Ultra Urgente. Reporte de ekadasi, reunión con Mathures and Karuna Prabhus

6 years, 11 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja. Pamho, AGTSP!

I hope you're well.

First the bad news.

I didn't want to do it  publicly but I feel compelled to inform that the final agreement of the NIMSAR  board was to not use the name NIMSAR or resurrect the institution unless all the former members of the board, or the mayority, agree to re open the program.

M. Yugala insists in using the name NIMSAR for her own program without authorization. Some former member are confused due to this atittude.

ASA Buck White  -- Was this decision published in the Blog?  Do you have the Blog posting or a copy of this resolution from you Resolution book? If not then it is not legally binding. 'O'ink!

I'm sorry but I had to do this in public because she is doing it also and that is creating misundertadings. But due that you are the head of ASA, I guess it's up to you accept M. Yugala iniciative to re-open NIMSAR without us.

ASA Buck White - It is the perogotive of the SUAC. Oink!   Oink!  Grunt, but we just answered her letter and mother Isvari DD.

Now, the good news.

ASA - That was pretty good!

We had this nice meeting with prabhus Mathures and Karuna Krishna about management issues on Education in Perú. 

First point, that we considered important, was the designation of a coordinator in the area. We agreed that the right person was P. Karuna. So that'll be afficial in the next National Junta meeting. Several points to clarify. Jurisdictions, teachers, mandatory courses, seminars, etc. But the first step is done. 

The other detail is the examiner and manager for BS and BVB. I ,along with some other people, are helping out. M. Candra m. M. Isvari.

ASA - Well, why not include The Great Social Communicator, YkD?   Of course, we have people that we respect but with whom we can only work at a distance eg. Radha loves Candraval (at a distance).

We stressed the idea that there are people that are already following BS and need to be certify in some point. We mention that for now we are willing to help in the formal courses required for devotees. Bhakta course and BS, and BVB if we might. Something else can be done later on. 

We presented ourselves as members of ASA, because we work under your guidace and work with your educative material TPP, etc. (M. CandraM, M. Isvari, myself and some others). But We have to clarify our administrative relationship with ASA. I'm not sure if we may be exactly a branch or something more open like ASA México or ASA Chile.

ASA - We do not have official Branches, (we discussed this nicely this morning also, no?) in Mexico or Chile, but someone can be a congregational member of ISKCON, Life Member, so one can say he is a member of ASA if he just keeps his ideas here in the Blog but not a Member ('member', 'Member'). O.K?

One important point is that P. Karuna will be the one who consider and coordinate the other educational iniciatives so we can work in unity in diversity.

ASA - Then we are working with ISKCON Peru.  Very nice. ASA can have a friendhip club.

P. Mathures is working hard trying to get things organize in several areas. In education, I'll be helping P. Karuna but not like in a official post, otherwise some of my friends in the JN will freak out.

Another point that I forgot to bring was the coordination with the MOE. I think we can do it when things are more clear.

ASA - We discussed that this relationship with ISKCON Ministry of Education, (MOE) can develop during the Seattle Symposium and and that you will contact Jagad guru Das about involving people as representative of HpS, Member of the Executive Committe of MOE. Informal thing at this point.

We can talk more about details during our MEM (Mondays Educational Meetings).

ASA - We did!   It was cool.  Gotta learn how to all live in the Big House.

Thanks for your association and good advice.