MahaSankirtan ...from the land of the Gandharvas!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS! 

Dandavat Pranam Guru Maharaj. PAOHO

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

We are still in a state of extended Yaoshang Sankirtan!! We have missed you so much dear Guru Maharaj. The Yaoshang kirtan was explosive!! We celebrate for 5 days...non stop kirtan . We stormed Govindaji's temple.....sang, danced, and of course received the colours of pure ecstatic love....there was no stopping any one of not even  the police......and we had nothing on our minds except Gauranga!! Oh!! What a crowd.....sending some old links 

We are sending some photos which we had taken this time. The Chief Secretary of the State Shree RR Rashmi also happens to be a devotee of ISKCON, Patna. We were invited at his bangalow for the kirtan. HH BVT Swami Maharaj and HH BAHG Maharaj led our kirtan ...and needless to say we had a blast of a kirtan there too. Daily, just after Guru Puja we start our kirtan party from the temple and we finish by 8pm or a little later sometimes. Thats for 5 days...and still longing for more! This time our Chief minister suggested that we celebrate Yaoshang for just 2 days...the e-response was shockingly trivializing. One post went like....Dear Chief Minister Sir, kindly cut your 5 year term to 2 years!! The Chief minister has kept quiet since then!!!!

We dressed  RadhaKrishnachandra differently on the 2nd day ,called Pichkaari day....where there is a huge sankirtan at Govindajee temple. Nobody minds the colours thrown on them. The dress was supposed to be ordained on Guru Maharaja's 70th Vyas puja but somehow we could not finish stitching on time. Hope you like them dear Guru Maharaj, we are sending the photo.

Yesterday ,we went inside the main market area for Sunday nagarkirtan. Blissful always . Thank you dear Guru Maharaj. Started attending Mangal Arti at the temple daily nowadays with your endless mercy. Thank you so much.

Will try all we can to make the exchange program work if Krishna so desires. We have 2 very good dance teachers here who are closely associated with the temple. They train and make all the necessary arrangement. Will collect the motifs and do some homework on the tribal patterns and traditional designs, some of them are worn only by the royal blood. How may we help each other? We don't have sketches and other drawings based on SB and BG. We will keep praying that the movement gets bigger and stronger. Please help us Guru Maharaj ...we are so insignificant.....

Your servant always,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

Your servant always,

Sarada Gaurangi DD.

HpS - Wonderful!!!!    The devotees from Mexico are trying to contact you. Do you have Whatsapp?  Please send you telephone number and email to [email protected]