Hare krishna!

10 years, 5 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - ASA - AGSTP This letter is one month old!!

Hare krishna maharaj! Please accept my humble obiansces. All the glories to SRila Prabhupada!

Maharaj, I have read the steps to follow to become your diciple or in a first instannce take refugee. It is very clear thank you! 

I wanted to tell you a little bit of my back ground , as i have told you before maharaj my husband and I teach yoga,  we come from an impersonal school, Bihar School of Yoga . I studied there and lived there some months learning yoga  teqniques ( pranayama, concentration, kriya yoga, shatkarmas ) and also took initiation in that school some years ago. since i meet krishna conciusness I have not been to these school again insted I started going to Mayapur.

First of all i wanted to know if there is any problem , any inconvenient regarding that point for me to take initiation with you and follow your instruction Maharaj.

    HpS - AGTSP!! How are you now? No, there is no problem taking initiation in ISKCON, but we have not heard from you for a month. How are you?

As i have continued growing i have reached fortunately bhakti yoga and as ive learned in Bhagavad gita a yogui can continue in the yoga ladder up to bhakti yoga if he wants to serve the supreme personality of godhead. And that is the only thing i want to do now, serve krishna and all his expansions. What i have learned in yoga is very helpfulll for my japa practice and for my sadhana  but now I know there is much more, there is Krishna!!! 

   HpS - Yes! The Hatha Yoga can be very useful for Japa and Sadhana. There is no loss. Of course we hear it that all of the "zeros" we have before, get a "one" in front as soon as we can connect our life to Krsna. Now you can use your Hatha yoga for Krsna!

Regarding my sadhana Maharaj for 6 years I have been waking up at 4:30 and doing all my yoga practices but since i meet krishna conciusness ai changed my sadhana , i still prqctice pranayama , shatkarmas and asana since it  helps me to stay focused in Krishna while doing my rounds and be able to sit confortably. since one year now I have been waking up at 4:30 , chanting 16 rounds with no day exception,  following the four principles.

HpS - Wow! You can be Srila Prabhupada's disciple now! You have to take like a "Disciple Course". I hear it is nice and simple, and then recommendation from Temple President. Nice to be an Refugiado for six months to get final ideas clear about who everybody is and what there role is!

Regarding mangalarati  since i came back from Mayapur I have been waking up the deities  and Tulasi maharani and then chanting 16 rounds near  her. 

In mayapur I went to bhagavatam class every day , here in argentina i listen to classes on the internet. and follow the reading. 

My questions is Maharaj is it ok to preform mangalarati at home?

ASA - Certainly.

Is there something else i should be doing at homr to make it better ? Like chanting the Nrishimhadev pranam ? , sri guru pranam? Is it ok for me to listen the bhagavatam classes from Mayapur tv ?

ASA - Yes to everything. Of course, with local Temple you can make friends with more advanced devotees and get so much advice from them. BG 10.10-11 also.

I will do the bhakti bhaivava course but first i have to finish bhakti sastri ! Iam hoping next year to do it in mayapur! 

I do not have the posibility at this moment of going to the temple every morning since i give clases at the time of bhagavatam class , but i do have a regular practice at home . I have learned to have dicipline in my sadhana.

is there anything else I could do or is it ok how Iam doing now ? Is there something more i could be doing at home ? 

Regarding the service , I will talk soon in this days with Maharari prabhu , the temple president here to start doing a fixed service . 

Is that ok Maharaj ? 

Maharaj, i Also I wanted to ask you if you will be in Peru or in India or in argentina in between december and march 2015 ? 

Because I would like Maharaj if it is posible to be able to meet you in person and maybe I can arrange the ways to be sometime where you will be . 

thank you for everything Maharaj, i feel really fortunate for you to be answering my letters. I apologize for any ofense i could have commited in my writtings.

Today we are having a kirtan at home for five hours  ! We are celebrating 2 years of kirtan at home ! So we are doing sll the preparations and hopefully many devotes are coming! 

Hare krishna Maharaj, I hope you are very well !! My sincere best wishes!

your servant 


HpS - What is happening? Sorry taking so long to answer but you see we got innundated with this USA tour and after two weeks back we are beginning to catch up.

Thank You Gurudeva

10 years, 5 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, Dear Gurudeva. Please, accept my humble obeisances. AGTSP.

Thank you very much for your words about our lost child and others things.

What's the problem? The problem is the lack of faith. Lack of faith to be the Krisna's Hand on top of everything. Sometime I haven't any faith, other time I have a little, but I can see something. I have to continue ... where? why?.

Sometimes I don't know, only walking trying to follow to Srila Prabhupada, you, Yadunandana Swami, other devotees, the principles, the 16 or more enthusiastic rounds ... maybe Krishna .... ¿?

Kala, effort and many Krisna's mercy by the Guru.

I only hope to do it well for you, Srila Prabhupada and Krisna.

The Ratha Yatra was fantastic. I write down the link of the Temple's Facebook page with the photo album:


Thank you again for your words.

Your humble servant, Dandava Das

HpS - AGTSP.  In the beginning we maybe follow because we get some special mercy and get some high experiences, we have some clear intelligence and then we follow because we have some logical understanding.

As we go on with the help of a Guru like Srila Prabhupada we get more experiences and more logic and the soul actually directly wakes up.

We are getting settled here. It is two weeks now since we got back from this USA tour. Then we had our Annual NIOS Symposium and 12-hour Kirtan. Now we join the Celebrate Nashville Festival Oct 4th. After that we plan to focus on writing for Carl Jung then South America in January and first two weeks of February.
We'll look at the Link!!

On the road in the Philippines

Dear Swamiji,

PAMHO, AGTSP! I'm spending 2 weeks traveling in the Philippines to see temples and meet devotees. Cebu is nice, only a preaching center now that is run by a family. They hold a Sunday feast and about 15 college students attend. I went this past Sunday and was asked to give the class. I chose Bhagavad Gita (2.26). Gaura Nitai really inspired me. I will leave friday for Manila temple. Everyday I see clearly how Krishna is arranging my life in every way.

HpS - Very nice. I bet you meet some people in route too! Have some books to give them!!!!  

bhakta from india in need of your mercy and shelter 2

10 years, 5 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports
Hare Krisna Maharaj All glories to Srila Prabhupada All glories to sri krisna sankirtan All glories to you . Please accept my dandavat pranam at your lotus feet. Maharaj thank you very much for replying my last letter. It was beautiful. You mentioned that your health is not good . I sincerely pray that you get well soon although i fully know that your body is spiritual and diseases cannot actually touch you. [[[HpS - ASA - Nice to hear from you. Our health is normal. Old age just means more and more dis - ease. Nothing special to get well from. AgtSP!!!]]] I myself was not feeling well last week . Had horrible episode of flu . Resulted in decreased sadhana . I was feeling extremely weak so didnt chant my rounds but i will make up for it . I promise. [[[HpS - ASA --- For Krsna, me, Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya and yourself....]]] Regarding initiation i talked with haridas prabhu he said that he will talk with temple president and let you know when you come to india. You asked me in your last letter why i didnt take initiation from local ISKCON gurus. Maharaj there is no fixed answer to that question. Its just that i consider you and your disciples to be very humble and approachable and practical so i want to be your disciple . I just feel some unexplainable connection with you. Maybe i am stupid i dont know but i really cant explain the feeling . I hope you are now in good health . Eagerly waiting for your reply. Forgive me if i had in any manner offended you. Your aspiring servant Rituraj majumder Shillong , India -[[[ Please send us some news every couple weeks of the ISKCON life you are getting]]]-

Guru and ASA from Argentina

Hare Krsna dear gurudeva,

AgtSP, Agty, Pamho

Please forgive me for not to be more clear in my words and for all letters that I sent you about this topic. I don't want to be a bother for you. I'm very attached to you so maybe it's became a little hard for me. 

In considering everything, I'd like to request your permission to accept Mahatma Prabhu as my diksha guru. I will honor you as my siksa guru and continue to learn from you. Today I talked with Maha Hari das about this and he gave me his blessings. I will continue serving you if you will allow me.

     HpS - ASA - Yes, it is fine with us! Of course, he also has to accept you as his disciple. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" /> We are so mixed with material desires that we always hope that devotees and you "serve us" only on our service to Srila Prabhupada.

We had started to make an audiovisual department -ASA Audiovisual- proposed by Vrsabhanu N. dd. and Ambarisa M. das and we are designing logo, and then we will make a youtube channel to upload edited classes from you. Maybe this is my more specific service for you now. So, we are just starting but I would like to keep it if you allow me.

Thank you always, 

My most respectful obeisances,

Ys, Belen.

HpS - ASA - Jaya. Please offer our respects to Mahatma Das when you contact him. Last time I saw him was in Mexico.  We hope that the Youtube channel can have some nice things from NIOS and other sources also! So many people want to hear about KRSNA.

Spain Gurukula & Purnamasi DD

Dear Gurudeva:

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope your health is good.

     HpS - ASA - Jaya!  So nice to hear from you all. Hope your health is good also. But bad health with Krsna consciousness is preferable to good health without Krsna consciousness, no? '0'

Summer holidays are finished and Nimai is back to school. I am working on the "gurukula", which is starting back again after the summer break. We are going to use the Hare Krsna Sunday School material that mexican devotees are passing to me and More staf. I am also translating more children spiritual texts such as Introduction to Bhagavad Gita, for Mexico. It is a humble service that Gopi Radha devi dasi, from Mexico, offered to me. I am very thankfuk to her. Back here, in Madrid, we have a preaching program: bhajan, children and prasadam. It will be happening on September 27th. 

About my saddhana, working on chanting better rounds and Gayatri mantra. I can not control my mind. Same thing with the Gayatri mantra. I get distracted so easily! (What I have to do after chanting, my kids, Gurukula...). Amazing! What can I do?

I miss Japa Joe. Hearing you and chanting was beatiful. Thank you for everything.

Wishing to be your humble servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. We are trying to get a practical Sadhana for us. Japa Joe was too much. But now we are doing Mangala arati and NOD and some Japa daily from 4.30-5.30AM at Start Meeting. That is nice.

How is Jayanta Das???  From a simple, friendly perspective how are the relations between Madrid and Madre Tierra Yatras going? The Rathayatra Cart?

Can you get in touch with devotees in Peru, NIMSAR? They are doing a lot of translating work also. We can co-ordinate it.
Also, end of January or start of February there will be a South America, Spanish language Yatra, symposium on education in Chile and on line. I hope devoteess from Spain can really flood it with their efforts also!

Thank you. Your efforts will build up forever!