10 years, 4 months ago by Devarsinaradadas in Personal Sadhana Reports



Dear Guru Maharaja

Espero se encuentre bien. Aquí estoy.

Le pido disculpas por no escribir seguido, no anduve muy bien estos meses, muy poca asociación y sadhu sanga. No estuve haciendo sankirtana tampoco. Me siento muy apenado y triste por errores míos este año y  me comporte mal con algunas personas y mi deseo es remediarlo de alguna manera.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Paoho. There is no mistake that we can make that we cannot correct.

Estoy pidiendo perdón a cada persona que genere ansiedad y que perjudique con esto. Y cuando Ud. venga aquí en Enero espero poder disculparme personalmente con Ud.

HpS - ASA - Pienso es muy suficiente esta carta. Gracias! Por mi perspectivo, que no es perfecto, Vds. es basicamente una buena persona. Aun buen personas haz errores. Claro, aprender de los errores y no los hacen otra vez, no?

Quiero ser sincero en este proceso, me esta costando bastante, sobre todo ser sincero conmigo mismo, y que decir con las demás personas.

Estoy cantando las rondas y siguiendo los principios pero mi mente a veces  se encuentra bastante agitada. No estoy lo suficiente enfocado en esto y quiero solucionarlo.

Tuve que dejar el servicio de organización de bhajans en Iskcon argentina porque no podía seguir realizándolo por falta de tiempo y stress.

De todas formas sigo sirviendo en la parte de comunicaciones y diseño grafico, y trabajando en la contaduría y administración en el templo y restaurant.

Recien hoy en Radhastami volvi a asociarme con devotos. Dependo de eso.

Feliz Radhastami!

Espero su venida a Buenos aires y poder reunirme con ud.

Disculpe mis ofensas

Gracias por leer mi carta

Su Aspirante a Sirviente

Devarsi Narada das

           HpS - Muy bien! Adelante. Mas reportajes despues de un tiempo. Fija metas practicos!



   Yasodanandana Das : Por favor Gurudeva, Acepte nuestras humildes reverencias a sus divinos pies de loto! Llevamos tiempo deseando escribirle un reporte sobre.......no sé  por donde empezar; Gayatri, bastante regulado pero necesito profundizar aun más en su significado, como puedo mejorar? Japa, trabajando duro, siempre mejoro cuando conecto con Japa joe........un dia usted me dijo que son 108 salagram silas y que las adorase con todo el corazón, eso intento. Hemos acabado el dico Salsa-rasa-lila, muchas hora  de trabajo intenso pero muy feliz con el resultado, Espero que a usted y al Señor Krsna tambien le resulten agradable. 

   Un amigo devoto, Kesava Bharati Prabhu, Discipulo de Bhakti Caru swami ha vivido y trabajado en swissa como cirujano por 30 años, ahora vá a abrir un centro de predica en Alicante y nos pide que le ayudemos con su proyecto, seria abrir un restorante-biblioteca dentro del campus universitario de Alicante, Kesava Bharati Prabhu pondria todas las facilidades necesarias para cambiar de ciudad minimo por un año, a nosotros nos gusta la idea, pero que piensa usted?  Nos dara sus bendiciones Guru maharaja?

  Ekadrsti d ,d :   Querido Guru Maharaja, el dia 9 de agosto nacio la pequena Yamuna, vispera de Balarama, el parto fue casi celestial como usted nos vaticino. es muy buena y tranquila.  Nitay y Vrinda solo quieren cargarla y besarla. Son unos devotos maravillosos, predican a la familia y a los amigos de manera sorprendente e inteligente! Son muy entusiastas con las fiestas (julan yatran en casa con los devotos) y  se pelean por bañar a las deidades en Janmasthami  y Radhastami. Cantan a menudo la cancion de Radha jaya Madhava dayite y la de Nrsmhadeva, les gusta mucho. Hacen guirnaldas de claveles de la india para Goura Nitay. A veces quieren comer algo y lo ofrecen a sus deities, Radha-Krsna ,  Jaganatha, Baladeva y Subhadra de tela y Hanumanji de madera de sandalo y  Srila Prabhupada en foto. Nitay dice cosas como "que lo mas bonito de este mundo es el amor por Dios·" y Vrinda recoge florecitas y se las pone a Gopal y a Radharani en el altar y le gusta ayudarme cuando vestimos a las deidades. Fue una experiencia inolvidable para ellos los cuatro dias que pasaron en la granja para el cumpleanos de Krsna, jugando todo el dia con amigos, los hijos de los devotos, felices, en su mundo- Vaikuntha! 

     Esperando llegar a tener un dia la cualificación de Discipulos sinceros a sus pies de loto, sin más.......Yasodanandana Prabhu y Ekadrsti D,d le ofrecen respetuosas reverencias.



Yasodanandana Das: Please Gurudeva, Please accept our humble obeisances at your divine lotus feet! We time wishing write a report on ....... I do not know where to start; Gayatri fairly regulated but I need to further deepen its meaning, how can I improve? Japa, working hard, always improved when I connect to Japa joe ........ one day you told me you are 108 silas salagram and that worship with all my heart, I try. We finished the doctor Salsa-rasa-lila, many hours of work intense but very happy with the result, I hope you and the Lord Krsna also will prove enjoyable. 

    A devoted friend, Kesava Bharati Prabhu Disciple of Bhakti Caru Swami has lived and worked in Swissa as surgeon for 30 years, is now going to open a preaching center in Alicante and asks us to help with your project, it would open a restorante- library within the university campus in Alicante, Kesava Bharati Prabhu would put all minimum necessary to change city for a year, we like the idea facilities, but you think? We give their blessings Guru Maharaja? 

   Ekadrsti d, d: Dear Guru Maharaja, the day was born August 9 the Yamuna, Eve Balarama, small delivery was almost heavenly like you I predict us. is very good and quiet. Nitai and Vrinda just want to load it and kiss her. Are wonderful devotees preach family and amazing friends and smarter! They are very enthusiastic about the holidays (julan Yatran home with devotees) and fight over bathing the deities in Janmasthami and Radhastami. Often sing the song Jaya Radha Madhava of Nrsmhadeva dayite and, like a lot. Make garlands of carnations to Goura Nitai India. Sometimes they want to eat something and offer it to their deities, Radha-Krsna, Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra fabric and Hanumanji of sandalwood and Srila Prabhupada in picture. Nitai says things like "that most beautiful in this world is the love of God ·" Vrinda and collect flowers and put them to Gopal and Radharani at the altar and loves to help when we dressed the deities. It was an unforgettable experience for the four days they spent at the farm for the birthday of Krishna, playing all day with friends, the children of the devotees, happy in his world Vaikuntha! 

      Hoping to one day get to have sincere qualification to his lotus feet Discipulos no more ....... Yasodanandana Ekadrsti Prabhu and D, d offer respectful obeisances. 

                 THANK GURUDEVA. HARE KRSNA.


HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Super news! You are one damn lucky Cuban!!! <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" /> Your kids may be some kind of super stars as they grow up. AGTSP!

Project with Kesava bharati Das seems nice. I cant tell any details from here, so of course use some care and caution, no?

I have trouble with the Gayatri's also. Srila Prabhupada doesn't seem to talk about Their meaning much, so I guess it is mostly, just chant then and They will manifest their confidential meaning to us.

I hope we are getting enough news out about our Sankirtan to be useful to you. Lets look at a few more letters. We really need your association. The Salsa-rasa-lila is available?

Substance Abuse and Guru Friendship

10 years, 4 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

On Wednesday, September 3, 2014 8:42 AM, XYZ Wrote

hare krshna dear gurudev pamho tlgasp

el motivo de escribirle esta carta es para informarle que no estoy
siguiendo todos los principios lamentablemente tengo serios problemas con
la intoxicación

es un problema muy serio el cual ya estamos haciendonos responsables  por
que queremos completr proyectos los cuales este factor no es un aliado . . . quiero avanzar en la vida espiritual por eso le cuento todo
esto mis rondas mejorando de a poco retomando los botos de 16 rons ,

con respecto a la relacion guru discipulo
veo que muchos devotos hablan asi como si fuese una relacion muy fuerte
incluso discipulos suyos dicen tener sierto rasa con ud
cual es enrealidad y esos rasas son axternos los que escucho hablar??

en lo personal a mi me gustaria tener una relacion mas intensa con ud .
usted cual es su punto de vista con respecto a eso y de que manera lo puedo
servir de manera extra de seguir los 4 principios y cantar 16 rons
por ultimo  e pensado que quiero situarme en varnaasram y . . .

todas las glorias a srila prabhupada


Utiliza "https://translate.google.com/"

Thank you for your letter. First, Prabhupada had over a thousand disciples. I was like 1,111 or something like that. So, an intense relationship with the spiritual master does not mean physical or exchange of a lot of individual letters. As need there can be that.

Lord Caitanya had 4 intimate associates: Svarupa Damodara, Ramananda Rai, Sikhi Mahiti and Sikhi Mahiti's sister. Of course, since he was a Sannyasi He never spoke or even came close to SM's sister. Still she was one of the 4 most intimate amongst thousands.

So, the intimate connection with the spiritual master or any devotee is to try to understand their service and help them.

We are trying to serve people by counseling like this, answering letters. It is only possible through the Blog. If you just adjusted your letter a little bit, not naming your material addiction specifically then you could post your letter on the Blog, then this answer could go for at least 15-more devotees to see who have 97% the same problem as you. Then our letter load is reduced from 450 per month to 150 per month.

Of course, these addictions: sex, power, fame, intoxication, mental pleasure, are different for different people. You have to do your own work of using the tools that Lord Caitanya has given us to pull up your individual weeds. Some are very very deep.

Of course, full morning and evening program are essential process. Are you doing that? Are you getting up early and having time for your spiritual life?

We have to force our mind by hard work to taste spiritual pleasure then it will not be attracted by the material rasa which is a shadow.

 One very specific technique is to chant Hare Krsna all the time you are preparing to indulge in the vice, while doing it and then, maybe even one time of going through the experience like this you will see the stupidity of the attraction and give it up.

O.K. Please write to the Blog in a general sense or open an account with another name eg. Captain Peacock.

We will edit this and put it on the Blog but your identity will be eliminated.

Jaya! Hari bolo! Krsna needs lots of help!!!!


10 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktin Camila R. in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gour Nitay!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All Glories to you! 

Please accept my sincere obeisances at your lotus feet Maharaj (Potatoe feet), I hope that your health is well right now...

Camila, 21 years old, Santiago-Chile.

Maharaj, I now that you're constantly doing things to serve in the Srila Prabhupada's mission, so I really doesn't want to bother you with my things, so I'ma going to try to do this letter short. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Well, everything is going good. I'm learning very fast, many things, i'm more quiet...like more in "peace"  I guess, with all the things that are happening in my life. I've decided to stop studying Social Work, i've realized that i don't like it, and that I want to do other things in my life, so it's OK. We're changing things...Also, I've decided to move to Buenos Aires, Argentina...like, starting a new career and live there...that's makes me feel very nervous, but extremly happy, cause when I was there in December-January I've discovered very nice association :) very nice devotees, female devotees (Palika dd, Bhktn.Belén, Ter Kadamba, Sharad Bihari, Jahnava dd,Rati Manjari dd, Etc.) So, I wanted to tell you that. ¡We are going to BS AS in the final week of August!

  HPS - ASA - Ah Ha!  What is the result?

This last month I have been waking up at 4:00 am unconscious manner, other days at 5 or 6. Is  very strange, cause sometimes I slept only for 3 or 4 hours, I don't know what's happening, ha! ha ! ha ! <img alt="cheeky" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tongue_smile.png" title="cheeky" width="23" />

Well, I think that's all I Have to say... I'm reading : Spiritual Warrior II of BTS. AWESOME book. 

And finally, I have a question:  ¿Things happens because Krsna's desire, or because Krsna pleased our sincere wishes? ¿Is alright to ask for things to Krsna? ¿In what point things happens because KARMA, and not for krsna's desire or vice versa ? 

HpS - When we want to live in the Kingdom but don't want the King to interfer with out life, then that is Karma. When we want to honestly work with the King, that is devotional service. Pretty much is start so happen as soon as you want it to. You show you want it by hearing and doing what and Acharya (Srila Prabhupada) says.

Chant Hare Krsna and see how Krsna is by your side.

Thank you for reading this... I sincerily ask for your blessinng in this new project in my life.. <img alt="blush" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embarrassed_smile.png" title="blush" width="23" /> 


Urgent blessings

10 years, 4 months ago by Govinda Sundara in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 
Gurudeva please accept my humble obeisances 

We pray to nrshimhadeva. take care of yours Devotees and great soul like gurudeva, keep them in the preaching and closer closer to you. 
Please forgive my neglects, i don't write you often. 
We start to work in Goswami academy last week, sooo much work! But we are Happy. 
The last month visited my family in Monterrey, was our first Jala Yatra (boat festival, rainy day, jaganatha baladeva and subadra and everybody finished wet ) everything exciting. We set up a kids area, very successful.
The Family its Good, everybody engaged in service to Krishna; mom its a little worry    , she wants me married by next year.  O.o
I was visiting Mexico city in Balaram purnima, and participating in the seminar of education with the report of the nortamerican  symposium of education. Mexico mandir devotees are really interested especially in homeschooling, sunday school and the possibility to start a official school ( like Asa Mexico we want to investigate the details to set up this kind of school in Mexico, cost, permissions etc ). More Information and details about the franchise could be great to know.

Rounds 16 (this days difficulties to have good rounds)
4 principles ok.
Reading ..this days...lazy :(    Just El gran mantra para la meditacion mistica Urmila's mataji book (spanish version). And BG class in temple.

Today is the orientation meeting with the parents in Goswami Academy and next Tuesday Radhastami appearance (ki jay!)  Radha giridhari gonna visit the school to give us blessings 
Please give us your blessings too, only in that way we can continue 

Your aspirant 
Govinda Pramodini DD 

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Thank you for all the news. We had a long talk with Saranga Thakura Das about the Ministry and this tour and Houston and YOU. We hope you get your Visa, can represent Mexico in Houston and Krsna kidnaps you and takes you home to Dvaraka to become the 16,109th princess. (I guess you can take your Mother with you??)

Certainly send us all news of the education work in Houston. It seems that San Jose wil be the next USA center.

En la senda del camino correcto.

10 years, 4 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid in Personal Sadhana Reports


     Pamho, AgtSP.

  Querido Gurudeva. Perdone todas mis ofensas, (aunque si no lo hace y me destruye con un rayo, pienso que sería muy misericordioso). Todavia peleando, 17 rondas, 4 principios. Todos los dias despertando 3, 3,30, 3,45. Servicio a Sus Señorias, Baño una vez a la semana metodo Pancaratra Pradipa, es muy bonito ver a las Deidades con toalla. Pienso que soy muy afortunado de poder realizar este servicio, y también pienso que estoy un poco incomodo por como se estan desarrollando las cosas; sobre todo por mi ineptitud, descualificación, ignorancia, falta de entusiasmo, falta de seguridad en mi mismo, falta de constancia, etc. 

   Estuve hablando con Yadunandana Swami de forma general para que podamos desarrollar un plan de futuro. Acepto ser una guia mas cercana para mi. Hablando con  Maharaja he llegado a la conclusión de que al final voy a ser yo quien tome las decisiones propias. La conclusión es que espero poder tener más tolerancia con todo lo que ocurra a mi alrededor, realizar mis proyectos sin que me afecten las cosas de los demas, ser realista con mis posibilides y caracteristicas psicofisicas; y asi poder mejorar mi practica espiritual.

   En agosto voy a ir a ver a mi padre y a mi hermano a Galicia (Orense) desde el dia 4 al dia 15, desde el dia 15 hasta el dia 27 estaré en el templo de  Malaga para conocer el sitio y poder tomar darshan, realizaré los servicios que se requieran y pueda realizar. Todo desde fuera del altar, si usted no me dice lo contrario. 

   Hace un año me prometi a mi mismo que este sería el ultimo año que realizo adoración sin tener segunda iniciación, y parece que voy a seguir un año más en esta situación, para mi fue un motivo de perturbación. Asi como otras cosas que han ocurrido. Actualmente me parece vergonzosso hablarle de estas cosas, y estoy bastante confundido al respecto. Mi posición es que espero poder seguir realizando mi sadhana y poder seguir en contacto con Iskcon, asi como mejorar en todos los aspectos, y tratar sobre todo de ser tolerante con los demas y más estricto para mi. ¿Estoy cometiendo ofensa contra usted al pensar asi? ¿Que debo de hacer al respecto? No me gustaria seguir mucho tiempo en esta situación, creo que para poder realizar adoración se deben de seguir muchas reglas y regulaciones, si no se cometen ofensas, claro que Sri Sri Gaura Nitai son muy misericordiosos...Espero no volver hablarle de este tema, se que yo no soy yo quien deberia de decirle nada de esto, espero poder dejarlo todo en manos de Sri Krishna, y poder seguir avanzando.

   Estoy a la espera de ver como se desarrollan todos los negocios que hay aqui en el templo de Madrid y asi poder ver de que manera puedo servir a Krishna.

   Perdone de nuevo mis ofensas, intento servirle; veo muchos defectos en general, pero creo que tambien empiezo a darme cuenta de que yo tampoco soy perfecto. Aun asi mi humilde opinión es que este año ha sido muy intenso y han ocurrido cosas buenas y otras inauspiciosas.

   Espero mejorar!!!! Gracias por Su Misericordia sin causa y por Su Inspiración!!!!!!!

   Su caido sirviente: Jharikhanda-gaura Das.

Pamho, AGTSP.

   Dear Gurudeva. Forgive all my sins, (although if you do not and destroys me with lightning, I think it would be very pitiful). Still fighting, 17 rounds, 4 principles. Every day waking up 3 3.30, 3.45. Their Lordships service, bathroom once a week Pradipa Pancaratra method, it is very nice to see the Deities with towel. I think I am very lucky to be able to perform this service, and I also think I'm a little uncomfortable with how things are developing; especially for my ineptness, disqualification, ignorance, lack of enthusiasm, lack of confidence in myself, lack of perseverance, etc..

    I was talking to Swami Yadunandana generally so we can develop a plan for the future. I agree to be a closer for my guide. Talking to Maharaja I have come to the conclusion that the end will be the one to take their own decisions. The bottom line is that I hope to have more tolerance for everything that happens around me, make me my projects without affecting the other things, be realistic with my posibilides and psychophysical characteristics; and so to improve my spiritual practice.

    In August I'm going to see my father and my brother Galicia (Orense) from the 4th to the 15th, from the 15th to the 27th I will be at the Temple of Malaga for the site and to take darshan, I will make services that are required and can be made. Everything from off the altar, if you do not tell me otherwise.

    A year ago I promised myself that this would be the last year I perform worship without second initiation, and it seems that I will continue another year in this situation, for me it was a source of disturbance. As well as other things that have happened. Currently it seems vergonzosso talk about these things, and I'm pretty confused about it. My position is that I hope to continue doing my sadhana and to keep in touch with Iskcon, also improve in all aspects, and especially try to be tolerant of others and strict to me. Am I committing offense against you to think so? What should I do about it? I do not like to continue long in this situation, I think to perform worship must follow many rules and regulations, if they do not commit offenses, of course Sri Sri Gaura Nitai are very merciful ... I hope no back talk in this topic , I know I'm not the one who should tell any of this, I hope to leave everything in the hands of Sri Krishna, and to move forward.

    I am waiting to see how all the businesses that are here in the temple of Madrid are developed and so to see in what way I can serve Krishna.

    Pardon my offenses again, try serving; I see many flaws in general, but I think also begin to realize that I am not perfect. Even so my humble opinion is that this year has been very intense and good and other inauspicious things have happened.

    I hope to improve!! Thanks for Your causeless mercy and His Ideas!!!

    Your servant fallen: Jharikhanda-gaura Das.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. I am asking Yadunandana Swami to start acting as Diksa Guru is ISKCON under the authority of Srila Prabhupada. Then you and devotees will have so much good advice locally. Being so far away it is very dificult for us to give detailed advice. If you are following everything nicely and have letter of recomendation from Temple President and Bhakti Sastri diploma then I think it is fine for you to take second initiation. Krsna knows what is happening and as we are sincere He will make whatever adjustments are needed. You will see little miracles.