URGENT Gauri Devi Dasi's last report

1 year, 7 months ago by Rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am writing you this brief letter to tell you about my grandmother Gauri dd (Tarangaksi dd's mother).

Since last year her health declined and in the last few days she entered a critical state. She left her body this June 10th in the company of her relatives and listening to the Holy Names.

Guru Maharaja, my family and I would be very grateful if you could pray for her.

Trying to serve,

Rukmini dd



Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna. Krsna

. . . Krsna. . . Hare Hare /// Hare

. .Rama. . Hare Ra

. ma. . Rama. Rama. Hare. HARE!

She is being attracted to Lord Caitanya's

lila in Nadia?

Gaurasundara has such a big, BIG, B I G,

circus that he manifests there.

He needs all kinds of neighbors,

... friends, puppies, plantain tree bark sellers and their wives! Hare Krsna. Have you thought that she is so fortunate? She met Srila Prabhupada. Formally tied herself to his boat. Now left the pier and traveling to Gauranga's next lila? We hope she will take us after her.

🌴 🌴 . . . Hare Krsna. . .':'.. Hare Krsna



Letter from a soul in Argentina

Hari boool AGTSP

Please accept my humble obeisances

Yes, but some times the mind go and make everything 100 times more harderd that should be. (About the standard principles).

A few days ago I inject a vaccine against tetanus because I cut my self trying to make a bow and a few arrows, lets said that a machete is not so good for such delicate work.

ASA - Try to make arrows to shoot at others and get shot! 😆

Krsna is a rascal.


And i didin't see Deva-vrata (or at least i don't recognice him) but i have a loot of brothers in this part of south america, I remember several of them from some memory of my childhood other not so much.

In the next week I think we are going to Sankirtan :D Im very exited because that, the leaves were green the last time that I make (now we are in fall).

You have some advice for the live in temple?

Maybe something to control my mind?

ASA - Live in the Temple. Travel. Try out different service for some time. Try to understand your Daivi Varna Ashrama Dharma. What is your Karma, Varna, Ashrama and how Krsna wants to engage them. He wanted Arjuna to kill people!

Then maybe second initiation.

By 25-years old in regular Vedic culture one should get married or take Sannyasa.

How old are you?

What education, family experiences, personal test did you bring to Krsna Consciousness?

Often, on Sankirtan, it is easier to distribute five books than one book. This is not the age of Jnana, reading, learning. This is the age of Sankirtan.

Get people to think about taking the books not as something for them to learn, but as gifts for their friends etc. Try to make them into Sankirtan devotees. They might be able to see the book like that rather than as a source of knowledge.

Or maybe a secret to get a better result in Sankirtan?

Whit no more to add have a greate day :D

Hari boool


HpS - Sorry slow to answer. I think a lot has happened since this letter. Please write about it. We are struggling to integrate with the people, institutions, things here in our Base Camp. Then we can make some long term adjustments to our Sankirtan, no?

Reporte de Karuna Mayi Devi Dasi

1 year, 7 months ago by karunamayi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare krsna Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Esperando que se encuentre bien de salud y como siempre entusiasta en su sankirtan.

Le informo un poco de mi persona, disculpe la demora.

Sigo cantando 16 rondas, 4 principios y mis gayatris. 

Desde la última vez que lo ví en Santa Eulalia, viajamos a Ciudad del Éste y Asunción en Paraguay y luego a Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Durante todo ese tiempo, estuve ocupada como pujari cocinando y cambiando a Sus Señorías. Una experiencia muy linda y enriquecedora.

Ahora nos encontramos en Minas Gerais - Brasil en el proyecto de una devota Brasileña. Que tiene un lugar de 25 hectáreas, de los cuales 2 hectáreas están habilitadas con chalets, restaurant y templo, es muy hermoso. Lamentablemente no hay devotos viviendo aquí, y extrañamos la asociación. 

Acá estamos atendiendo a Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra y Salagrama Sila en el templo. Y a diferencia de antes, ahora me queda tiempo para atender a Krsna Balarama y Giriraja, ya que extrañaba mucho hacerlo.

Pienso que este lugar es de transición para lo que nos depare luego el destino. Sin embargo la parte positiva, es que tenemos tiempo para participar en FMP, ya que con los servicios de pujari de antes era imposible. Usted siempre muy acertado con sus comentarios en el FMP, aclara mis ideas y me motiva en mi vida espiritual. Le estoy muy agradecida.

Aún continuo trabajando con mi mente y mis emociones, no es nada facil. Entendí gracias a la astrología, el porqué reacciono de manera tan sorprendente ante alguna situación incomoda. Ahora me doy un tiempo para que mi mente se calme y no tomar decisiones apresuradas. También tengo que esforzarme para ubicarme en la modalidad de la bondad, para poder avanzar en mi vida espiritual. Ya que siento que en un momento me estanque y necesito desarrollarme más espiritualmente. Admito que tengo que trabajar mucho con mis distracciones. Y por ahora lo hago leyendo o escucho pasatiempos de krsna mientras pinto o cocino.

Por favor Gurudeva perdone por no ser más útil en su servicio.

Perdone mis ofensas, intentando ser mejor discípula

     karuna Mayi Devi dasi.



All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

 Hare Krsna, Gurudeva, please accept my respectful obeisances.

 Hoping you are in good health and as always enthusiastic in your Sankirtan.

HpS - If we are careful we have small but very good energy.

 I inform you a little about myself, sorry for the delay.

HpS/ASA - Yes, we have been anxious to hear about you.

 I keep chanting 16 rounds, 4 principles and my gayatris.

 Since the last time I saw him in Santa Eulalia, we traveled to Ciudad del Este and Asunción in Paraguay and then to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During all that time, I was busy as a pujari cooking and changing Their Lordships. A very nice and enriching experience.

HpS - Yes, even though it would seem to us that it was dry material service, dressing "the dolls", we also knew that as soon as we got on the altar with Them, it would all be delightful. They are people. Very playful, interesting people.

Now we are in Minas Gerais, Brazil in the project of a Brazilian devotee. That it has a place of 25 hectares, of which 2 hectares are enabled with chalets, restaurant and temple, it is very beautiful. Unfortunately there are no devotees living here, and we miss the association.

ASA - 😟

 Here we are attending Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra and Salagrama Sila in the temple. And unlike before, now I have time to attend to Krsna Balarama and Giriraja, as I missed doing so very much.

 I think that this place is in transition for what fate brings us later. However, the positive part is that we have time to participate in FMP, since with the pujari services of before it was impossible. You are always very accurate with your comments on the FMP, you clarify my ideas and motivate me in my spiritual life. I am very grateful with you.

 I'm still working with my mind and my emotions, it's not easy at all. Thanks to astrology, I understood why I react so surprisingly to some uncomfortable situation. Now I take time for my mind to calm down and not make hasty decisions. I also have to work to put myself in the mode of goodness, in order to advance in my spiritual life. Since I feel that at one point I stagnate and I need to develop more spiritually. I admit that I have to work a lot with my distractions. And for now I do it by reading or listening to Krsna's pastimes while painting or cooking.

 Please Gurudeva forgive me for not being more useful in his service.

 Forgive my offenses, trying to be a better disciple

      karuna Mayi Devi dasi.


HpS - Please send collection of artistic pictures of the Deities as you have dressed them.

Please send pictures of your art. Artistic pictures.

Yes, any place is a transitory place enroute to Braja.


Haré Krishna

1 year, 7 months ago by manjari.devi.dasi. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, querido Gurú Maharaja

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a usted

Respondiendo a su carta, de pequeña viví parte de mi infancia en el templo de Guadalajara Jalisco. En el templo de México tome Gurukula de mis 5 a 7 años con Madre Karuna Shakti Devi Dasi. Por mi parte cuando tuve oportunidad me volví residente del templo en ciudad de México desde el 23 de diciembre del 2020 hasta el 1ro de enero del 2022. Actualmente tengo servicio de guirnaldas una vez a la semana y apollo en el restaurante los fines de semana.

Me gustaría preguntarle si usted cree buena idea impartir clases a los devotos de kick boxing, al día de hoy tomo cursos para ser profesora del deporte y contamos con un campeonato nacional por lo que algunos devotos me han preguntado pero no sé si sea la idea más correcta

Muchas gracias por su misericordia

Todas las glorias a sus pies de loto

Mis reverencias querido Gurudeva


Responding to your letter, as a child I lived part of my childhood in the temple of Guadalajara, Jalisco. In the temple of Mexico I took Gurukula from my 5 to 7 years with Mother Karuna Shakti Devi Dasi. For my part, when I had the opportunity, I became a resident of the temple in Mexico City from December 23, 2020 to January 1, 2022. Currently I have a garland service once a week and I serve in the restaurant on weekends.

I would like to ask you if you think it is a good idea to give classes of kick boxing devotees, today I am taking courses to be a sports teacher and we have a national championship for which some devotees have asked me. But I do not know if it is the best idea correct

Thank you very much for your mercy

All glories at his lotus feet

My obeisances dear Gurudeva

HpS - AgtSP!!!... Any appreciation of any qualities we have is Srila Prabhupada. We weak. So many nice devotees in Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON. It is like seeing so many nice planets, all different, in thje Solar system, but one Sun fuels and moves them all.

Kick boxing and stuff are dangerous. How they might be especially dangerous for female persona, material ego, I don't know.

  • Of course, "maya tatam idam sarvam..." everything can be done for Krsna, must be used for Krsna. How can you use it for Krsna?
  • Healthy.
  • Fame that can go to Krsna.
  • Defend the weak against the strong when good argument fails.

In general, it seems that exercise and co-ordination you learn might be good, but combat competition seems wrong unless you are married to a Ksatriya, Baron, Count, Duke, King.

Dance for Radha Madana Gopal all by yourself when no one else in watching for a rather long time. Then you will get your answer.

To all readers

1 year, 7 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

वासनाद्वासुदेवस्य वासितं भुवनत्रयम् ।

सर्वभूतनिवासोऽसि वासुदेव नमोऽस्तु ते ॥

Vāsanādvāsudevasya vāsitaṁ bhuvanatrayam। Sarvabhūtanivāso'si vāsudeva namo'stu te॥

Vāsanā-- the real desire,

Vās- a place to reside

Vāsudeva--all pervading

the source is Krsna..

--thought it would be useful , as every one has momentary desire and place to stay.

ASA/HpS -- https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/1/5/37/

Thank you.





1 year, 7 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Hare Krsna. 🐵

Brother ass is getting chronic chest pains. They diminish if we keep our priorities,

  1. Our first priority is Kirtanya sada harih. [Hari Bolo! Hari Bolo]
  2. Our second priority is dictated by the first. Ie. whatever plans, projects, thoughts and perspectives the Holy Names want to keep as Their companions, that is what we accept.