Programas regulares de lunes a viernes


Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate Hanumatpresaka-svamin iti namine.
Querido Gurudeva:

Dando respuesta a sus interrogantes, paso a dar respuesta

1.- Los programas de nuestro nuevo centro de predica son de lunes a viernes de 7:30 p.m a 9:30 pm.

2.- Nuestra direccion es en la Galeria España piso 2 oficina 12 c, calle Colombia esquina España

Atte. Su eterno sirviente Jiyada Nrsmha Dasa.

Advice urgent

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva

I am writing this letter due to many devotees are aproaching me.. With this issue

"I am not chanting my rounds, I feel discouraged, with no enthusiam, I feel like a looser, I am even not chanting my gayatris"

So I just told them to find their enthusiam in their intelligence. They reply I am not intelligent.

HpS - Then associate with someone who is intelligent. Read Srila Prabhupada's books for one minute, five minutes for...

Umm so I told them to start making a vow little by little until reaching again the 16 rounds on ekadasi and take full shelter of Nitai during his appearance day.

But mostly they are worried of going to hell, be punished or not be forgiven

So May U be so kind and add something more

Thank U all so much



ASA - Not really. This is about all we know. If we don't read Srila Prabhupada's books. Associate with devotees who read. Don't chant any Japa then it can be hard. It's a kind of choice we have to make.

Can't do that, then do Karma yoga: Paint, cook, administrate for Prabhupada, ISKCON devotees. Join the Kirtan.

If people want Krsna (kiss x kiss x kiss) then He is sticking His little feet out everywere. Just do something!!     And that will grow.

Can't do that then become a Jehovah's Witness. No joke. Some of our disciples have done it and found enthusiasm and like Krsna and ISKCON.

Can't do that then better buy some sun tan lotion....   it can be sunny in hell.  <img alt="angel" height="23" src="" title="angel" width="23" />

<img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" />

<img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" />

Con los devotos de Iskcon en el Callao

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Por favor acepte nuestras reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Hoy estuvimos en casa de Abhiram Prabhu, pudimos compartir con los devotos (algo de 14 devotos) en un taller de “adoración en el hogar”. Contamos nuestra experiencia adorando a nuestras deidades en casa los últimos 10 años, cantamos, compartimos prasadam y conversamos un poco. Estamos tratando de entusiasmarnos y formar una comunidad con los demás devotos (as) de Iskcon Callao, para estudiar y leer diariamente del Srimad Bhagavatam, ojala podamos lograrlo.

Acabamos de llegar a casa, y con Karuna hemos leído su respuesta… Muchas gracias por darnos ánimo, por ahora aquí participando con los devotos de Iskcon en el Callao.

       Que Nrshimhadeva lo siga protegiendo…

           Anandamaya das and Karuna Mayi dd.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Please accept our obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Today we were at Abhiram Prabhu's house, we were able to share with the devotees (some 14 devotees) in a workshop of "adoration at home". We count our experience worshiping our deities at home for the last 10 years, we sing, we share prasadam and we talk a little. We are trying to get excited and form a community with the other devotees of Iskcon Callao, to study and read daily from Srimad Bhagavatam, I hope we can achieve it.

We have just arrived home, and with Karuna we have read your answer ... Thank you very much for encouraging us, for now here participating with the devotees of Iskcon in Callao.

        May Nrshimhadeva continue to protect him ...

            Anandamaya das and Karuna Mayi dd.

HpS - Jaya!   The more we approach Krsna, the more He can approach us.  Krsna has only one goal: To enjoy. He is so anxious about that that He wants our particular help!  Of course, He knows that His parts and parcels enjoy most to see Him enjoying...     Get more service soon!

HpS - ¡Jaya! Cuanto más nos acercamos a Krsna, más puede acercarse a nosotros. Krsna tiene un solo objetivo: disfrutar. ¡Está tan ansioso por eso que quiere nuestra ayuda particular! Por supuesto, él sabe que sus partes y parcelas disfrutan más al verlo disfrutar ... ¡Obtenga más servicio pronto!

6TH report ART and the SACRED

Hare Krishna respected Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances
¡All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
¡All Glories to you!!

With Oscar we already know that the location for the filming of Héctor's interview will be on the beach during the sunset.

This week we had several meetings, all very productive, in one of them talking to Oscar and Hector about the film we agree that the life of Professor Hanumatpresaka Swami is an expression of SACRED ART. You with your simple life and elevated thought, embody, as Hector says, THE ART OF LIVING WITHOUT "UNNECESSARY" NEEDS, in the end we conclude that true art is always sacred and transforming and that nothing is more transforming than transforming the heart to through the cultivation of the human spirit. At another time I asked Héctor Béjar the following question: what can Peru offer the world? and he answered: If we talk about the world, referring to the Western world, then Peru has already given the world something fundamental for its maintenance: The potato. He recalled that, in the eighteenth century, due to bad harvests, Europe was suffering from severe hunger that produced mass deaths from famine. It was then that Frederick the Great, King of Prussia (also known as "the king of potatoes") ended up with the hunger of Europe, successfully establishing the consumption of potatoes. Héctor promised that for a future meeting he will expand this response with more contributions.

In the next report I will send you our detailed proposal of the academic sankirtana for your coming from March to April. With Oscar, Walter and Miguel we are organizing dialogues with artists from different branches, painters, poets, actors, theater directors, writers, musicians, craftsmen, we will have the dates next week, more than mass meetings, they will be meetings with few people, maximum six, in order to establish good communication and encourage the massive participation of artists for the October Mega-event

To end, these are the links of the videos that we are promoting to achieve more than a thousand visits in each of them:

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva, his insignificant servant, Abhiram Thakur das.

Hare Krishna respetado Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias
¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!
¡Todas las Glorias a Usted!!

Con Oscar ya quedamos que la locación para la filmación de la entrevista de Héctor va a ser en la playa durante el sunset.

Esta semana hemos tenido varias reuniones, todas muy productivas, en una de ellas hablando con Oscar y Héctor sobre la película coincidimos en que la vida del profesor Hanumatpresaka Swami es una expresión de ARTE SAGRADO. Usted con su vida sencilla y pensamiento elevado refleja, como dice Héctor, EL ARTE DE VIVIR SIN NECESIDADES “INNECESARIAS”, al final concluimos que el arte verdadero es, siempre, sagrado y transformador y que no hay nada más transformador que trasformar el corazón a través del cultivo del espíritu humano. En otro momento le hice la siguiente pregunta a Héctor Béjar ¿qué le puede ofrecer el Perú al mundo? y el respondió: Si hablamos del mundo, refiriéndonos al mundo occidental, entonces el Perú ya le ha dado al mundo algo fundamental para su manutención: La papa. El recordó que, en el siglo XVIII, debido a las malas cosechas, Europa padecía de hambre severa que producía muertes masivas por hambruna fue entonces que Federico el Grande, Rey de Prusia (conocido también como “el rey de las patatas”) acabo con el hambre de Europa, estableciendo exitosamente el consumo de papas. Hector prometió que en una próxima reunión ampliara este punto con más contribuciones.

En el próximo informe le enviare nuestra propuesta detallada del sankirtana académico para su venida de marzo-abril. Con Oscar, Walter y Miguel estamos organizando diálogos con artistas de diversas ramas, pintores, poetas, actores, directores de teatro, escritores, músicos, artesanos, las fechas las tendremos la próxima semana, más que reuniones masivas, van a ser reuniones con pocas personas, máximo seis, para poder establecer buenos lazos de comunicación y fomentar la participación masiva de los artistas para el Mega-evento de octubre

Para terminar, estos son los links de los videos que estamos promocionando para lograr más de mil visitas en cada uno de ellos:

Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva, su insignificante sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.

HpS - Super news, but you need to take along a small elephant to take notes and write things here as he understands them. Super photos. I not sure if we are simple or simpletons.

Proxima inauguración de un centro de predica


Nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale srimate Hanumatpresaka-svamin iti namine.

HpS - TlgaSP...  Pfanrh.

Querido Gurudeva:

Este proximo 19/01/2018 estamos inaugurando un centro de predica, para gente nueva en pleno centro de la ciudad de Cochabamba, mismo que cuenta con venta inciensos, velas y libros de Srila Prabhupada, el mismo que lo podra conocer este proximo marzo, dando cumplimiento a su peticion le envio fotos de l nuevo centro antes de la inauguración.

Atte. su humilde y eterno sirviente nacimiento tras nacimiento Jiyada Nrsmha dasa

HpS - Jaya!!!!  Tiene programas como Viernes de la tarde de BG etc??   Donde?

Getting a little desperate....

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS. PAOHO.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Getting so excited for the Second initiation. Praying for all the mercy from Guru Maharaj for bestowing enough strength  so that this ignorant servant gets some service . Yes Guru Maharaj, we are getting Bhakti Shastri classes from HH Haridas Maharaj. Sincerely wish to join the full 4 months course conducted at Mayapur but Institute won't allow leave of absence for that period of time. Thinking about online course.

Guru Maharaj, praying for mercy for my japa. Feel satisfied only after chanting 30 or more rounds....if 16 rounds are not completed in the morning , I feel sort of irritated for no reason. On Ekadashi it feels so good.

Just working on a plan to open a congregation centre near our hospital. Looking for a place on rent.Our students are relatively free after their classes end at 4pm. Planning to start daily evening kirtan by 4.30pm followed by Prasadam distribution. As we have holidays every second saturday of the month, we plan to have Gita classes on this day. Almost every year we lose students to suicide. MBBS is a tough course with so much pressure and we wish to help them in some way.Seeking advice from Guru Maharaj. Kindly help us.

HpS - We don't have much to say. The effort seems perfect!    Krsna will do the magic.   His decisions are always magic, whether they are what we want or not.

We had wonderful kirtan last we started from the local Radha Gopinath and Radha Madhav temples, we were literally dragged in from one house to another.....we had kirtan in all the houses we were invited much so that we did not have time for nagar kirtan...felt so sad. Prabhu Banamali suggested we go for Nagar kirtan at the same place next Sunday.

Your ignorant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Our local Tennessee devotees want to visit Manipur in the middle of October?   Is that a good time?  Is it too cold???   Of course, they want to see the Vaisnava culture.