from asura to devotee

1 year, 7 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Gurudev.

Please receive my most humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you.

HpS - AgtSP!!!! ! ! ! ! ! paoho...

How are you doing? I hope your health is fine 🙏

ASA - This body does not get diseases, this body is a disease!

We got bug bites on our ankle, shoulder and too much fat on our stomach... but ... for a 75-years old American we are in the top 15%! AgtSP!. Agt Bhakti Yoga!

Thank you.

How are you? How is Campaka lata Devi Dasi's health?

The other day, in a class you gave, (after a question I asked about austerities, etc...) you said: "in the next life he may be born as Hiranyakasipu..."

And I kept thinking... because you could detect that sometimes I feel like a demon, who has anger and resentment against Krsna, (like Hiranyakasipu who hated Krsna)...

How can I get out of that immature position of being angry with God? How can I become a friend of God like Arjuna or Sudama brahmana?

Thank you Gurudev.

With your blessings I can become a vaisnava aspirant.

My eternal obeisances.

Thank you for accepting me as your would-be disciple.

Deva-Vrata das. cordoba Argentina

HpS - It's a very deep question. I don't even know the answer well enough for myself to try and give you a deep answer for yourself, but. . . what about NoI 7?

After working, we hope, with some tiny, tiny, sincerity, at Srila Prabhupada's yoga for over 40-years, we seem to think that Text 7 is completely true. It's a big deal to get those deep roots out of the heart, but each time we chant, "Hare Krsna" we are destroying the roots.

What do you think?

Sometimes do you see how nice is Goloka, and how we have to be different beings to live there?

We can get free from this envy because Krsna is such a nice friend!


Hare Krsna, Gurudev.

Reciba mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a usted.

¿Cómo está? 

Espero que su salud esté bien 🙏

El otro día, en una clase que diste, (luego de una prengunta que hice sobre las austeridades, etc...)

dijiste: "en la próxima vida puede nacer como Hiranyakasipu..."

Y quedé pensando... porque pudiste detectar que a veces me siento como un demonio, que tiene enojo y resentimiento contra Krsna, (como Hiranyakasipu que odiaba a Krsna)...

¿Cómo puedo salir de esa posición inmadura de estar enojado con Dios? ¿Cómo puedo convertirme en un amigo de Dios como Arjuna o Sudama brahmana?

Gracias Gurudev.

Con tus bendiciones puedo convertirme en un aspirante a vaisnava.

Mis reverencias eternas. Gracias por aceptarme como tu aspirante a discípulo.

Deva-Vrata das. Córdoba, Argentina

update after operation

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva, AGTSP, PAMHO,

As your grace [holiness 😄] wrote in 14190 --"we need pictures of you!"

We have only two pictures of ourself, one before going in operation theatre and one after coming out...


Secondly we think our great/only fortune is that you wanted to give initiation to us, even we are not qualified at all.

HpS - You were, we are, by His Divine Grace!


while discussing our progress with HG Parth Pratim Prabhu,


animal birth in bharat --- human birth( manusya janam) --- janam sarthak kori --- karo paropkar....

it was found ..

our desire to be exceptional interfers with our following small things... though we know in this effort we might compete with Krsna, but i think effort to acheive pure devotional service is itself exceptional,

ASA 🦁 Damn right it is!


anyways-- we know we want to approach you as pyschologist, father, spiritual master, friend..

we have approached to you earlier as either of these, and you have reciprocated perfectly..


as there many letters/instructions/advices by you given to us in this blog, hence we are not writing as much as earlier to this blog.....

though we actually want to write ...


trying to becoming Hayagriva Avatar Das

small but eternal progress

ASA - 🐵. . . 🐖 Hey! What about your surgery. How big is the scar? Did you see the gunk they cut out? Was the doctor feel'n good about the shop work?

How many more miles you got on your present kindeys? Did they give you a warranty?

Hare Krishna!

1 year, 7 months ago by abhaya_dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, my apologies Maharaja for the lack of context..

In a previous letter I had written to you about how it seems difficult to have relationships in this world, and also with devotees in the setting of a Brahmacari asrama, and you responded by mentioning text 5 of the NOI, and how it helped you see and deal with different devotees accordingly.

You also wrote later in your message that,

We really, all, only have one Best Friend, and until we get His association we will feel lonely.”

So I was just appreciating that.. that Krishna is our best friend actually and until we reawaken that relationship, we will always feel like something or someone is missing..

And I will attach a picture below so you might recognize me, and a couple other pictures of our sankirtan here! I am one of five of the Brahmacaris here in the Houston asrama.

Hare Krishna Maharaja! Thank you. 🙏

Your servant, Abhaya dasa

HpS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP!


Thanks for the clarification.

We are also looking for closer association.

It is 181% our lack of love for Krsna. We are selfish, greedy, vain and so we don't want any friends. We want servants. People who will gratify our egoistic vanities.

Ooof! What a mess.

If Krsna gives us His association, then it naturally purifies our hearts and is established as a habit naturally.

Let us just love Krsna.

Play with Him.

Play with Him and His, our, friends.

Sometimes there are are many people in our material society.

Sometimes there are only a few.

It is impossible to find a simple external reason why.

Our aglomeration is decided by subtle forces projecting over lifetimes.

Hmmm. Hari Bolo!


5.51PM - join the MOE education symposium!

See you in just a few minutes.

Hope some of Sankirtan is useful to you, and you will engage us in some of yours.


🐵 🐷

Personal and Mandir Report

1 year, 7 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Dandavat Pranam

All glories to HpS Guru Maharaj, Gouranga Mahaprabhu, and Radha Krsna ki jay.

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji Maharaja padamacharan that our senior bhakta Dr. Leisangthem Nandalal Singh, Retd. Joint Director, Health Services, Govt. of Manipur (Nanda Sutta Das), initiated Nama diksa under the Padmacharan of Hanumat Presaka Swami Guru Maharaj) in the year 2013 and Brahma Diksa took this year Jan 12, 2023. He expired on 25th July 2023 at Delhi Hospital at around 8.00 a.m. and as he desired his body was cremated at Radha Kunda (U.P) on the same evening.

His condolence meeting was held yesterday, the 26th of July 2023 at 8.00 a.m. in the Thoubal Tomjing Mandir by observing 2 mines silence prayer to God for kiping his soul peace in the Goloka Vrindaban by the bhaktas and matajis of the mandir.

Other ritualistic functions will be performed in his original home, Thoubal Wangmataba in the near days.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Thank you. Super! Please also send pictures of him so we can chant some Maha-mantra with good meditation on him! Offer our help in orienting himself as he leaves this body.

Thank you!


1 year, 7 months ago by rohini in Personal Sadhana Reports


Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Today I am officially 70 years old and I am just beginning to discover WHO I AM. Each advance makes me value Srila Prabhupada's message more and more, all good knowledge that human beings say nowadays, Srila Prabhupada already said it, even more, he told us the goal and how to reach it.

Woe to me, poor woman! That I need to verify what they tell me.

HpS/ASA - 😄

And time is running out for me, every moment, we feel life and death in the body, I am thinking that the moment I will leave this body it will be natural that I only remember the beautiful Krsna dancing on the heads of Kaliya.

Everyone fearing that the one who defeated death will die, WHAT A THRILL! I want Krsna to triumph in me, I want Kaliya not to triumph in me.

Thank you very much Gurudeva, eternally grateful, everything I do, every moment I dedicate to you, Srila Prabhupada and Krsna, yes, I also beg you to forgive me for my offenses.

I am at your feet.

Rohini Devi Dasi.

HpS - Hare Krsna. We missed your association and the association of your family when you were not in our Sanga for some time. Thank you so much.

The SB is full of stories of devotees who made some progress and then went on a side trip, learning expedition and then came back and made full success eg. the Pracetas, sons of Pracinibharist.

I do that constantly.

Such nice news.

Give us some advice for devotees who will be following the same path as you?

How about your sister, niece and grand-niece??




Jay Maharaj!

1 year, 7 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

HK, Maharaj, PAMHO. AGTSP!

All glories to Sri Sri Guru And Gauranga!!!

How r u? How's it going that festival in which you are participating? Are you going to preach there?

Here I’m doing better, I started waking up earlier in the mornings, and overall chanting my rounds better, I’m trying to pronounce the word Krishna as you taught me with the tongue touching the palate, and I have a doubt about how Rāma it’s pronounced, quite frequently I’ve heard the Hindus also pronouncing the R as if almost touched the palate, is that OK?

HpS - Hare Krsna. Not sure. We just try to apply the pronunciation guide in the back of Srila Prabhuapada's books and ask any Oxford Sanskrtists who pass through.

Chant with meaning: Mommy! Mommy!

I set a goal for myself of avoiding having dinner on Friday night in order to wake up earlier on Saturdays, generally I avoid that meal but on that day I tend to celebrate the end of the working week, so how can I manage to be more disciplined in that area?

HpS - Before you offer any Bhoga to Krsna on Friday night just think about why eating light or not will help you on Saturday morning, no? Advance by cultivating intelligence for KRSNA

:::{Hare Krsna}:::

another thing I would like to please ask you about is regarding investing lakshmi, what would be a Vaishnava alternative for stock shares investing?

HpS - Srila Prabhupada had Atreya rsi Das invest by shares in companies as income for the trust funds for the Mayapura and Vrndavana Temples.

Atreya investigated the companies properly and then bought shares, membership.

Investing in Stock Market is not gambling if it is done as good, researched business.

Land (for Grains)

Cows (for milk)

Brahmanas (teachers)

are good investment.

Sriman Das bought house in good school distrivt in California. It was good investment. Land and Brahmanas.

Also if one would like to invest in third party’s commercial projects, which industry’s areas could be better options?

I felt very identified with the Deva-Vrata’s letter your referred me, about the Jesus Christ subject, I always as well felt very very identified with him and his teachings.

HpS - So does Srila Prabhupada. His sincerity of appreciaton probably make our seem like vanity!

Currently I’m reading a book called Atomic Habits, and I’m founding it of so much benefit, learning to set to myself goals, try to stick to the habits which lead to them, and building a whole new life, one step at a time.

ASA - 👍

Also I’m organizing myself with specific plannings for the things I need to buy for improving my service and sadhana, and for other areas of my life.

I’m enjoying myself with a sense of progress.

thank you very very much Maharaj!

hope everything it’s more than well over there!

your servant,


HpS - ASA -- We heard from Cakravarty Das that SP said, "Become self realized, build your character and preach."

Do you think the whole world should read the big two volume edition of the KRSNA book! We do. Along with that Vedabase,Io version is great!! Balarama preaching to Rukmini.