URGENT: 4TH report ART and the SACRED

URGENT: 4TH report ART and the SACRED

ASA - Hare Krsna!   This is not URGENT... It is late!<img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" />

Hare Krishna respected Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances
¡All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
¡All Glories to you!!

By mercy the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Sadai Nimai-Nitai, we already have the agreement signed and sealed by the Director of the National Library of Peru to perform ART AND THE SACRED from 24 to 26 October 2018. Now, with Walter and Ramón’s help we are writing formal letters addressed to India, China, Japan and Russia embassies trying to get their sponsorship and participation.

Through this agreement we can upload the NIOS bilingual videos to a network of the Ministry of Culture that has more than 500,000 users, but, a requirement they have, is that our video should have more than 1000 visits, so we humbly ask the members of the blog to help us spreading the word and thus meet the goal of more than 1000 visits each. The links are the following:




HpS - O.K. We visit!

As well, for your South American Sankirtan tour in March-April 2018, we are managing with Jesuit University Antonio Ruiz de Montoya to carry out a conversation about "POETRY and MUSIC, PRABODHANANDA SARASVATI and NAROTTAMA DASA THAKURA: Sacred Art in Classical India in the XVI century ", and the presentation of the film "ART AND THE SACRED, the journey of a pilgrim".

Next week we are going to meet Walter León to start doing the bilingual (printed and digital) promotional brochure of ART AND THE SACRED, we hope to send you the content and design proposals for the second week of January. We are making with Miguel Polo the call to SOLARIS No. 3. and also managing in some institutions their sponsorship in carrying out all activities.

Gurudeva to try to make regular reports I have asked a bhakta for help, he has accepted and will write each ekadasi, with the pseudonym "Ajam, the horse".

Gurudeva, allow me to humbly offer you a few words for your Auspicious Vyasa-puja No 70. On Tuesday the 19th, we had in our asrama, a beautiful meeting where Héctor Béjar, Oscar Naters, Ana Zavala, Walter Leon, Emma Zevallos and some 10 devotees were present. After puspanjali they were asked to define in two words their appreciation about you and these were their comments:

Héctor Béjar said "Spiritual Quality"

Oscar Naters said "Persistent and wise"

Ana Zavala said "Playful and Kind"

Walter León said "Brave and Spiritual"

And Miguel Polo could not attend, but he said on the phone "Enthusiast and Dialogant Attitude"

Respected GURUDEVA, you are a Genuine Guru because you are a legitimate and exemplary disciple, I humbly ask you to forgive my offenses and my clumsiness, sincerely, I am trying to surrender my heart to you and get a drop of your niskapata-kripa.

Gurudeva, I offer you this poem as a sign of my eternal gratitude


He who sends Hanuman as His messenger

In this world you suffer

under a mantle of selfish illusions

Darkness takes over our desires

And it ties us with unbridled lust

You arrived in autumn and turned it into spring

You accompany the Sun that evaporates ignorance

You taught us that dawn is the clue and the key

fruit of Bhakti, son of Bhaktivedanta Swami, star of the dawn

Hare Krishna respected Gurudeva, your insignificant servant, Abhiram Thakur das.


Hare Krishna respetado Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias
¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!
¡Todas las Glorias a Usted!!

Por la misericordia Srila Prabhupada y Sadai Nimai-Nitai ya tenemos el convenio firmado y sellado por el Director de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú para realizar EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO del 24 al 26 de octubre de 2018. Ahora con la ayuda de Walter y Ramón estamos haciendo cartas formales a las embajadas de India, China, Japón y Rusia para tratar de obtener su auspicio y participación.

Por medio de este convenio podemos subir los videos bilingües de NIOS a una red del Ministerio de Cultura que tiene más de 500, 000 usuarios, pero, un requisito que nos piden, es que el video tenga más de 1000 visitas, así que humildemente les pedimos a los miembros del blog que nos ayuden a difundirlos y así cumplir la meta de más de 1000 visitas de cada uno, los links de los videos son los siguientes:




También, para su gira de Sankirtan a Sudamérica en marzo-abril 2018, estamos gestionando con la Universidad Jesuita Antonio Ruiz de Montoya hacer un conversatorio sobre “POESÍA y MÚSICA, PRABODHANANDA SARASVATI y NAROTTAMA DASA THAKURA: Arte Sagrado en la India Clásica del siglo XVI” y la presentación de la película “EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO, el viaje de un peregrino”.

Con Walter León nos vamos a reunir la próxima semana para empezar a hacer el folleto bilingüe (impreso y digital) promocional de EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO, esperamos enviarle las propuestas de contenido y diseño la segunda semana de enero. Con Miguel Polo estamos haciendo la convocatoria a SOLARIS No. 3. También estamos gestionando en algunas instituciones su auspicio en la realización de todas las actividades.

Gurudeva para tratar de hacer regular los informes le he pedido ayuda a un bhakta, él ha aceptado y va a escribir cada ekadasi, él va a escribir con el seudónimo “Ajam el caballo”.

Gurudeva ahora permítame ofrecerle humildemente unas palabras por su Auspicioso Vyasa-puja No 70. Nosotros tuvimos en nuestro asrama el martes 19, una bonita reunión donde estuvieron presentes Héctor Béjar, Oscar Naters, Ana Zavala, Walter León, Emma Zevallos y unos 10 devotos. Después del puspanjali nosotros le pedimos que definan en dos palabras su aprecio a usted, estas fueron sus respuestas:

Héctor Béjar dijo “Calidad Espiritual”

Oscar Naters dijo “Perseverante y Sabio”

Ana Zavala dijo “Lúdico y Bondadoso”

Walter León dijo “Valiente y Espiritual”

Y Miguel Polo no pudo asistir, pero por teléfono dijo “Entusiasta y Actitud Dialogante”

Respetado GURUDEVA usted es un Guru Genuino porque es un Discípulo genuino y ejemplar, humildemente le pido que perdone mis ofensas y mis torpezas, sinceramente, estoy tratando de rendirme de corazón a usted y obtener una gota de su niskapata-kripa.

Gurudeva le ofrezco este poema en señal de mi eterna gratitud:


Aquel que envía a Hanuman como su mensajero

En este mundo se sufre
bajo un manto de ilusiones egoístas

La oscuridad se apodera de nuestros deseos

Y nos ata con lujuria desenfrenada

Usted llego en otoño y lo convirtió en primavera

a Usted lo acompaña el Sol que evapora la ignorancia

Usted nos enseñó que el amanecer es la clave y la llave

fruto del Bhakti, hijo de Bhaktivedanta Swami, estrella del amanecer

HARE KRISHNA QUERIDO GURUDEVA, su insignificante sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.

HpS - Tan mucho depende en esta momento si Oscar puede relacionar bien con Hector y podemos producir esta collection interelacionado de Kalyan, Hector (Radhika y Beverley) pronto.   Proxoma Ekadasi.

India Trip Notes Part 2

Respected Guru Maharaja
Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and you.
1) My parents joined us in Vrindavan from Warangal, Telangana. While in Vrindavan We went by taxi to Ludhiana Rathayatra on 12/17/2017. We started little bit after midnight and had 8.5 hours drive. By some causeless mercy my father received first initiation from His Holiness Gopala Krishna Maharaja.

HpS - Jaya!!!

My father, Krishna-bandhu dasa, sends his respects to you and is seeking your blessings and mercy so he can be fixed up in Krishna Consciousness.

HpS - We hope he sees opportunities for Sankirtan in his current situation and they expand.

2) We had wonderful time in Vrindavana. Thank you so much for your blessings for the visit and instructing us about Vrindavan. I could have just stayed in Krishna Balaram Mandir. The mangalarati was the most concentrated and blissful experience in the temple. I felt at home reconnecting with my 6 month stay few years ago.  I did Vrindavan parikrama on foot and remembered how we walked on the same road to Govindaji Mandir and some of the things you told us. We visited Gosvami temples, Radha Kunda, Shyama Kunda, Barsana, Nanda gaon, Ter Kadam, vrinda kund and some places around Govardhan. I got a flower from Jiva Gosvami Samadhi on his disapperance day. For your vyasapuja we had simple celebration with Krishna Balaram's Rajbhoga maha prasad. There was one unexpected guest (scholar Mukunda Datta Prabhu's wife). We distributed peda sweets to some people near our guest house and fed bananas to cows near the temple. Also Yasodamayi mataji (elderly mataji who used to live in Berkley temple but now in vrindavan for about 3 decades) conveyed her respects to you and thanked you for your guidance long time ago.

HpS - As I remember she did not want to go to Vrndavana even for a visit, but myself and others thought that it would be perfect for her, so she agreed out of pressure.   Went, came back, closed out here accounts in the Western world, moved to Braja and never came back.

As a family we all did Govardhana Parikrama in car and next day I did on foot. From Radha Kund to Kusum sarovar I had very nice association of Radhika Ramana Prabhu, Gopal Hari Prabhu, Aruddha Mataji, Srinatha Krishna Prabhua and few other devotees.

HpS - Boise East. Krsna West?

Later I was off on my own so I can walk non stop and prepare for departure the next day. Walking alone staring at Govardhan and thinking of some Krishna book pastimes was ecstatic! At times I was so close to Govardhan and felt intimidated in awe and reverence! Praying He will give me residence near Him at the feet of  you and other acaryas. 

3) We came to Warangal, Telangana on Dec 25th. There is a nice Jagannatha-Baladeva-Subhadra, Radha-Nilamadhavam and Gaura-Nitai temple here. My parents built a house and moved next to the temple; it's a good vanaprasta setting for them to soak themselves in Krishna Consciousness. I have been attending lot of temple programs; nice morning and evening programs, morning and evening classes and kirtans! With all the travel I got sick with bad throat. I could hardly speak probably because I may have said lot of bad words in the past! I missed our saturday classes and will try to catch up with the recordings and hope to join live from 1/13/2018.

Your inignificant servant
Srinivasacarya dasa

PS: Sugopi had great time making garlands for Krishna's flute and singing in Prabhupada's samadhi. One day she fed jaggery balls to 70 cows. They didn't have enough and demanded more pulling on her skirt. Picture attached :)

HpS - Maybe they were trying to take her to Nanda Maharaja's police chief and make a complaint.

Thank you so much for this report. It is like light on our path!!!!!!

Hare krsna, maharaja

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto.

HpS - ASA --  TlgaSP!    y todos los devotos reunidos! Nuestras pies de lobo.

Le escribo desde Culiacán, Sinaloa, México; recidimos en la Ciudad de México pero no participamos en la maratón de Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada. Es un servicio muy intenso que siempre nos deja una gran enseñanza y me deja pensando en muchas cosas que hay que mejorar en mí. Y doy gracias a krsna y prabhupada por dejarme ocuparme de manera en este movimiento de Sankirtan.

HpS - Es super!!

Hace unos días fue su vyasa puja y esperamos que haya sido un día muy bueno para usted. Sé que no escribimos muy seguido, más por falta de palabras que de ganas, pero siempre estamos al pendiente del blog, del kapi dhvaja y de un grupo en Facebook que lleva por nombre "Sankirtan de Hanumatpresaka Swami" 

Sin más que decir por el momento, me despido.

su aspirante a sirviente Bhakta Hector 

HpS - Muchas gracias.  Esta trabajando? Como ocupa su misma en el movimiento de Sankirtan de Srila Prabhupada??

Reporte 9 (2017)

Hare krsna guru maharaj

por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias,

todas las glorias sean a srila prabhupada,

todas las glorias sean a sri sri guru y gauranga,

todas las glorias a los vaisnavas,

toda las glorias a usted.

Aqui estamos en maraton de sankirtan al norte de buenos aires, estuvimos en parana y santa fe, ahora estamos en rosario. Este mes en esta actividad hemos experimentado muchas aventuras; dias con dificultad para dormir por los insectos, dias con 40 grados de temperatura, dias de tormentas y lluvia, gente que intento golpearnos e insultarnos, dolencias del cuerpo, hambre, sed, sueño, gente interesada  agradecida, algunos programas de predica, etc.

En toda circunstancia krsna siempre estuvo ayudandonos y dandonos fuerza para continuar. A veces quise abandonar todo y no predicar, a veces infeliz, a veces la mente como enemiga, pero antes de tomar la decision y hacer algo, krsna se manifestaba y daba el impulso para seguir...

ASA - Jaya, Sri Krsna!!

El dia de su vyasa puja no pude hacer nada para glorificarlo, espero mejorar...

Lei su carta de ofrenda a prabhupada y me siento muy pequeño, pero con el deseo de aportar en algo a la mision. Tambien intento ser una menor carga para usted, por favor ayudeme, deseo mantenerme predicando y experimentar amor por krsna, espero que eso le de fuerzas a usted y a mi. Su aspirante a sirviente mandara sakha das

HpS - Cuando estamos en la Tierra y miramos a Venus, es muy brillante y nos hace sentir inspirados, y cuando miran a la Tierra desde Venus sienten lo mismo. En ambos casos, es el planeta que refleja el sol. ¿Quién es este Sol que estamos reflejando e inspirándonos unos a otros?

Super photo de Vd de K/Balarama!

Japathon Reports

Hare Krsna / Hare Rama.

Forgive us if did not get all the reports. Some may be hidden in the other mail and will surface soon.

Perdónanos si no obtuviste todos los informes. Algunos pueden estar ocultos en el otro correo y saldrán pronto a la superficie.

Kamagayatri DD 26

Murari D 64

Karuna-Sakti DD 28

Carlos Rold 22

HpSwami 28

Candra-mukhi dd 23

palika devi dasi 19

Indira Sakti dd 32

Vijaya Govinda Das  25

Laksman-Agraja Das 32

Nanda Raja das 50

Bhakta Juan 20

¡Bhaktin Amparo! 57

Prahlad Nrsimha das 42

Bhakta Pablo of the Parikrama, from Spain 85 rounds (and 16 of Varuna that I have chant for him).

Jiyada Nrsmha Dasa 20

TOTAL = 573 rounds!


Report from India

7 years, 1 month ago by ravigupta108 in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

We are on our way from Mayapur to Vrindavan, via Kolkata and Delhi. Yesterday, Srinath Krsna Prabhu, Chidam, and I had a small Vyasa Puja celebration in Mayapur. We offered a big plate of uncut fruit to Lord Nrsimhadeva in your name. As we sat down to read our Vyasa Puja offerings, unexpectedly devotees were coming and sharing their appreciations of you. It was so sweet.

Before Mayapur, we presented papers at Vaisnavism conferences in Govardhan Eco-Village, Ruia College (Mumbai), and Jadavpur University (Kolkata). All of these conferences were organized by devotees, especially Pranava Prabhu and Gauranga Prabhu, in collaboration with reputable universities. The scholars were so appreciative of ISKCON’s philosophical contributions and the Bhaktivedanta Research Center will soon receive accreditation from Mumbai University. We were able to help Gauranga Prabhu strategize how to train future PhD’s who can serve in India. It is a natural development for ISKCON India, since the brahmacharis at Chowpatty and Pune are already so educationally qualified.

Every place I visit, the morning programs are so strong and inspiring. While singing in mangal arati, we wish that it would go on forever. How to carry that mangal arati mood throughout the day? That is a challenge for me.

HpS - Do three good Sandhyas and Gaura-arati?

Now we pray that we can enter Vrindavan Dham. Then we will go to Tirupati for the Vaisnava Christian Dialogue, and finally Jaipur to visit family. We are remembering your mood and example every step of the way.

Your servant,

Radhika Ramana dasa

HpS - ASA -  Thank you . Monkey and Piggy are jumping from one foot to the other in ecstacy to hear your activities. More and more purified service!!!