Jagat: January Report - Bh. Vrksa

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

El 2018 estoy comenzando con 2 grupos Bhakti vriksha establecidos. En el grupo Nimai Nitay (Callao) nos reunimos cada semana en casa de Prahu Abhiram y hemos hecho planes de prédica para Enero, Febrero y Marzo para atraer a más personas a la conciencia de Krishna. En Chosica, en Febrero tenemos planeado distribuir alimentos en una población pobre.

En Febrero termino de dar el curso de Introducción al Bhakti Yoga en Wilson, luego espero dar ese tiempo para abrir un nuevo grupo Bhakti vrisha en Lima.

Muchas Gracias Guru Maharaj por darnos inspiración en el Servicio Devocional

Hare Krishna,

Jagat Pavitram das


HpS - Jaya!    TLGASP!!!!   Pfanhr.  Y su ashrama? Esta quedando en papel de Brahmacari??   Super fotos.

Learning from your instructions

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaj, I feel so fortunate that you remember this fallen soul and that you send instructions to remind us how to serve the Lord. I am so fortunate that you sent me instructions in the previous email. You have very correctly instructed me that the jewels and gems of the hari-nama have to be shared and not just collected but also distributed to all. I hope to do the same in my weekly Bhagavad-Gita As It Is reading programs that I do every week in Texas A&M University - Kingsville at my STA Newman Hall room. In this program done weekly, we have kirtan, Bhagavad-Gita AS IT IS reading, lecture by senior devotees (over Skype sometimes), aarti, offering bhoga, and distribution of prasadam. I am the faculty advisor for our Vedanta club at Texas A&M University - Kingsville. There is one devotee from Pune - Hrishikesh Prabhuji who is the President of our Vedanta club at Texas A&M University - Kingsville. Then there are Bhanu Kishore Devisetty, Mithilesh Korrapati, Poorna Sai Sama, Sai Srinivas, Sai Krishna Jangala, and many others who are students at Texas A&M University - Kingsville who are committee members of our Vedanta club at Texas A&M University - Kingsville. This Vedanta club at Texas A&M University - Kingsville is now registered officially as a student club.

Early on in this new year, we hope to get your blessings for our continued success of our student club Vedanta at Texas A&M University - Kingsville.


Aja Govinda dasa

HpS - Thank you !!!!!!       We will be in Houston from like 26th February to 5th March. C u thyn????        You Sankirtan seems great.  Engage the boys who come in doing the work you are doing and then go up to the next level in your service!!




Vedabase.com vedabase.io - google search ( note for PND, HPS and any others)

Hare Krishna Maharaja, Prahalada Nrsimha Prabhu et.al,


Today vedabase.com has become popular among those who study gita, bhagavatam regularly and even in some general online forums. For instance see this link for reference to vedabase.com in many of the forum posts: https://hinduism.stackexchange.com/search?q=vedabase.com Thank you Prahlada Prabhu and Maharaja for your efforts on this site!

However there is one thing that is lacking and I noticed several times but never bothered to pass on the feedback. The presence of vedabase.com in google search results for gita and bhagavatam verses is pretty week [weak]. Most of the times non BBT affiliated sites are at the top and I rarely see vedabase.com.  For instance check these links that search for 'bhagavatam' and 'bhagavad gita' key words:

  • https://www.google.com/search?q=bhagavad+gita
  • https://www.google.com/search?q=bhagavatam

I did see that Vedabase.com is accessible to google crawler but may not be built optimally. Here are a few pages from google that will help in improving vedabase.com presence on google:

  1. www.google.com/webmasters/ --> Search console help
  2. https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/34397?hl=en --> Get your website on google

Your insignificant servant

Srinivasacarya dasa

HpS - Thank you. We will see if Swami Prahlada catches this. If not then we can try Yahoo.   We have to fight Maya in the world of Media.

Hare Krishna Gurudev

         TLGASP. Hare Krishna querido Gurudev, por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies.  Muchas gracias por su contestacion a mi anterior carta, aqui le mando algunas fotos, disculpe que no se poner el power point, con nosotros han comprado, Mahavirya, Narayan, Dayal, hemos plantado  principalmente muchos platanos, toda clase de frutales, peanuts, yucca, vegetales, flores para nuestras deidades.

Por favor acepte este humilde poema dedicado a usted querido Gurudev;

                                                     Sembrando vas las semillas de la Salvacion

                                                     en el nocturno abismo de nuestras frentes

                                                    con el canto auspicioso de los Santos Nombres

                                                    del Senor Supremo.

                                                   Como rumor propicio de una fuente de agua,

                                                   cristalina y pura, asi son la fuente inagotable,

                                                   del verdadero conocimiento,que con amor nos entregas. 

                                                  Despiertas al dormido, que vive muerto,

                                                  despejas las sombras,vana voluntad de la ignorancia,

                                                   iluminas nuestras vidas senalando el camino,

                                                   que aunque a tientas por la obscuridad que gobierna este mundo,

                                                   podemos con Fe, seguir en el, guiados por su hermoso , claro

                                                      Canto, amado y eterno Gurudev.                                                                                     

Disculpe Gurudev, las faltas, no son muy buena con la computadora.Maharaj por favor considere la posibilidad de darnos su misericordiosa Asociacion, aqui en Pamashto,a mediados de abril, que regresa a Peru, hariamos las coordinaciones con la Universidad para que de una clase o dos.Que Krishna lo conserve en buena salud,quien intenta servirlo de corazon, Apurva Sundari DD.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!!!    Muy bien oir de Vd.    Como esta el Yadu Das, todos. Aparece tiene las mejor ofrendas en el mundo para Gaura-Nitai, Krsna-Balarama!

Mas fotos.  Noticias de sus relaciones con su pueblo!  Recetas!

Resultados maraton de diciembre y Japathon

Dear Guru Maharaja

Pamho AGTSP!

Now is the end of the sankirtan Book Distribution Marathon of december, start the maraton of Summer <img alt="wink" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/wink_smile.png" title="wink" width="23" />

The Score was 4320 little books and 20 bg 

chile 2017

the score of Japataton was 32 round

now the 6 of february we have a tiket to india ( my desire is complete your instruccion ,may be this year, to will go to Mayapour Dham) we will travel with Harinama ruci making sankirtan Harinama in the holy dham, after 23 of february taiwan, Philipine, Honk kong an europe in march, after in June we will make sankirtan for colect to the  Ratha Yatra in panama, after september Mexico with Harinama ruci team, october and november, paraguay chile urugua y Brasil, and next December the marathon i dont know mabe i will be die, is good?

HpS - For a devotee, any day is a good day to die (change bodies)!

...you like this plan of sankirtan?

HpS - It seems fine. C0-ordinating with GBC authorities?  Seems fine.  One year traveling with Kirtan and book distribution.

Krsna is laughing with my plan i know, but i need dream and make some arrengenments for make sankirtan or maya make a plan for me.

you are the source of nectar and inspiracion in my live, thanks for prai to Krsna for me, all the satisfaction and happiness that i have achieved in sankirtan  and the  8 people who came to the temple it is my humble offering at his lotus feet.

your eternal Donky

Vrajendra Kumara Das

HpS - Books, books, books!     I got a book from you, or some other sankirtan devotee. I read it carefully. I am still reading it carefully.  It takes even weak devotee beyond the mind and senses very quickly.  Sankirtan.  Make Sankirtan devotees by the association of Rupa-Raghunatha.

Bhakti Vriksha en el Callao

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias!

Hare Krishna Maharaja!

Ayer fue una noche inolvidable en el programa de Bhakti Vriksha realizado en el Callao. Es una estrategia de predica donde puede involucrar a toda la familia y a los hogares de nuestros vecinos. Es una dinamica cientifica de una hora y media de duración aproximadamente para lograr bhakti yoga en sadhu sanga para estar fuerte durante toda la semana. 
Espero que se encuentre bien
Su sirviente

Caturatma das

HpS - ASA -- Estamos pensando mucho que hay buen devotos en Callao, entonces hay super posibilidad aumentar la predica, ISKCON, por alla.