocina se le ofrece a las silas, la cocina es un pequeño puyari. El día es agotador pero tratamos de mantenernos en nuestro sadhana y rondas, aqui vivimos con p. Hari un devoto muy antiguo y su hijo p. Deva Deva Vyasa, agradecemos a krsna por permitirno asociarnos con devotos mayores que nos ayudan en nuestro avance espiritual.

Con los devotos de aquí Huancayo tratamos de mantener la casa alquilada que es el templo y el restaurante Jaganat's [Jagannatha's].

También sembramos choclo, habas, arverjas, calabazas en los terrenos,  hemos cosechado algunos productos y lo cocinamos en el restaurante para las deidades, tenemos un perro llamado kirtan es de raza peruano tiene ya un año

Gurudeva en cuanto al sankirtana de libros le diré que en mayo p. gadai y p. bhakta Percy van a organizar una marathon por Nrisinja y yo deseo apoyar con el prasadam de los devotos sankirtaneros en Huancayo, estámos muy felices porque en verdad no hay otra cosa que satisfaga más a Srila Prabhupada, yo siempre voy a estar muy felíz si mi esposo dedica su vida a la distribución de libros y al sankirtana de Prabhupada.

P. gadai le está escribiendo una carta invitándolo para que pueda venir a Huancayo en junio o julio, aquí hay vuelos en avión, ojalá se dé, lo extrañamos mucho y quisiéramos que venga a huancayo para que muchos jóvenes se entusiasmen más y la prédica se fortalezca en Huancayo

Hare krsna

su hija Nadiya Nivasi Dasi 

HpS - HAre Krsna. TlgaSP   Muchas, muchas, muchas gracias para su carta y noticias. Reverencias a todos los devotos. Aparece que Vds. son bien situado en Sri Dhama Mayapura con Senor Caitanya y Senor Nityananda. Solamente tiene que ver como los nuevos devotos convierten en Sankirtaneros como Vds.

Fotos, del edificio, cuartas, comunidad, Hari Das...

No se si podemos ir a Huancayo!  Ya tenemos Callao, Wilson, Chosica, Arrequipa, Santiago, Chocabamba. Pero podemos adjustar detalles en los siguiente dias.
Sankirtan...  Sankirtan... Sankirtan
Vamanos a los demas cartas juntos!!!!
Mas noticias. Ha ido a India, no??

Vyasasana and the qualification of the speaker (SB 1.1 5-8)

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Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am presenting here my thoughts and questions on the topic of Vyasa's seat and qualifications needed to sit on it. I tried hard to write it down the better [best] I can, so that it has some sense.

What makes a usual seat to become a vyasasana? I doubt it is how big the asana is, or from which material it is made, or how it is carved? I will say there are two aspects that make a asana an vyasasana:

  • it is the purpose and motivation of the speaker – if proper, that would be to present the conclusions which Vedavyasa presented in his writings


  • the talk itself – i.e. is the talk following or not the vaisnava siddhanta exactly.

In other words, a vyasasana can be any asana (seat) from which a person talks and presents the viewpoint of Śrī Vyāsadeva. That seat can be a simple cushion, chair, or finely carved throne.

Is that a correct statement?

HpS - Seems so to us [HpS, TB, BW, UG], but UG points out that if it has lion feet then it is also a Simhasana.

In verses SB 1.1.6-8 we find the qualifications of the speaker who sits on vyasasana:

  • completely free from all vice.
  • well versed in all the scriptures famous for religious life, and in the Purāṇas and the histories as well,
  • have gone through them (scriptures) under proper guidance and have also explained them
  • submissive

That is the verse. And SP explains in the purport:

  • there are four major vices (4 regs)
  • be well versed in all revealed scriptures or in the Vedas. The Purāas are also parts of the Vedas. And histories like the Mahābhārata or Rāmāyaa are also parts of the Vedas. The ācārya or the gosvāmī must be well acquainted with all these literatures.

Then in SB 1.1.7 purport, SP writes:

Besides Vyāsadeva, there are other sages who are the authors of six different philosophical systems, namely Gautama, Kaṇāda, Kapila, Patañjali, Jaimini and Aṣṭāvakra. Theism is explained completely in the Vedānta-sūtra, whereas in other systems of philosophical speculations, practically no mention is given to the ultimate cause of all causes. One can sit on the vyāsāsana only after being conversant in all systems of philosophy so that one can present fully the theistic views of the Bhāgavatam in defiance of all other systems.

My understanding of English language is that words “well versed”, “well acquainted” and “conversant” are synonyms. They all mean the same thing.

HpS - Yes, sure seems like it. Maybe some small differences.

Now, what is the practical meaning of “to be conversant in all those systems of philosophy” (which I believe are also called ṣaḍdarśana) ? How much a person should know? Is a few sentence definition of what those systems propound enough?

HpS - This is a question that I have also had for a long time too. I guess that anyone who has taken proper Bhakti sastri or studied to the level in Srila Prabhupada's books has the preliminary qualifications. He is a Brahmana and can sit on the ISKCON Vyasasana. Of course, he knows that he is not the Founder-Acharya. Without formally naming these philosophies, Srila Prabhupada presents their ideas in BG As It Is, TLC, etc.

While SP was present, he instructed devotees to give and hear classes on BG, SB, ISO… Devotees were sitting on vyasasana while speaking. Did those devotees then, and also, do the devotees now, know and are well versed with saddarsanas?

HpS - Exactly. I think they were 'well versed' in that they knew the conclusion. Eg. in the Krsna book Krsna presents Karma - mimamksa to Nanda Maharaja to try to convince him to do the Govardhana Puja and Srila Prabhupada talks about it. I the Prayers by the Personified Vedas we find so much. In Purush-sukta confirmed in Canto Two, so much. Again, they aren't up to the level of Ramanuja acharya, but they should know their limits and then be able to direct high class Brahmanas to more detailed sources if they want those, but "Chant Hare Krsna and be happy!" coming from a proper ISKCON Brahmana is perfect advice, Siddhanta, no?

I am asking this because, apart from being (hopefully submissive and) interested in the general topic of what is discussed here, also, to understand the wideness of SP's instructions. For example, SP says in his books such a point that whoever sits on vyasasana should be well acquainted with saddarsana. Also, most probably, not all devotees who sit on vyasasana have such a qualification. My idea is that this is a gradual process. And every person should thoughtfully decide for themselves if to sit and speak or not. Is this a right understanding?

HpS - I did not want to take Sannyasa, but Hansadutta Swami, Atreya rsi Prabhu, Bhakti Svarupa damodara Swami, Ramesvara Swami, Tripurari Swami all said I shoul do it. Then I started traveling and Kirtananda Swami, Virabahu Das, Tamal-krsna Goswami, Rabindra-svarupa Das et al, gave me the nod that I should do this. O.K.  Prabhupada similar, no?  We make our personal decision about accepting attention to our preaching, but that should include consideration of our authorities, friends.

Also, maybe for the time being, a person is not 100% fit to sit on Vyasa's seat, but he is a “mango in the process to maturity”.

Your servant Namacarya Das

HpS - Yes, and he knows that he is just a new Brahmana, Madhyama adhikari, so he explains what he knows. Gives sources for information, and then the audience is benefited. A high class India Brahmana, scholar who has read the Sad-darshana, and is nice, may ask: Esteemed New Iskcon Brahmana, I know Dhyananda Sarasvati, Pusti-marga, but I have not really had a chance to read a simple Bio-graphy, maybe thirty pages of your Acharya, Sri Krsna Caitanya. Is one available?

Where would you direct him?


7 years, 10 months ago by Sananda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports












HpS - ASA - This is older letter. At NVM they have "A Day in India", no?  Lot of kids coming from that. People buy 1) on the opinion of others, 2) how much it will cost me, 3) the details of the product. Maybe you want to get letters of recommendation from the program at NVM!     Big success soon.

Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.5 to 1.2.12

7 years, 10 months ago by Boisekids in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Following is the summary of 1.2.5 and 1.2.12 as discussed on Sunday.

Verse summaries:


  • Answer to 1st question 
  • Devotional service to Krishna 
  • Pravrtti marga is inferior, diseased condition, temporary, illusory, Progress is obstructed
  • Nivrtti marga is Pure, superior, progressive
  • Devotional service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted


  • Service leads to knowledge and detachment
  • Bhakti is simple but sublime
  • Knowledge means difference between matter and soul
  • Grace of the almighty will give us Bhakti


  • Duties must result in attachment to the Lord
  • Materialists are very selfish
  • Material duties that do not result in attachment to the Lord are like cleaning the cage of the bird


  • Religion is not meant for material gain. 


  • We should not desire senses gratification but only desire healthy life to execute self realization.


  • 3 features of absolute truth: Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. Example: Sunshine, sun globe and sun god
  • Krishna has superior, inferior and marginal energies.


  • Four categories of human beings are Karmis, jnanis, yogis and devotees. 
  • Devotional service is the best means to realize the absolute truth. 
  • In the second-class position, the devotee can see four principles in the devotional line, namely the Personality of Godhead, His devotees, the ignorant and the envious.
  • Take guidance from first class devotee to become first class

Next week's syllabus is 1.2.13 to 1.2.20.

Your servant,

Sundari Radhika dd.

ASA - Thank you, Mataji, Boise Kids, Suta Goswami is challenging us that we must be in ecstacy at every moment.