Anandamaya dd

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


Hare Krishna querido Guru Maharaj estamos al tanto de sus noticias en su campamento base en Tennessee, tomé tiempo para reportarme de nuevo al blog después de su visita de marzo en abril tuve visitas de mis suegros por una semana ahora por fin el hogar vuelve a tener calma y orden, el sadhana está bien algunos días mi bebé me despierta a las 2 am otros días puedo descansar y levantarme temprano soy honesta me cuesta pero el deseo de continuar está muy presente en mi, gracias por sus palabras e instrucciones.

Por aquí mis hijos mayores comenzaron a asistir al colegio entonces ahora hacemos tareas y preparamos a Jay y Gopal para sus clases así que estoy adaptándome a la nueva dinámica familiar.

En nueva Govardhan esta semana nos a visitado Bhakta Ramón hicimos programa en la mañana y en la tarde también Ramón ayudó a colocar cerca en el terreno de frente y ahora Nandita tiene su amplio hogar para moverse libre.

Llegaron 2 Tulasis más a nuestro hogar por la misericordia de Tulasi Maharani están creciendo fuertes y con muchos manjaris en el jardín de lavanda y romero, Krishna Balaram reciben flores frescas cada día le comparto algunas fotos.

Desde el fin de su visita estamos en contacto vía WhatsApp con Dhruva & Dhanesvari tenemos el plan de que vuelvan a visitarnos próximamente, conseguimos buena amistad y aprecio con ellos deseamos colaborar juntos. También estamos platicando constantemente con Karuna Shakti y familia de Sacinandana. Como dice a Gadadhar el 50% está echo ahora el resto 50% podemos desarrollar maravillas nos conocimos un poco más entre hermanos espirituales diferentes perspectivas, carácter ohh dramas🤔

? jeje en mi experiencia personal convivir con mis hermanas espirituales mayores como Dhanesvari, Gopi Radha, Chandra Mukhi, Asta Sakhi, Yugala, Karuna, Mani Kundali cada una fue un rayito de luz en mi corazón verlas y tener su magnífica asociación, definitivamente guardo en mi 💞

tan bonita convivencia trascendental y aprovecho para agradecer a cada uno de los visitantes por su servicio y participación en el campamento ASA. El programa de predica en Monterrey continua Bhakta Guillermo dirige cada domingo la lectura bueno parece buena respuesta de audiencia y Gadadhar asiste después de cocinar en el restaurante.

De mi parte su sirviente Gadadhar y Ananda-maya le agradecemos su tiempo en Nueva Govardhan queremos hacerle saber que siempre tendrá una invitación a volver si usted lo desea y Krishna lo permita🙏


No deseo quitarle más su valioso tiempo Gurudev deseo que se encuentre bien :)

Ananda-maya Devi Dasi


All glories to Srila Prabhupada


Hare Krishna, dear Guru Maharaj

we are aware of your news in your base camp in Tennessee,

I took time to report back to the blog after your visit in March in April.

I had visits from my in-laws for a week now finally home has again calm and order,

the sadhana is fine some days

my baby wakes me up at 2 am,

other days I can rest and get up early

I am honest it is hard for me but the desire to continue is very present in me, thank you for your words and instructions.

Around here my older children started school so now we do homework and prepare Jay and Gopal for their classes, so I am adjusting to the new family dynamic.

In Nueva Govardhan this week Bhakta Ramón visited us, we did a program in the morning and in the afternoon. Ramón also helped to set up a fence in the front field and now Nandita has her spacious home to move freely.

ASA - 🐒 🐒 🐵 🐮 🐄

2 more Tulasis arrived at our home.

by the mercy of Tulasi Maharani they are growing strong and with many manjaris in the lavender and rosemary garden,

Krishna Balaram receive fresh flowers every day, I share some photos with you.

Since the end of his visit, we are in contact via WhatsApp with Dhruva & Dhanesvari,

we have the plan that they will visit us again soon,

we get good friendship and appreciation with them,

we want to collaborate together.

We are also constantly talking with Karuna Shakti and Sacinandana's family.

As he says to Gadadhar 50% is done, now the rest 50% we can develop.

wonders we got to know each other a little more between godbrothers different perspectives, character

Ohh dramas🤔?

he he, in my personal experience living with my older godsisters like Dhanesvari, Gopi Radha, Chandra Mukhi, Asta Sakhi, Yugala, Karuna, Mani Kundali,

each one was a ray of light in my heart to see them and have their magnificent association,

I definitely keep it in my 💞

 such a beautiful transcendental coexistence and I take this opportunity to thank each of the visitors for their service and participation in the ASA camp.

ASA - 🐒 . . 🌴

🐮 🐦 🐦

. . . 🌴

. 🐻 . . . 🐘

The preaching program in Monterrey continues, Bhakta Guillermo directs the reading every Sunday. It seems like a good response from the audience and Gadadhar attends after cooking in the restaurant.

HpS - He sent a post for the Blog. Let us look at it next.

From me, his servant Gadadhar and Ananda-maya, thank you for your time in Nueva Govardhan, we want to let you know that you will always have an invitation to return if you wish and Krishna allows it 🙏

HpS - 😞 We have so many nice memories. It was such a practical visit. Go ahead developing preaching. What is the closer town than Monterrey? Santo Moreles? Meet people. Give them BG, SB, and let them preach.

New Govardhana will go to the spiritual world no?

Hope your children are super!

Give us all your mercy.

I don't want to take any more of your valuable time Gurudev I wish you are well :)

Ananda-maya Devi Dasi

Urgente Letter from Yugala Kishor

1 year, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hk pamho querido Guru Maharaja

Ayer fue un día muy bonito, empecé adorar a Jaganatha medianito, tengo mi JBS en minitura Ud. las conoce, ahora crecieron creo que Subadra estaba muy contenta. Así que mi vida sigue como pujarina como en nueva Govardhan, solo adoración en las mañanas, noche acostarlas, las cambio a las deidades grandes una vez por semana son prestadas, y a mis Gaura Nitai siempre. Por el momento estoy distribuyendo libros, estudiando el SB sistemáticamente para sacar el título BV, me da mucha felicidad hacer ensayos, escribir es lo mío. Y estoy avanzando los planes de lo que conversamos en Mexico. Espero en un futuro servir con mi intelecto, pido sus bendiciones para tener éxito en ese propósito.

Fue muy buena la venida de Prabhu Navina Nirada, nos dio muchas ideas, el grupo de harinama, junto con Prabhu Kolaveca, Caturatma y otros, decidimos incursionar en predica universitaria, empezaremos en San Marcos, donde Ud. abrió las puertas y hay varios contactos. Tenemos un plan, vemos que Krsna está facilitando todo, por ello, una vez que el proyecto esté por escrito, deseamos tener una reunión virtual con Ud. para que nos dé más luces e ideas. Ello puede ser la próxima semana con el grupo, espero le sea posible, una reunión grupal por zoom o gotomeeting pienso que una hora es más que suficiente.

Mientras no trabaje estaré haciendo viajes cortos. Estuve en Chile unas semanas, moría por asociación y servicio, aprendí mucho, vi a Srinat en su bhakti vrksa, Krsna me bendijo mucho, hizo su magia, me cumplió muchos deseos que abrigaba en mi corazón, me encanta la nueva generación liderada por miembros de ASA, con su frescura, educación, actitud de servicio y entusiasmo lideran el templo de Carrera. Siempre traerán invitados Gurus, líderes para motivar a los devotos que por lo general tienen un público juvenil.

Me quedo a la espera de su respuesta, para informar al grupo de Harinama, que se llama Bhakti yoga. Después del ayuno seco estoy algo cansada pero muy purificada. A veces falla mi señal de internet, estoy ideando un plan para organizar mejor mi tiempo, que sea más productivo para mi crecimiento personal. Es muy divertido ser brahmacarini, a veces en el templo, otras fuera, siempre sirviendo, siempre agradecida y libre para predicar.


Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kisora Dasi (El león a punto de saltar)


HK, pamho dear Guru Maharaja

Yesterday was a very beautiful day, I started to adore Jaganatha at a medium age, I have my JBS in miniature, you know them, now they have grown up, I think Subadra was very happy. So my life continues as pujarina as in New Govardhan, only worship in the morning, bed at night, I change Them to the great deities once a week, they are borrowed, and to my Gaura Nitai always.

At the moment I am distributing books, studying the SB systematically to obtain the BV title, it gives me great happiness to do essays, writing is my thing.

And I am advancing the plans of what we talked about in Mexico. I hope in the future to serve with my intellect, I ask for your blessings to succeed in that purpose.

The visit of Prabhu Navina Nirada was very good, he gave us many ideas, the Harinama group;

Together with Prabhu Kolaveca, Caturatma and others, we decided to venture into university preaching,

we will start in San Marcos,

where you opened the doors and there are several contacts .

We have a plan, we see that Krsna is facilitating everything, therefore, once the project is written, we want to have a virtual meeting with you so that you can give us more insights and ideas.

This could be next week with the group, I hope it is possible, a group meeting by zoom or gotomeeting, I think that one hour is more than enough.

HpS - You can see that our donkey moves rather slowly now, but with great perspective. I also hope we can meet soon.

While I'm not working I'll be making short trips.

I was in Chile for a few weeks, I was dying for association and service, I learned a lot.

I saw Srinat in his Bhakti vrksa.

Krsna blessed me a lot, He worked his magic, He fulfilled many wishes that I had in my heart.

I love the new generation led by members de ASA, with their freshness, education, attitude of service and enthusiasm, lead the temple of Carrera.

They will always bring Gurus guests, leaders to motivate the devotees who usually have a youthful audience.

I am waiting for your response, to inform the Harinama group, which is called Bhakti yoga.

After the dry fast I am somewhat tired but very purified.

Sometimes my internet signal fails, I am devising a plan to better organize my time, to be more productive for my personal growth.

It is so much fun to be a Brahmacarini, sometimes in the temple, sometimes outside, always serving, always grateful and free to preach.

Haribolo ⚡

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kisora Dasi

(The lion about to pounce) 🦁

HpS/ASA - Very nice. Soon you will have no material body. Even if it appears in the physical world.

Soon we will play with Krsna.


Sraddha foe Gauri Devi Dasi

"Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Pamho🙏AGTSP!! It's Rukmini dd. On behalf of my family, thank you very much for your response to my letter and your prayers to my grandmother. She indeed had an auspicious departure. We have one last question, we'd appreciate your reply. When would you recommend us to perform the sradha ceremony? She left her body on June 10th.", Rukmini Devi Dasi

HpS- ASA --- We don't know how many days after the departure? Maybe a reader knows and can write. We recommend keep the departed on our thoughts, Bhuvar Mandala, because that creates an auspicius atmosphere for them.

Seems like having their picture and giving them Mahaprasadam at the Sunday feast is the best Sraddha ceremony. Describe the departed's qualities and chant HK//HR for them.

Thank you!

Priyasakhī Devi Dasi

1 year, 7 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Gurudev, estoy escribiendo durante FMS porque después puedo olvidarlo.

En las clases de SB del comité de educación de Iskcon Chile, vamos en el canto 1 capítulo 11.

Este sábado comenzamos el curso de Discípulos. Tenemos 7 estudiantes hasta ahora.

Quería contarle que he estado con insomnio por algunas semanas.

A veces leo o reviso el celular o solo pienso y luego me da sueño. Entonces duermo a la hora de FMS, para recuperarme pues debo hacer muchas cosas durante el día, especialmente asegurarme que los niños vayan a la escuela, bañados, alimentados y a tiempo.

Duermo entre 5 a 6 horas y eso me preocupa un poco.

Entiendo que Srila Prabhupada dijo que había que dormir 6 horas no?.

¿Cuál ha sido Su experiencia Gurudev? Con las horas de descanso?

Me complica dormir 5 o 6 horas. Porque me estresa pensar en todas las cosas que debo hacer y cumplir, y creo que debo descansar más 🤷🏻‍♀️.

No quiero volverme más loca 🤭

Ayer fui al doctor y me haré exámenes y tengo hora con psicóloga.

Vamos a ver si el burro está bien o si está fallando.

Disculpa por tomar tu tiempo en estas cosas 🙏🏻

Mis reverencias.

Priyasakhī Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Gurudev, I am writing during FMS because afterwards I can forget about it.

In the SB classes of the Iskcon Chile education committee, we go in canto 1 chapter 11.

This Saturday we begin the Disciples course. We have 7 students so far.

I wanted to tell you that I have been suffering from insomnia for a few weeks.

Sometimes I read or check my cell phone or just think and then I get sleepy. So I sleep at FMS time, to recover since I have to do many things during the day, especially making sure the children go to school, bathed, fed and on time.

I sleep between 5 to 6 hours and that worries me a little.

I understand that Srila Prabhupada said that you have to sleep for 6 hours, right?

What has been his Gurudev's experience of him? With the rest hours?

It makes it difficult for me to sleep 5 or 6 hours. Because it stresses me out thinking about all the things I have to do and fulfill, and I think I should rest more ♀️ 🤷🏻.

I don't want to go crazier 🤭

Yesterday I went to the doctor and I will take tests and I have an appointment with a psychologist.

Let's see if the donkey is okay or if it's failing.

Sorry for taking your time on these things 🙏🏻

My obeisances.

Priyasakhi Devi Dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna! AgtSP. Paoho. This is nice text:

IIs big, big, topic. Six hours is enough if we have simple Sattvic life.

If driving for a long time the next day then Srila Prabhupada recommend even 8-hours before.

If we are transcendental Brahmanas like the six goswamis then 2-hours a day with short naps is enough.

So many details.

Even the secular society knows these. Eg:

Don't look at computer or TV screen for one hour before sleep.

Don't eat things that will energize your senses for active work.

Have a good Sadhana so that your heart is not bothered by terrible aspects of the material world.

We struggle with this but are learning more and more.

Do the best you can. Consult with doctors. Don't expect a perfect solution.

Try only eating Ekadasi stuff after 4PM. Don't nap too much. Go to bed early and get up early and get your rounds done!

Sadhana Guimo

1 year, 7 months ago by guimo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna 🙌🏼💙

All Glories to Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupada. 

All Glories to Guru Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami. 

All Glories to the devotees.

This is Bhakta Guimo from Monterrey México. Thank You for your merciful response. Yes, Guillermo Sepúlveda is my secular name.

Following principles, chanting, reading (entering Mathura Leela in SB), and starting attending the morning Vanara Voices in spanish. Hope and pray to be sthira/still in this brave darsan. 

At your sweet service 🙏🏼🥭

HpS - So, Don Guimo, for how long now following 16-rounds, 4-principles? Regularly getting up for Mangala arati, Kirtan, SB?

Initiation in Richmond

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble Obeisance's and kindly forgive my offenses.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.

Dayal Nitai Gaura Chandra ki Jai!!

I'm Krishna from Richmond.

I Spoke with Divyanam Das Prabhuji about initiation. He will share the recommendation letter directly with you Guru Maharaja.

Can we have in-person initiation ceremony in Richmond Dayal Nitai caitanya candra's home.? Please give us permission Guru Maharaja.

Always serving your lotus feet.

Thank you Gurumaharaja. Haribol!

HpS - Thank you! Srila Prabhupada is pleased when we formally sign-up for membership in his army, no? So, much work to do. So, much.

Our gross body is not traveling so much now.

Minimum is that someone pick us up at the door and deliver us back to our door.

Allegiante Air has direct flights between Nashville and Richmond on Thursday and Sunday.

Maybe someone could come for our festival on the Satruday the 15th of July and we could go back together on Sunday and then come back the following weekend????
