How can we make Nagar Kirtans more attractive?

 Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances on this auspicious, beautiful day of Ram Navami.

I wish to inform you that after receiving Harinam diksha at Radha Damodara temple at Toubul,the birth place of Sripad Maharaj, every Sunday after Srimad Bhagavatam class, we go for Nagar Sankirtan and it is  a real exalting experience for me.

HpS - ASA -- For everyone, no?!!

I wish to seek your blessings to make this programme more attractive and more meaningful . How best can we go about spreading the sweet Lord's  name through these kirtans? We are a small group of devotees attending Srimad Bhagavatam classes regularly. The response has been indescribably sweet and blissful.

Ardently seeking Your forgiveness always,

Your humble servant,

Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi


HpS - In Manipur they already have so many nice elements in their Nagar Sankirtan, no?  Many colorful flags is very important. Devotees chanting with pure heart (following four principles). Devotees dressed nicely, some maybe in costumes. Very nice flyers, booklets to hand out. Prasadam in bags. Stop and do some short dramas some times: Scholar and the Boatman, Bird in the Cage...

O.K?   Send some fotos.


Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada y a su sankirtana eterno

Hare Krsna querido gurudeva, PAMHO, aquí seguimos luchando en mantener nuestros votos de iniciada para llegar a ser algún día un discípulo decente de Ud y de Srila Prabhupada, aveces sentimos satisfacción cuando hacemos todo el proceso de conciencia de krsna y aveces lo vemos como una carga y cómo un deber, pero sabemos que es la única finalidad de venir a éste mundo.

HpS - ASA -- In Upadesamrta B. S. Sarasvati Maharaja comments that if we are following K.C. just because we understand it is the correct thing to do, but have no taste yet, that is O.K. If we follow the process given by the Acharyas then (NOI-7) our natural taste will reawaken!

Sin conciencia de krsna no hay sentido de vivir.

ASA - Hallelujah!    Allaha Akbar!!

Le envío fotos de la comunidad de los devotos que hay aquí, p. Hari Harananda.

Lamentablemente no pudimos ir a India, tuvimos que venir a Huancayo  e invertir en los terrenos que le estaba  heredando su padre a p. Gadai Gauranga y bueno yo estaba muy cansada de seguir viajando y por eso decidí poner un restaurante aquí en Huancayo, perdóneme por no seguir viajando en sankirtana.

HpS - ASA -- It is normal. Stay in one place and grow your community to hundreds and thousands and more devotees.

decidimos construir algo aquí y cumplir en hacer una base de sankirtana para hacer marathones de sankirtana. Pero algo que siempre voy a apoyar es que mi esposo pueda seguir viajando aunque yo quizás ya no lo haga, o quizás de aquí un tiempo si tengo la misericordia de nitay y gauracandra.

estámos estudiando bhakti Baivava y ya nos nivelamos con el grupo y ya entramos al canto 2 con p. laksmana.

Aqui hay muchos jovenes animosos, una de ellas es Lindsay, ella como vive cerca al templo viene a mangala artik y está cantando unas rondas, quiere también aprender a hacer sankirtana. El Centro Cultural Bhaktivedanta tiene ya como 6 años haciendo Harinam, Food for Life, clases de Bhagavad Gita.

Si no podemos traerlo a Huancayo, definitivamente iremos a donde ud. vaya en al tour por Perú, tenemos muchas ganas de volverlo a ver. bueno me despido guru maharaj

¿ Cuándo ud. llega a perú?

HpS - Look at the Calendar in the Kapi Dhvaja for the dates!!

 Esperando y contándo los días para verlo

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.

HpS - ASA -- Gracias su carta y permitanos mantener contacto con Vds. Puede traducir esta carta en

Thank you

7 years, 10 months ago by Bhadra Rupa d. in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Hanuamn Presaka Swami Maharaj,

My obeisances from Geneva.

Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you so much for your blessings: now i am and feel  like a running horse for the last meters of this competition of the deadline subbmission for the dissertation.

Your servant,

Bhadra Rupa das

HpS - When in doubt take a deep breath and say, "Hare!

Bhaktin Loly (Madrid)

Querido Gurudeva, espero que se encuentre bien al recibir esta carta. Por favor, acepte mis más humildes reverencias. TLGSP.

     Solo quería volver a agradecerle todo lo que hace por mi y la oportunidad que me da al iniciarme en esta próxima visita suya.

HpS - ASA -- Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai!

Voy contando los días que quedan no solo para mi iniciación, si no también para que usted venga y poder disfrutar de su compañía. Tantas veces deseo que esté usted cerca de mi y por fin eso se va a hacer realidad. 

     Estoy encargandome de la organización del Harinam que se hará el viernes con ayuda de Dandava y Jayanta Prabhú. Esto es una de las cosas que más ilusión me hace poder hacer con usted. Adoro cantar el nombre de Krisna porque cuando lo hago, siento (o por lo menos me imagino intensamente) que Prabhupada y S. Caitanya M. están a mi lado cantando conmigo. Y solo de imaginármelo, siento gran placer trascendental en intimidad con Ellos. Creo que cuando salga con usted a cantar, sentiré como si Ellos estuvieran mucho más cerca de mi.

HpS - Hay realidad en estas meditationes. Especialmente para devotos que mantener su pureza abajo un gran Acharya como Srila Prabhupada.   Tiene Banderas en el Harinama!   Hace un gran diferencia.  Si puede, puede tener dramas cortas: El escolar y el barquero, pajaro en la jaula.
Alguine tiene un loro?  Puede alquilar para Harinam y animar cantar Hare Krsna con abono de uvas. Puede obtener TODO exito solamente para Harinama.

     Le envío todo mi Divino amor y mis deseos de servirle. Hare Krisna.

HpS - Hare Krsna, nos vemos en tres dias!

Apegando tres photos de Sankirtan!

Vyasa Puja Offering (Sugopi)

Hare Krishna Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I had sent this letter on you Vyasa Puja day but I think you were very busy and were not able to read it.

HpS - ASA -- Yes, that is probably a fact, 23-cities in 42-days!

We had a very nice celebration of Vyasa puja on December 30, 2016. It was nice to have all the devotees, namely Anantarupa Prabhu and Family, Murari prabhu and family, Balabhadra Prabhu and family, Amrta Mataji and family, Acyuta Mataji and family, Upendra prabhu and Family, Premalila Mataji and family and Anahi Radha Mataji. I have attached a link to some pictures and videos. Thank you so much Maharaj for your  mercy. My offering is below.

HpS -- Thank you. Nice pictures.   Was there a pie with sliced bananas on it?


Hare Krishna Maharaj, please accept my humble obeseinces all glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to you. On this auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja I would like to thank you for everything you do for us .You are like a grandfather to me and bring gifts for me. This time I was very fortunate to receive your boarding pass on which you drew Radha and Krishna. Thank you Maharaj for tolerating me in Bhakti Shastri class even though sometimes I don't mute  my microphone and talk to my parents, don't pay enough attention to what you are saying or don't know an answer that I'm supposed to know to a question you ask, you  take no offense and continue to encourage me. It was very nice to take your association this year when you came to Boise in May. I was very happy that you stayed for ten days this time instead of one week. The  morning programs were very blissful and I look forward to them every year. By your mercy, this year we did four Kirtan programs in Idaho. Three of them were in Yoga centers and the fourth one was at a farmers market in Eagle. We sang there for 4 hours in shifts, each devotee singing for a little bit. Thank you Maharaj for visiting Boise every year just to check on the devotees and give them strength to continue for the rest of the year when you are not here. We are eagerly looking forward to your next visit. Please bless me that I improve in my sadhana and serve the Vaishnavas nicely. 

Your insignificant servant,

HpS - Thank you.  We hope we can share more generous gifts for people than just used Boarding Passes. We habe the picture of Radharani that you colored on the wall of our Office/Ashrama here and see it daily. We hope that you have very good results from going to the Sadhu-sanga!  Be careful, be enthusiastic, like a tree that's four feet tall, any twists or bends that it gets now will probably stay with it for the rest of its life, even when it is 30-feet tall.

Who was Dushala?

Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.13 to 1.2.21

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Summary of last week’s Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.12 to 1.2.21 :

Verses 1-5 : Suta  goswami’s reply with obeisances.

Verse 6 -7 – Answers to Questions 1 and 2

Verses 8-15 : Only Bhakti should be the goal of any activity we do.

Verses 16-21 The progression in Bhagavatam– Suta Shiksha

Details of the verses:

V13: VAD for smoother  functioning of the society not for oppressing the weaker sections.  The ultimate goal of VAD is Hari tosanam. Pleasing the Supreme Lord.

V14: 4 processes of obtaining the absolute truth Srotavya – hear about Kirtitavya – glorify dhyeyah – remember, pujya – worship.

V15:  We can get liberated from knots of reactionary work by remembering Krishna constantly.


Mahatsevaya – service to pure devotees.  This is stage 2 . Before that we need the mercy of those devotees whom we want to serve. So

1. Mercy of the pure devotees

2. Service to pure devotees

3. Faith – Shradha. This is not blind faith. The faith we developed by serving the pure devotees.

4. Punya tirtha. Tirtha means guru. Then we take shelter of Guru.

5. Eagerness to worship: Vasudeva katha ruci. We develop taste for hearing the messages of Krishna.


For the devotee who has developed the urge to hear the messages of Krishna, He personally cleanses the desire for material enjoyment from the devotees’ heart.

V18: Nasta prayesu

6. Bhakti – bhaktir bhavati . Devotional service to the Supreme Lord.

7, Disappearance of obstacles:  nasta prayesu abhadresu. Inauspicious things like nama aparadas disappear.

8. nishta : then steadiness achieved. Naishtiki.

HpS - ASA -- We remember hear Srila Prabhupada comment on this and say that this "steadiness" was always chanting our rounds, always getting up in the morning, not sometimes yes, and sometimes, no. Then he said that this was (!) 80% Krsna conscious.


Once we achieve steadiness in devotional service modes of passion and ignorance disappear. Lust, hankering, desire will no longer bother us. Devotee will be situated in the mode of goodness and will be happy.

9. ruci : Spiritual taste: Aruchi for the sense objects results in actual spiritual taste anavidham rajas tamah. No affected by passion and ignorance.

10. Asakti – Sthitam – firmly attached.


11. Rati: Fondness.  Prasanna manasa  Enlivened mind. When fondness for the Lord arises, mind is enlivened.

12.  Prema : Devotional love.  Bhagavat bhakti yogatah.

13: Vision or audience : Bhagavt tattva vijananam. Experience of Krishna form , pastimes etc.

14. Direct experience of the Lord’s sweetness. Bhagavat tattva vijananam.


Once we see the Lord, we can see ourselves also in proper perspective.

Next week’s syllabus is 1.2.22 to 1.2.29.

Thank you.

Your servant,

Sundari Radhika dd.

HpS - ASA -- Thank you!  We are getting more and more educated by these classes. When does Ananta-rupa Das get back?