Guruji's recent visit in North East Inia (Manipur) from 24th-27th Jan , 2017

7 years, 10 months ago by mukta singh in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All Glories to Sri HpS Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Radha Krsna, Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Brnda Ki Jay Dandavat Pranam Guruji Maharaja,

Dandavat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji's Padmacharan that after Guruji's leaving Manipur, my mind could not get peace and always thinking how we will continue Temple Programme regularly. Yestarday, the Sunday we went and participated the Sunday Program and try to convince the systems of ISKCON and start Nama Japa (Loudly) by distribution Mala and Mala Begs to all members present. It is simple but it is very difficult for the new practitioners. Gradually they also will be familier in future. In Manipur specially Gourida Beisnava Sampradaya, Mala Japing is a serious step even the seniors. From the next Sunday we will try to inform the four rules of ISKCON and to follow one by one the steps. Almost all members are seniors so it will take time to give up the old habits. I think, it will be successful if Guru Deva's aasirbad is with us there is no work to be incomplete.

HpS - Thank you so, so,    so,    SO,     S O, much for your association in this trip to Manipur, Assam, Tripura.  It was very nice.  We are trying to join your Sankirtan. Your idea of preaching in Thoubal is also very nice. It will surely have nice result. If Manipuri people can join with ISKCON then there can be benefit for the entire world!!

It is personally my weakness that I could not experss my openion when Guruji is with us but fill emty when Guruji Maharaja left here.

Yours unuse servant

Yamunesvara Das

HK / HR . . .    We have your more recent letter and have already answered it. This one took longer becasue we could not answer any mail while traveling!    Always send us more news of Manipur!


7 years, 10 months ago by Bhadra Rupa d. in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Estimado maharaj Hanuman presaka Swami,

Mis reverencias a ud.

Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Queria preguntarle qud lué opina Ud de hacer  los cursos de filsoofia vaishnava en las universidades de Peru con el Florida Vedic College(FVC)?

Con el BC  de Radhadesh, no es posible y con el BC de Budapest todo es en Hungaro. Como ya tenemos un contrato entre la fundacion y el FVC desde hace 1 año, seria mas practico hacer estos cursos de filosofia cin el FVC en Peru.

Feliz Goura Purnima MaharaJ¨

Gracias y estaré al tanto de su opinion.

Su sirviente,

Bhadra Rupa das

HpS - Gracias. No puedo presentar opiniones exactos, oficial. We have been having very nice conversations with Maha-buddhi Das for several months now. He has started working with Rama-giri-dhari Das with the Goloka Foundation. I would say that you check with the National Council in Peru. I thin Catur-atma Das can put you in contact with them or other Temple Authorities.

What you are doing is a private program as far as I know, like the Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, so you are not claiming to represent official policy of ISKCON. We contacted Sesa Das and he said that he had no specific judgement on the subject.

Also, you can do things for a set period of time and then adjust as needed.

Hare Krsna.

news from Pula

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


I am sorry to inform you that we will not be able to come to Spain. Time constraint and financial situation does not afford for us going to Spain.

It is very kind of you to go visit devotees in Spain. And it is unfortunate for us to not attend the sangas there.


We go through everyday life in hope that our character changes to better. That unwanted things in the heart get cleansed. Ceto darpana marjanam … param vijayate sri krsna sankirtanam <img alt="heart" height="23" src="" title="heart" width="23" /><img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />


I am happy to inform you that there are weekly regular sangas with local devotees in home programs. Usually these programs are nice, simple, and sometimes not so nice regarding the conversation flow and topics. That is my personal view, it may be that for someone else what I consider inadequate is pleasurable. Those meetings happened to be organized in natural way, sprouting from the desire of devotees to do kirtan together. I mean to say, it was not a planned sequence. Now, it looks, we like it.


I you like to hear and see, I am attaching links to few video clips that were made during kirtan at those meetings.


Whenever you like, you can send the data from initiations.


Your servant Namacarya das


HpS - ASA ---  Ohhh!  We shall lament to the ends of our days!    But don't give up hope. Krsna can and does do miracles. Maybe we shall see you in Europe yet!!   We will look at the links.  We will also answer the TLC letters in next couple days!

Become a great devotee. Do great things (if only in Krsna's eyes) for Krsna!!!

Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.1 to 1.2.5

7 years, 10 months ago by Boisekids in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Following is the summary of 1.2.1 and 1.2.5 as discussed on Sunday.

Verse summaries:


Revising 6 questions:

  1. What is the absolute, ultimate good for everyone?
  2. What is the essence of all scriptures?
  3. Why did Lord Krishna appear?
  4. Please describe the pastimes of Lord Krishna.
  5. Please tell us the purpose of the incarnations.
  6. Where has religion taken shelter now that Krishna has left this world?


 Being a Vaishnava includes being a Brahmana.


Vedanta Sutra is the cream of Vedas and Srimad Bhagavatam is the cream of Vedanta sutra.


Puranas are divided according to three modes.


There are many questions and answers but only by asking questions about Krishna and getting answers for them will satisfy the soul. 

Next weekend is Gaura Purnima so it was decided that we can review the verses for both weeks (1.2.6-1.2.15) on the Sunday after Gaura Purnima.

Thank you,

Your servant,

Sundari Radhika dd.

HpS - ASA -- Of course, there is a wonderful biography of Lord Caitanya in the Intro to SB! What will happen to the 11.15-11.45AM half-hour during Gaura-purnima????


Hare Krsna, Maharaja,

Porfavor acepte mis mas respetuosas reverencias.

Todas la glorias a Srila Parbhupa!!

Le envio una carta que Madre Ramalila  le quiso enviar hace mucho tiempo

A su servicio

Rukmini Devi




Querido gurudeva acepte mis reverencias a sus pies de loto.

HpS - Pies de lobo. TlgaSP.

Después de muchos intentos estoy logrando comunicarme con Ud. gracias a la ayuda de varios devotos, cree mi cuenta en su Block [Blog] pero no puedo enviarle cartas.

Yo me encuentro bien aunque siempre luchando con mi mente pero con la asociación de los devotos siempre salimos adelante.

HpS - Era la misma para Arjuna, Yuddhisthira!  Muy bien oir de Vd!!

Aún continuamos con los programas devocionales en mi casa ya se están dando los arreglos para conseguir un local en el centro de la ciudad y así tener un centro de predica accesible a más personas, estamos esperando la autorización de la junta nacional para afiliarnos como ISCKON filial Arequipa y así poder usar el dinero retenido para tomar un local en anticresis.

Esperamos que se concrete todo lo planeado en la reunión con la junta nacional y el secretario zonal de ISCKON, pedimos sus bendiciones querido Gurudeva para que todo esto se haga realidad.

HpS - HK/HR.

También queremos reiterarle la invitación al Yatra de Arequipa, Bhakta Renato (de radio Melodia) ya nos comento que le hiso la invitación quisiéramos por favor que nos confirme su visita  a Arequipa.

Que el Señor Nrisimha lo proteja

A su servicio
Rama Lila D.D

HpS - Vamos a Peru 21st Junio. Podemos investigar si podemos ir a Hari-krpa! Cuantos dias??

Letter to Prof. Samaresh

7 years, 11 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!

Esteemed Professor,

It has take me about 30-minutes to find the Bio-data that we sent to Presidency University. It was not on my computer, USB drive and then I had to look and look to find the letter where it went to the university promoters. We are not easily discouraged.

It follows.

We looked for photos and so far all we have are low density pages from the Felicitation Volume. Besides our computer memory we also searched for letters from Dr. Mabbett for the last six years and only one letter contained photos. Those were of images for one of the articles.


Of course, you could have another photo taken at the current moment!

Our roof is still blowing off and our car has gone, but we are making progress in all these areas.

We have been giving our on-line ISKCON classes and joining the programs with our local constituency. 

Rama-giri-dhari Das is in Texas for three weeks so there is continuous call to join the work for the ISKCON Ministry of Education etc.

We seem to be working at about 71% perfection.

We still have to write the letter to Shyamal kanti, and send you Sri Hari Das' full address. We did about one hour of banking and accounting today, had a special conference call with Shubra Devi Das (and her husband) about her very large challenges in being the Principal of this prototype ISKCON Pre and Primary School in Houston, Texas.

Now is 6.01PM. Sun has set at 5.45PM. It is dark, cold, depressing, we are alone without a vehicle.

No one loves us... but I guess many people love us and we love them.

We will do our Sandhya Japa. See what Dr. Ravi's plans are. He may pick us up for a walk. Our new car should come in a week, and we should answer about five letters.

We will call.


Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay

Born in 1942 in an illustrious family famous for scholarship, patriotism and philanthropic activities, Professor Dr. Bandyopadhyay, a brilliant student of the University of Calcutta, is the recipient of several scholarships, Research Fellowships and a Gold Medal for ranking First Class First in B.A. (Hons.) in Ancient Indian History and Culture.  He served his alma mater for over four decades in different capacities and retired in 2007 as a Professor. He has to his credit 10 books, 20 edited works and nearly 300 Research Articles published in Indian and foreign journals. Well-worthy of mention here is (i) Āchārya-Vandanā (D.R. Bhandarkar Birth Centenary Volume), edited by him, released in 1985 by the then Prime Minister of India, Smt. Indira Gandhi, and commended as "one of the best Indological publications of the century and the best of the type" by Sir Harold Bailey of Cambridge University, U. K., (ii) Thoughts on Synthesis of Science and Re1igion, also edited by him with Dr. T. D. Singh of Berkeley University (U.S.A.), incorporates contributions from as many as five Nobel Laureates, and (iii) Bhārara Saṁskriti (Presentations at the Three Day International Seminar on “Importance of Early Indian Culture in Making a Better World”), published from the U.S.A., 2015. His outstanding contribution to different aspects of Indology like Literature, Numismatics, Epigraphy, Architecture, Iconography and Sculpture led him to be the General President of the Numismatic Society of India in 2002, the General President of the Epigraphical Society of India in 2003 and the General President of the Indian Art History Congress in 2012. His invaluable contributions to the study of the History of Science has earned him Nelson Wright Medal of the Numismatic Society of India (Varanasi), the Honorary Fellowship of the Ancient Sciences and Archaeological Society of India, Mysore, Karnataka, and the Highest Award, Jñānanidhi, of the Government sponsored Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkote, Karnataka. He was honoured with the ‘Sir Achārya J. C. Bose Memorial Award’ for 2015 in January 2016 at the Bose Institute Main Campus (Kolkata). A Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Professor Dr. Bandyopadhyay is now a Member of the Advisory Board of Sthāpatyam (Journal of the Indian Science of Architecture and Allied Sciences) published from Delhi, and the Principal Advisor of the North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, USA, which promotes worldwide the study of the History of Science.

In honour of Professor Dr. Bandyopadhyay have already come out two felicitation volumes both edited by a great Indologist of present times, Professor Dr. Ian W. Mabbett of Australia, the first one entitled Abhivādana(A Volume on Aspects of Early Indian History and Culture in Honour of Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay), published in 2008 from Kolkata and the second, entitled Prācyaprajñapradīpa (Professor Dr Samaresh Bandyopadhyay Felicitation Volume on Early Indian History and Culture), which is commented as, “a precious gift in the new millennium to the scholars of Early Indian History and Culture”, in 2012 from the U. S.A.