Jagat: December report - Bh. Vrksa

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis reverencias

La semana pasada comenzé dos grupos Bhakti vriksha. En el Callao, en casa de Prabhu Abhiram y en Chorrillos, en casa de Prabhu Gandharva. La intención es unir a los devotos y ver la manera de predicar Conciencia de Krishna. 

El curso de Introducción de Bhakti yoga esta planeado para que termine en Febrero, a la vez ellos también están realizando servicio de guirnaldas en el templo y tambien dos devotas desean aspirar a un maestro espiritual. Los alumnos que tengo son constantes y estoy tratando de acercarme más a ellos

Aprovechando mis vacaciones, estoy asistiendo 4 veces a la semana al templo de wilson para el mangala artik, a la vez que aprovecho la asociación de los devotos

Gracias por su constante inspiración

Jagat Pavitram Das


HpS - Muy bien. Si, Bh. Vrksa es super sistema y por que no ampliando hasta hay seis Bh. Vrksa in Callao en entonces un Centro Permanente!


7 years, 1 month ago by Carlos Rold in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja ! AGTSP ! PAMHO

I hope you are in good health at the time of receiving this letter.

HpS - ASA - Our health or Brother Asses health?  We had not thought about it but Brother Ass does not have stomach pain, hip pain or heart arrhytmia today but has put on a little weight and eyes are certainly fading and deep respiration requires some little attention.

Oink!    It is good. It is very good. Soon this well used body will dissolve and the parts recycled into another body. Where will be go? We think that we may take birth as an ugly, greedy, little fat girl in ISKCON with a complexion like crudded milk, with stupid selfish character, an alcoholic mother and father etc. Hope they endorse home schooling and our mother lays off Whiskey Sours while we are in embryo and we can find the KRSNA book as soon as we are able to see pictures!

I'm writing to tell you that last saturday, december 2nd, we had a wonderful Ratha Yatra Festival here in Santiago de Chile!

ASA - Lucky, Rascal!

A few days before, I went to the airpoirt with the Iskcon Chile Team for HH Maha Visnu Swami and Harinam Ruci. They are really amazing ! They came out chanting Hare Krishna, playing Mrdangas and Kartalas, involving all the people in the airport and everyone was happy and participating in the chanting!

ASA - Did you also chant to receive them?   Flags?!

Since the beginning they was [were] a source of inspiration for all of us. I was able to accompany them to 3 Harinam by the morning, before Bhagavatam class, It was really pure nectar! Even we all get [got] into a school[s] and everybody there was happy and no any gard [guard] make some problem for us !! and the school's children started that day chanting Hare Krishna !!

The Festival day I was working helping to the production team since early morning. I've got a chevrolet van so was very useful the whole day. It's called Bhaktimobile and has done many service this year in each festival... in its next lifetime will be a Ferrari  XD

ASA - Maybe a golden chariot in Dvaraka or even better a bull cart in Braja.

Saturday midday, Santiago's main street was closed and the Lord's Chariot passed dazzling. Many devotees dancing and chanting and many new people came to the starting point and many new people joined as the chariot moved. HH Maha Visnu Swami leading the Kirtan. The police escorting. Many many people pulling the strings [ropes] and making advancing the Chariot of Lord Jaghanatha, Baladeva, Subhadra and Srila Prabhupada !  

Aprox 2 hours after starting all we came to one of the most important and central parks in Santiago [what name????], there was the stage and the stand with Prasadama, books, yoga and ayurveda, etc. Many people who were in transit there were staying a while to participate. 9 pm festival was over.

ASA - And all the devotes dead! 

Everyone back in the Temple was with the energy so high, still chanting and dancing with the devotees of Harinam Ruci, they really never stop! [Not Dead] When I returned home almost midnight, I just could not sleep, but I was very happy. 

The governor and the team of the municipal office were very satisfied with all the work of ISKCON Chile. They said want to do more things with us. Also mass media.

I send some pictures. 

Please, Guru Maharaja, forgive all the mistakes that this foolish human being makes in the communication to you.

ASA - Hey, Dude, you keep writing like this we'll give you the ASA Pullitzer prize for journalism!   Are we right, everyone??

Your aspiring disciple and servant,
Carlos Rold

(The boy in the Maharaja picture is the oldest Visvanatha's son)

ASA - Oink!   Oink!!     Whoop!     WHoop!       Next write about a Sunday Festival in Santiago. Distribute this letter locally.

What need to do to become Editor!

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Guru parampara.

Gurudev, we saw statement on Kapi-Dhvaja as below :

MOE –Ministry Journal, Viplava (Revolution) Number Two, is at www.jayarama.us in the archives, as viplavah2-171129.docx.
It’s cool, Brother, It’s cool! We want you to become the Editor!

What need to do to become Editor!

Thank you so much Gurudev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - AGTSP!  paoho..   I think that you can try to be an Assistant Editor for the next Issue. That should be a great step to becoming the editor.

We just sent a notification and involucration to your email addreess. Did you get it?

Hari bolo

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaj, reciba nuestras reverencias, estamos por unos dias en Chosica visitando a mi familia, haciendo algunos documentos en el centro de Lima, mucho calor por aquí y también muchos ladrones.

Estamos otra ves en Sankirtan, distribuyendo libros de Srila Prabhupada, también Prabhu Bhakta Percy ayudando al Sankirtan, nos esta facilitando 2000 libros de Srila Prabhupada,

HpS - ASA - Jaya!

...los cuales nos estamos encargando de distribuirlos entre 4 devotos (Prabhu Advaita, Prabhu Bhakta Alex, Madre Nadiya y yo), entre las ciudades de Huancayo y Ayacucho.

ASA - !

Nuestro Sadhana marcha bien,  Srimad - Bhagavatam, entrando al canto 2, Capitulo 9 "Respuestas citando la versión del Señor".

ASA - Eso es casi el fin de los dos primeros cantos!  Vd teine que ser experto conecedor de los pies de loto de Krsna.

Mañana esta viniendo Maharaj Maha Visnu Swami y los Harinan Ruci por 2 dias en Lima y  Chosica, iremos a ver Maharaj y recibir de su misericordia y santa asosiación, despues de regreso a Huancayo y vivir en la base de Sankirtan que se construyo.

HpS - Super, super. Nuestras reverencias a Maharaja. Es amigo para muchas anyos. Tambien estuvimos pasado dias de apreciacion mutua con HNRuci en Mexico.

El lugar donde hemos contruido se llama en quechua "SONHOS  BAJOS",  y  traducido al español significa "CORAZONES  BAJOS", aqui por esta zona tenemos un amigo que quiere ser devoto, el es un Juez de la zona, y también nos visita una joven llamada Ketty que es enfermera, asi estamos tratando de establecer un Nama Hatta, donde poder ayudar a estos jovenes en su vida espiritual.

HpS - Bien. Esforzar en muchas areas: Distribution de libros en el calle, escuelas, establecer centros para entrenyar mas Sankirtaneros... una programa integrada. Si Krsna quiere puede ser Presidente de Peru.

Enfocandonos en tratar de tener un buen Sadhana y tener nuestra lectura regular del Srimad - Bhagavatam, nuestras 16 rondas con atención,  4 principios y recibir la asosiacoón de buenos devotos, pienso que podemos progresar en el servicio devocional, todo por la misericordia y guia de Srila Prabhupada, esperamos, por la misericordia de Sri Nityananda seguir en la distribución de libros y realizar todo esto con felicidad.

Por eso en el Bhagavad - Gita, Capitulo 9, Texto 2,  Krsna le dice a Arjuna lo siguiente:

rāja-vidyā rāja-guhyaṁ
pavitram idam uttamam
pratyakṣāvagamaṁ dharmyaṁ
su-sukhaṁ kartum avyayam

"Este conocimiento es el rey de la educación y el más secreto de todos los secretos. Es el conocimiento más puro de todos, y como brinda una percepción directa del ser mediante la iluminación, es la perfección de la religión. Además, es eterno, y se practica con alegría".

Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido, esperamos poder verlo cuando venga a Perú y también le pedimos a Srila Prabhupada que nos permita  poder verlo en nuestra meditación, perdoneme por el deseo <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" />.  Hare Krsna!!!

HpS - Ya tenemos boleto ir a Peru. Detalles en El Blog!!!  Somos siguendo sus pasos!
Ayer viene un muchacho para reperar nuestra plomeria y hablamos para 15-minutos y el tomo un Upadesamrta con gran entusiasmo. Ya esperamos va a leer, tener mas contacto con nosotros, ISKCON, y se convierta en un Sankirtanero!

Gadai Gauranga Das

Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

7 years, 1 month ago by mukta singh in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports
<form action="http://www.mayapur.com/" id="m_-7494290302011402668searchform" method="get" target="_blank"><input id="m_-7494290302011402668search-text" name="s" type="text" /><input id="m_-7494290302011402668search-submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Search" /> </form>

 All Glories to A.C. Prabhupada, Sripada Maharaja, HpS Maharaja.

Dandavat  Pranam,

HpS - Thank you for the letter. It is so big!!!

The is the letter circulated from Mayapur in relation to Goura Purnima.



Gaura Purnima 2018 Festival Schedule

<img alt="" height="533" id="m_-7494290302011402668ymail_ctr_id_-640971-2" src="https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/VmlFoKJfBDb5K99gATG2t0XQiDDePafFPLwcSQSwZKEtw4XhI_lHyyl6PRhS8U8CRDRNI8KJ2Hy1gSXDEVQxi-Bpm63MWDaTb1B-N04mUPeA3qEUSGY=s0-d-e1-ft#http://www.mayapur.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/IMG_9537-1.jpg" tabindex="0" width="800" />


We are happy to invite the worldwide devotees to Sri Mayapur to take part in the Gaura Purnima Festival 2018. Srila Prabhupada desired all devotees to come to Mayapur at least once in a year as far as possible, to get charged with the unlimited mercy of Mahaprabhu, and Gaura Purnima is the best time to receive this mercy. Festivals attractions include Sravan Utsava, Kirtan Mela, Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama, various festivities and Gaura Purnima utsav.

Guest house bookings for Gaura Purnima festival begins from 1st November. Please write to [email protected] to make guest house reservations.

Gaura Purnima Festival 2018 Schedule

<table width="761"><tbody><tr><td width="188">8 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Devotees Arrival</td></tr><tr><td width="188">9 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Sravan Utsav</td></tr><tr><td width="188">11 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Sravan Utsav</td></tr><tr><td width="188">12 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Sravan Utsav</td></tr><tr><td width="188">13 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Kirtan Mela Adivas, Festival Inauguration</td></tr><tr><td width="188">14 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Kirtan Mela</td></tr><tr><td width="188">15 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Kirtan Mela</td></tr><tr><td width="188">16 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Kirtan Mela</td></tr><tr><td width="188">17 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Kirtan Mela/Parikrama Adivas</td></tr><tr><td width="188">18-25 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama</td></tr><tr><td width="188">25 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Radha-Madhava boat festival</td></tr><tr><td width="188">26 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Radha Madhava Elephant Procession (Ekadasi), Immersion of Ashes for departed souls</td></tr><tr><td width="188">27 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Shantipur Festival</td></tr><tr><td width="188">28 Feb,2018</td><td width="573">Ganga puja</td></tr><tr><td width="188">1 Mar, 2018</td><td width="573">Ratha Yatra</td></tr><tr><td width="188">2 Mar, 2018</td><td width="573">Sri Gaura Purnima</td></tr><tr><td width="188">3 Mar, 2018</td><td width="573">Jagannath Misra Utsava</td></tr></tbody></table>

For more festival information, please write to [email protected]

Updates from Dhruva

Dear Maharaja,


Today I finished my exams for the latest period and it’s about time I wrote to you.

HpS/ASA - Whenever you write to us it is mercy!

I’m finding computer science studies to be very helpful for explaining our philosophy and also for discussing the mind-body problem – Objects, Super-classes and subclasses, encapsulation, software, hardware, algorithms, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, cell phones, programmers etc. etc., - which makes sense because computing really has taken up the focus of the intelligent class for many years now and many popular philosophers use computing metaphors.

HpS - Yes. We find the same thing. They seem to introspect, see how their mind works and then externalize it. There is no "bootstrapping". A person always has to start the system.

Many realizations have bubbled up since you left our physical association here in Australia. Some very powerful and clear others embarrassing. Please forgive me for the many offences committed.

HpS - I think we committed more.

We are forever in debt for the valuable treasures you gave us. Really words cannot explain how fortunate I am so better I simple ask what can I do to serve you and Srila Prabhupada in the sankirtan mission of Lord Caitanya?

I am listening to many more of your lectures posted by Srinath Arunachalam Prabhu on soundcloud.

I’m working on my unique preaching style with this blog and getting some nice results. https://blissoftruth.wordpress.com.

One Gurukula Science teacher is asking for the BBC “Science… Fiction?” documentary you have been mentioning. We have tried looking for it online but we are not having success. Do you have a copy, a link or know where to find it.

HpS  - !!!  Maybe you can track down when AAAS has their annual meeting in San Francisco. It would have been about 1985. That was the year it won the AAAS award. Then I think you would have to contact somebody personally at the BBC. If it is possible it is a really goo movie. Maybe it was so good it got suppressed?  Would be nice project for the Gurukula to see how life really works. Learning really works to try to find the film.

I believe you said, “we have free will equal to God”. Please correct me if I have recalled that wrong. I was thinking about this and realized something. One good argument against the concept of free will that I have come up with is “how can it be free will if one decision is clearly wrong?” Neophytes will say that material life is suffering and spiritual life is not suffering but that cannot be because it will destroy free will because clearly one choice is wrong. It’s like saying, “You can choose the chocolate but you will get shot.” Then I recalled you saying “If you think you have problems, they are nothing compared to Radharani’s problems” and it struck me. We give up material suffering, which is actually the suffering caused by forgetting Krishna and we replace it with suffering for Krishna! This way free will holds true.

I spoke to a senior devotee about this, Nrisimha Kavaca Prabhu, and we had a big disagreement until we replaced “suffering for Krishna” with “spiritual anxiety”. Once we agreed on that explanation we could both be peaceful. Spiritual anxiety leads to the highest bliss.  So free will is the choice between material suffering caused by artificially holding oneself in the center of all things and spiritual anxiety and bliss comes from holding Krishna in the center. What do you think Maharaja? Is my understanding solid or am I am big speculator?

ASA - Can't follow your argument in exact detail. Apes, Pigs and Scientists et al here, but our thought is that it is a big topic. Ultimately Free Will of the Jiva is the Ananda factor in s(he)it's sat-cit-ANANDA nature. We have Free Will to relate to Krsna as a friend or a parent. We have Free Will to relate to Him through His "bahiranga-shakti", and even when in the BS we have Free Will in the mode of Goodness to chose between stealing or not stealing etc. These moral choice's are a kind of choice of Krsna, the King, because they are the King's laws. Then He offers us the choice of Spiritual Reactions, not just "material" reactions eg. don't steal get good reaction.
Material world is Zero. No Krsna, no Ananda, so there is relative pleasure. For every nice thing there must be a contrasting good thing, dualities, but no absolute happines nor distress.
O.K?  Does that address your ideas?

One interesting thing that came up in the conversation with Nrsimha Kavaca Prabhu is that he also disagreed that our free will is equal to God’s. He said “No, because Krishna can do what He wants and He doesn’t get a reaction for it.” I replied saying that I think free will is a logical choice like and on-off or a left-right switch, material or spiritual. It sounded to me like what he was saying is that Krishna is not bounded by Karma therefore He doesn’t suffer the consequences of His actions like we do. I’m not sure. Do you have any comments maharaja? Can you please explain some more about what is Krishna’s free will and how does He exercise it?

HpS - Just what we said above to start with. Is big topic. I would say our Free Will is like Krsna's because He gives it to us. It is not like His in some ways, but in the fact that it is Free is His gift and He let's us use it. It is like a father giving his son $100 and saying now use it as you wish.

On the topic of free will and preaching I am currently working on an article to challenge arguments put forward by modern science and Buddhism that there is no self and no free will. They claim that we don’t have free will and there is no self because our thoughts and activities go on automatically, deterministically, by chemical algorithms, and they use scientific studies for example this one where “brain scans can reveal your decision 7 seconds before you “decide”. Sadaputa Prabhu speaks bout these experiments also.


They also use experiences in Buddhist and Vipasana meditation and mindfulness to support their claims. A classic example is neuroscientists and popular atheist Sam Harris. I have challenged him personally on social media but he was smart not to validate my arguments by responding.

I will be presenting that free will is further back in the system, at the self in the heart, not in the head, and it is only used to accept the material perspective or spiritual perspective and not in our daily thoughts and activities (in our conditioned state), which are actually carried out by the three modes of material nature (BG 3.27)

HpS - Yeah!   BG 3.27 is nice verse to work from. Dr. Libbet who was one of the originators of these experiments used to visit the BI in San Francisco. I heard a big professor saying that the results weren't quite as clear as they were presented. There were a lot of techincal things they had to juggle to get the results, but yes, BG 3.27, the atma not the manas or buddhi.

Atheistic meditators say that when they mediate and move behind their thoughts they have a “not-self experience”, where consciousness loses contents. They can see [THEY CAN SEE?] that their thoughts and actions are just going on atomatically and therefore they argue there is no self and no free will [THEY SEE THIS? <img alt="wink" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/wink_smile.png" title="wink" width="23" />]. They go on to boast how liberating it is to accept “empty and meaningless”[Haw! Haw!  They accept this?  Who is this 'They'?], that it is the greatest need in the world today to realize this and they can’t help but move into promoting their voidism and mayavadi theology. I am challenging this and arguing that it is impossible for a not-self to have any experience at all. [Right on, Man!] If there really was no self there would be no experience to recall. Something had the experience. So really what they have experienced is a not-mind or not-body experience. They need to spend sometime redefining the self. They claim the self is in the mind and we are not our minds so then clearly we are something else. [My Self is in my stomach.]

When we meet with this self we also meet with our free will. That’s where we can choose the material perspective and get the false ego or the spiritual perspective. When we choose the spiritual perspective, when we have some genuine desire to know Krishna, He gives us all kinds of intelligence to see things clearly.  He washes the removes the false. Motivation and attitude precedes perception and perspective. [Yes. Why do you do science]. I believe I have learnt this from you, from your presentation of Krishna consciousness. Please feel free to correct me or add some things. Is my understanding correct or do I need to work on it?

Thank you very much Maharaja. I am really missing your association and I hope you can give me some service to keep me connected.

Hare Krishna!

Your aspiring servants

Dhruvananda, Dhanesvari, Suryani and Sarasvati

HpS - Jaya!  Seems nice. We hope to get to your Blog when we have non-metered internet connection. Prabhupadas advice was 1. Nice Reception, 2. Nice Prasada, 3. Nice logical discussions. Unless they are at least willing to listen honestly eg. Lord Caitanya and Sarva-bhauma and Prakasananda, then there cannot be a useful debate. If they become friends then the message can get across.

Go ahead!