Report and Association

10 years, 4 months ago by om kesavaya dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics


AGT Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga

Dear Guru Maharaj, please accept my obeisances

Thank you very much for all your inspiration in devotional life. and thanks a lot for tha japa joe program

i work as a teacher of economics and projects in a univertity and is good to see many students to feel more atracted to vegetarian/vegan diet and spirituality.

i want to ask permission about take siksa from Sajjan Swami, he will be with us in about two months. and we want to plan some university programs.

rounds are ok, gayatris are ok, home deity service is ok, principles are ok.

last year i realized life its a battle, no matter if you are wound or you have scars you must go on fighting, under the shelter of God.

tryng to be your servant

om kesavaya dasa

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Sorry to answer so late. You can see that we have too much work. This Blog needs higher priority. We will do that.

Siksa from non-ISKCON Sannyasi.  Ho! Ho! Ho!        In general, we apply NOI texts 4, 5, 6 and that gives us our perspective. If it is something that is going to involve the ISKCON Institution, then we need to work with the Institution authorities. If it is personal and private then we don't need to involve them unecessarily. Of couse, the Institution authorities should be our friends in the first place and we will be talking with them about things in terms of our personal relations naturally.

For example, husband wife may talk about personal family affairs with little Temple President involvement, but if wife's brother is President then he is involved personally maybe.

Thank you for the news. Our respects to Maharaja.

Una gota de Su misericordia Gurudeva

Toda gloria al movimiento de Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya y Nityananda Prabhu y Sus íntimos asociados.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada, al Guru Parampara.

Todas las glorias a mi maestro espiritual, SS Hanumatpresaka Swami.

 Por favor acepte mis respetuosas y reiteradas reverencias a sus suaves pies de loto.

ASA - Pies de loco. AGTSP!

Hare Krsna querido Gurumaharaja, oro a Sri Nrsimhadeva lo proteja y le guarde su servicio devocional.

Aquí mi reporte, siguiendo los cuatro principios regulativos y tratando de cumplir nuestra promesa, 16 rondas (no tan entusiastas) diarias )= sankirtana, estamos unas semanas en el templo, frecuentemente servimos en la cocina. Gurudeva deseo aprender esa ciencia, es nuestro yajña. Vino un prabhu gurukula de mayapur y nos dió cursos de cocina védica, Wow Krsna! Nimai Nitai! Sólo uno por pura misericordia del maestro espiritual puede realizar Krsna en el Prasadam... cuando honrabamos prasadam tenía humor del Señor Gauranga, era como una lectura del Sri Caitanya Caritamrta !! :´)  ....... Néctar !!!!!!
Gracias a sus bendiciones nos unimos al equipo de ASA Kids, y estamos apoyando en la traducción de los manuales. Es un servicio que me gusta mucho, al igual que los niños, gracias a Krsna tengo afinidad con los pequeñitos. Siempre he de recordar, que cualquier cualidad que uno pueda tener, es de Usted.  == Krsna es la habilidad del hombre==
Estamos tomando clases de danza, nos presentamos en la embajada de la India y les agradó mucho, muchas personas tienen conocimiento de que "somos Hare Krsna" así que aprovechamos la oportunidad e invitamos a nuestras compañeras a que asistan en janmastami como invitadas especiales de Krsna, son súper súper favorables, oramos por ser utilizados como simples y humildes instrumentos.

Hay una buena noticia: nos aprovaron la visa americana :)) los principales tres propósitos de sacarla son practicar y aprender el inglés, visitar y prestar servicio en los yatras de EUA y sadhu sanga. Es mi deseo pedirle consejo y autorización para que esto sea posible, y si Usted está deacuerdo, indicarme por favor, a qué mandir sería bueno ir. Tengo una tía y prima en San Diego y me gustaría visitarla, mi prima después de un accidente hace 8 años había quedado en coma y su recuperación ha sido muy lenta, siento que estarían felices de que me encontrara con ellas por unos días. Las autoridades del templo me dan una carta de recomendación.

Querido Gurudeva ahora le hablaré de mi lado oscuro, cada vez me doy más cuenta que tengo mucho ego falso, que me asfixia... cómo puedo ofrecer servicio así, cómo Usted magnánimamente puede aceptarlo (!?) Dicen que el sankirtana de Sri Krsna limpia el corazón del polvo acumulado por años.....trato de pedirle humildemente que por favor yo pueda desarrollar y cultivar Fé Inquebrantable en mi Maestro Espiritual.

Bondadoso Gurudeva por favor acepte a esta tonta sirviente a sus pies de loto y nunca permita que me suelte. Disculpeme todas las ofensas que constantemente estoy cometiendo. 
La neófita aspirante a la devoción, Aindavi Devi Dasi.

yuga dharma sankirtana yajña ki jaya!
Gaura Bhakta Vrnda Ki jaya!!!

HpS - Jaya! Puede reducir el ego falso por implementar el ego real. Es una vida mucho mas agradable. Claro todo nuestra processo es para esta fin, pero un tecnico especifica es ver o preguntar de un devoto (o cualquire) como puede ayudar ellos en su servicio. Esta "forces" el mente pensar en los buen cualidades to otros.

Piense San Diego es bueno. Dayanidhi Das y sus esposa, de Argentina son tesorero etc por alla. Sus hermanos espirituales. Despues, claro, Los Angeles, Houston.

Note from the fallen

10 years, 4 months ago by Bhakta David II in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Hanumatpresaka Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you.

Thank you for being kind and merciful in your response to my last letter; I certainly do not deserve it.  I am trying to improve gradually, though I do not know if I actually am improving.  When I try to be strict to advance quickly, I tend to fall, so maybe I am not advanced enough to follow the regulative principles yet.  My mind can sometimes get overly enthusiastic about thinking I can be strict and advance quickly, but I am trying to be more gentle with myself and realistic, though I don't like to think that I have to.  I am working on it, and joined a support group online to try to kick the enemy of lust out of my heart, though I do not know just how gradual the process must be.  It would be nice if I could come to the standard before 2024, even nicer if it could be in 3-5 years, but I wonder if perhaps this life is more a preparation for becoming advanced enough by the end of it so that I can take initiation in the next body.

I will see you in about two weeks, and have taken most of that week off work.  On the 8th I will have to spend some of the day at court over a traffic incident.  I want to be of some small service, but I am not very pure of heart so I am not very qualified.  I feel I have let myself and you down due to my own weakness, but I am trying to take a somewhat positive attitude.  I like to think that my mind is calmer than it was overall, though there is still some anxiety; I have a ways to go before my spiritual life can begin.

Hoping to become a servant,
Bhakta David II

Hp S - ASA --- AGTSP. It was very, very, very nice to meet you and your esteemed wife. She seems like a very nice person. I think you are right. Be a little less passionate, more patient in try to advance,, but enthusiasm in the most important. Even if it is artificial put a smile on your face while you are chanting and you will see that you mind tries to figure out some reason to justify the enthusiasm and usually does.

The mind will try to satisfy your depression or enthusiasm, so give it a sympton of enthusiam.

Some fixed standard for Japa, moral life, even economic development for a few months  in consultation with your friends and then do it. You WILL make tangible progress!!


Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva
Please, accept my humble obesisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudeva, I hope you're fine and in good health. Let me tell you that I'm okay, by Krishna's arrangement I'm working a bit less than the last semester so I have more time for my service. In a first place, I was a little bit worried because of my silly tendency to work hard, but It's ok, I have what I need, nothing else and I feel much more calm. To need in excess means to suffer unnecessarily.

Last week NIMSAR organized a conference with Mahavidya dd.(the Ministry of Education in Germany, a doctor in Philosohy) as speaker. She gave us a wonderful lecture about the position of Srila Prabhupada as the prominent ISKCON's preceptor.I say wonderful because her arguments were unexpected and very deep in their philosophical and esoterical explanations, everybody was pleased and after the conference was finished many devotees asked us to organize more of this activities. Maybe, beside the formal NIMSAR courses, we should keep on offering this kind of lectures. Education for everybody in all levels. What do you thing about this? do you think it worth the effort? do you believes that we should advise, experts on particular topics devotees in the exposure of their knowledge?

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Very, very nice to hear from you.
Yes, short seminars are wonderful, maybe even the best. Our whole goal in education is to elevate people along the line of kanistha, madhya and uttama adhikari, so these seminars are great if it is helping that process.

I have been improving my spiritual practice slowly and gradually. It has cost me quite a lot to leave behind many vices and attitudes but by the grace of the Holy Name I've been achieving this and I'm happy. For the first time in my life i know, by far,  what is what I really want, where is the pivot of my life and where do I belong. But, how to deal with mediocrity in myself and others? Does it depend exclussively in my guna or it's only a tricky argument of my mind to keep me away from what it contradicts her? The disarticulation of the false ego hurts, what should I have in mind during this process?

HpS - ASA - "Param drstva nivartante...", experiencing a higher taste we automatically give up the lower taste. We can stop listening to the false ego as we start to listen to the real ego. Of course, your question is very big and really the entire Srimad Bhagavatam addresses the question. Basically this is the amswer, satisified with a better ego the lower ego is abandon by the self.
"Nitya siddha krsna prema...", we are all unique lovers of God, so the mediocrity is very temporary covering. In the port the big boat turns of its propellor and then little boats can tug it here and there, but as soon as it turns on its motors it breaks the ropes from the little boats and goes where it wants to go. When we wake up we are all great, useful to each other in being useful, fun for Krsna. Always pioneering.
So, have an attitude of waking up yourself and waking up others.
We will post a article with our Calendar now. We just bought tickets for Lima.

Thank you very much in advance for your answers
Can't wait to hear you in person.

Your servant
Bhakta Germán

Urgent: Back from the witch dham

10 years, 4 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna!!!

Beloved and dearmost Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances at your divine lotus feet,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Sri guru carana padma, kevala bhakati sadma,
vandon mui savadhana mate,
janhara prasade bhai, e bhava toriya jai,
krsna prapti hoy jaha ha te

 This last months have been very intense for me. for who they werent?
Many challenges in my personal life and balancing sva dharma with sanatan dharma is a day by day struggling.
Due to different reasons i wasnt having a good sadhana, and as you know i left behind in my japa and of course as a consequence of that i broke a regulative principle.
The result bitterness in my heart i have lost the bliss of connecting with the holy names. Sorrow, etc
i feel very ashamed of course and stupid for what i have done.
Now somehow or other i woke up and little by little i'm recovering. Returning to a healthy pace.
I'm asking for your help gurudev, i really want to be a useful tool in this sankirtan movement and i know that strenght comes from purity.
Your answer to Dianita Lalita dd  in  is pretty clear about the way to go

"  HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Paoho. It is amazing. Every single letter so far has been exactly the same:
Please forgive me for not writing so hard, I have been forced to work like an ass, I am struggling to chant and follow principles, I have bad association.

Ooooof!   Amazing!   Any "psychology" that minimizes the value of Japa is insane. Carl Jung, the whole world of competent psychologist can recognize that introspective chanting of the Names of God following the process of Rupa Goswami is without equal, if you really want to become secure, happy, ecstatic.

We love to drown in self-pity. Give ourselves rewards for our suffering, but it is all little pig like pleasures that don't even satisfy us but we try to make ourselves so stupid that they do.
We are all in Goloka!. We have become confused. Krsna is saying "Wake Up! Wake Up! Wolves are attacking the cows! We need your help!"

Put your Japa first and to hell with your family, body, life, country, fruitive activities described in poetical language. To hell with it all. Make universal happiness not universal blood-sucking!

This is what we tell our mind daily!!!"

Japa first, who doesn't know this, but why we skip this point so easily? i guess BG. 3.37 is the answer.
The reallity is that i'm not feeling so well in a daily basis. I feel myself in a dangerous position because of not having a definite asram.
You always say that good advice comes from many different advisors, so i consulted about this with different senior devotees and they all agree that i should get married again.
Then i remember your instruction about to wait until second initiation to define one's asram, cause then intelligence will be in the mode of goodness.
I'm in a dilemma gurudev. Please if you kindly bring some light for me in this situation?
Currently I'm 64 rounds behind, and determined not to act stupidly again.
We want to improve.
Please help me gurudeva.
Your unworthy disciple,
Nikunja Bihari Das.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!  AGTSP!    paoho....  You are almost as stupid as we are. Well I guess if you try hard you can catch up. Just put everything else in second place and chant at least 20 entusiastic rounds per day for the next 16 days.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!  AGTSP!    paoho....  You are almost as stupid as we are. Well I guess if you try hard you can catch up. Just put everything else in second place and chant at least 20 entusiastic rounds per day for the next 16 days.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!  AGTSP!    paoho....  You are almost as stupid as we are. Well I guess if you try hard you can catch up. Just put everything else in second place and chant at least 20 entusiastic rounds per day for the next 16 days.

<img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" /><img alt="indecision" height="23" src="" title="indecision" width="23" />

Tell us the results as often as you can.

CMDD urgent

10 years, 4 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva ¡¡¡¡



I hope this meets U in really good health ¡¡¡

HpS - ASA - Oink!   AGTSP!!!  Hare Krsna!

I miss all so much iur saint association during our rounds ¡¡¡But we understand that your preaching is really important. And we feel happy and proud to try to be iur disciple.

ASA - Yeah! This tour has been hell on wheels in many ways. Ooof! Will be interesting to go to Goloka!!!

Our life has encountered too many changes. I always been afraid of changes,but I am asumming them with dignity integrity and character. 

Our schedule at university is too overwhelming, we have been forzed to leave many services in wilson ¡¡ we are still in charge, but is a struggle at every step. THis year Gaura Nitai did not go to Janmastami :( a new junta resolution. FOr me has been always a tradition that They go, but They won't go anymore. I can not understand that resolution because for me Chosica is our main temple and all important celebrations as Gaura Purnima and Janmastami should be there, but now GN won't go to visit RMB anymore ... Despite all this.. Gurudeva this Janmastami was the best ever¡¡

I went one day before with Palika dd and her family spent the night in the house of a family of devotees, attend mangal artik, we did the puja to GN , Gaura g invited us ¡¡Then I helped to dress Sita Ram ¡¡¡ nice SB class and the whole day we were on pujari helping we finished our service at 2 am ¡¡¡¡ it was so nice I felt really blessed ¡¡

We have our Ratha Yatra on November 9th, we are collecting funds but it is a struggle... we need the support of all the community. I am thinking in new ways of collecting but since I am not a vaisya is a struggle for me...

we are really looki ng forward for your trip to Sudamerica ¡¡¡ we hope we can help a little bit in your preaching , I have talked to the devotees in charge of the programs in Chile, argentina and Peru and all of them agree about the calendar that U proposed SO we are waiting your final decision

We are fixed on 16 rounds 4 principles strictly sadhana regular SB reading but still it should be better . It was so nice to talk to U a little bit on Janmastami.. Gurudeva is not working it appears this message: Our site is temporarily unavailable, but will be back online shortly.<img alt="frown" height="23" src="" title="frown" width="23" />

In attached some photos from Janmastami since mangala artik ¡¡¡

Thank U all so much Gurudeva for your inspiration and kindness 

Always trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd 

HpS - ASA - Yes!!! Some problem! We will try to correct it!!!! Thank you for so much news. We spent 45-minutes trying to get a good ticket for South America. Ooof! Everything like $2,000! However we are very enthused by the Carl Jung project. We had excellent program at the University yesterday. There were more people in the program than we saw on the entire rest of the campus that day!

O.K. We check our

We think of you all often are looking to see how Krsna is arranging our visit to Peru!!

NICE pictures.