Paramaanandha Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Welcoming Ceremony

1 year, 7 months ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It was wonderful meeting you and spending time with you in the Boro. The program in the park was beautiful.

We organized a very nice welcoming ceremony for Paramaanandha Sri Sri Gaura Nitai on 13th May. We invited our devotee group in Atlanta, had nice kirtan and prasadam.

This is a small literal welcoming ceremony we did:

We are trying to serve them nicely Guru Maharaj. Vishaka is very attached to them and dresses them every day in nice clothes. Please bless us to serve them with enthusiasm and devotion for the rest of our lives Guru Maharaj.

We forgot to ask the other day Guru Maharaj, but do you have any instructions for us on how to serve Their Lordships?

HpS - Nothing special!!!

We also did abishek on Ekadashi for Their Lordships.

We are trying to do the full morning program everyday.

We are in Dallas now at Srinath and Divya's place for 2 weeks for Sadhu Sanga.

Your humble servant

Srirama Krishna Das

HpS - Thank you for this news!! It was so nice for you to visit The Boro also. Devotees were very happy to meet you.

We will have another program the 15th of July. Then hopefully a big program in September.

Can you get in touch with H. H. Bhakti-vikasha Swami?


Jay Maharaj!

1 year, 7 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports


how r u? Here Im soing good, had some days being ill, and now Im gradually getting back to my regular Sadhana, well, regarding the falling of the jiva, I’ve read the verse you mentioned, and frankly speeking I’ve been hearing some of Bhaktisundar Maharaj’s classes and I got to know that he has another opinion on the subject, and I adhere to it.

You Maharaj have always been a great inspiration for me and you will always be, regardless of that topic.

Many times when I speak in English I remember you, I feel you inspire me to speak better :)

I’ve been through some struggle in my life, we are not seeing more each other with my ex conjugal partner, and I quit some bad habits which make me feel better, also have to be very strict with my diet in order to feel ok :) so that’s in part a thing I like because tapasya is the only way to get to know Krishna.

I’ve been following a local Ayurvedic doctor and now I’m seeking another one from India looking for some more advanced Ayurvedic treatment and knowledge as the one I was having some years ago. In spite of the doctor I’m learning new stuff about ayurveda, which may seem very basic for some people, like the importance of being well shaved, having a cold shower, sometimes I need to hear it from the right person and other times it works reading or informing me about the subject to desire it or to begin to practice it. I’ve always been really curious. Now Im reading the 3rd canto, the answers from Maitreya Muni, Im really enjoying it.

Also Im working a lot and trying to sabe some money for the future. I reduced my spendings to the minimum, just buying the best bhoga I can get to perform the simplest diet which keeps me in good health.

Thank you for let me perceive more my feelings.

Maharaj, how can I develop more tolerance? how can I be very careful with the medical diet and the sadhana?

hope you are well Maharaj!!

please accept again my obeisances!

your servant,


HpS - AgtSP!!!!! Text Three of Upadesamrta gives so much information about tolerance.

Hope you are having nice association with devotees.

Are you in Mexico?

My respects to Bh. Sundara Maharaja if you meet him!!

Hari Bolo.

Hare Krsna

1 year, 7 months ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, por favor reciba mis respetuosas reverencias.

Nuevamente escribiéndole después de unos meses para informarle lo que vengo haciendo en la actualidad y también para comentarle algunos temas personales.

Sigo viviendo acá en Huancayo-Perú.

Hace aproximadamente 3 meses que no estoy haciendo sankirtan (distribución de los libros de Srila Prabhupada), por diferentes circunstancias.

Estoy trabajando con Prabhu Devarshi Narada, el devoto da clases de manera virtual sobre temas de (Jyotish, Vastu, Ayurveda, etc). Se le encuentra en facebook (Astrología Védica Perú).

Mi trabajo consiste en editar libros de Jyotish, Ayurveda, etc; también algunos libros como el Uddhava-gita, Paramatma-Sandarbha, Bhagavat-Sandarbha, etc.

También estoy estudiando Diseño Gráfico, prácticamente me estoy actualizando. (Los tiempos son diferentes).

Aprendiendo Palmistry-Samudrika, muy interesante por que también lleva Jyotish.

Con respecto a mi Sadhana, 4:30 am Mangal-artik me conecto con usted y los hermanos espirituales por GotoMeeting, 16 rondas, cuatro principios, mí lectura personal, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 4, primera parte “La creación de la cuarta orden”, Capítulo 15 “Advenimiento y coronación del Rey Prthu”.

Mi servicio es todos los días atendiendo a la Govardhana Sila y Saligrama Silas, bañándolas y dándole sus alimentos, también atiendo a Gaura Nitay.

No estoy asistiendo al templo de Huancayo, hay mucha política, mi asociación es con mis amigos devotos a través de redes sociales y llamadas por celular y en Mangal-artik con usted y los hermanos espirituales.

Tengo comunicación con la madre Nadiya Nivasi Dasi, por asuntos de la casa y terrenos, queremos vender la casa. También mantenemos una bonita amistad sin rencores.

Ahora mi enfoque es cultivarme personalmente y espiritualmente.

Me despido de usted Guru Maharaja, que Nrsimha lo proteja siempre.

Hare Krsna.


Gadai Gauranga Dasa.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja, please accept my respectful obeisances.

Writing to you again after a few months to inform you of what I am currently doing and also to discuss some personal issues.

I still live here in Huancayo-Peru.

I have not been doing sankirtan (distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books) for about 3 months, due to different circumstances.

HpS/ASA - ...but we meet people that KRSNA sends to us in our regular work and to them we can preach and distribute books, no?

I am working with Prabhu Devarshi Narada, the devotee teaches virtually on topics of (Jyotish, Vastu, Ayurveda, etc). He is found on facebook (Vedic Astrology Peru).

My job is to edit books on Jyotish, Ayurveda, etc; also some books like Uddhava-gita, Paramatma-Sandarbha, Bhagavat-Sandarbha, etc.

I am also studying Graphic Design, I am practically updating myself. (The times are different).

Learning Palmistry-Samudrika, very interesting because it also has Jyotish.

Regarding my Sadhana, 4:30 am Mangal-artik I connect with you and Godbrothers by GotoMeeting, 16 rounds, four principles, my personal reading, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 4, first part “The creation of the fourth order ”, Chapter 15 “Advent and coronation of King Prthu”.

HpS - Srila Prabhupada said that for understanding Political Science we shall study the speeches of Maharaja Prth! Then you can teach the Mayor, Governor, President!

My service is every day taking care of Govardhana Sila and Saligrama Silas, bathing them and giving them their food, I also take care of Gaura Nitay.

I am not attending the Huancayo temple, there is a lot of politics, my association is with my devoted friends through social networks and cell phone calls and in Mangal-artik with you and the spiritual brothers.

HpS - I heard from Srila Prabhupada's lips that there will always be problems in the Temples. This is the material world, but we should take shelter of Krsna and Balarama (Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!), and then go on with our service to Srila Prabhupada in ISKCON making friendships with devotees in terms of their purity and avoiding their material attachments.

Fine art.

Associate as you can.

Watch for KRSNA to adjust the politics!

I have communication with mother Nadiya Nivasi Dasi, for house and land issues, we want to sell the house. We also maintain a beautiful friendship without grudges.

HpS - Very nice. By your advancement in Hari Kirtan and the association of devotees, we can establish Daivi Varna Ashrama Dharma in the proper form in the current Age.

My focus now is to cultivate myself personally and spiritually.

I bid you farewell Guru Maharaja, may Nrsimha protect you always.

Hare Krsna.


Gadai Gauranga Dasa.

HpS - Thank you!! Expect Krsna to send many opportunities for Sankirtan. Catch them. Maybe He will do big magic.

Report from Eastern hemisphere

1 year, 7 months ago by rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble Obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Kapi Dvaja family ki Jay!

I left China for three months. There are some difficulties by government forcing us to leave from there. We are trying to get student visa to India hoping to see you in Kartik in Vrindavan. Past 3 years Chinese are unable to get visa and small hope is now there to get student visa.

I was in Malaysia Pengnan temple for a while doing seva in kitchen. My husband was invited by New Govardhan devotees in Australia for book distribution. We made all arrangements for that but somehow ended up on Bali Indonesia.

Prabhuji got to talk to nama hattas that they have and devotees expressed their desire that he stays and helps out here which he complied. Last year in Bali, government banned public activities and made a bad name to devotees.

TP here is however favorable to prabhus proposal of doing books to foreigners only and books from BBT Mumbai are already on the way. Plenty of "spiritual" towns here with weekly new crowd coming for spiritual tourism. Please give us your blessings and mercy on us to do some service for Prabhupada.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna!!! 👍 Maybe Krsna one Prince.

Maharaja, me and my husband, we always talk about you ,we are eager to listen to your classes. On the another day, we listened your class from Houston and Melbourne. We keep doing our daily reading. My husband made a reading list for me. There are so many wonderful books in Krsna Consciousness. I am trying to do my best with my limited English and limited English surrounding devotees. Prabhuji is determined so I follow his tail.

I bow down to your lotus feet and serve you with my heart.

Your aspirant servant

Bht. Rukmini/Wang Pan

HpS - ASA - Esteemed Wang Pan and Family,

Very esteemed husband can send us some news also?

What kind of people he meets on Sankirtan?

You are following all the rules strictly and with enthusiasm for one year? Time for initiation?

Thank you so much for this news. It is very, very, very enlightening fore us.

So many wonderful things we can all do together, all the different nations. Why do war together?


1 year, 7 months ago by yajnasenidd in Personal Sadhana Reports


I felt like a mother can’t hurt her child even in self-defence, I couldn’t file FIR on my husband despite green signal from my spiritual and material guardians. So I hired a lawyer and found that his untruthful abuse affidavit will not affect me much.

What a story Krsna is writing. It feels maybe his gf needs my money, home, all the things I bought in my home, my husband and a child from him (facing infertility issues at ~40) more than me, now that she’s left her own husband.

Regarding being exiled, I feel I should tolerate. But, Im not sure if I also shouldn’t strive to recover my husband on the path of dharma (solely for duty’s sake, nothing can be expected of him. I can do this by filing FIR on gf for extramarital affair, he will not be able to openly support her and it will create dissension between them. Or inform her parents that she’s creating problems in a marriage and she will never get marriage here.) He’s been thinking about engagement with her.

It is due to his vikarmic tendencies that always brought out my disciplinarian side (why I was avoiding this marriage). If someone met Mandodari on an ordinary day with Ravan, maybe she would be a little wary with him too, though Ravana may seem innocent.

My father asked him to give me access to my home as a bare minimum, but he refused saying first file seperation etc and I can give some money, (gives no estimate what to speak of alimony as you guided to pin him down with to make him accountable and thus help him become more self-controlled). Money is his noose. Now until he is court ordered to start paying alimony, he won’t even try to improve current immoral position.

Or should I just completely leave them to their painful karma 🥹🙏 and focus on something sublime instead of this vibhatsa situation. Please guide 🙏.

If Rama entertained Surupnakha, what should have Sita’s relatives done with her?

your servant,

Yajnaseni DD

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. As usual, American Spring can hit us with 175% disability from hayfever.

Adhibautica klesa, adhidaivika klesa - distress caused by others, d. caused by the demigods ie. Spring Devi.

They are all less than disturbances caused by death.

We have to take them as a chance learn to chant HK/HR in all circumstances.

Can you chant HK//HR withe vocal apparatus of a dog, and me with it of a frog?

Ribit, Ribit.

[?} Ritvik, Ritvik???

Very bad situation, I hold my breath, and sure enough lot of energy in the body still.

Use it to serve Krsna.

Arjuna killed Bhisma as service to Krsna.

Try to help your husband, that's what Mandodhari did, no?

But in proportion to whatever other service Krsna wants from you.

Stay in touch with Abhiseka Das, in proportion.

Develope your dance, cinema, projects with partners as much as Krsna allows.

Keep a copy of a letter from lawyer showing why you made decision not to file.

Hari Bolo.


asa(e), vad, sannyasa, stri dharma, conversations


Bhaktin Priya Texted HpSwami:

"I would like to tell you about my experience today going to an ISKCON temple in which there was an attempt to seriously extort me - arranged by a devotee calling me “Maraji” but misrepresenting the cost of fuel x10. You can give me a call."

ASA 🐵:

Thank you for your text message. Bhakta T. Brown here. We are HpSwami, Anjana Suta Academy (ASA), Secretary. He said to explain that someone in Sannyasa Ashrama, like himself, has got these rules to follow.

I guess it is like your good self. You have to follow rules as a lawyer.

He said that he tried to explain this before but guess he missed the mark.

Very nice explanation of ths Sannyasa Dharma, Rules, is in Srila Prabhupada's BG. Starts at the following link and then especially goes through the next two paragraphs.

Is it clear? ?? 😕

Someone like yourself can do so, so much needed service in ISKCON.

". . . .forbidden to have any intimate relationship with a woman."

It goes on to explain this as even having conversations in a "secluded place". Of course, this also means individual telephone calls in a rigorous sense.

It is not to just avoid the tricks of Maya in causing gross fall downs. It is also to avoid becoming habitualed to an informal ambience in our dealings with the opposite sex.

Is O.K.?

If you like we can put you in touch with very nice Grhasta family in Houston who can answer a lot of these questions, and give practical help in catching Con Artists.

Please answer in this Blog 🐸. At least five more people will find this dialog personally useful.

Thank you.

Go ahead. Go back home, back to Godhead.